> Into The Fog > by BG9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Into The Fog > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie made her way down the long path. What a lonesome day it had been. It has been a few months since she left Ponyville for her next grand adventure. So lonely. She used to have Starlight but now she had broken that tie off as well. And what did she need it for anyway? The Great and Powerful Trixie needed nopony else! All she required was herself and herself alone! Trixie took a rest by the tree, undoing her harness and pulling a map from her saddle bag. By her estimate, she should be just at the foot of the Shaded Woods. There were some creepy rumors about that place. Many said all manner of monster and monstrosity lived within the woods and others claimed it was even a bridge between worlds! Some ponies would walk in and never come back out, sucked in to a new reality by the perpetual fog that surrounded the area. It gave Trixie shivers just thinking about it. But it mattered not if this was fiction or falsehood to her. She needed to see this through to the end. Trixie put the map back into her saddle bag and clamped the harness back around her waist, taking a deep breath. Nothing to be scared of, she told herself. Nothing. She began her slow walk through the woods, pressing through a thick layer of chilled fog. It lit goosebumps all along her body. Trixie it her horn but to no avail. The fog seemed to absorb light itself, only adding to the spooky atmosphere. Just as she though she was beginning steady herself, a few howls and barks came from the distance. She had nearly forgotten that this was Timberwolf territory. And they sounded close. Trixie stood in place, frozen with fear when she heard something peculiar. It was the sound of a child crying! Trixie's instincts, as well as her curiosity, took over her. She went over to the source. Indeed, it was a child, but none like she had ever seen. This one had no fur, except for a brown tuff on the top of it's head, it also had long fingers and short stubby legs. It had a similar body structure to a griffon, yet it was nothing of the sort. It had no feathers or wings. He had pale skin and was quite short. Trixie had been so busy gawking she barely noticed when the odd little creature spoke. "W-who are you? Y-you didn't come to eat me did you?" the boy saidd Trixie scoffed "How do you not know who I am? It is I, The Great and Powerful Trix-" As Trixie began her grandiose diatribe the child began to wail and cry. The yelling must have frightened him. She quickly went to calm him down. "Shhh, shhh! It's ok! Please don't cry! Um... uh" Trixie begged The child continued crying and yelling. If he kept this up he was going to draw the Timberwolves closer! But how does one calm down a distressed child? If there was one thing Trixie had no inkling of, it was maternal instincts. Just then she had an idea. With a flicker of her horn, she began to make a dazzling light show of sparks and lights. And as if on cue, he calmed down, enjoying the spectacle. Trixie smiled. "Well if you liked that, then you are going to love this!" Trixie shaped the lights to form the shape of the Ursa Major and herself. She mad her little form vanquish it of course, rather than what really happened. "And that, dear child, is how the Great and Powerful Trixie conquered one of the most terrifying creatures ever to besiege this land!" The child clapped, loving the story. His laugh was infectious, making even stone cold Trixie laugh as well. "What is your name little one?" she said with a smile The kid looked down "My name is... my name is... um..." "Well child? Spit it out. Don't tell Trixie you don't even know your own name." He just stared at the mare with a confused look on his face. Did he really not know his own name? How was that possible? "Well can you at least tell Trixie what you are? She's never seen anything quite like you." "What do you mean? I'm human!" He said it as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Trixie had never even heard of such a creature. A human? Where did they come from? And why hadn't you seen them before? You had been all over Equestria on tours. Maybe they just weren't in Equestria. "Trixie does not know of you... humans. Where can Trixie find the rest of your tribe?" "Tribe? What do you mean? Where am I?" The little kid began to look stressed, as if he might cry again. His face slowly formed into a frown and she could tell he was building up from a wail. "Tell Trixie what happened. How did you get here? Where are you from?" >The child's voice becomes quiet "W-well... all I remember is falling asleep in my bed and then waking up here. I don't know what happened." Where the rumors true? Was this