• Published 7th May 2017
  • 706 Views, 20 Comments

Songs of the Siren - Silver Inkwell

This is about Romance between a land pony and a seapony. This is their story.

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Waking Up, The Breakfast, The Beach

Chapter Fourteen: Waking Up, The Breakfast, The Beach

Lily’s POV

Lily woke up to the sound of the ocean roaring in the background and the smell of something very new and strange to her, something very different and odd.

She wondered what the food could possibly be, but before she went to go get her food she slowly wandered over to the window and then took a very deep breath of the ocean air in. Oh gosh, that was so good and refreshing, too bad she wouldn't ever get the chance and opportunity to see her friends and family again… Oh well, one thing to take in at a time and no more or else…. Well... she just didn't know exactly what else would happen to her, but she could guess that it probably wouldn't be very good at all for her if she was always worrying all the time constantly. Oh well, time to go figure out what those delicious smells were coming from and also where as well of course. Smiling she went down the hallways and decided to start singing… again… because you know, why not? After all, why question animated cartoon logic especially in writing, huh?

(Editor: Why did you just break the fourth wall again? Me: Why not? Editor: Fair point. Me: Anyhow back to the story then.)

“Look at all this stuff isn't it neat, who knew that he owned a thousand salad plates, the windows are open, so far the doors, for years I’ve even in the sea, but now I’m finally on land, here’s be actual real ponies, why am I so ready for this change? Well it’s because for the first time in forever I'll finally be able to live my dreams and wishes. No more fear, no more running away, I only have tomorrow to look forward to, no backward glances towards the past, I’m free!”

She started to run once she said these lines and leap about jumping in the air.

“Look at all this stuff that I can do, so much fun to be had, so many places to go and explore, so much to learn and yet so little time but I have to try it all, because I don’t care if I’m ever going to fall, because birds don’t fly without falling down first and no matter what they say I will always try to fly!”

Suddenly she went over to window edge balcony and continued onwards.

“I know that there’s just a whole new world waiting out there for me!”

And with that said she finally finished up as she burst into the kitchen room.

Forrest’s POV

Forrest wasn’t so lucky to wake up to the smell of pancakes.

He wasn't also lucky enough to get the same nice warm treatment of light as Lily because Sebastian decided to wake him up early, very early.

“GOOD MORNING SIR!” Sebastian decided to shout at him.

Forrest literally jumped out of bed in great shock and surprise.

“Was that really needed?” he said once he had four hooves firmly planted down in the ground like roots of a tree. “Yes sir, I think so, I’m going to practicing for April Foal’s Day of course,” he said. “That’s not until next year because it’s freaking summer!” Forrest shouted. “Hey, it’s never too early to get a head start.”

“Uh, well I guess that you’re right, but why wake me up so early then?”

“Because we’re going to make pancakes and food for our guest of course.”

Forrest sighed very heavily and then looked at his very best friend very directly.

“Look, I know that you mean well, and I can cook, but I just don’t want to right now,” he said. “Ah, but it would be rude if you did not do it yourself on the first day especially since you’re in love, and love has many great sacrifices to be made, lack of sleep is one of them naturally enough of course,” he said smiling.

“Sebastian, I really hate you and your logic right now.”

“Yes, I know, but there’s nothing that you can do about it.”

“Don't be too sure of that just yet,” Forrest said walking to the door, but before he could get there his friend Sebastian stopped him, “Sir, what about Lily?”

“Well, what about her?” Forrest said trying to pretend that he didn’t really understand him. “Sir, you know what I mean,” Sebastian said sighing very heavily, “Should we talk to her about her current state and condition or pretend not to really understand it instead?” he said. Forrest sighed before responding.

“Pretend, I don't want to make her unhappy by talking to her about something she might be uncomfortable with,” he said. “Oh, very well then sir.”

And with that said they got up and went to the kitchen.

“So, do you think that she’ll like chocolate chips in them or not?”

“I would say go with whatever you think will be the best, sir.”

