• Published 31st Jan 2017
  • 4,606 Views, 40 Comments

My Body Is My Temple - headless_rainbow

Prince Blueblood has a lot of ponies above him in the line of succession, but now he's found a way to eat his way up the list. Smug vore ensues.

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1. Blueblood Creates A Rare Plan

Blueblood sat in his personal quarters at Canterlot castle, sitting at his desk and looking across his room. It was a nice room, though nothing when compared to Celestia and Luna’s. Even the one that Twilight used temporarily when visiting was better than Blueblood’s quarters. Someone that had had her title less than two years had a room better than he, who had been royalty all his life. Some might say he hadn’t done the great deeds that she had, and they’d be right. His job was to rule; going off and fighting villains was soldier work, so if anything Twilight should be relegated to the barracks when she visited.

And then, of course, Cadence and Shining Armor had an equally spacious room upon visits, and they virtually never spent the night there aside from the banquet. Cadence had done even less than Twilight, she wasn’t even a proper noble. The only suitable way he could think to describe her was that she was their ‘mascot’. Perhaps the one that steamed him most though was her husband. Why should he be elevated from a grunt purely on the merit of having screwed a princess? She should have married somepony of proper royal blood, like Blueblood.

Of course the rooms were just a symptom of the bigger problem, a bit of icing to add to his humiliation. The fact was that Blueblood was never included in important political summits, despite specifically requesting audience to every one. He’d just receive a note from his aunt Celestia explaining politely why he couldn’t, though at this point it was just a form letter she used every time. Once he even got one when he had forgotten to make the request. Even that was something though, as infuriating as it was.

It was the same in legal matters; he couldn’t remember the last time he was consulted before a law was put into motion, or before any other important decision was made. He could sit in his room and be noble all day, but he didn’t have anything to rule, even though he deserved to be on top more than any of those bitches.

The stupidest thing about it was that Blueblood’s decisions have almost always been correct when they actually did ask him. In the years prior to Twilight’s ‘upgrade’, he did a lot of the work that she now did, and did it well.

But they had a new toy, so they left Blueblood in a figurative corner. Well if he had nothing to do, he would spend his time there making sure their rule was short and his was long. Having done exhausting research, the first research he’d ever done, he found a certain kind of magic that would solve his problem permanently. It was a magic that manipulated one's elasticity, metabolism, and appetite, allowing them to literally consume another pony. It hadn’t been an easy magic to find, and he had been told it wasn’t possible more than once, but after many months of determined study, he came across it in a very old spell book.

Most importantly, it was self-cleaning, with no body left to speak of. When there were no bodies, no pony would assume murder; they’d think it was a kidnapping like it always was. It was said that he could use it to eat virtually anything, even if some things were unadvisable, so he could get rid of any and all evidence.

Of course there was a problem that Blueblood would have regardless of how much research he did, he did not know how to make the potion required by the spell. He had done more work than he should have had to do already, so he wasn’t about to stir potions with peasants, learning such cardinal means of magic was beneath him.

But he was in luck. He hadn’t had anyone that he could coerce to do the researching, which is why he did it himself, but he had the perfect two potion makers, because they were related to a pony that he already had dirt on, so he could multi-purpose the blackmail he’d used on them to these fools. Blueblood had a whole filing cabinet just for the blackmail he had on various ponies; sometimes he even blackmailed one of them to help him blackmail a new one.

The unlucky part was that they lived in the slums, and he wasn’t about to dirty himself by walking there. They didn’t deserve to have so much as his hoof-print in their dirt pit. It was surprisingly difficult for him to get guards to go fetch them though. So many were respectfully busy with other duties when he came asking. He committed their names to memory; he was good with that. He’d give them something to keep them ‘busy’ later on.

