• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 2,039 Views, 75 Comments

Not Just A Bug 2 : Not Just One - Bringiton6611

Well, this seems familiar... I just don't know why. It's not like I'm in the Everfree forest again, taking care of a bug pony like Thorax. Only this time though, there's not just one of them. Shit just got real again.

  • ...

Chapter 12 - Shieeeeet

After I stopped Luo from making two of herself, I checked my stash that I made when I was with Thorax. Everything's still here, my spare rifle, spare revolver, spare ammo, spare everything. I even copied my water bottle, which is as warm as a piece of shit now, but it's still water.

I'm checking over my supplies, making sure everything still works and deciding on what to take with me, and what to leave here for a next time, if there is going to be one. Better safe than sorry.

Luo and Sean are quietly talking to each other about who knows what, and I don't really care. As long as they aren't talking about me, i'm fine.

"Hey David?" Luo speaks up from her spot.

I look up from the ammo i'm counting to address Luo. "What?"

"Where did you come from?"

...Where the hell did that come from?

"What do you mean?"

"Where did you live before you came to Equestria?"

"...What makes you ask that?"

"...I...just figured that maybe... we get to know each other a little better?"


"Well, we know next to nothing about you."


"I'm... curious. Both of us are."

Hmm. On one hand, I'm not really that interested in talking right now about my life. At all. One the other hand, I'm bored...

Fuck it.

"...Fine... let's see... I live, or rather lived, on a planet called Earth, home to other humans just like me."

"How many humans?"

"Umm... 7.6 billion to my knowledge."

"WHAT!?" Both of them yell.

"Equestria's population doesn't even come CLOSE to that!"

"What is the population here anyway?"

"Oh... I don't know for sure, but I would guess around 20 million at least."

"...wow. I would've guessed more than that. That's not even close to my country's population."

"Which is?" Sean questions.

"I'm from a place called the United States of America, which is home to about 325 million people."


"What else? What about your age?" Luo asks me.

What's with the personal questions? Well, where I lived is kinda a personal question, but age is more personal than that. The last time I was 'interrogated' like this, was when Twilight came back to the Crystal Empire to check on me and Thorax to see how we were doing after two weeks of living there. Twilight pulled me to the side during her visit to ask me stuff about humans. At first, the answer was no, but I gave in... for whatever reason.

That... that was an interesting day...

"I'm eighteen, turning nineteen soon."

"Wow. You look old for your age." Sean comments.

"...Excuse me?"

"I didn't mean it like that!"

...For the sake of your ass, you better not have.

"What about your family?"


"David? You okay?"

"I'm fine. I just... too personal of a question. What about you two?"

"What about us?"

"Well, I told you about me. Mind returning the favor and tell me about yourselves?"

"Uh, why not? I'm twenty-five, and Luo here is twenty."

"Huh. So, I'm the youngest out of us." Even though I act like the oldest... well older than Luo at least.

"Correct. Anyway, we both had our jobs in the hive. I worked in the nursery, where the newly born changelings are, and Sean worked as an infiltrator and scouter. They, as the name implies, scout out areas and infiltrate them to get love to bring back to the Hive."

"Interesting... did you two choose your jobs, or did you not have a choice?"

"We got to choose. Sean is a lot braver than me, and I just like the kids."

"Interesting... how about this, how did you two meet each other?"

"We met when we were kids. I snuck into Luo's living space when her parents were gone and she caught me."

"...Why did you sneak into her space?" I asked.

"Luo told you I was brave, and I was kind of stupid at the time too. I wanted the love that each changeling is given in their own spaces, since I had run out of my ration."


"Yeah... after that, we just started hanging out more."

"Okay... that's an interesting way to meet, I guess."

"Yep, it wa-" Luo was cut off when we heard a snapping sound from outside the cave.

"The hell was that?" Sean asked like one of us knew the answer.

"Let me check it out." I say as I stand up and pull my revolver out.

"Put the fire out. Whatever's out there could see it." Sean quickly starts on stomping out the fire, while I creep over to the entrance of the cave.

I lift my gun up as I move the vines and other shit out of the way of the entrance and peak around outside... nothing... there's no way it was nothing.

"Stay here, I'm going to go and have a look. Be ready to go if there is something."

I receive nods from both changelings as I carefully step out into the open and get low to the ground to become less visible. I start to carefully crouch walk to the direction I think the snap came from, listening carefully for another snap or anything to tell me where this thing is.

I reach a tree and peak around it to the spot I believe I heard the snap in the first place. Nothing. Well shit... wait. The leaves around here are disturbed. You can see where something walked through them. With that snap we just heard, that's not the most settling thing to find if I'm honest.

I'm about to investigate the leafs more closely to see if I can tell which direction, when I hear a snap right behind me.

I quickly move to the side as an arrow hits the tree where my head just was. I spin around and pull the trigger without hesitation at the hunter that was trying to load another shot. His head jerks back as he falls to the side.

Before I can think about anything else, I hear shouting in the distance.

"Over here! That had to be them!"

"Shieeeeet... Luo! Sean! Time to go!" I yell as I pick up the fallen hunter's crossbow and the quiver of bolts he had on his back.

Author's Note:


Sorry for being gone for so long. I got hit with writers block. ;-;

BUTT, FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DIDN'T READ MAH BLOG, WEEKLY UPLOADS ARE BACK! Still probably going to try to post more than one a week.

Anyway, it's good to be back.