“Ah, you never can give me a simple answer, can you?”

“No, sir, and I never will either,” he said. Forrest smiled and laughed at this comment, “Sebastian, never change, you’re just too funny to ever leave me.”

“Don't worry sir, I won't, and I will always stay by your side no matter what happens, always,” he said. And with that said they both started to make the pancakes as Forrest whistled a merry little tune to go along with it.

“Are you whistling sir?” Sebastian said. “Yes, why?”

“Well, I’m fine with it, just don't break into another song, please.”

“Oh, don't worry, I won't, but speaking of songs I do hope to plan a big huge grand finale for a musical number,” he said. “Your element of subtlety is not very good sir,” Sebastian said. “Eh, whatever, it doesn’t really matter right now.”

“Well, if you say so,” he said as they continued to make a very small batch of pancakes since the rest of the castle could and would feed themselves.

Eventually they did manage to finally finish up without burning anything up as Forrest had once done back in the earlier days when he used to cook with his parents… Suddenly he shook with the memory of that… his parents... even after all this time he still didn't really know them that well as he had thought before.

“Sir, is something wrong? Sebastian said once he saw the tears starting to flow from his eyes. “No, everything is perfectly alright and just fine, it’s just that I wish I could’ve know my parents better, I mean I don't even know the truth yet.”

Sebastian looked at him, “Very well then, maybe it is time to know the truth soon enough, but not right now, only when your birthday comes around sir, alright?”

“Yeah, sure thing, but what’s so special about turning my age anyways?”

“Well, you’ll see very soon enough, but until then, just eat, relax, rest, sleep, and worry about Lily, she’s a new mare in a very strange different world, try not to ask her how just yet, not at first, you must first ask why, then get to the how, when, where, and who of the subject matter, understand?” he said.

“Yes, I do,” Forrest said. “Good, very well then.”

“You seem to know a whole lot about these matters, well almost anything, and you never really seem bothered by anything, you really are the best friend that one can ask for, but I do have to ask, how come you still look long as the day that I first saw you? How come wrinkles have not found their way to your face yet?” he said. “Very careful delicate skin care,” Sebastian said backing away very nervously. “You’re lying, no pony can be as perfect as you are right now,”

“Well maybe I’m just a new type of special and unique,” he said.

Forrest shook his head, “You’re not that much different, except that you are.”

“Later, I will tell you the truth later sir, but only when you turn 21, I promise, on your birthday,” he said. “Very well then, I accept,” Forrest said knowing that no matter what that his friend would always keep his word since he was very big and huge on promises. And once that was said they suddenly heard the singing of Lily as she entered the room instantly making Forrest smile again.

Lily’s POV

Lily entered the room and smiled once she saw Forrest’s face smiling back at her, she didn’t know why, but she just felt something for him.

She supposed that after all these years of trying with seaponies that she had first been taken over by his appearance, but now it was time to test him even more since she knew that he really, REALLY liked poetry, but she had to judge his inner personality, nature, and traits, and not just his outer appearance instead.

She sniffed the air as a very big huge smile lit up her face.

“Oh my gosh, what is this wonderful incredible smell in the air? Where is it coming from? What food of the god could possibly this be?” she said.

Forrest’s POV

Lily sniffed the air as a very big huge smile lit up her face.

“Oh my gosh, what is this wonderful incredible smell in the air? Where is it coming from? What food of the god could possibly this be?” she said.

Forrest laughed and smiled at this comment, she was just so adorable.

“Pancakes,” he said as if that would explain everything when it really wouldn’t.

Lily’s POV

Forrest laughed and smiled at this comment. “Pancakes,” he said as if that would explain everything when it really wouldn’t. She looked at him very curiously.

She wanted an explanation, she wanted more details.

Forrest’s POV

Forrest simply just loved it when she looked at him in any way possible, even this was because right now she was looking at him very curiously waiting for more, waiting for an explanation of some kind or sort. So, he did so.

