• Published 31st Jan 2017
  • 4,606 Views, 40 Comments

My Body Is My Temple - headless_rainbow

Prince Blueblood has a lot of ponies above him in the line of succession, but now he's found a way to eat his way up the list. Smug vore ensues.

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3. Blueblood Enjoys The Desserts

The royal couple was a unique bit of fun, so he decided to be a bit more meticulous with his meal; he didn’t want to miss a chance to torment one that deserved his position the least.

To that end, it was a good thing they had used a sleeping spell, because it allowed him to pull Shining Armor out of bed and tie him securely, prepared to watch his wife be devoured. Blueblood tied Shining’s front hooves behind his back, his front legs forced forward until they were even with his. He ensured that Shining had a nice view, even placing himself between Shining and a mirror so he could see Cadence gobbled up from two directions.

He kicked Shining in the face with a front hoof, the the most efficient way to awake him. Shining awoke, eyes going wide as he struggled, first looking to Cadence still sleeping on the bed, then to Blueblood. Blueblood looked down with a condescending smile.

“You won’t get away with this!” Shining said by reflex, looking disgusted when he saw how absurdly wide Blueblood had his muzzle.

“It’s been embarrassingly easy to win,” taunted Blueblood, “Celestia and Luna are dead, fed down my throat and turned into magical slop. After you two, your cute little sister will face the same fate. I apologize though, you won’t get to see Twilight die.”

Wanting Shining to hurt more than the others, Blueblood pried Shining’s horn with his magic. The combination of the null spell, and knowing how the thing was connected after popping off his former preys’, he was able to finally crack it off. Shining groaned the whole time, then almost squealed when it popped free. Blueblood tossed it in the trash for effect, but would be getting it later.

“You don’t touch her!” Shining growled, ignoring the stabbing pain in his head.

Blueblood lifted Cadence from the bed and shook her awake, though he wasn’t going to explain a second time, so she’d go in having no clue what was going on. Blueblood gave Cadence enough time to see who was eating her and that her husband was useless, but no more, as he pulled her back to his throat.

“You won’t get away with this!” this prey had the same reflex, “Shining help!” despite having seen that he can’t.

“I’ll think of something!” Shining yelled uselessly, then glared at Blueblood, “YOU are dead!”

“I assume you meant your wife with that,” taunted Blueblood. “Otherwise it doesn’t make sense.”

Blueblood glimpsed at Shining one more time. Shining’s face was simultaneously red from his rage, yet his expression was a delightful show of abject horror. Blueblood made himself go slowly, wanting to torture Shining with a nice long look of his sweetheart’s consumption. Besides, this was the only time Blueblood have an audience, so he should make use of it.

Blueblood pushed her muzzle to his throat, swallowing to take in her face, slightly disappointed that she wasn’t a crier. No matter, he was sure Shining would be. She did have a delightful strawberry taste, however, which more than made up for it. He let his throat slide over her head, up over her horn, and back to her neck as slowly as he could. He kept swallowing despite holding he back, letting her get a nice feel of what was happening to her.

“I’m so sorry, Shining, I couldn’t protect you,” the prey said, “I love you.”

“I love you,” Shining said. He didn’t give Blueblood the pleasure of any more words, but never stopped struggling, not for a second ceasing his attempts.

Blueblood held the prey’s wings and forelegs against her, but still went as gradually as he could, ignoring the increasing hunger from below. He pushed all the way down to her hips, which seemed below average after his previous prey’s wide rump. His stomach was burning with desire, but Blueblood took her down at a crawl, facing Shining as he finally pulled her hind legs in; Shining couldn’t look away as he watched her hooves, then the excess of her mane as she slid to her delicious doom.

Shining’s escape endeavors slowed as he watched, then finally ceased, simply trembling there as he fully accepted that they were getting fed to Blueblood and there was nothing he could do to stop it. The terrified anguish on his face, though, made it worth not swallowing it down immediately.

Blueblood pulled Shining over to put his head against Blueblood’s stomach to feel her struggle weakly, resulting in Shining choking out a sob.

“Mmm, your turn,” Blueblood lifted Shining, not getting much of wiggle from him. Blueblood cut Shining’s bonds so he’d be able to kick inside, but swallowed the ropes anyway.

He did get to taste the salt of his prey’s tears, which was a good thing since he was completely bland otherwise. He just felt pressure against his tongue, but didn’t get any taste. He should have known. Regardless, this prey went in just as lazily as the last, Blueblood having so much fun tormenting him that he wanted to drag this one out too. He still had plenty of time left to feast upon Twilight.