really in fact a bridge between worlds? Was this child really from another plain of existence? If so where? And how? "And how are you talking? You're just a horse!" You couldn't help but take offense to that. You stuck you your nose. "Well, I never. The Great and Powerful Trixie is no lowly beast! She is a pony and demands to be treated with respect! Why I ought too-" The child breaks into tears again. "Shhh! Shhh! Trixie is sorry! Just please don't cry anymore!" To Trixie's surprise, the child quiets down. She honestly didn't expect that to work. What was a mare to do now? She certainly couldn't just leave him alone here at the mercy of whatever horrific creature that came along! But it would also mean another mouth to feed and Trixie didn't have the food or the money. She barely had enough to make it through to her destination. But it wasn't as if she had a choice. She already had enough regrets, she wasn't about to have another. "Human." "U-uh yeah?" "Come with me. We need to go." "B-but what about home?" "We will figure that out child. But there are monsters in these woods. So unless you want to get eaten, we must leave." The little boy stood up from the cold ground, brushing the tears from his face. He walked over to Trixie and began trying to climb on her back. "What exactly are you doing?" "R-riding you?" Trixie glares at him. Such disrespect. "No child. I don't know how humans treated ponies in your world, but we are not for riding." The child dropped from Trixie's back, a guilty look strewn across his face "S-sorry." "Trixie would hope so." Trixie and the little boy both head back through the fog to the caravan. It was a miracle she could even find it with the fog this thick. Trixie would say it was due to her superb navigational skills, but we all know very well it was just luck. The little guy pulled on her tail. "What!?" He gets a bit spooked "S-sorry... I just wanted to know your name again?" "The Great and Powerful Trixie!" He pouts at your long and completely made up title "Can't I just call you Trixie?" "Trixie supposes you can." Trixie sighs "Where are we going Trixie?" "We're going to the next town over." "And how far away is that?" Trixie looked at the map "About fifteen or twenty miles by Trixie's best estimate." she said The little kid looks dumbfounded "Fifteen or twenty miles!?" he cried I'll never be able to walk that far!" That was a far point. She could hardly expect a child to walk fifteen or twenty miles, especially on only two skinny little legs. She relented. "Fine," Trixie said with a frown "Trixie will allow you to ride in her caravan. But you must walk first." He crosses his arms and frowns "But-" he began to complain "Trixie will hear none of it." she said, cutting him before he could even start whining "Now let's get moving." He pouts but just does as he's told. They both walk out into the fog, making sure to keep on the path. If they deviated they would be hopelessly lost. Even with Trixie's horn, she could see no more than two feet in front of her snoot. The further down the path Trixie traveled, the closer the child got to her body. Trixie looked down and smiled gently. "What's the matter little one?" she said, gently "I..." he looks down, embarrassed "I'm afraid." "Relax," Trixie giggled "There is nothing to fear. In fact, this thick fog makes it safer since those wild monsters can no longer see us." The little boy didn't let go of Trixie's side, despite the reassurance. Trixie sighs. "Do not get used to this." She motions to her back "The Great and Powerful Trixie will not do this for free, but she will make an exception this one time only." You see a huge smile erupt on his face and he climbs on her back "Trixie will only offer this once you hear? Don't get used to it." The boy motions his hand forward as if to point a sword up. "Onward!" Trixie did her best to hide how adorable she found him. Such a cute and innocent little thing. They both keep walking through the misty forest, barely being able to keep track of the only path that led to the exit. The mist had only gotten thicker since she had entered and thus the light was having a harder and harder time penetrating it. She could only see one hoofstep ahead of her at any given time. Just as Trixie was getting her focus on, she felt a cold hand slowly run through her hair. It sent chills up her spine. "What in the name of Celestia are you doing child!?" Trixie said irritably "U-um..." his cheeks go red "Your mane just looked pretty is all." "Trixie has no need for your flattery child." she said with a smug grin "She already knows her mane is the most beautiful and stunning mane in all of Equestria, if not the entire world!" The kid's face lit up like a Hearth's Warming Eve tree "Really!?" he said with