He did find one though, and had the two escorted right to his chambers. Though when Blueblood told them information was need-to-know about why he needed them there, the guard looked at him like maybe he thought they were prostitutes. This just made Blueblood angrier at his situation. He didn’t mind putting on a fake face for the lower class when it was for a good cause, which was always himself, but this was one he shouldn’t have had to do. And besides, he didn’t need to put on a fake face with these two; he could be his wonderful honest self.

They were brought in, two earth ponies, still damp, as he had ordered them to be washed before they set hoof in his chambers. Once brought in, they just stared at him for a moment with vacant eyes. Sometimes Blueblood wondered if most of these ponies were even properly self-aware.

“H-hello,” said the first, finally, “I’m Hot Brew and this is Boiling Elixer.”

“Did I ask your names, mud pony?” Blueblood sneered, “Do you think me so stupid as to bring you here without knowing who you are? I am Prince Blueblood, and you will not speak out of turn. And if you call me Blueblood without putting the word Prince in front of it, I’ll take you on a tour of Luna’s dungeon.” She didn’t have one, of course, but her reputation was enough for somepony to think it was real.

Not only did their little minds break for a moment from his threat, they also showed no recognition or surprise at his name. He had had the guards not tell them who called them so they wouldn’t run away, but that appeared annoyingly unnecessary. “Do you not know who Prince Blueblood is? Answer now, or two weeks dungeon!”

“I’m sorry, “ stammered Elixer, practically shrieking, “I don’t remember seeing you.” She looked faint.

“Are you the one that bears the flag at meetings?” asked Brew, so quietly he barely heard her, looking like she might collapse from shivering so hard.

Some of these subjects really overreacted to basic things.

“I am certainly not! And bow to me!” shouted Blueblood making them cringe, “I blackmailed your father by threatening to pull you both from university and ruin your careers. Coincidentally that is exactly why you’re here as well, because I’m very close to doing just that. Just a few letters from concerned individuals, paid by me, letting them know of some... disturbing things you do.”

“I apologize, he never mentioned a name when-,” said Elixer as she bowed, “What?”

“We can do whatever you need, Prince Blueblood,” added Brew as she bowed next to her sister.

Most likely it was just that their father was too afraid of Blueblood to tell them the name, certainly. He was a formidable presence. A better father would have warned his children though.

“You will make me this,” Blueblood said simply, floating the recipe over to them, “You will drop all other tasks and do it as quickly as possible. You will tell no one why. If you dare to give me a potion that doesn’t work, your degrees and careers are dead. And if it causes me harm, your father will be mourning the loss of two daughters. Do you understand?”

“Y-yes!” Brew nodded, then whisper to Elixer, “It doesn’t even say what it does.”

“This is a... strange recipe,” said Elixer, but added quickly, “But it will be done perfectly! You can be assured!”

“It says it will take seven days,” said Blueblood, and let them have a moment of fear before he continued with the opposite of what they thought he would, “And I am no fool. I know nothing of why it is this long, but if an expert has decided that it is this long, then it must be. However, I want quality, so if you MUST slow down to make sure it is PERFECT, I will not punish you, but you must continually make progress.”

“You are very wise,” Brew bowed again.

“Did I ask you for a complement?” Blueblood snarled, “Or to bow again? Get up and don’t interrupt me again! Now, I will assign my two most trusted guards and they will take shifts day and night watching your setup. They will not leave the room during the shift for any reason, so you will have to give them food and empty a chamber pot if you must. They know nothing of potions, but they know the difference between work and sitting on your hooves. They better see you exhausting yourselves.”

Blueblood dismissed them with a wave of his front hoof, as if their presence defiled his sanctum. His chosen guards were outside waiting on them, guards that he could trust to do what he wanted as long as they got paid. It was amusing how little ponies would work for, thinking it’s a lot.

Blueblood hated walking amongst the lowlifes, but this was important, and he just couldn’t leave it to his guards; he had to check the progress for himself. It was for this reason that he came to the little shop, strutting in like he owned the place, since he would own every place soon enough. The sign out front said ‘closed’, but the door was open anyway. He got very cross when they didn’t answer the door quickly, so they decided it was better if he could just walk right in, and they were right enough.