“Pancakes are something that you eat for breakfast, I won't try to explain it anymore because you have to try it out first, go on, it won't bite, I swear.”

She looked at the pancakes skeptically but then eventually decided to give in.

Her face slowly instantly lit up when she did try them out.

With the help and direction of Sebastian she managed to slowly pour syrup over them and then took a bite out of it. “Oh my gosh, I love these,” she said.

Lily’s POV

“Pancakes are something that you eat for breakfast, I won't try to explain it anymore because you have to try it out first, go on, it won't bite, I swear.”

She looked at the pancakes skeptically but then eventually decided to give in.

Her face slowly instantly lit up when she did try them out.

With the help and direction of Sebastian she managed to slowly pour syrup over them and then took a bite out of it. “Oh my gosh, I love these,” she said.

Forrest laughed and smiled at this “Well, I’m really glad that you do my dear Lily,” and then suddenly he took a very deep bow towards her, “I made it myself.”

Sebastian coughed, “-With the help of my friend of course.”

She smiled and laughed at this, well, at least Forrest seemed charming and funny enough which was a definite positive plus to start out with, but she still needed to know more first before she decided her exact feelings for him.

So she decided to ask the only thing that she ever possibly could.

“Do you love me?” she said.

Forrest’s POV

Forrest laughed and smiled at this “Well, I’m really glad that you do my dear Lily,” and then suddenly he took a very deep bow towards her, “I made it myself.”

Sebastian coughed, “-With the help of my friend of course.”

Sebastian smiled at this, he always did like to be noted for his hard work, but he never really bragged about it, and he was also the voice of reason and logic for Forrest whenever his eccentric, bizarre, weird, odd, and strange nature came out to play with the other ponies like it was sort of doing right now.

Lily laughed and smiled at his remark and that made him only smile more, he just loved it whenever she smiled, it just made him… well… happy.

Yes… happy… a feeling that he didn't ever really have ever since he had lost his parents, sure, time with Sebastian was enjoyable, but it wasn't like this.

Ah, to be smitten with love, what a truly enjoyable experience.

But then suddenly what Lily asked him next took him by great shock and surprise. “Do you love me?” she said looking at him expecting an answer.

He had to resist choking or gaging on the water in his mouth, or spitting it out instead, so he just decided to do the only reasonable and logical sensible thing, he swallowed the water of course. “Why do you ask me that, Lily?” he said.

Lily’s POV

“Why do you ask me that, Lily?” he said. In her mind and head, she groaned, why couldn’t he tell that this was a test unless he was really that ignorant with love? Maybe he was, oh well, she would just have to roll with it for now.

“It’s a test,” she said as if that would explain everything (which it should).

Oh,” he said, “I see,” he said. But somehow Lily still doubted that.

Forrest’s POV

After she had asked her question and Forrest had replied she had rolled her eyes as if she were annoyed by something bad. Oh dear, time to take off a few points on the romance board, he thought to himself. “Oh,” he said, “I see.”

He coughed and then finally decided to answer her question.

“Yes, I believe that I do, in so many ways that I just can't yet express to you, and I just wish that I could, but I still don't know how yet,” he said.

Lily’s POV

She waited for an answer patently and when he did finally manage to respond she made sure that there would be no lies told by looking into his eyes very closely. “Yes, I believe that I do, in so many ways that I just can't yet express to you, and I just wish that I could, but I still don't know how yet,” he said.

She analyzed his words and eyes very carefully and then eventually she finally managed to determine that he was indeed telling the truth, but this was a test of course, and she needed to see how he would react if she told him that he had lied. “You lie,” she said waiting to see how he would react next to her.

Forrest’s POV

Forrest was a very clever pony, and when Lily said that it was a test he assumed that until she said that it wasn't (and even after that had ended and was over with) that she would always still be watching him no matter what he tried to do or say or how hard he might try to escape. So when she said that he was lying he knew that it was still probably a test of some kind or sort so he decided to react as honestly as he could and not lie about his real feelings anymore.