Much to his delight, Blueblood discovered something about the effects. It seemed like he could swallow or digest, but couldn’t do them simultaneously, so it wouldn’t start digesting them until they were there together. He was doing them a favor; not many couples got to die simultaneously in each other’s grasp. It was like one of the performances Blueblood liked, though they used knives instead of swallowing. Regardless, the similarity made the situation romantic.

At least the bland taste didn’t rile up his hunger quite as much, so he didn’t feel the need to speed things up. At the end, when the prey’s hooves were about to disappear just as his wife’s had done, he could feel his front pop into the stomach. His other prey jerked when she felt movement, but then his stomach shifted as they hugged. Ah yes, romantic, he so called it.

His stomach was massively bloated after devouring two ponies together, but the load would be no problem for his increased metabolism; he’d have a trim stomach in less than a minute.

“Til death do you part,” Blueblood’s words were the last thing they ever heard as their bodies were rapidly broken down into compact nutrition.

Blueblood stroked his gut as it disappeared, spitting out a new horn for his collection, and smiling when the prey stopped moving, the royal couple’s life together ending together. The moment a prey finished was an incredible power trip for him, even if these preys weren’t nearly the trip as the two prey before. He had always heard ponies talking about murder taking a toll on a pony’s mind. The ponies that told him that were fools though; there was nothing better than the feeling he got when he himself dispatched his opponent down his maw.

Now just one more needed to be disposed of for Blueblood to win the line of succession.

Twilight Sparkle was the final obstacle. When he opened her door however, he found her awake, seated at a desk and deep into a book. She was REALLY into the book, so Blueblood carefully hovered his little magic nullifier and removed the final threat to his success. He didn’t grab for her however, instead he cleared his throat; he may as well have some almost intellectual conversation before pigging out on his final course.

“Prince Blueblood?” Twilight asked after spinning around, taking a moment, but at least she recognized who he was. It was unsurprising, since she made it her business to know everything. It was another thing that annoyed him about her.

“You’re Celestia’s ‘nephew’ right?” Twilight asked, perhaps as a jab, and not bothering to hide her disdain. She’d dealt with more than her share of Blueblood complaints even above Rarity’s. “I didn’t hear you come in, since you didn’t bother to knock. What do you want?”

“Now, now, is that how you speak to an old friend,” smirked Blueblood, “Don’t you remember me from that Gala? We even said ‘hello’ at the last Gala. And here I thought you were the Princess of ‘Friendship,' whatever that means. I guess if I attack, you can be friendly at me in defense.”

“You don’t even have the right to mention that Gala,” yelled Twilight, “Not after the way you treated Rarity. For all you know you could be disrespecting the dead!” it was a good thing Blueblood got the silence spell on the room already.

“Yes, I am disrespecting your dead friend,” chuckled Blueblood, “It’s not like I haven’t done worse to her, like that one time I swallowed her whole and dissolved her body into slush. I just gave you closure; wasn’t that nice of me?” He added mockingly, “I know her others went out of business, but I did visit the one here in Canterlot for a suit in her memory. I’m just full of kindness lately!”

Twilight looked like she didn’t believe him for a moment, then the spell must have come to her memory, because she got wide-eyed and tried to use her magic. She clenched her teeth from the effort, then looked like she was trying to formulate a plan in her head. The only one she could think of was Rainbow Dash’s favorite plan, charging at him full force and hoping he wouldn’t catch her in time with his magic.

He let her get over half-way to him to give her false hope, then caught her securely, pulling her legs up to let her plop onto the floor right in front of him. He smirked, then secured wings against her as he had so many others, floating her upward again. She looked at him, more shock and anger than terror; she would probably make a more dignified exit than her mentor did. To her credit, though, she didn’t say ‘You’ll never get away with this;' she knew he would.

“Blueblood, you have to stop,” Twilight used reasoning as her begging, “You don’t understand what murdering a pony does to you; you will never forgive yourself, I can tell you 100% that you will regret this more than you think. Now if you let me go, you’ll have one less murder, and we can make a deal. I’ll say that with an honesty collar on if you want. There’s even a spell that will kill a pony if they break a promise. Equestria is better with two rulers, as we’ve found over the past few years, so if you’re doing this for Equestria...” She finally ran out of arguments.

Blueblood let her speak on simply because she made such amusingly good excuses to let her live; he waited to speak until she finished.