“Well?” he shouted into the back of the shop, and Brew came running out.

“Your Majesty!” she bowed, “Elixer is doing the last bit now, it will literally be minutes. I will check again.” She backed into the inner room and called to her sister.

It was about time. Blueblood thought with him demanding it several times a day, it would speed things up a bit, even without him giving them a hard deadline. They had taken nine days so far, saying they needed rare ingredients or needed to go slow doing something they had never done before. His guards were following them and making sure of what they said.

That didn’t mean he had to be nice to them though, and it certainly didn’t mean he’d treat them as any sort of competent for taking this long. Still, they’d said they were very close earlier today, so he had high hopes.

Finally, Elixir returned the room with a flask of green fluid, panting as she offered it over to him with her filthy hooves.

“I’ve never seen such incompetence!” Blueblood said as he took the potion from her, immediately popping the top and guzzling it down. It tasted a bit bitter, and felt like it was blowing up his belly like a balloon, so much like that he put a hoof to his gut to make sure it wasn’t.

Elixer opened her muzzle like she was going to give specific directions, but just sighed and stayed quiet when he drank it.

“I don’t notice any changes!” Blueblood yelled at her, “What kind of dirt pony trickery is this?”

“Perhaps it is not immediately apparent, or maybe it does show much to hide it from your prey,” explained Elixir, “I assure you, it will work.” It seemed she had gleaned what the potion was for through its ingredients and methods; they were very good.

“I will be returning to the palace with one guard, and remain in custody here with the other until I am sure that it worked,” said Blueblood, adding thoughtfully, “I need a test subject.”

“P-please,” Elixer started to tear up, “Please we’ll do anything.” Brew emerged behind her, looking panicked.

“I’m not eating you, fools!” grumbled Blueblood, “Why would I eat somepony I might need later? How can you be so good at potions, but walking arguments for birth control in every other way?” He grunted, “Regardless, you have impressed me. If this works, you may find yourselves in government paid positions.”

Both their eyes lit up, though they knew not to say thanks without permission.

He knew the perfect volunteer: that Rarity that embarrassed him at a Gala. He’d send her a letter to get her over here; he just had to find a servant, since writing the letter was beneath him.

When it arrived at Carousel Boutique, Rarity wouldn’t have opened the letter if it had Blueblood on it. It only said ‘Canterlot Palace’, so she figured it must be important. The letter started with a request for her to come to the palace for an apology for his rude behavior at the Gala, his name at the bottom.

He didn’t deserve the right to apologize and it didn’t make sense that he would want to after this long, but maybe it would be worth it to go all that way to see that, to see Blueblood humble himself. It said that he would be leaving soon, so she needed to come quickly. Rarity figured she may as well check on her boutique there, and went ahead out.

Rarity was escorted right to Blueblood’s personal chambers by the guard Blueblood didn’t leave at the potion makers’ shop, though as she entered, she looked confused, and maybe a bit disappointed that he wasn’t going to do this in public. She’d take what she could get. The ingrate didn’t bow, but this wasn’t the time to require that. She also wore a pink dress and a hat; she had to dress up everywhere.

Instead, Blueblood met her with a cunning smile. The more he caught her off guard, the angrier she’d be.

Blueblood was prepared. The door had been enchanted with a nullification spell that, when activated would nullify the magic of any pony that came through it. He had a mage do it under the guise of fearing assassins would come as he slept. Of course there was also the noise muffling spell that was on the room. Sadly, the only excuse he could think of as to why he’d need the spell was one he refused to make, so he sullied himself by having to learn it himself.

“Miss Rarity,” Blueblood said, nodding, “I am so glad you could make it so soon; I think you’ll agree that this is something that needs to be done.”