glee "Well of course little one," Trixie said "Nothing in the world can compare to Trixie's beautifully flowing tresses." The kid looked as if you had given him a million bits. Trixie had never seen someone so interested in her before. Usually they just tossed sticks and rocks at her, called her names. Ponies were so cruel. They never forgive or forget. The little guy interrupted you from your thought. "Trixie?" he asked "Yes?" "Can you tell me a story?" Trixie rolled her eyes "What kind of story?" "A story of your adventures!" he had a look of wonderment on his face "You must have a ton of them." Trixie blushed. This poor ignorant child, looking to her as if she was one of the most noble and brave, as if she as some knight in shinning armor. It felt so good to be viewed so highly though. "Well if you insist, Trixie shall share with you one of the stories of her grand adventures." For the first time in her life, Trixie actually felt guilty about lying. But she couldn't very well back out of it now. She wanted this praise so bad. Trixie began. "Trixie was once employed as head mage to her royal highness, Princess Celestia. You see, the Princess was being terrorized by a mighty dragon. one so evil, it cast a shadow over light itself! You see..." Trixie trailed off He looked so excited. So happy. She just couldn't bring herself to lie. It didn't feel right. "Perhaps that story is just to grand to be heard by human ears! We must give you another story!" "But I wanted to hear the dragon one." he said, pouting "I'm sorry dear child." she said sympathetically "Anyway, you need a name to go by. Trixie shall bestow one upon you, an honor of very high worth." "A name?" "Yes," she said "since you don't remember yours." He nodded "Trixie shall will give you one. A mighty one!" The boy smiled, awaiting his designation. But what name would fit him? She walked a little further down and thought of the perfect one, a name that would cut through iron. "The Great and Powerful Trixie has figured out what name she will bestow upon her most faithful companion." she said with glee "How does the name Leo sound to you?" "I like it! It's the best name ever!" > Cars and Hay Sandwiches > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Thank you Trixie!" the boy said with glee "You're the best ever!" You feel his arms wrap around you in a big tight hug. You got a warm feeling in your chest, nothing like you had ever felt before. It felt like jitterbugs were dancing in your tummy. It made you so happy. "Trixie are you ok?" Leo asked Trixie looks back at him "Of course Trixie is! Why wouldn't she be?" Trixie replied "Well... you're crying." Trixie touched her face and sure enough, hot tears were streaming down her face. She didn't even notice. She quickly brushed the tears from her face. "No Trixie is not!" she said defensively "She merely got dust in her eyes! Trixie is perfectly fine!" She starts to briskly walk down the path again, grumbling to herself. Leo was completely confused but decides to leave it be. After a little while down that path Trixie decides to break the ice. "Leo?" "Yes, Trixie?" "Tell me where you came from. Your world." Leo looks confused "My world?" "Never mind that. Just tell me about humans." "Well what do you want to know?" "Do humans have magic?" "No." A bewildered look crossed Trixie's face. How in the world did a society function without any semblance of magic!? Was that even possible!? How did they build? How did they control the weather or tend the land!? What a scary and tragic thought. "Are there dragons?" she asked "No." "Griffons?" "No." "Crystal lizards?" "Not that I know of." What a backwards and strange world these humans lived in. And quite a boring one for that matter. What was the point of living in the world without dragons!? Even though she thought this, she couldn't help but think it might be a better place to be. "Don't you have a car Trixie?" Leo asked "A car?" "Yeah." "What's that?" "You don't have cars here!?" "Tell the Great and Powerful Trixie what a car is this instant!" she demanded Leo shuttered as she snapped at him. "Uh... a car is like... it's like a big metal box on wheels. And when you press a pedal it moves forward." "On it's own?" "Yeah." "I thought humans couldn't preform magic." Trixie said, puzzled "They can't. It runs on gas!" A look of disgust goes across Trixie's face "Ew! You humans move your cars by farting!?" Leo busts up laughing, as any little boy would. "Well I don't see what's so funny." Trixie said "You humans seem quite vulgar." "We don't do it by farting!" Leo said, still laughing "Gas comes out of a pump. It's a liquid, like water." "You live in a truly strange and unusual world Leo." "Says the talking pony." Trixie keeps walking and the fog