• Published 27th Jan 2017
  • 6,493 Views, 144 Comments

These Strange Creatures - Dramatic Stories

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Frantic Escape. A Mysterious Ship!

"Come on you piece of junk!" Goku thrashed at the controls, hoping for a sign of life within Frieza's ship. After Vegeta's desperate assault to get the dragon balls, the ship was left in ruins, and no crew to fly it. "GO!" Goku yelled out. Again, nothing. "Darn it!" As the ship began to fall into the cracking surface of Namek, he saw a small pod come into a view for just a moment. Enough time for him to see it. "Another ship!" He quickly dove out the hole in the fuselage to chase the pod. In no time at all, he managed to get seated in the pod, and fire up the engines.

"No time to set a course. Come on, come on!" Suddenly, the pod jolted to a stop, and with a whirl, rocketed out of the atmosphere. As he looked behind him, the doomed planet of Namek finally succumbed from Frieza's attempt to destroy it...and with a flash, Namek was nothing but debris in the void of space. Goku's standing blonde hair became limp, and fell back to it's natural style as the blonde faded to black. His eyes closed as he fell unconscious.

Twilight stood still...looking around for anything as a strange fog covered her hoofs and the ground. "Where am I...Hello?" She called. Is this a dream...what is this place, how did I get here?. "Princess Luna?" Silence. She took a step. The trot of her hoof echoed through the strange void. Suddenly, stars came into view. There was a sky. A night sky! She gazed up, and saw shooting stars. Many streaking across the sky and fading away quickly. They seemed so close, yet so far.

As she watched, she saw the brightest star of all burst out of nothing, and instead of fading away like the rest, it grew brighter. Closer. Closing in towards the planets surface at mind blowing speeds. "Wha-?!" It was heading straight for her. "AA-" She dove out the way as the pod suddenly crashed and sent her flying.

She coughed, regaining her balance as her shaky legs picked up her quivering body. When she looked, there was no crater. No meteorite. No Damage. Nothing...except for now the fog was glowing yellow, emitting a strange energy. "What am I seeing?"

"Even I don't know Twilight." Luna's voice spoke from behind her.

"Luna!" Twilight was relieved to find some life in this erie dimension. "So...this is a dream?"

"Indeed. It seems I'm not the only one who sees it coming." Luna spoke staring at the star covered sky.

"Sees what coming?"

"I believe what you and I are seeing is a message from the universe...and I get the feeling that something...or somebody is coming. Somebody far more powerful than anypony on this planet."

"An alien? B-but that can't be right."

"For all I know this could just be in our heads. But this dream has occurred much to often, and now, it's even invading your dreams as well, Twilight. All we can do is let time tell."

"What if they're coming to attack?" Twilight asked.

"Fear not, Twilight. I don't feel any harm coming our way."

"Alright Luna...I'll take your word over mine any day." Twilight said as Luna faded away, along with the dream...


Twilight was sent flying off her bed and on to the floor beside it. Books tumbled off the bookshelves and on to her as she scrambled out of the way half awake and panicking. "EARTHQUAKE!" She yelled, "SPIKE!"

"TWILIGHT, I'M DOWN STAIRS!" Spike yelled. As soon as he finished the sentence, the shaking, and the rumbling had stopped. Twilight got back on her hooves and ran downstairs.

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

"I think. I spent this morning cleaning the place but...that was a waste." Spike said as he looked over library at the books scattered everywhere. "So much for that."

"Don't worry about it for now. Let's go make sure everypony is okay." Twilight ran outside, with Spike quickly behind her. Once outside to survey the damage, they found that the only damage done were many windows that had been shattered by the sound of the crash. Beyond the town of Ponyville, smoke rose from the Everfree forest.

"Twilight, look!" Spike pointed at the rising smoke.

"Let's go!"

Upon arrival of the crash site on the outskirts of Everfree, Twilight found Fluttershy standing erect, and motionless, eyes wide and her body trembling. Whatever struck the earth missed her house by a couple hundred yards at most. Timber, and wood from what were once trees were now scattered across the ground, and a long ditch about a meter deep had been torn into the Earth, and led toward the crash sight. Trees were uprooted, and thrown across the forest floor. Some of the wood burned small flames of fire, again, leading toward the crater in which the fallen star lied.

"Fluttershy!" Twilight yelled. Fluttershy gave no response. She stood there looking at the devastation of the forest where so many of her beloved animal friends lived. The forest she once feared. Twilight circled her to get a look at her face, and saw tears running down her cheeks with her lips slightly apart. "Spike, take Fluttershy inside, please."

Spike did his best to get the devastation out of Fluttershy's sight. As Spike dragged her stiff motionless body inside, Twilight crept closer to the pit, with other ponies far behind her watching. As she came to the rim of the crater, the object became visible. It was a sphere. A perfect sphere, big enough to fit 2, possibly 3 fully grown ponies in. Shards of red glass lay scattered among the debris. With a hiss, the sphere ejected a small burst of steam, making Twilight jump. Part of the sphere opened up, like a door.

