• Published 17th Dec 2016
  • 624 Views, 10 Comments

Into The Fog - BG9

After coming across a mysterious young boy in the middle of the woods on her escape from the world, Trixie learns the value of love and friendship

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Stepping Stone

Trixie quickly checked in and boarded the boat with her ill sin. The boat was amazing. It had marble floors, ornate staircases, large chandeliers and red carpets. It might as well have been a floating castle. It certainly made her feel like a queen. She wondered how such a thing was light enough not to sink. It seemed to defy reason. Creatures from all over the world were dressed in their best suits. It made Trixie feel so out of place.

Trixie was glad she had payed for extra service. Now the boat workers would get her caravan. She certainly couldn't walk back out there with Princess Paranoia prowling the docks. It cost her a full 25 bits extra, but she was counting her lucky stars she didn't decide to be a penny pincher this time. Trixie walked up the long, beautifully designed staircase to her room and let Leo down onto the bed. He really was feeling ill. He looked terrible. He had broken into a cold sweat and was panting like a worn out dog. Hopefully he'd be better tomorrow but, just to be safe, Trixie put in a request for the doctor. She leaned over her ailing boy.

"How are you feeling, my Darling?" she asked

"Horrible." Leo said weakly

"Can I get you anything right now?"

"Water would be nice."

Trixie quickly follows his request, getting him a cup of cool water and slowly pouring it into his mouth.

"Thanks for the help Leo. You were a real trooper today."


Leo turns on his side and nearly instantly falls asleep. He earned it. Trixie walked towards the small porthole window looking out towards the long ocean. The sun was beginning to set, making the water shimmer beautifully as it sank into the horizon. The waves hitting the shore were quite relaxing. It was enough to even put Trixie asleep, but she had to fight it. She wanted to keep and eye on Leo. To think she was about to start he new life and she owed it all to the best friend she so selfishly left behind. At least Starlight was going to let her succeed or fail on her own, rather than acting like some overprotective mom. Maybe she really did care for her after all and Trixie was just being paranoid.

After a while of just staring out at the sea, the ship begins to move and a large smile cracked upon Trixie's face. Her new start was just a calm ship ride away. Trixie kept staring out the window as the boat pulled out and the sun slowly set, giving way to night. It was finally over. All the pain. All the suffering. It was finally, finally over. Trixie sat down on the bed and heard something which sounded like paper crinkling in her robe pocket. She dug inside and found a note in Starlight's hoofwriting

Dear Trixie,
I wanted you to know that I do think of you as a friend. The only reason I haven't been spending time with you is because you never stop moving. When I found out you were leaving to another country it broke my heart. I wanted to come with you, but I couldn't leave all my other friends as well. You are one of the best friends I have ever known. You're strong and amazing and are one of the only ponies who understands the struggle of having the short hand in life. You are more than great and powerful to me, you're perfect. I hope that you will keep writing me just the same. Or at least remember that if you ever decide to return one day, I will be waiting for you with open arms.

Yours truly,

Starlight Glimmer

Tears sting the eyes of the blue mare. Damn it Starlight! She missed her already. She didn't hate her at all, it was just Trixie's insecurities getting the better of her. But it was too late now. She couldn't go back even if she wanted too. It was time to commit to her choice, whether she liked it or not. She turned and looked over at Leo. He looked even worse now. His breathing had picked up and he was so pale it was as if he was glowing. Perhaps she needed the doctor sooner than tomorrow. Trixie got up and wrote a little note to Leo, telling him where she'd be in case he woke up then headed out of the room.

It was surprisingly quiet on the ship. Even though it housed so many beings, it was as if Trixie was alone on it. She went to the lower levels to the ship's infirmary. She knocked on the door.

"Hello, doctor?"

A very tried pink pony comes out from behind the door. She looked as if she had been up for days.

"Yes, how may I help you?" the doctor asked

"Could you come help me? My son isn't feeling well."

"Alright, alright."

Trixie leads the doctor back up to her room and the boy had gotten even worse. It was as if every minute his condition worsened.

"This is your son?" the doctor said, confused

"Yes, yes could you please just look at him?" Trixie replied in an annoyed tone

"Fine, whatever you say."

She looks Leo over, getting his vitals, checking his reflexes and recording his breath rate

"He'll be fine." she said "Just a bad case of the flu. Give him a few days and it should clear right up."

Trixie wiped the sweat of her brow. What a relief.

"That's good. I was beginning to get worried."

Leo just nods, too sick to muster up a reply.

"Well if you need anything just say the word and mommy will be here. I love you."

Trixie leans down and kisses his cheek. Such a sweet boy. She walked over to the bookcase to see if there was anything there she could read him to sleep. Mostly adult books, though there was one on proper parenting. Trixie pulled it out and placed it on the nightstand. As she did so, Leo had already fallen asleep again. She felt her stomach rumble. She sure was hungry, but she couldn't just leave him here alone. She looked back to Leo, her only family. Sweet Celestia she hated her family. They were the ones who gave her all these terrible inner scars in the first place. She wondered if she was honestly any better than them. It wasn't as if she accomplished anything of note.

Trixie hated sitting alone in silence. All these horrible thoughts and memories just came rushing back to her head. Her family, her life. They all just rubbed their ugly faces into her whenever she was alone. She had to do something to keep her mind occupied.

"Hey Leo." Trixie said

"Y-yeah?" he replied weakly

"I'm going to get something to eat. Would you like anything?"

"No, I don't feel good."

"Ok. I'll be right back, so sit tight."

Trixie gets up and walks out of the room once again, her stomach lurching from only eating a little bit of ice cream in over a day. She walks past all the shops. It was like a mini city inside this thing. It had gift shops, fast food, clothing stores. It was amazing they could fit so much inside such a finite area. But it was no time to doddle. Leaving Leo alone when he was that sick filled her with anxiety. She just wanted to get back as soon as possible. Trixie giggled to herself. She was actually developing maternal instincts. How silly this whole situation was. Trixie went inside a fast food joint and scarfed down a hayburger, not wanting to spend another moment away from her precious son. She quickly trotted back upstairs and opened the door to her room.