“I do not lie, I mean every word that I say, and if I do lie, then forgive me, please, don't hate me, and try not to ever forget me, but whatever you do, be happy.”

Lily’s POV

“I do not lie, I mean every word that I say, and if I do lie, then forgive me, please, don't hate me, and try not to ever forget me, but whatever you do, be happy.”

She was very surprised and shocked by this response, huh, he was very clever, and he didn't beg for forgiveness, he just asked for it and stood by his words, and even if he thought that he did lie he was willing to defend what he believed, even if it was a lie, a very strong and brave stallion, but she still needed more.

“I believe you, but do you have any way to prove that your words are true?”

This would be the very last and final test for now, and the most important one too, what he said next would forever determine both of their fates.

Forrest’s POV

“I believe you, but do you have any way to prove that your words are true?”

Oh dear, this wasn't going to be very easy, oh dear, this was going to be very hard, oh dear, how could he possibly ever answer this question of hers?

He didn't really know, so he just sighed and dropped his head in defeat.

“I don't know, I’m sorry, but I just don't know how to answer that question.”

Lily’s POV

“I don't know, I’m sorry, but I just don't know how to answer that question.”

As he said this he dropped his head and sighed in defeat.

Wow, he was three for three and Lily was very impressed by this amazing and incredible wonderful response. Never before had any pony else given answers like this, ones that she really wanted, his final answer showed that he had humility and that he really was honest, and those were traits that she really wanted because any pony unwilling to be humble and lay down their pride was not fit for her or any other princess else for that matter. She smiled at him.

“You passed, well done, and good luck for any and all other various random tests that may come in your future near or far,” she said waiting for him to respond.

Forrest’s POV

“You passed, well done, and good luck for any and all other various random tests that may come in your future near or far,” she said. He smiled at her.

“Thank you, I just hope that I will never fail one of your tests again, ever.”

“Me neither,” she said looking very deeply into his eyes.

Lily’s POV

“Me neither,” she said as she gazed very deeply into his eyes.

As she did, she felt something deep down inside of her, it was like fire, it was like she had never felt before when she was with any pony else under the sea, all those other various random seaponies, well, they definitely weren't worth the effort, they weren’t the time or memory either, but Forrest probably would be.

Her heart burned inside of her, was this what love felt like?

She didn't know, but she did want to find put with another test.

Slowly she leaned over towards Forrest and…

Forrest’s POV

Forrest was happy whenever he was staring into the eyes of Lily, but this time he felt very slightly uncomfortable when she started to lean in towards him.

“Uh, Lily, what are you doing?” he said. “Just shut up and go with it,” she said.

But before she could complete her action suddenly Sebastian interrupted them.

“Hey there, I have Blueberry, Raspberry, Cinnamon, and Strawberry pancakes just in case you didn't like the chocolate chips,” he said smiling at them.

Forrest wanted to first slap himself and then hit Sebastian in the face because he had just ruined something that was probably going to be very special and important. He groaned, why did Sebastian have to ruin this moment for them?

“The pancakes were just fine,” Lily said smiling at him, but secretly she was also very annoyed, how dare he interrupt the kiss that she had planned for them.

“Are you sure? Because if you’re hungry I can always make you some more, even including the ever-classic original pancakes with nothing inside of them!”

“No, I'll be just fine and alright, thank you very much,” she said.

“Oh, well okay then, very well, as you wish,” he said leaving them to be all alone.

Once he had finally left Forrest turned towards Lily.

“I’m so sorry for his behavior and actions, he really just likes to help out, that’s all, and sometimes he just tends to interrupt,” he said. “Yes, I noticed that.”

“Well then, I think that I’ve had enough food, how about we go out and explore instead?” she said smiling at him. “I would just simply love that,” he said.

And with that said they went out of the castle to the town and explored it in a horse drawn carriages, and as they went she smiled and laughed enjoying every little experience, but as for what they did, well, let me describe it.

First, they went to a theater and saw a play, then they went and went to a concert, then they went to have a picnic for lunch, then he showed her how to draw, paint, and many other various random things in the afternoon.