At that moment, the dream she encountered came back to her as she realized with horror what lay in front of her eyes. A pod. Built by a civilization far ahead in technology capable to traveling great distances across the galaxy. Twilight began to tremble. What she started as a chance to collect a rock from space, turned into fear.

Expecting an alien to crawl out of the pod, she waited, and waited. Finally, she couldn't stand it any longer. She moved forward and peered into the metal pod, only to find nothing inside...nothing but a white seat, control panels, buttons, levers...all covered in blood.

"Twilight! Over here!"

Twilight's ears switched at the sound of Spike's voice calling from in the forest. He must have gotten Fluttershy out of harms way. Twilight climbed back up the crater and scanned the forest for Spike. "Where are you?" She called.

"Here!" He called again. This time, Twilight could hear the direction the call was coming from and made her way over there. After several seconds of navigating through thick brush, Spike came into her view standing next to a body. A body of something she had never seen before, not even in her books of Biology.

"What...is that thing?" Twilight stood over the lifeless body along side Spike. She examined it closely. Never before has Equestria encountered a being like this. No fur, except for on the head. A round head with small ears, and a pointy nose. Twilight looked upon the torso, and the upper body which was uncovered by the fabric covering the lower half.

"This must have been what was in the pod. She must have been thrown out when she crashed." Twilight concluded. "A real alien!"

"Uh...Twilight, how do you know it's a girl?" Spike asked.

"Well I didn't exactly want to say it out loud, but she has nipples. Alien or not, anypony can see that. I've taught you this stuff already Spike. They're to feed her-

"Yeah yeah, okay I get it." Spike interrupted. "I'm just gonna call it, 'it'."

As Twilight leaned in towards the face, more ponies gathered around nearby behind Twilight. "Stay back." One said, "It's best to leave it to Twilight...right?"

Suddenly, it's eyes opened wide, and it took a sharp, deep breath in. In the matter of seconds, Twilight was staring face to face with the alien, now conscious and awake. She screamed and jumped back. The alien only moved his head to follow Twilight's movement. He smiled and laughed, "Oh great...the circus is in town..." He said before slipping away again, eyes closing.

"No way." Twilight said. "I'd expect it to be able to speak...but for me to be able to understand it?"

"But we're not the circus? They were here last week." Spike said aloud.

"She's badly wounded. It looks like she's been through hell and back..."

"Is there anything we can do to help Twi?" The familiar voice of Applejack spoke from behind Twilight. The country mare came and stood beside Twilight. "Gosh, I 'aint never seen anything like this. Would you look at those muscles? I bet this thing could throw a full grown apple tree through a barn."

"No kidding...what do you think we should do?" Twilight asked.

"Well...I don't know much about aliens and what not, but I think we should treat'm as if one of us got hurt...help it somehow."

"Yeah...you're right AJ. Thing is...who do we trust to look after her?"

"Why do you keep calling it her?" Applejack asked, making Twilight think about what she told Spike.

Don't these ponies know anything about biology? She thought.

"Whatever, look...I think we know somepony who can take care of it..."

"W-w-w-wHAT? You want me to take care of that...that...THING?" Fluttershy yelled softly.

"Yes. If anypony can nurse any animal, or thing back to health, it's you."

"No. Nonononono. You saw what that thing did to the forest. Do you know how much damage it did? Thanks to it, the crash scared Angel so bad he stubbed his paw. I will never forgive whatever it is."

"Fluttershy, come on. Angel doesn't even care anymore, he's off in the other room napping anyways." Spike stated, pointing to the next room where Angel was lying on the floor where the sunlight came through the window.

"You're the first pony I thought of when we decided to help it. We'll help too, as much as we can. Besides, I dont think it had control over that pod thing. It's hurt really bad." Twilight explained to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy sat silently and thought with the 'hmph' expression written on her face. "...Fine." She said with a sigh. "But you listen here," She got into Twilight's face, "He hurts one animal, and I will personally, and kindly, ask him to leave. Got that?" Twilight nodded quickly, and Fluttershy jumped back, and gasped, "Oh gosh, I'm sorry Twilight, I didn't scare you did I? I'm sorry I just...I get so defensive about the safety of my critter friends."

"It's quite alright Fluttershy. That's what makes you the best!" Twilight said. "Applejack should be back any second with Big Mac to help get it here. You might want to clear a space...it isn't exactly small."

"How big are we talking? Grizzly bear?" Fluttershy asked, extending her hooves out as far as they could go, simulating the width of a fully grown grizzly.

"Smaller, but definitely bigger than us." Twilight said.

"It should be fine then."
Knock Knock

Fluttershy, Twilight, and Spike all turned to the door from which the knocking came.

"Hey girls, I'm back with Mac. We've hauled him back here on a cart." Applejack yelled from aloud. Fluttershy was quick to answer the door. She and Twilight both trotted outside to find Mac pulling a two wheeled cart big enough to fit ten trees worth of apples. The unconscious body of the alien lying over it, limp, but breathing softly.