begins to thin. They were nearing the exit of the woods. Once they reach the end, they come to a beautiful meadow. It was such a nice sight to see after journeying through those spooky woods. The sun was shining bright and the flowers were a beautiful golden color. "Leo, dismount." "Why?" "Because Trixie orders it, that's why." He grumbles to himself, reluctantly obliging and hopping down to the soft meadow floor. "So what are we doing now?" ask Leo "We're going to eat lunch of course." Trixie began to try and get the harness off. She was so tried that she was fumbling with it. She couldn't seem to get her magic to to what she wanted it to. Leo comes over to help. "I can do it Trixie." he said with the most adorable smile Trixie stuck up her nose "Silence. The Great and Powerful Trixie needs no help." She struggles long and hard, just not being able to get that harness to unhook and fall off her body. After a long while Leo finally does it for you. Trixie shook a bit to get the stiffness out. "Well don't expect any thank yous." she said "Trixie was merely testing your loyalty. She could've taken off the harness anytime she wanted too." "Ok, Trixie." Leo didn't seem to be the least bit upset by what she said. It was almost as if he could tell this was nothing but bravado on her part. This kid was a lot smarter than he seemed. Trixie goes back to the cart, pulling out a tank of water and a hay and flower sandwich from the compartment. Did humans eat the same thing ponies do? "Leo?" "Yes Miss Trixie?" Miss Trixie? No one had ever called her that before. It gave her a funny feeling in her stomach. She kinda liked it. "What do humans eat?" He thinks for a moment "Well my mom always makes me chicken tendies and fish sticks." Trixie had no idea what tendies or fish sticks were. He keeps listing off more food items, none of which you had the slightest idea about. "Alright, alright that's enough." Trixie says, hushing him "Let me see if Trixie has something in her bag." Trixie pulls out two slices of bread and the last slice or cheese. She was saving it for later but she certainly couldn't let Leo go hungry. "Here," she said holding out the sandwich "Will this do?" Leo inspects it and shrugs. "Sure, I guess." He takes it and eats it faster than you can say 'it's a working title.' They both sit in the field and silently eat their lunch. "Miss Trixie?" "Yes, Leo?" "How far until the next town?" Trixie put her hoof to her chin, thinking. She pulls out the map. "Well since since we just made it out of the Shaded Woods, we should have about ten miles left." The forest was in fact five miles wide. But the mist had strange effects on ones mind. It distorted time, sense of direction and many other things. Some say the the forest was growing and shrinking all the time. "That's so far!" Leo groans "Fear not, for Trixie knows of a shortcut that will get us there in half the time!" Trixie became serious for a moment "It is rather dangerous though." "Dangerous?" "Are you tough enough for the danger?" Leo stands up straight and puffs out his chest "Of course miss Trixie! I'm ready for anything!" Trixie giggles. He was such a sweet boy. And about as intimidating as a baby kitten. After a while, Trixie takes her last drink and packs everything up. "Trixie demands you walk again. Her back hurts enough. Though she is sure someone as tough as you is up to the task?" "Yes miss Trixie!" Leo said proudly "Leo is the strongest there is!" You both start walking through the meadow towards the short cut. After about fifteen minutes Leo was starting to become exhusted. She felt pity for him. "Would you like to ride on Trixie's back?" "Nu-uh! I'm the toughest around!" Poor thing could barely keep his eyes open. All of this adventuring must have tuckered him out. "Get inside Trixie's cart." "But how will I fit?" "There is a bed in there for when Trixie gets her beauty sleep." She explained "You can access it through the small door on the side. It'll be a bit cramped but you should be able-" Before Trixie even finished her sentence, Leo was already climbing into the back of the cart. The moment he shut and latched the door her was already snoring. Trixie giggled at her tough adventurer. "Sleep tight, my brave warrior." > Anything but the Rain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now the real challenge began. In a few short steps she'd be face to face with a 90 degree cliff that had a path carved into it so thin, one could barely fit. Her caravan might barely fit. But now wasn't the time to be looking back. Trixie hopped onto the path, barely being able to keep the cart from falling off. The wheels were touching the very edges of the beaten path. Trixie had to take great care in order not to let the cart pull her to