• Published 27th Jan 2017
  • 6,493 Views, 144 Comments

These Strange Creatures - Dramatic Stories

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The Nightmare. Tirek's Desperate Resolve!

Discord shivered as a shiver went up his spine as he watched Tirek continue to absorb the ponies. "That can't be right?" He said quietly to himself.

"What can't be right?" Tirek turned to him. As Tirek walked towards Discord, the sky suddenly turned black. "What the?" The pair looked up toward the sun, only to find it had been blocked by the moon. "What happened. Discord, explain this immediately!"

"I-I don't know. I don't think I've ever seen such a phenomenon before." Discord scratched his chin and held a magnifying glass up to his eye, staring at the eclipse. Not much time passed before the moon was lowered once again, and the sun came back out. "That must have been Princess Luna. She controls the moon after all."

"Ah yes...the alicorns. Once I gain enough strength, I'll go after them! With the power of the alicorns, I will be unstoppable!" Tirek laughed loudly as the ponies around him lied limp on the ground, too weak to get up.

"I think you mean we will be unstoppable." Discord scowled at Tirek.

"Why of course Discord. How could I have gotten this far without you. In fact, take this." Tirek handed Discord an amulet for him to wear. "As a symbol of my gratitude, and a thank you for your help, I want you to have this. It was given to me by somebody close." Discord placed it around his neck.

"Ooo, I do quite like it. Thank you my good sir." Discord bowed "I think it's time we start hitting the big cities, don't you think? Enough of these towns and villages."

"I was thinking the same thing. Question is, where do we go first?" Tirek asked. Discord looked behind him in the distance, toward Canterlot.

"I think I know just the place. You want alicorn magic, Canterlot will be the place to find it." Discord brought a map to Tirek's attention with Canterlot circled.

"Yes...It is time. To Canterlot!"

As Tirek turned toward the great city, the ground suddenly began to tremble. The tremble then turned to shaking, as a strong wind was now blowing toward them from Canterlot.

"What's going on? First the moon and now this!" Tirek shielded his face from the strong winds. The two looked ahead toward Canterlot, and saw a blue light coming from the great city far in the distance. As the light faded, the wind, and the shaking ceased as well.

Discord's eyes widened, as Tirek looked on in anger. "What the hell happened over there?" Tirek asked.

"I'm not sure...but I do have a bad feeling about this."

"You think that was the power of the princesses?"

"I've never seen their power do such a thing like that, but it was coming from Canterlot. I can't say for sure." Discord explained. "Whatever it is, it seems to have subsided for now. Let us continue!" Discord marched forward toward Canterlot.

"Not another step, Discord!"

A powerful voice called out. Discord stopped in his tracks with Tirek behind him, looking up into the sky. Discord followed his eyes and saw a black alicorn with a burning blue mane flying at incredible speed towards them.

The alicorn landed on the ground heavily, immediately putting a crater into the ground below her. "Stand aside Discord, immediately!"

"And who are you?" Tirek moved Discord out of the way himself, and stepped forward with a smile on his face. "An alicorn? Perfect." He put his hands together, "I'll enjoy absorbing your power for myself!"

"Not today! For I, Nightmare Moon, have come to defeat you, Tirek!" Nightmare Moon suddenly bolted from the crater in which she stood, and charged Tirek with fierce speed. Tirek's eyes widened as a sharp pain erupted through his chest. He looked down, and saw Nightmare Moon's hoof buried into it. She jumped back, and took off into the air.

"Aghh!" Tirek dropped to one knee, and held his chest that was already bruising from the heavy blow. Nightmare Moon swung around from the side, and gave Tirek a nasty kick to the jaw, knocking him completely over.

"Give up!" Nightmare said, landing between Tirek and Discord. Tirek picked himself up, and wiped the dirt off his face.

"Don't think you can win so easily, mare!" Tirek formed an orange and red ball of magic between his horns, turned, and blasted it towards Nightmare Moon. Without a second thought she dodged, and left Discord in the path of the attack. Discord gasped and split himself into two, allowing the magic to pass through him.

Tirek, now back on his feet, opened his mouth, and with a blood curdling yell, blasted magic out of it toward Nightmare. The attack followed her through the air as she weaved and bobbed, trying to shake it. She spun around, and with her own magic, blasted Tirek's attack from the air with ease. She then blasted a massive blue and purple attack toward the ground where Tirek stood.

In fight or flight response, Tirek crossed his arms and covered his face as the vicious attack struck him. The ground beneath him was blown away as the attack exploded, sending dirt and debris everywhere. Clouds of dirt and dust surrounded the battlefield now as Nightmare slowly lowered herself to the ground. With a strong flap of her wings, the dust and dirt was blown away, revealing Tirek lying on his back at the bottom of a crater.

"Surrender yourself, Tirek, and perhaps I won't have to kill you!" Nightmare threatened as she pointed her horn toward him, with magic now charging up around it. Tirek propped himself up as blood dripped from his nose and lips.

"How...How can any of you ponies be this strong?" Tirek thought. Nightmare locked eyes with him, and stared deep into his soul.

"I can see your fear Tirek. You know you can't win!" Tirek's eyes widened in realization. The moon earlier, followed by the sudden earthquake.

"So that's what happened..." He said, getting back on his hooves once again, "The moon earlier, that was you. And the wild weather that came out of no where."

"What of it, beast."

"Your fellow princesses gave you their power, didn't they?"

"It matters not, for my strength far exceeds my own understanding." Nightmare explained, "You could absorb the power of a hundred more ponies, and I would still be in a class of my own!" Nightmare laughed evilly, showing her sharp teeth. Tirek, jumped back, and out of the crater, landing near Discord.

"I may not be able to defeat you absorbing ponies..." He said. Discord suddenly became paralyzed as Tirek used his magic to grab him, "No...If I wish to defeat you I need the power of a god!" Suddenly, he turned towards Discord, and opened his mouth, inhaling devilishly.

Nightmare Moon gasped as she watched Discord's chaotic magic become part of Tirek. "So that's your move." she said. Tirek finished absorbing Discord's magic, and threw him aside like garbage. He landed heavily and winced.

"I...I thought we were working together." He said weakly.

"Come on Discord..." Tirek said, as he began to glow an evil aura, "Did you really not see this coming?"

"I didn't...I really didn't."

Tirek shouted loudly and the ground began to tremble as he did so as chaotic black and purple aura erupted around him. "Witness, the power. Of. TIREK!" He clenched his fists and flexed his arms as he powered up with a maniacal laugh.

Nightmare stood her ground, as she released more of her power. "Don't think you'll beat me because of a little power up, Tirek!" She raised her power further, now releasing it fully. "This, is my full power!" Her horn glowed, and the moon was raised once again, blocking the sun. "With moon blocking the sun high in the sky, the night shall fuel all my rage!" She yelled. "Hahahahah!"

Tirek and Nightmare charged at each other, each of them throwing a right punch. Her hoof reached Tirek's fist, and cancelled each other's attack out, sending a massive shockwave through the air. The two locked eyes and glared at each other with realization that the real fight is just beginning.

Author's Note:

Chapter recap: The fight between Nightmare Moon (alicorn magic absorbed) and Tirek has begun! Nightmare has a clear advantage over Tirek, who absorbs Discord's magic to even out the playing fields. How will Nightmare respond? Find out next time, on My Little Pony Z!