"I tell ya what, biggest pain in the rump trying to lift that thing on to the cart. I've had easier times pulling dead trees down." Applejack wiped off the sweat from her forehead, and fanned herself with her hat. Fluttershy came over and examined the body closely.

"He's quite big." She said.

"He?" Twilight said. "I think your mistaken Fluttershy, I think it's a girl."

"Twilight." Spike spoke to get Twilight's attention, "forget about your nipple thing. You know, male apes have nipples too I'm pretty sure." Fluttershy giggled hearing Spike say nipple.

"I can understand why you would think that but it's definitely a he. I can tell a he from a she on anything a mile away."

"Well...alright, he." Twilight tapped her hoof, "Shall we get him inside?"

"Eeyup!" Big Mac didn't wait for a written invitation, and immediately made his way towards that door.

"Uh...Mac..." Fluttershy started, "That will never fit through my door." Big Mac stopped, and looked back at it. She was right, no way it would fit. With a sigh of relief, Big Mac unbuckled himself from the harness connecting him to the cart, releasing the weight from his barrel.

"You're tellin' me we gotta haul his rump my hoof into there?" Applejack asked. "Fiddlesticks. I guess the quicker we get it done, the better."

"Eeyup." Big Mac agreed. With the help of Twilights magic, and the strength of the two earth ponies, the alien was moved to the soft comfortable couch in no time at all.

"No...first things first, I'm going to remove these clothes. They're all torn up and filthy...I wonder what happened." Fluttershy went to remove one of his shoes, and began to pull. She pulled slightly, but it didn't budge. "This is..." She grunted and put a second hoof on the shoe, now using her body weight to try and move it, "...really heavy!" Her hoof slipped and she flew backwards, landing on her rump.

"Fluttershy!" Spike said, who had stayed inside as they brought him in, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Are those boot things part of his body or something?"

"Here, let me have a try, I reck'n I can get'm off." Applejack trotted over confidently and placed both hooves on the shoe. With a heave, it slowly slid off his foot, and fell to the floor with the loud thud. "What in Celestia's cake stash?!" She yelled, trying to lift it off the ground. "What is this thing made of, no wonder he was so heavy." She managed to get it an inch or two off the ground before it pulled her back down.

"Mac...mind gettin' that one? You're better at this sort of stuff than I am." Applejack asked.

"Eeyup." Big Mac wasted no time at all, and pulled the other shoe off, which almost made him fall when he tried to hold it up.

"See, told you those suckers are hea-vy!" Applejack giggled.

"Ooohhh..." A whimper of pain could suddenly be heard coming from the alien. Everybody suddenly fell silent and watched. Fluttershy disappeared into the kitchen without anybody noticing, and filled a cup with water. She lightly flew back into the room with the water and stood next to the alien, lifting it's head up to try and get him to drink the fluid.

"Fluttershy wait, what if he doesn't drink water where he comes from?" She stated. "There's always a chance it could be poison to his species!"

"It'll be fine." Fluttershy cooed, and placed the cup upon his lips, and poured lightly, letting him feel the cool liquid enter his mouth, hoping instinct would take it in safely. It worked, he gulped, and Fluttershy stopped the flow, letting him take a breath. Next, she took the water and lightly poured it on his bruised face. It splashed lightly, and he suddenly came to. His eyes opened slightly and Fluttershy put his head down, and stepped back.

"Shh." She said. His head turned to the left and looked at her.

"...Ponies?" It said, staring at Fluttershy.

"You speak our language." Twilight said.

"You speak...m..my language?" He spoke quietly with little energy.

"We're here to get you back on your hooves...understand?" Fluttershy said. He nodded back. "Do you have a name?" The alien nodded again and opened his mouth.

"G...Goku." With a final word, he fell back asleep.

"His body is in shock...we need to let him rest." Fluttershy said. "He's been through something horrible. I don't know what, but we'll find out."

"Goku hm? Interesting name." Applejack said. "I was expecting something like, heavy boots, or orange pants."

"Come on guys, we should go and address the town. They'll have lots of questions, and soon word of his arrival will spread like wildfire." Twilight explained. She and the others made their way towards the door, leaving Goku in Fluttershy's care.

"Let me know if you need anything Fluttershy, we'll be here." Twilight said, as she left and closed the door.

Fluttershy went and retrieved a wet rag from the other room, and began to clean the dried blood and wounds that had already started to heal themselves. "Don't worry...You'll be back on your hooves...er-" She looked at his feet, "feet. Yeah, you'll be back on your feet in no time."

Author's Note:

No. I didn't proof-read it. Too lazy, this is meant to be a comedy. The following is a fan based parody, the Dragon Ball series is owned by Toei animation, Funimation, Fuji TV and Akira Toryama. MLP is owned by Hasbro Entertainment and associated networks.
Please support the official release!

Chapter Recap: Goku escapes namek and crash lands on Equestria. The locals, including some of the main 6 investigate the crash sight, which nearly destroyed Fluttershy's house. They find Goku nearly dead, but breathing, and decide to hand him over to Fluttershy to nurse him back to health.