the bottom of the cliff side. She not only had to contend with the weight of the cart, but the weight of another innocent life on her shoulders. If she so much as took one misstep, not only her, but Leo would die as well. She could deal with herself dying, it had done little good for anyone. But she could not let Leo die. She took every step with care, as if preforming open heart surgery. Not even one stray pebble could be left unaccounted for. The turns were the worst. The path drastically thinned on the curves, so much so that her cart could barely make them. She had to slowly jimmy it over and even then it was too close for comfort. But she was getting the hang of it. Every corner she turned she got better and more precise. But Trixie was nothing if not unlucky. Just as she was half way down, a large gust of wind struck the cart making it tip and start to fall. Trixie, thinking fast, cut the harness with her magic and put herself between the cart and the ledge. What she failed the understand, however, was just how heavy it was. With her measly strength, she could barely hold it. In fact her legs were going to give out any second. Turns out walking an entire day then lifting a heavy cart really took it out of a pony. With all her remaining strength she pushed the cart upright again. Trixie fell against the side of the cart, all of her remaining strength completely soaked away. But this battle was far from over. In the distance storm clouds gathered and the wind picked up. This was bad. That last effort took all the remaining strength she had. She could barely stand up now. If another gust came and pushed the cart over, she'd never be able to push it back again. Trixie began to panic. Was this really it? Was this really how she was going to die? On a cliff with a little boy who hadn't even experienced life yet? Was she really going to die knowing she took someone innocent with her too? She slapped herself. "Calm down Trixie! You will not die here! You will live!" She stood up, barely being able to maintain her balance. Using nothing but the pure strength of her will, she grabbed the two planks that connected the harness to the cart and began to pull. Rain began to patter all over her face and thunder shook the very earth she walked on. She was in trouble. The wind rocked her repeatedly, but nothing as strong as the gust that took the cart down the first time. Quickly, but oh so carefully, she pulled the cart down the cliff side, making it to safety. Trixie fell against the cart, panting loud. That was too close. Rain was drenching her but she didn't even care. It felt good. Inside the cart, Leo was still snoring. The entire thing and he didn't even wake up. Such a silly little boy. He must have been exhausted if he slept through all of that. Trixie used her last bit of magic to unfold the awning. Finally some rest. The thunder cracked loudly, frightening her. She just wish she could just hide in the cart. But there was no way both she and Leo would be able to fit in such a cramped space. After a little while the latch got undone and Leo popped out, bright as a sunny day. "Good morning Miss Trixie!" "Good morning, Leo." she said unenthusiastically He really had no idea that he was mere seconds away from falling to his doom. "Are you alright Trixie?" he asked "You look awful." She was so tired she didn't even register the insult "I'm fine. It was just a difficult decent." Leo climbs out and sits by the cyan mare's side "How much further do we have?" "About five miles." Just hearing those words made every muscle in Trixie's body cry in pain. But she had to keep going. She lazily got up, back in the pouring rain and got out her spare harness. "You look tried. Do you need some help?" Leo asked It took every ounce of strength in her body not to snap at Leo. She just wanted peace and quiet. "What do you need Leo?" "Do you want me to pull the cart?" "Leo you could never pull this. It must be five times your weight." "Can too! Just watch!" Leo runs out into the rain and grabs the two planks, using all his might to pull the cart. It didn't budge. "Get out of the rain, Leo." Trixie sighed "But-" "No buts." she snapped "The Great and Powerful Trixie knows what's best." Leo walks back under the cart. Trixie gave the cart another kick and out popped the stage. It was going to be a bit lopsided but at least he'd be out in the rain. "Wow! You're amazing Miss Trixie!" "Well they don't call me Great and Powerful for nothing." Trixie places the harness around her and pulls. Her muscles cried in pain as she tried to put out more energy than she had. But it didn't matter one bit to her. She had enough bits to stay a night at the inn in the next town. She'd be able to rest nice and easy on a soft bed for once. She