“Indeed it is,” Rarity said simply, then looked him in the eyes, “I’m waiting.”

Blueblood looked casually back at her, then feigned surprise, “Oh goodness, did that foolish scribe put in the letter that I was going to apologize for you? That’s silly; it’s obviously for you to apologize to me!”

Rarity’s face twitched, slowly turning red. It was all Blueblood could do to keep himself from laughing at this foolish needle pusher, but he kept his composure perfectly, as if he truly believed what he said had occurred.

“I’ll have you know,” Rarity said; she started a lot of rants with that, no doubt, “I have a very important business, in three cities now, not that you would understand having any important responsibilities! I know all about you!” Obviously, since she had a crush on him, “You only have a title because of things some ancestor did. But unlike at the Gala, this time I have a way to wipe that smug grin off your face by taking that title away! Twilight is a REAL princess with her own palace, and I guarantee that when I burst in crying to her about this, she will pull all the strings she need to get your sorry plot kicked out on the street!”

Blueblood patiently listened to her rant with the same smirk on his face. Or maybe listened was a strong word; it was more like he was waited for her to finish. He didn’t even pay attention. In fact, he just stood there for almost a minute after she finished while she demanded answers.

“What was that?” Blueblood finally asked, “I wasn’t listening.”

With that, it was time to stop pretending to be nice; he had done that for too long. He grasped her whole torso in his magic, and pushed downward, the force of the floor splaying out her legs before she smacked the floor with her chest. She squeaked in surprise, and looked up at him with wide eyes. Realizing that her dress would block the taste of her body going down, he casually shredded the dress and wadded it up, tossing that and her hat onto his bed. He’d toss those in after her.

The first thing she did is try to use her magic in return, but of course she could not. She looked up at Blueblood, looking like she might cry immediately, pushing her hind legs together and tucking her tail. She made the most logical conclusion any mare would make it they were taken to private with a stallion, held down, and had their clothing ripped away, “Please don’t.”

“You DARE insinuate that I would be interested in such a common mare for anything other than food?” Blueblood shouted, enraged at Rarity’s conclusion, “What delusions of grandeur do you have? No, it’s time for me to tell YOU a thing or two.”

Rarity was speechless, both from confusion at why she was held if not for that, and from shock that Blueblood was giving her a telling to at all. The food thing she assumed was figurative, surely.

“What you peasants don’t understand,” continued Blueblood, “Is that my title being hereditary is what makes me better than you! I am royal blood; I deserve to be treated as royalty because of WHO I am, not what I do. Not only do I not have to run off and do great things, I SHOULDN’T! That’s the job of pretend princesses like your friend!”

“Which brings me to something else,” Blueblood finally took a deep breath, returning to a smile, but it was the most predatory grin he’d ever had, “Do you think I was joking before when I called you food? Well I wasn’t, thanks to a nifty potion. I’m going to gobble you up and digest you into unicorn soup, and you’re just the test subject! After I’m done with you, it will be the princesses, Cadence and her spare prince, and your upstart friend Twilight, I’ll enjoy her the most,” he added some lies so she’d die even more afraid, “I could even do your other friends and family.” It’d be far more fun to go ‘comfort’ them after the tragedy.

It was unlike Rarity to be this quiet about everything, but it seemed like every time she started to speak, he’d say something else that left her speechless. It was so unexpected that she hadn’t even had time to get angry or scared.

Blueblood picked Rarity up in his magic, admiring how she shivered, head-first since the slag’s ugly plot was nothing he wanted to stare at. Instead, he’d start with her favorite body part: her loud mouth.

“Impossible...” Rarity managed to mutter.

Blueblood opened his own muzzle wide, wanting to make it clear that he did not want to kiss his meal. He was surprised how far his jaw opened; he could open all the way to 180 degrees so that his lower and upper jaws were a straight line if he wanted. Not only that, but his throat seemed to expand. It was grotesque, and exactly what he needed!