Once that was finally done they then went to have dinner at a very fancy place and then they went back to the castle but Lily requested that they walk along the beach as the sun was setting back down in the sky. “Why though?” Forrest said when he first heard the request. “Just humor me, okay then?” she said.

“Yes, well okay then,” he said. And with that they were off to the beach… again.

“The sunset is very beautiful today,” she said staring out at the horizon.

“Yes, it really is,” Forrest said gazing out at the sky as well.

“I just wish that I could stay here on land with you forever,” she said.

“Yes, wait, what was that last part again?” Forrest said very eager to try to find out any clue or hint towards how she had gotten to her current state and condition. “Oh, nothing,” she said. “No, that was definitely something, please, tell me, but only if you want to because I’m only here to always help you out.”

She sighed, “Well surely you have questions about how I am like this, right?” she said hoping for a good answer and she was not disappointed at all.

“Well yes, but I just figured that it would be rude to ask especially if it didn't make you happy to talk about it,” he said very concerned for her.

She sighed, she was very relieved, “Yes, thank you for that, but you see I… well I... I made a deal that I really shouldn’t have, and now I have no idea what the price is or rather will be, and I have no idea when I will have to pay it either.”

Forrest looked over at her and wanted to tell her that it would just be alright and fine, but if it was the Sirens who she had made the deal with, well then, may god help her soul. “Hey there, don’t worry, you have me here with you, it’ll be just alright and fine, don't worry because I will always protect you no matter what happens, and it doesn’t matter what comes between us because I'll always be here to protect you no matter what happens, always,” he said.

Suddenly she hugged him with a smile as she started to cry.

“Thank you, but I don't really know, I still doubt… I still fear… but why did you say that last word, why?” she said. “You mean always? Well I just felt like it was the right thing to say and I swear it was like a voice that wasn't my own told me to say that, which it totally weird and strange, right?” he said.

“Yes, but it’s not unusual or odd,” she said. “Exactly, wait, what was that again?” he said. “Oh, nothing too important,” she said. “Oh, well okay then,” he said.

Once again they were now staring out at the sky and ocean horizon.

“You know I’ve always wondered if there was an actual edge to this world, but I don't think so, especially after what I was taught, and that’s why I really like this world, the ocean is endless because everything is connected to it.”

“You really do have a fondness for the ocean, don’t you?” she said.

“I’ve been interested it ever since I was really small, and when I was young and little my parents took me out here once, but then they saw something, the black ship of death with black sails, and they were afraid. A year after that I never saw them again,” he said. “Wait, did they die?” she said. “Maybe, all I know is that I lost them, and I’ve been all alone with only the help of my very best friend Sebastian to aid me, he was my parent’s loyal advisor and their friend and now he is mine as well, he means more to me than almost anything else in this world,” he said. “Oh, well that’s so sad, losing your parents at such a young age,” she said. “Yeah, it was very hard on me, but I think that I got over it… eventually…”

“Well maybe you healed, but I just don't think that any pony can just move on or get over it that easily,” she said. “You’re right, it took me many years, almost ten to be exact with my latest birthday of 21 coming up around the corner.”

“Oh, how exciting,” she said. “Yes, well it should be, but with you here…”-

As he said this he suddenly grabbed Lily’s hooves.

“-With you here everything will be just fine and simply splendid and perfect.”

Lily smiled, “Thank you, but really, there is no need to compliment me.”

“Ah, but flattery and food are the quickest ways to a mare’s heart.”

“I think that you might have forgotten something there,” she said.

“Well maybe, but do pray tell me what it was exactly?” he said.

“Well you forgot charming, handsome, rugged, and funny,” she said.

“And would any of those describe me at all?” he said.

“Yes, I think that all of them would describe you,” she said.

“Well then, I’m very glad to hear that,” he said.

“And I am just happy to be here with you,” she said.

Suddenly they gazed into each other’s eyes.

