• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 2,039 Views, 75 Comments

Not Just A Bug 2 : Not Just One - Bringiton6611

Well, this seems familiar... I just don't know why. It's not like I'm in the Everfree forest again, taking care of a bug pony like Thorax. Only this time though, there's not just one of them. Shit just got real again.

  • ...

Chapter 9 - Plans

Author's Note:


Sorry for being dead for so long ;-;

High school happened, had to take care of a lot of things. Plus I got a massive case a writers block.

I'm going to try to give weekly updates now, but I can't promise that.

Until the next one

- Bringiton66

After I bandaged Luo's leg (with Sean watching me like a hawk) we gathered around the camp fire and sang our campfire song and was hoping to discuss what our plans are going to be now that I'm here.

But we've just been sitting in awkward silence for the past 5 minutes, which isn't THAT surprising, just looking at each other and the fire.

You can definitely feel the cringe in the air.

"So...nice w-" Sean tried to start, but I cut him off.

"I swear if you say what I think you're going to say."

He doesn't respond.

"Okay then, I guess since i'm here now, are your plans any different from what they were? Did you even have a plan?" I start this time. Anything to end the cringe ;-;.

"Our plan was to hide out here until other changelings came looking for us... but because of the hunters, that's starting to become not so likely to happen."

"I've seen other changelings. Found a whole group of them, but they were dead when my group found them. Expect for one. That's when I was separated.

"How big was the group you found?" Luo asks me.

"Umm... 15? 20? There were a lot of bodies."

"Do you know the changelings name that was alive?" Luo asks me again.

"Didn't get a chance to talk. Arrows were flying before I got within 10 feet of him."

"... There's a chance that that's Kale." Luo thinks aloud.


"Kale's another changeling that was with us a few days ago, but hunters split us apart. How far did you run before you stumbled across this place? If it's not that long, then there's a chance that Kale's okay."

"I have no clue, but I know it wasn't THAT far."

"That good to hear! We could go back an-"

"Hold up," I cut Luo off. "I know I didn't run that far, but I have no clue where to go. I was chased by a timber wolf. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."


"We still have to try to look." Sean cut in. "We can't just sit here."

"We can look in the morning. Who knows what wanders out here at night."


For just meeting me a few hours ago, both of them are surprisingly accepting of me now. Weird, considering Sean almost shot me earlier... forget ponies just being weird, changelings are up there too.

Day 119

After that discussion, we all went to sleep. I chose to sleep outside next to the fire for two reasons. One, it's warm. Two, I do not feel comfortable sleeping next to two changelings. Especially when one of them is female. Took me long enough to convince myself that it wasn't weird with Thorax...

Moving on, Sean was the one who woke me up... by poking me with a stick.

I happily snapped it in half.

Then I was sad when I realized it was my walking stick.

Congratulations, you played yourself.

Brain, holy shit. Shut the f-

Anyway, I convinced myself hat it was better not to have it. Plus I could always find another one.

After I waited for Sean and Luo to pack up their stuff, we all went the direction that I had come from last night.

After about 3 hours, Luo and I were sitting down in a random location, waiting for Sean to come back from scouting.

And I just so happened to get an idea.

Without warning, I stood up (which scared the piss out of Luo) and made for a tree that looked climbable.

"What are you doing?" I hear Luo ask.

"Climbing a tree." I take out my trusty pick and leap for the lowest branch, which I cacth.


"You'll see."

I climb the tree, much like I did last time, expect I don't plan to fall again. It sucked enough last time.

About 10 minutes go by before I reach as far as I can go up he tree. Holy crap, I'm relieved that this tree is higher than the others, that was something I was afraid of.

I begin scanning the area around me. It takes a moment, but I find a familiar sight.

Way off in the distance, is what appears to be a old castle.

The same castle I spent my first two weeks in Equestria in.

Why is this important? When I first came to Equestria, and I meant Twilight for the first time, she said something about a town east from there. If it's where she lives, I can get her help.

Satisfied with my plan, I desend the tree.

Only to have a branch snap when I was eight from the ground.

"Son of a b-!"

I hit the ground.

"David!" I hear Luo shout."Are you okay?"

"I'm fine! Not the first time that has happened..."

"What does that mean?"


Without warning, Sean comes into the clearing.

"Find anything?" We ask at the same time.

"Actually, yes. I found a town."



"A town. I was trying not to be seen, but one of the ponies there saw my anyway. Instead of attacking me, they welcomed me."

"Why would they do that?" Luo asks.

"No clue. The town seems fine. The only thing that rubs me the wrong way is that none of the ponies there have cutie marks."

"...no cutie marks? That doesn't make sense."

"I know."

"Is it possible that their changelings?"

"No, I sensed there emotions. Changelings can sense other changelings emotions, but there not as strong as pony emotions. These were no doubt ponies."

"Weird..." Luo says to no one in particular.

"I have a different place we could go. When I first got here, I spent my first two weeks in a abandoned castle out here. That castle is that way,"I point in the direction of the castle," but it's a long way away, a few miles at least. How far is the town?"

"That way, not far at all." He points in the opposite direction.

"I think we should go to the town. If the ponies there are nice to us, we could stay there for a bit. Atleast until Luo's leg heals." Sean states.

"I don't know, I think the castle is a better idea. If it's where David slept, he must know the area there." Luo states.

They both look to me.

Well shit.

----("I agree with Luo, let's go to the castle.")----("I agree with Sean, let's go to the town.")----