“I suppose you’re doing this for Equestria and not yourself," Blueblood said non-sarcastically, “You know, if I were doing this for the good of Equestria, that would have swayed me, it might have been nice to have a flunky waiting on me, though you better believe I’d have that horn removed even then.” He grinned widely, “But I’m not doing it for that; I’m doing it for the same reason I always do things; helping myself.”

Twilight’s brave face was gone, replaced by a look of horror at the realization of what an unreasonable monster she was dealing with.

“Give my regards to your mentors, your brother, and your sister-in-law, and your whore designer friend, ” said Blueblood before pushing her in, adding a lie that he knew she’d believe to magnify her anguish, “I’ll tell your other friends and your little pet to give their regards to you on their way in.”

That got her talking again, “Please, allow my friends to live; they can still protect Equestria with Starlight Glimmer in my place, and I’m sure they can find someone for Rarity. They are not in your way; you’ll only be destroying a powerful weapon that you might need later.” Blueblood hated that she’d die thinking he was too stupid to know that, but he felt the trade-off was worth it.

“Shut up!” Blueblood finally said, annoyed, “We both know that this is the death you so grossly deserve, food for your better. Face your execution down my gullet.” He added with a chuckle, “Also, adding Starlight Glimmer to the list. That was REALLY stupid to mention another friend’s name. Any more I should add?”

The funny thing was that in reality it would probably be this pony that ended up there. Blueblood wasn’t stupid; he wasn’t going to make a decision like that himself. He’d delegate the finding of a new Magic, not to mention a Generosity, to the surviving members, and they’d likely make the same choice. He might have to order them to do so if they wait too long, but he’d order them in a pretend-nice ‘fate of Equestria’ way. They were suckers for that.

It was time for the flavor test, and he stuffed her face into his throat like so many others. She tasted like grape, which would have made him laugh if he could have; if his prey had learned that ponies were flavored so appropriately, she’d have probably wasted months studying it or even writing a book. She wasted so much of her time studying things that were so useless that she may as well have not been studying at all.

The prey acknowledged the inevitability of her situation, and not only didn’t kick; she actively tried to push herself in faster, literally trying to crawl down his throat like a giant worm to get it over with. He started to go slower because of it, and when she realized that, she stopped her writhing and simply lay still. So boring.

Luckily her compliance didn’t play out to the very end. As it went down over her torso, sliding over her legs and wings, down to her hind legs, she began to twitch and kick, and he could actually feel her heavy breathing within him as she slid down his neck. By the time she was being pushed out into his stomach, she was kicking in abject horror like the best of them, literally.

“Please, I don’t wanna die!” she shouted so loudly that it barely sounded muffled. Those were much better last words; she was more like her mentor than she’d ever know.

As he felt her kicking and flapping slowly glide to a stop, he thought of all the things that annoyed him about this pointless little princess, and actually arched his back and moaned when she ceased moving. He then spit out her horn, let out a belch that literally shook the walls, and pulled a handkerchief from his coat pocket to pat his muzzle. He reveled with a smile of victory as he watched the last hope of ‘friendship’ fade away to leave his thin physique once again.

His victory was complete. He’d go to sleep in his room, and would be awoken tomorrow morning when they ran out of other choices, informing him that he would need to take care of things temporarily. He’d pretend to be sad for the tragedy for the sake of the fools, of course. He could even cry for show, believably since his beloved ‘aunts’ were gone; he was good at pretending to have emotions that he didn’t actually have where required. Since they’d believe his rule temporary, not even those foolish enough to doubt him would stand in the way, but once no pony showed back up and they saw that he could, in fact, rule well, they’d keep him on.

And he would rule well, because he’d acknowledge the things he doesn’t know about and delegate it to an expert in the field; that was a very important part of what leaders should do, and it’s something that wasn’t being done enough, especially with Twilight. Rulers weren’t supposed to learn to do things themselves, they were supposed to delegate; otherwise they would have to learn everything.

Given that he’d initially be using Celestia’s experts, his rule wouldn’t be much different than hers, but gradually he would come up with good reasons to change each one with ponies that he had already chosen. Within a few years, they’d have a brand new Equestria, and everyone that mattered would be better for it. Everypony else would be at least decent for it, enough that they wouldn’t complain.

As for the horns, he wanted nothing more than for them to be on display in his throne room. So he was clever; he’d place them somewhere they’d be found, and they’d be shown to Blueblood by the sad ponies that found them. He’d say that they should put them in a memorial, which of course should be in the throne room, right above the throne. They’d be on a plaque just like one that someone might use to mount a fish, and in the end, that’s what they were. If only he could have had their whole heads mounted.