“Your eyes… they’re just simply too beautiful to describe,” he said.

“Other ponies say that I have the eyes of my mother,” she said.

“Well then, I can't exactly disagree with them since I never knew your mother, and speaking of family where is she exactly? Why haven't I seen her yet?”

Suddenly she looked down at the sand, “She died when I was really young and very small,” she said. “Oh, I’m so sorry, but at least you have me and your family to talk to about it now, right?” he said trying to cheer her up.

“Yeah, I guess that you’re right, but still, I miss her, a lot,” she said.

“So do I, but I bet that if she were alive today she would understand you, she would support you even if she couldn't quite agree with you yet,” he said.

“Yeah, I know, but thanks for the support and comfort,”

“Hey, what can I say but you're welcome,” he said.

And with that said they continued to stare out into the distance.

“Hold me,” Lily suddenly said. Forrest quickly obliged without any question whatsoever at all. “Tighter, closer,” she said. He did so and right now he could practically almost feel her heartbeat and the warmth of her skin was amazing and incredible. He soaked it all up and in very slowly making sure that his experience would be very good. And then suddenly Lily turned towards him again and then gazed into his eyes very deeply for a very long and awkward moment.

“You know there is one thing that I haven't done on land or sea yet…”

“Uh, okay than, and what would that be exactly?” he said.

“Well why don't you try find that out for yourself first?” she said slowly leaning over towards him when she suddenly spotted the Sirens out in the distance on the horizon out of the corner of her eyes. Quickly she decided to try to change the subject matter and also her approach, “You have something in your teeth,” she said. “Oh, well thank you,” he said as she quickly leaned back from him.

“Well then, I think that today has been a very nice day but I also think that it’s about time that we got back to the castle before it’s dark,” she said.

“Yes, you’re right,” Forrest said as he started to walk away from her, ‘Coming?”

“Don't worry, I'll tach up in a moment,” she said to him.

Forrest looked at her very doubtfully, she was hiding something.

“Well, okay then, fine,” Forrest said leaving her behind unwilling to press the matter any further, but when he was far enough away he turned himself invisible and then went back to listen to Lily and her talk with the Sirens.

Lily gestured for the Sirens to come over and they did so.

“What do you three want?” she said. “Oh, nothing too much, but on Forrest’s birthday we will want something very precious and powerful,” Adagio said.

“Yes, indeed,” Aria said. “And if you refuse to get it for us…”

“You’ll be mine,” Adagio said smiling at her very creepily.

“Well, what is it that you want exactly?” she said.

“Oh, well it’s just something rather small,” Adagio said. “But very powerful,” Aria said. “Yeah, but it doesn’t give you tacos,” Sonata said. Suddenly every Siren turned towards her very angrily. “What? It’s true,” she said.

“Anyhow as we were trying to say we will want your father’s trident.”

Lily’s heart dropped, of course they would request something impossible of her because they wouldn't want her to be on land without paying a great big huge price, but the one of betraying her family wasn't worth it, but what would be the price if she didn't? She would never get to be on land again… ever….

She was stuck in between a rock and a hard place in an impossible situation, she couldn't move forwards or backwards and the only option left just seemed to be giving up hope. She shook with fear, she was afraid what would happen to her either way because no matter what happened it wouldn't end very good or well at all. “Why?” she said unable to say anything else yet to them.

“Because we’re not good, we’re evil darling, every pony else says so, what did you expect, sugar coated candy canes and a gingerbread house instead?”

“I didn't expect this,” she said. “Ha, no pony does, and yet they still blame us for falling for our trap when they willing come into it just like lobsters.”

“I can't do this for you, I just can't, I won't,” she said.

“Oh, well that’s too bad because I believe that his birthday is coming up very soon and if you won't do it by then, well, you won't ever get the chance or opportunity to spend time with him ever again,” Adagio said. “How soon is it coming up?” she said. “Well why don't you ask him that darling?”

Adagio was right… for once. Damn, she really hated it when villains were right.

“Alright, fine then, just please don't bother me here before then.”

