• Published 27th Jan 2017
  • 6,492 Views, 144 Comments

These Strange Creatures - Dramatic Stories

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Where Am I? Goku Awakens!

2 weeks later

Goku's eyes flickered open. He sighed and stared up at the unfamiliar ceiling. The morning sunlight beamed through the windows as he lifted himself to a sitting position on the couch. This was the first time he had gotten up since he crash landed. "Whoa...where am I? Why am I on this comfortable couch?" He said aloud. As he looked around, he looked into the kitchen in the next room and saw a yellow furred creature with a pink mane making food with different vegetables, fruits, herbs, and spices. The smell of soup made his belly grumble loudly. "H..Hello?" He called.

Fluttershy's ears shifted toward the sound of his call, she turned quickly and stared at him. "You...you're awake." She said.

"Where am I?" Goku asked.

"Well...my house."

"N..no I meant-

"O-oh, you're in Equestria. You crash landed here a couple weeks ago, don't you remember?" Fluttershy asked.

"Where's Frieza...did I do it?" Goku tried to stand up but a sharp pain engulfed his mid section. He groaned softly in pain. "Gah...boy that hurts."

"Stay still. You're badly hurt, take it slow, please." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah, no kidding. Goku lifted the blanket that covered. "Is there a draft in here?" He asked. He looked down, and realized the blanket was the only thing covering his- "Whoa! Holy crap I'm naked. I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, I took off your other clothes...they were torn to shreds! I took them to a friend to see if she could fix them."

"Ah man...those were specially made too." Goku remembered King Kai giving him the Gi as a gift. "King Kai won't be happy about that."

"Why do you wear clothes?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well it's only polite. Where I come from, it's not very nice to have your...uh...stuff out and about, you know? I didn't learn that until I was older, but I never saw a problem with it either, ahehehe."

"Oh, well...it must be freezing without fur as well."

"Ah shucks, it's not so bad." Goku stopped and realized he was having a conversation with a pony. "Wait...ugh this is messing with my head. So you're...a pony? Or something?"

"Yes, a pegasus to be exact, Fluttershy walked over and spread her wings out and took flight for a moment."

"Whoa, that's cool...I can fly too y'know...I'd show you but, I'm in no condition."

"Y..you can fly? But you don't have wings?" Fluttershy grew wild with confusion.

"Oh well..uh...it's complicated. Maybe I'll explain it sometime. But hey, listen, thank for keeping me safe. I have to get back to Earth and see my friends and family again...Bulma...Chi Chi, and Gohan...I sure do miss them."

"Earth?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's where I was raised. I have a bit of a long story y'know...also...I think your soup is burning." Goku noticed a little smoke coming from the kitchen. Fluttershy bolted to the kitchen with a gasp and shut off the stove.

"I completely forgot. Oh, Angel's gonna be upset. I think it's alright though." Fluttershy poured the carrot soup into a bowl, and placed it next to Angels food dishes.

Goku lied back down and spoke to himself in his head. "Man...I don't know if Frieza hit my head so hard I'm seeing things, or if this is heaven or what...but this couch is really comfy!"

Later that day, Rarity came in to Fluttershy's house with a selection of garments. "Oh Fluttershy, are you home darling?" She called. Goku didn't get up straight away, but stayed down, worried he might frighten her. Fluttershy came in to the room. "Oh good...oh, my. I didn't think you'd make him these many outfits." She said.

"Well, you gave me those heavy trousers that were absolutely appalling! Torn to shreds. I used them for measuring and then chucked them aside. So where's your friend you're taking care of?"

Goku thought this would be a good time to make an appearance. He propped himself up and stuck a hand up with an open palm, "Hello there!" He spoke, "I'm Gok-

"WAHHH" Rarity screamed and hid behind her clothing she made. "Fluttershy...what is that?"

"Don't you listen to anything we tell you. He landed here a couple weeks ago."

"Well I wasn't expecting that." She said. Goku looked on in curiosity.

"Gosh...I didn't realize I looked that intimidating." He said. Rarity crept out and forced a smile, sweat running down her muzzle.

"I um..brought you some things to uh..try on?" She said awkwardly. "They're the latest fashion trends...or though I had to make some major adjustments to fit..ahem..your stature."

"Oh boy, let me see!" Goku looked at the clothes, which were all pants. He picked out a pair of simple blue pants that were made of denim.

"Bare with me...I'm used to making clothes for ponies. I figured if I just make them close to how your other garments were, I could give you something." Goku slipped them on and buttoned them. "A little tight, but they're great. Say, where's a shirt though?" Goku got up and stood for the first time in so long. Nobody had seen him stand. Both Fluttershy and Rarity looked in amazement at his tall figure.

"Shirt?" Rarity said. "Oh, something for your upper body. Hm..well, you see, I only had your bottoms to try and make a copy of. For the rest of you I'll need to take measurements, then I can get you some proper gear my good fellow." She giggled graciously. She lifted a measuring tape with her magic and brought it to Goku.

"Whoa!" Goku exclaimed. "How are you doing that?"

"What? Magic?"

"It's floating. It's glowing the same color as your horn. Do you ponies know how to use Ki too? Awesome!"

"Key? Um...no dear, I'm a unicorn. Us unicorns posses the ability to manipulate things with magic. We're all born with it." Rarity explained.

"That's strange...I can sense energy pretty well, and it feels a lot like ki to me."

"How's your bandages doing by the way?" Fluttershy asked Goku, who patted the bandages wrapped around his midsection.

"Holding up pretty well. It's pretty painful when I move, but nothing I'm not used to. Us Saiyans are pretty tough!" Goku bragged. He then let Rarity take whatever measurements she needed for a shirt. His stomach growled again, vigorously. "Oh...damn, I'm hungry. Do you guys have anywhere with good food around here?" He asked.

"Hm...I think I know just the place." Rarity said, giving Fluttershy a glare, and a smirk.

"You want to take him to sugarcube corner? Don't you think it's a bit early for him to be getting out? He just stood up for the first time in-"

Fluttershy was interrupted by the sound of Goku opening up the front door and walking outside. ".....what do you know." Fluttershy said.

"Woo, boy feels good to get some fresh air." He said. "Well, I'm ready to go! I think I'm just gonna walk though, seeing as I don't know where I'm going."

Rarity and Fluttershy were quick to follow him outside and lead the way.

"You're not going to bother waiting on a top?" Rarity asked.

"Eh, whatever. According to Flutts here, you ponies are naked all the time so what's the big deal? Am I right?" Goku giggled. "As long as I don't have my junk out."

Author's Note:

What am I doing with my life at 1 am. I'm probably gonna come back and re-read this and say "the hell was in my drink?"
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Chapter recap: Goku awakens 2 weeks later, and is given new clothes by Rarity. He is familiarized as to where he is by Fluttershy, and realizes he's alive and was taken in by the locals. After, he explains a little about himself.