He didn’t care if he was the only one that knew their significance, though if he didn’t figure out immortality and ended up dying, he’d probably tell them what he did on his death bed, so he could let these fools know how they had been bested by his superior mind.

It didn’t matter right now though. He slipped into his bed, still time to get a good sleep. He’d need rest, because tomorrow was the first day of his illustrious rule.

Comments ( 38 )

Heehe. >=3 This story is friggin, awesome! Thanks soo much for doing this" ^w^

7912425 It's what I commissioned so... *pffft* =P

7912454 I know right? I think I may have gone too far with my 'no limits' mentality. :rainbowwild:
More seriously though, this guy isn't meant to be canon; he's an alt version so basically just a guy with the same name. Maybe I should have made a 'censored' version where I replaced his name with Bob, since people are shallow enough to let that make a difference.

I also noted downvotes coming in before anyone had time to read the first chapter, so it's pretty obvious people will vote for this based on the name even though the character in the story is different.

Majin Syeekoh

7912483 That would certainly unrustle my jimmies a fair bit.

And Prince Bob has a nice ring to it.:trollestia:

7912485 I'm tempted to make one with an OC name and release it separately just to compare, but I think that'd be breaking fimfiction rules somewhere. Not because it should be done, but because it would show how ridiculously stupid people are.

7912483 Personally... I see this version of Blueblood as what the show cannon version of this character, should have been, an Alternet Universe version. =/

7912545 That's sort of what I mean, but probably said it crappily. I edited the description to possibly help the slow ones understand.

Why isn't there a sex tag?

7912713 Last I checked, eating someone was not sex? :rainbowderp:

I also noted downvotes coming in before anyone had time to read the first chapter,

I'm somewhat surprised that doesn't happen to everything you post just by association, to be honest. I love your work, but I know if I see your name on something, most people won't like it so much.

BUU!!! BUU!!! NO BLOOD OR NECRORAPEMURDERRAPE (did i say rape?) Downvoted to hell! (jkjkjk)

Its so weird to read a story by you that is this... soft? Well this is the risk of taking commissions i suppose! :P

Not my piece of cake but hey! Its a refreshing change for you i'm sure!

7912721 I thought the sex tag may apply to fetish-related snuffing like this, but yeah there's no intercourse so whatever.

7913575 Well I consider this less soft than "Hoo", since there's no violence at all in that, but I guess a lot of people think sex in a story is worse than murder in a story. :rainbowwild:

7914662 I feel like I'm lying if I put the sex tag on it, because people will read it expecting Blueblood to rape his victims and be disappointed when he doesn't. That'd be kind of mean :rainbowlaugh:

Typical OOC garbage. No different than any awful furry vore fic I've picked apart viciously. This one's so cliche it doesn't even warrant it. All the tropes of the overpowered A-hole predator are present.

great story so far, I hope to see the rest of he story.

Not my thing personally, but the story did leave me with a wonderfully ironic vision of Blueblood cleaning up Twilight's Number One loose end, discovering the hard way that scales capable of standing up to lava don't digest as fast as ponies, and resulting in him having to cope with an angry purple and green fire-breathing chest buster.

7920225 You just described why this fic is absolutely perfect. The commissioner asked for an asshole predator and that's what they got! As I've said in other commissions, the only opinion that matters is the one of the person that paid me to write it. Sure I'd have never written Blueblood as doing anything but dying on my own, but that's the great thing about commissions; I get to write about things I wouldn't normally touch.
Not entirely sure how it could be considered 'ooc garbage' though when the author didn't like Blueblood as a character prior to writing it. Clearly you haven't read my other work, or else you'd know that my OOC garbage is significantly more gory and rape-y than this! :rainbowdetermined2:

7920291 Sadly this story is already complete unless someone pays me to write more.

7962177 Well he'd only have to do that if anyone realized he was the assassin. :rainbowkiss: As is, he'll pretend to be sad and after a few years of half-way decent ruling, Spike and the remaining mane6 will be following his orders every bit as loyally as they followed Celestia's. :rainbowwild:

7962948 I considered doing vore commissions 10 years ago on FA, back when I had spare time for writing a lot more. But when I floated the idea... this sort of thing was all I got in way of requests.

I hate the cliche far too much and dropped the commissioning thing.

