• Published 31st Jan 2017
  • 4,607 Views, 40 Comments

My Body Is My Temple - headless_rainbow

Prince Blueblood has a lot of ponies above him in the line of succession, but now he's found a way to eat his way up the list. Smug vore ensues.

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2. Blueblood Enjoys The Main Course

The banquet, held at the first of each month, that he chose for his victory was a private get together of all the local royals of Equestria, Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Cadence, and Cadence’s spare. They would discuss updates of events but it was mostly just to socialize. It was a get together that Blueblood wasn’t invited to, so it was fitting that he would be the only one there at the next banquet.

It lasted several days, so they spent the night there, and Blueblood had a plan on when to strike.

Blueblood actually chose the night before the banquet began, since he knew they spent a day before it preparing and then would likely go to sleep early that night to rest for the main events. The thing was, there were only guards guarding their bedroom doors at night, and rather than have them start their shift earlier than usual, they typically just let it be unguarded. It was another example of their incompetence, sacrificing their own safety so some goon could be at home with his family. It was fitting that their awful decisions would work into his brilliant ones, as this left all their doors unguarded with them asleep inside.

Despite not being able to cast the powerful nullification spell himself, he had simply cut out the component in his door that did the spell. He could carry it around and use it on anypony he needed, and the first he needed it on was Luna.

Blueblood barely considered Luna to be his ‘aunt’ at all, the brutish dolt, and Celestia was a fool for not executing her immediately. When Blueblood ruled, villains would not get second chances. He looked down on Luna’s sleeping form, wondering what she was dreaming about as he nulled her magic. It didn’t matter though, because the rest of her life was going to be a nightmare not even she could escape from.

Luna was a heavy sleeper; perhaps she had used magic to let herself sleep more deeply. She didn’t notice when he pulled off her covers, grasping her with his magic and pulling her off the bed. He tossed the blanket onto the floor in the proper position to look like she were dragged out of bed, dragged through the door that they would regret not securing.

Sadly he couldn’t take her too slowly, since he had to get them all done before the guards’ shifts began, but he didn’t intend to toss her in without tasting either. He pushed her face into his muzzle, taking a moment to close it over her, licking her with his tongue and tasting something akin to blueberry, which got a bit tangy when it came to her ridiculous mane. It felt strange how her mane literally squirmed about in his mouth, until it was squished against her head perfectly when it slid past his throat.

So this is how the prey awoke, with Blueblood literally swallowing against her face and sucking on her, as if tasting a large lollipop. Most ponies might think they were dreaming, but the prey knew she wasn’t.

“What is the meaning of this?” demanded the muffled prey, “You will expel your Princess’s face from your muzzle and explain your actions!”

“Hello auntie,” Blueblood said to the stunned alicorn, and he was really hungry and eager to digest said alicorn, but he wanted her to die knowing, “Good news, you’ve found where Rarity disappeared to; right down my throat. Want to go visit her? I’ll send Cadence, Twilight, and her brother down to join you. I’d want to be rid of you though even if you weren’t in the way of my rule; you’re my least favorite aunt. Then again you’re everypony's least favorite everything, aren’t you.”

That should give her something to think about on her way down, so he pushed her back into his throat, giving a nice swallow to suck her already drool covered head down one again. At first she attempted to use magic of course, then she kicked a few times just to check, finding herself in mid-air, then found flying just as unsuccessful. The last ditch effort was to twist her head to try to cut her way out with her horn, but that actually felt really good, like a firm massage; Blueblood even groaned a bit.

“You will remove your princess’s cranium from your esophagus immediately!” demanded Luna further.

Blueblood wasn’t taking orders, and turned his head up sooner than before, holding the prey above him, and for a moment just letting gravity pull her shoulders and pinned legs into his throat. The prey didn’t kick or squirm as much as Rarity; perhaps she was too proud, but her pride wouldn’t save her.

He had more to push inward as she went down with her wings tightly folded. Her turned her around in his throat so he could taste her wings, tongue rippling against them as they dragged past. They were a bit soft, like he was swallowing a big blueberry flavored plush toy, though he liked the firm parts better he thought, because he could feel her writhe, which she did a little whether she wanted to or not.

He heard her grunt as her head popped into his belly, as if unable to think of anything else to demand, or realizing that it was pointless, or probably both. He pushed her down much faster than he had Rarity, feeling even more ravenous than before. As she felt through completely, she did panic a moment, kicking and flapping, so he did get a brief massage. Given her significantly larger size, it was quite a firm massage.