wouldn't stop until she reached Way City: the crossing into Equestria. > The Door to Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Way City. It was aptly named. Immigrants from all over the world often had to come through this town in order to get to Equestria proper. Creatures from distant lands, some of which Trixie had never even seen. What other creatures could there be? Other pony types? Griffons? Dargons!? Trixie had always loved travel as a little filly, and now she could finally do it. Of course, being the door to Equestria and most specie's first impression, it had some of the best inn's in the country. Trixie just couldn't wait to get to a warm, soft bed. Trixie walked into the town just as the rain had begun to cease. It was remarkably old fashioned, still made of brick and mortar rather than wood like most towns. It only had two roads: one leading into Equestria and one leading towards the ocean. It was one of the oldest towns in Equestira, being established before the three tribes even migrated to this land. It had seen quite a lot in it's time. The stories it could tell. Trixie and Leo made their way to the only wooden house in the entire town: The Twin Forks Inn. It was built inside of a giant hollowed out tree and was quite cozy. It wasn't the best inn, but it would do. Trixie would do anything to sleep on a real bed. She walks to the side of the inn and unstraps the cart. Time for her secret weapon! Starlight had given her a special segment of chains and a lock. It was so powerful that even an Alicorn's magic couldn't tear it asunder. It glowed a faint purple color and had a sent she couldn't quite place. She missed Starlight... the first pony to ever show her true kindness despite her faults, of which she had many. "We're here Leo." Trixie said "Where is the place?" he asked, hopping off the cart "This is Way City. We're going to take a break here before heading towards our true destination." "Our true destination?" "Exactly." Trixie pulled out the map again "Right here." She pointed to a circled point in a continent across the ocean. "Why are we heading all the way over there?" Trixie felt a uncomfortable feeling in the pit of her stomach. She couldn't just tell him she was running away from her sins. "Never mind that." she said "Trixie is tired." You both walk inside the inn. It was full of creatures of all different races. Griffons, Ponies, Lizards, Yaks, and even some she had never seen before! It was amazing just how many creatures lived in this big world. But even with all of these creatures, none looked even close to what Leo looked like. Maybe he really wasn't from this world. The entire inn fell silent. They must have noticed Leo. These guys were tough, certainly not the type of people you'd want to tussle with. And Leo just put a big spot light on Trixie. They were all staring at her, trying to figure out what she was doing with such an unusual creature. Trixie just tried her best to ignore it and walked to the front desk. "Trixie would like a room for two please." The pony sitting at the front desk looked as if she'd lived through a few wars in her lifetime. She had a long scar on her nose and seemed to be blind in one eye. Her face had more rolls than a holiday dinner. She glared at Trixie, as if trying to figure out some hidden intention. "That'll be 85 bits, lady." she said in a voice that sounded like she smoked a pack a day That price was outrageous but she didn't seem like the type of pony to argue with. Not to mention she needed to keep a low profile. She payed the money even though it set her back much to far. She'd have to do another show if she wanted to pay for the ship ticket. The problem was, she was rather tired of being run out of town by ponies who weren't happy with her tricks and theatrical flair. It was the exact thing she was trying to get away from. But she had no choice now. A bed was just too good to pass up. The pony at the desk looks at Leo. "Who's the kid? I've worked here for over fifty years and I ain't seen nothing like him around these parts." she asked "Um... he's from... Edonna." Trixie replied nervously "Edonna, huh? You mean the 90% population Griffon Edonna?" Trixie began to sweat "U-uh yeah. He was born with a birth defect." "One that gave him no wings or feathers?" "Y-yes." She tosses Trixie some keys. "Room 45. Second floor, third room on your left." Trixie breathes a sigh of relief as she takes Leo to the surprisingly plain room. It had few furnishes and was overall simple. But that didn't concern Trixie. She reckoned she deserved a nice long bath. "Leo, I locked the doors. Don't let anyone in. I'm going to take a nice long bath. If you see anything weird, just knock." "Alright, mom." Trixie stops in her tracks. What