So if you understand how commissions work, why did you think I would care what you thought? :rainbowwild: I assume you made your comment under the impression that I had found my fucks.
Though by all means, keep commenting, my fans love butt-hurt comments! :rainbowkiss: I'm sure you will say something that no one has ever commented to me, and that I haven't answered a dozen times already, just like you did before!
Or maybe that's why you made the comment? Maybe you saw that my bio requests butt-hurt comments, or maybe you saw in comments where I lamented the lack of fun comments, so decided to help? :rainbowhuh: If something like that was the case, then thank you!

7964870 Or maybe I just comment thusly on stories I find particularly vexing.

7970845 I like your comments; what can i do to make sure you comment on more stories? :duck:

7971111 Make pointless crossovers with Warhammer with a moody teenage HiE where the characters are all OOC and there's no reason for them even to show up in the first place and then everyone runs about retardedly juggling all possible idiot balls while murdering each other wantonly?

Of course, then I might have no choice but to have my bestest buddy (he's great, he's really great) Trump nuke your house from orbit in revenge for the WORST.... POSSIBLE.... FANFIC!!! :pinkiecrazy:

So you're saying you'd play your trump card? :rainbowwild:
If I write anything on Warhammer it's guaranteed to be out of character since I know little or nothing about it. All I know is that it's Warcraft's poorer cousin, which is a feat since it came out before Warcraft (which I know equally little about). I wasn't sure if people even played it anymore.

7973359 No, I'd play my ace of spades... (Alondro has suddenly transformed into one of Drax's race from "Guardians of the Galaxy", those guys who don't get metaphors... because of random crossovers.)

*after "eh, might as well" reading*Meh, decent writing for a commission, even with A-hole "gary-stu"ish pred. I wonder thou how is sun and moon moved afterward's in that verse? Or do they just go wild, like in Fallout-verse?
And what i see for ol'Blueball's is some karma (the most inescapable force). Maybe in a ironic way; meaning he get's eaten by something bigger(dragon? Other pony?FlurryHearth? Evil inter-dimensional entity known as Hasbro C&D?), OR he is eating someone and potion wear's off when prey is halfway down the throat. Or he end's up alone in the world or uni/multi-verse.

But anyway, keep writing your stuff. It probably provide's stuff for certain person's, some might consider crazy or something. But who is sane in this world?

Everyone forgets the Hearth's Warming Eve episode where it was stated that unicorns can do the day and night thing without the sisters.

But no, this Blueblood will not face any penalties for what he did. He'll pretend to be devastated by the loss and within a few months will have the remaining mane6 following his orders just like they did Celestia's.

Maybe you'd enjoy Blueblood's fate in my "Condemned" fic more. He gets gutted and pissed on in that one.

Yeah, i do remember the xmas thing. Perhaps I should have worded it like this: How many unicorns does it take to move two celestial bodies?

So "karma-houdini" with decent leadership then? Ok

Lets put that story (condemned) on my "do-to"-list. I read it later, since im middle of other read, AND writing my own fic.

To be fair, Blueblood doesn't really have much of an IC. All we know is that he's an ass. We actually have no idea of how competent or incompetent he is.

Greetings! ^_^

I'm the commissioner of this here fic, I appreciate you adding your scathing comment of the Story I enjoy reading, because I paid for it.
I also appreciate how you seem to get your kicks from belittling the interests of others for your own self gratification.

Free speech is so nice these days, and so readily taken advantage of. and I'm going to exercise free speech myself. ^.^

If you don't like it... Don't friggin read it. ^.^

Or, maybe give constructive criticism instead of ripping it a new one? =3

8561150 It's a prototypical vore fic. They tend to be terrible. This one's no exception.

Nuff said.

Any particular reason that you said prototypical instead of typical? I mean in that sentence, they mean the same thing. Was it to sound smarter?

See, it's a little confusing. Saying you don't like typical vore fics in the comments on one that you read isn't exactly a good counter for 'Don't read this if you don't like it'.

Maybe we shouldn't be too quick to dismiss this guy's criticism. I mean look at his stories; this guy is an expert on terrible stories.

Well if you ever make a sequel to this story can you make it so that the Alicorns, Shining and Rarity are brought back to life and they rise up against Blueblood then?

That'd be up to the commissioner. I don't want to make additional chapters that change the fate they paid for, though other authors are welcome to make non-official alternate endings.

I really like this, uniqueness

It is unique! Despite not caring for Blueblood too much, I enjoyed writing the commission because it was definitely a change of pace. I think this is the only story I've done that has non-sexual vore as well.

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