As the royal lump began to melt, he could still see her horn poking against his skin; horns were hard and would take much longer to digest even in the flesh furnace that was his gut. He managed to get a hold of the horn with is magic, then bent it until it came loose of her head, and pushing it right back up. He didn’t have to be careful with the tip as resilient as he now was.

The horn looked polished from the slight digestion; perfect for display, as was his physique. The lump completely disappeared once again, a mighty princess gone forever in a way no one would ever know. He wondered if the princesses would become mythological figures.

One down, three to go.

Of all his prey, Celestia was the only one he would miss, not that he had qualms about doing it or anything. It was both that he respected her more than anyone else involved, and because she had the best plot in the kingdom. She was the only one that he planned to eat her hindquarters first, so he could get one last look at those generously sized flanks before they disappeared forever.

He moved her blanket away again, hanging off the bed and toward the door, then picked Celestia up with his magic as he had the others. Though he was more gentle than with the others, she woke fairly easily. Maybe she didn’t like sleep spells.

“What’s going on?” she demanded after trying to use her magic.

Ah, another summary, “Princess Celestia I respect you, but you’re in the way, so I’m going to eat you. Your sister’s already taken a trip through my gullet, and Cadence and Twilight will be soon the follow.”

Celestia took one look at his gaping mouth and appeared to recognize it, “Where did you find that? Blueblood, look at what you are doing, you will never forgive yourself for this, and Equestria will be lost without me regardless of how good a ruler you are.”

“Equestria existed a thousand years before your rule, and will still exist a thousand years after. You are NOTHING,” Blueblood growled, but then laughed, “I won’t only forgive myself, I’ll keep forgetting about it. That’s why I’m keeping all your horns; I’ll remember every time I walk past them, mounted on my wall like a fish.” He added as sincerely as he was capable of, “If it helps, you were always my favorite aunt.”

Regardless of respect, the feeling of personally eliminating the great Sun Princess was incredible. He turned her away from him and pulled her tail tip into his maw at first, slurping it up like a wet noodle. It felt slimy as it writhed against his lips and throat, just like he expected their disturbing hair to feel. She had a taste that was vanilla. He usually thought that a boring flavor, but what he licked here tasted appropriately, divine. He pushed her legs in quickly, beginning to swallow, slow enough to be gentle but fast enough to sate his burning hunger.

“Blueblood you can’t!” was that fear he saw in his prey’s eyes, “We can talk this out, you don’t have to do this!” He imagined she was feeling very stupid and guilty about all the times he was ignored or mistreated as she stood by, but he’d let her die without his forgiveness.

He held her limbs together as he slid past her pleasantly plump plot, her flesh tasting the same as her tail, just less slimy. Her feathers just felt like a bit of padding along her top side. He sucked in her mane and pulled her front legs back so that her head would be the last thing to go in. She didn’t try to kick, but he got the impression that that was because she knew the spell and knew she couldn’t get away, rather than a lack of fear. Her eyes held the most abject horror that he’d ever seen, her whole body shivering like a leaf.

The great Sun Princess, thousands of years of life behind her, and she had gotten very used to the idea of having thousands of years ahead of her as well. She had been yanked out of that comfortable fantasy and suddenly forced to face her own end. A being that many considered a physical goddess was going to die at the bottom of his stomach, her failure was complete.

“Blueblood please!” the prey screamed now, so it was a good thing he used the sound muffling spell again, “I will do literally ANYTHING. I’ll be your subject, toy, or even pleasure slave, anything if you don’t do this!” This was why he preferred face first; it reduced the loudness of the complaints.

He turned her gently around as her head plummeted in, running his tongue over her sobbing face as she went through, tasting her salty tears. He turned her head so his lips could slide up her horn, which was the last thing to disappear into his muzzle. He had to admit, the sound of the great sun prey crying like an infant in real fear had been quite pleasing to the ears, at least when it meant he was going up in rank.

Once she was nothing but a divine bulge in his stomach, all her regal composure lost. The prey kicked wildly as soon as her hind legs popped free into his gut, the rest sloshing into it within another second. It was a better massage than his very first prey had been, given that this prey had an extra pair of limbs, and they felt somehow still soft against his insides for a moment before he could feel the softness melt away.

A muffled “I don’t want to die...” were the last words of the mighty sun princess as her body was rapidly reduced to slop. Her kicks faded quickly, her horn coming loose as his last prey’s had. Blueblood spit it out and held the shiny new toy next to the darker to look at them both, and started to consider how he’d arrange all his horns on the mount.

Blueblood looked in the mirror to admire himself once again. He had turned his two mightiest targets into meals, so the rest would feel like it was just fun.

“That’s both the main courses dealt with,” he smiled into the mirror before he left, “Now for the hors d'oeuvre.”