‘We can't make any promises, but we’ll try not to, especially during any romantic moments just like the one that you were going to have before you saw us.”

“Go away and don't ever come back here again,” she said.

“We’ll try, but we will also see you again very soon, remember our deal and don't forget it, pay the price or be mine instead,” Adagio said smiling as they all then suddenly went below the water disappearing from her sight. Once they were finally gone she let out a very slight relieved sigh and then started to cry.

What had she done? Why had she ever signed that stupid deal of theirs?

Now she would either have to betray her family or be theirs instead, and neither option would be very good, and right now she just wished that she could talk to someone else, any pony else, even Forrest included too. But she just couldn't, and she also just didn't know why though either, it was almost like it was a curse, almost like they really had taken away her voice in the first place.

She sniffled wiping away the tears from her eyes, time to start going back towards the castle and heading towards her room before Forrest started to suspect anything. But little did she know that he had watched the events from behind a rock invisible to her eyes. It’s even worse than I thought, I’d better get back to the castle to keep up my ruse, and I’d also better tell Sebastian this as well.

And with that in his mind he very quickly ran back to the castle at an appropriate distance in it just to try to make sure that the time passed and his stride would relatively match to the eyes of Lily of course, who would be very hard to trick, or it could be just the opposite instead. And some of the same thoughts about tricking Forrest ran in her head too. How could she lie to him, but then again, how could she not? She had to protect him, and if that meant if she had to lie then so be it. She would do whatever it took in order to protect him.

Once she got to the castle and saw Forrest she put on a fake smile.

“Hey there Forrest, did you miss me?” she said.

“Oh, did I ever, does a rose or flower miss the sun? Does a bee miss its honey? Does a sailor miss the taste of the salty sea and ocean? Does a baby miss its mother? Does the moon and sun rise and set each and every single day?”

She giggled, smiled, and then laughed at him, “Yes,” she said.

“Ah yes, that is the correct answer, but anyhow I think that it would be best for us to go to bed, don't you agree and think so?” he said. “Indeed,” she said.

With that said Forrest turned and smiled as he started to go towards his room before Lily stopped him. “Forrest, how long is it before your birthday?”

He stopped, oh dear, should he tell her? He didn't want to keep her in the pain of suspense and mystery, but he also didn't want the despair that would come from her pain if he did tell her. “Uh, why do you ask? Surely it really isn’t that important, right?” he said. “It is to me, just tell me, please,” she said.

He turned and looked at her puppy dog eyes, damn it, he thought, she just had to play that card, didn't she, she just couldn't leave it alone either, could she?

“Alright, fine then, it’s just about three days from now,” he said.

Lily shook in great fear. “Three days?” she said. “Yes, why?” Forrest said already knowing why. “Oh, no reason, but that does mean I will have to select a birthday gift for you very soon,” she said. “Well if you want it to be a surprise for me than I would recommend that you take Sebastian with you and him only so that way you don't spend the entire royal treasury on something for me,” he said.

“Don't worry, I won't,” she said trying to smile at him. “I don't doubt that.”

And with that said Forrest went to his room and lay down very uneasy because of Lily. And as for her, she went to her room and also was troubled because of the Sirens, but as for Sebastian, well, he didn't exactly sleep that night, or ever really, in fact Forrest never even asked him if he had a room there which seemed very strange, odd, and mysterious after all these years, but neither questioned it by this point. And so they all slept very uneasily that night.

Author's Note:

Now she would either have to betray her family or be theirs instead, and neither option would be very good, and right now she just wished that she could talk to someone else, any pony else, even Forrest included too. But she just couldn't, and she also just didn't know why though either, it was almost like it was a curse, almost like they really had taken away her voice in the first place.

I just realized that metaphorically Lily is unable to speak... just like Ariel in The Little Mermaid, my cleverness amazes even me sometimes.

Mind blown.

Also, I'm very big on the ALWAYS and promises too.

Edit (7/4/2017):
Say hello to my new Editor