• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 2,035 Views, 75 Comments

Not Just A Bug 2 : Not Just One - Bringiton6611

Well, this seems familiar... I just don't know why. It's not like I'm in the Everfree forest again, taking care of a bug pony like Thorax. Only this time though, there's not just one of them. Shit just got real again.

  • ...

Chapter 1 - 2 Months Later

2 Months Later...

Day 117

It's hard to believe that it has been just 3 and a half months since I woke up in the middle of a clearing in the woods here in Equestria, a land full of colorful talking ponies. Three months since I met a bug that I now call my best friend, and two months since me and said bug started staying here in the Crystal Empire.

It's nice, not having to worry about whether or not you're going to live to see the next sunrise in the morning when you wake up. It's how I lived for a month and a half, having spent 2 weeks of that by myself before running into Thorax and spending the other month of that with him. Now, I don't have to worry.

Princess Cadence and Shining have been very generous by letting Thorax and I stay here. Of course, there were a few rules.

I say were because we don't have all of those restrictions anymore. We only have one right now, and that's to not go into certain parts of the castle without a guard with us.

Some parts of the castle were completely off-limits no matter if we had a guard with us or not. On top of that, we had a curfew. For those of you who don't know what a curfew is (when you really should) it's a specific time you have to be at a certain place, in our case, it was our room. Thorax and I had to be back in our room at the time they set for us, and we weren't allowed to leave our room until our curfew ended the next morning.

As time went on, our curfew grew shorter and shorter. Now, we don't have one, so we're allowed to be around the castle at any time of the day or night.

This only shows how trusting they've come around to be of us. And because of that, we've been trusting them right back. Hell, I even taught Shining how to shoot my revolver.

Speaking of him, I'm sure you remember that three months ago he tried to kill me, and when I got here two months ago, he apologized to me for it.

I found him two days after he apologized, and said I wanted to talk to him. Once we were someplace more private, I drop the bomb on him right away, and told him I couldn't accept his apology. I mean, how do you forgive someone who tried to kill you? On multiple occasions?

He seemed to understand. He had a look of regret in his eye that was easy for me to see.

So imagine his surprise when I told him we could still be friends. I know he let his emotions drive his actions back then, so I don't blame him that much. I still blame him a little though, just don't tell him that.

Who knows, one day I might fully forgive him for what he did, but he has a long way to go before he even gets close to that.

Since that day, we've been close friends. Not as close as me and Thorax of course, but he's working for it.

So right now, I'm currently cleaning my rifle, getting ready for later today.

One, yes, I still have my guns, as well as my other gear. They took them at first, but gave them back to me once I gained enough of their trust. The only condition of this though, is that they are to remain in this room unless I have permission to carry them around elsewhere.

Two, Cadence and Shining came by our room yesterday with some... rather interesting news.

Twilight had informed them that there has been a lot of changeling sightings around the Everfree for the past few weeks.

I asked them why they don't just go and take care of the problem.

They told me and Thorax (who was in the room with me at the time) that they wanted us to go with Shining to take care of it.

Again, I asked why they wanted us to go with Shining and some of his guards. They explained that if they were to find any changelings, Thorax might know them and calm them down, or at least try to. They wanted me because I spent a month living in the Everfree when I first entered Equestria. So, they wanted Thorax for negotiations in case the changelings we find panic, and they wanted me for my experience, because apparently, none of their guards had ever stepped foot in the Everfree before, which I found hard to believe, but whatever.

I wanted to keep gaining their trust, as well as repay them for their trust that they've been giving me, so I agreed to go. Thorax... took some convincing from me after we were left alone. They said if we were going, to be ready the next day around noon. Today is that next day, and a quick glance at the clock on the wall shows it's a little before noon, so I need to finish up here soon.
I've been practicing with this a lot lately, due to the fact I barley used it last time. And yesterday, I spent twice as long practicing with it when I learned about the little mission I was going to be a part of, and Thorax came with and practiced with me. Thanks to that mirror pool thing or whatever the hell you want to call it, we don't have to worry about ammo.

Besides this rifle, a have two other side-arms. Well, I guess I should say one, since I gave Thorax one of the two guns, which he still has, so, I decided to give my other gun to Shinning, since he knows how to shoot thanks to me.

This leaves me with my bolt-action, my trusty climbing pick axe, and my switch blade, which I forgot I had since I didn't use it at all last time, so maybe I'll get to use it more this time around.

And that does NOT mean I want something to attack us. I'm... just thinking ahead.

Yeah, lets go with that.

I finish up cleaning the chamber of my rifle when I hear a knock from my door.

"It's open!" I call out.

The door clicks as the doorknob is turned, and the door is opened to reveal Shinning standing there in the door way, decked out in his armor.

"Ready to head out?"

"Give me a second..." I pick up the bolt and slide it back to it's proper place. Giving it a test, I pulled it back and slid it forward and pull the trigger, resulting in a click from the gun. "Ready."

"Good, Cadence and Thorax are already down at the station waiting for us."

"Then lets not keep them waiting."

Author's Note:

And so it begins...

I'm going to say this now, because people are probably like 'why does it have a hiatus tag?! It just started!'

Yes, I'm aware.

I just wanted to go ahead and post this chapter as a 'Happy Easter' gift. Plus, I want to get some more work done on my other 2 stories.

You can expect the next chapter in 2 or 3 weeks. That's when I'm planning on officially starting on this. After that, updates will come once a week until the story is complete, or I can't update as often because of my real life. If that happens, I'll update 2 chapters in one week.

Until next time.

Stay awesome. :moustache:

P.S. Currently working on finding some cover art. If I can't find some, I'll use the same thing from the first story.