His prey was right back to ‘speechless’. She could see all his teeth with how open his maw was, the flesh of his gums drooling his saliva, pooling with his thickened tongue below. Where she stared though was down that hole, so gaping and dark, though she could see the pink flesh going down for a while, practically pulsing in anticipation.

Blueblood took his time, letting Rarity stare down the tunnel where her life, and hopefully all those fashion trends she’d made, would end. Out of all Twilight’s friends, he was glad this is the one who would die for the cause.

He pushed her back, swallowing against her muzzle to pull the first few inches down. His throat expanded perfectly for her body, wrapping tightly against her muzzle, then casually expanding as he pushed it over her face. It would make room for thick areas and immediately snap back when it was thin again. He wanted to see what Rarity’s shape would look like in hisneck. His prey watched his throat get closer, and didn’t finally close her eyes until they were pressed against his flesh.

The texture of her fur against him, matted with his spit, was wonderful by itself, how was she so delicious? He recognized a marshmallow flavor, with her mane even feeling a bit spongey against his gums.

He swallowed again, pulling her just to the back of her head, then popped over her neck. Even as his throat slid down to the size of her throat, it still stayed the perfect size at every other point, as if it was giving him the perfect tightness to feel his food’s entire form. Sure enough, he could see the shape of her head in his neck when he looked at it threw his mirror, horn and all.

His prey finally did start to struggle, and he let her kick her legs as much as she wanted as long as they didn’t hit him; he wanted to feel his terrified prey struggle as she disappeared down his gut. She tried to scream, his neck even adjusting itself so the shape of her opened mouth could be seen, but her efforts only gave him a delightful neck massage. Just like in other things; his prey’s attempts to get away just made it better for him.

“Blueblood I’m sorry!” It felt good to hear his prey’s muffled voice apologize, “I’ll even do a public apology if you don’t go through with this!” The stupid cow thought he even cared about that, but any excuse to make his prey beg for mercy was welcome.

As his throat expanded around her shoulders, he felt his appetite increasing, and he couldn’t take it as slow anymore. He pushed her legs to her sides, then swallowed several more times to slide in past them, sliding down to her anemic, overly-thin waste. The further he went the faster he was, pulling her legs together with her tail, and pushing her in past her hips. He turned his head straight up to let gravity pull her in, but swallowed rapidly, and her legs and tail disappeared in seconds, lips sliding along them, feeling every bit of her length down to her feet.

The potion’s effect was amazing, even allowing her to kick while she was going down. When her head popped out into his expanding stomach, she screamed again, giving him a shiver like a belly massage, then began to give him a more literal belly massage from the inside, her legs kicking against his flesh, and feeling amazing, better than the most relaxing of spa treatment he could have imagined. Even her attempts to stab with her horn did nothing to break through.

At first he thought she’d suffocate before dissolving, and had been disappointed in that, but the potion seemed to even produce air inside him; clearly this was designed for living prey, and enjoyment of them. Still, it didn’t take nearly so long as one would think. She thrashed and kicked, but almost immediately those kicks became lesser. He looked at himself through his mirror, awestruck at the sight of the squirming lump in his gut. His stomach burned his prey down into nothing, until Blueblood’s belly didn’t even look like he’d had a meal.

He admired his trim, well-muscled physique, not an ounce gained. He’d let those potion-makers alone for now, but once he was in charge, he intended to give them positions here so they could be paid a pitiful wage for him to constantly demean them.

The upcoming royal banquet would be the perfect time to strike, as it was several days, so Cadence and Twilight would spend the night after. He could eliminate them all in one night.

After Rarity’s disappearance, her boutiques gradually started to decline. Only Canterlot Carousel remained open under Sassy Saddle’s management. Blueblood went there to get all his clothing now, to ‘honor her memory’. It was a good way to make peasants think he wasn’t all that bad without him actually having done anything different.