did he just say? She walks through the door to the bathroom, not saying a word. A mom? Who stupid. Trixie could never be a mother, she was much too selfish. She soaked in the bath for a long while, letting the warm water relax her stiff muscles. She had never been so thankful for a bath in her entire life. After about an hour she finally gets out. Leo was just sitting patiently on the bed, twiddling his thumbs. What an odd child. "Leo go take a shower. You smell awful." Trixie instructed "Before that though, why are we going to that place? You know, across the ocean?" "The Great and Powerful Trixie deems that to be none of your business. Now go take a shower." "Fine." he snapped, storming into the bathroom and slamming the door What got him so worked up? Trixie thought. It wasn't as if he'd understand anyway... She had to get out of Equestria. For a new start. Maybe then she would finally find the happiness she had spent her whole life struggling to find. She had become so embittered. Why was life so hard, so unfair? All the other ponies were so happy and cheerful, making friends and going all over the place. She hated it. What did she have? Nothing. Nothing but sorrow and regret. Starlight Glimmer flashed in her mind but she quickly dismissed it. Like she cared anyway. She was too busy living with Princess Stupid. She hated Twilight so much. First she ruined her career. The she striped her of her power. The she tries to steal the one friend she ever made. She hated her with every fiber of her being. All that come from that sorry excuse for a Princess was suffering. And now she was going to leave it all behind. Going to a new and different land. Trixie felt tears in her eyes. Where did it all go so wrong? How did her life get this bad? The bathroom door began to open and Trixie quickly wiped her face. She couldn't let Leo see her like this, all disheveled and broken up. Leo looks at the mare with an odd expression. To her surprise, he silently walks over and hugs her tight. A smile cracks upon Trixie's lips as the sweet little boy shared his warmth. "You're a really good kid you know that, Leo?" Trixie said lovingly "Really? Thanks." he said He obviously didn't know you were in emotional turmoil. He was just giving you a hug for the hell of it. "Never mind kiddo." she said, rubbing the tears from her eyes "Let's just hug it out ok?" The two both lay down on the bed, hugging each other close until they finally closed their eyes for a deep sleep. > The Great and Powerful Leo Lulamoon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie woke up feeling more rested than she had in her entire life. She took a big stretch, her joints popping. Even after all of there, Trixie was still quite sore. Nothing a last minute shower wouldn't fix though. She looked to her side to see that Leo was gone. Instantly panic overtook her. "Leo?" she asked, her voice filled with anxiety "Surprise!" Trixie jumped out of her skin. "Leo!" Trixie yelled "Don't do that! You nearly gave Trixie a heart attack." Trixie then notices that he was holding a plate of pancakes in his hands. "I thought you were having a rough day yesterday so I brought these." Leo explained "You went outside?" "Yeah, why?" "You're not hurt are you?" "No." "Thank Celestia." Trixie said, breathing a sigh of relief "Want to eat them together?" "Oh yeah!" The two spend a good part of the morning eating pancakes and laughing. It felt good to just laugh for once, not take everything so seriously. It had been too long. But alas, it had to end. She needed to preform for some money. "Rejoice Leo. For you are about to witness the Great and Powerful Trixie preform one of her awe inspiring, dazzling, brilliant shows! A magic show the likes of which you've never seen! Few ever get to see something so amazing." She jumped out of her bed, putting on her iconic wizard robe and hat. She just hoped this show wouldn't crash and burn like so many others did. Leo was pumped. "This is going to be awesome!" he said with glee "Now, Leo" Trixie said gently "Trixie wants you to wait backstage. She doesn't want your head to explode form the pure spectacle of it all." "But then how will I get to see it?" he complained "You can watch from the wings. Trixie wouldn't want anypony- er- I mean anyone to miss this." The pair check out, walk outside the inn and head towards the cart. Trixie walked up to the chains and channeled her magic through them. The cool feature was that it only unlocked when in contact with her magic so her and only her could remove them. Starlight really was a genius when it came to magic. No, don't think of her Trixie thought She's in the past, she doesn't care about you! She didn't even bother to send a letter when you left... Trixie shook her head and snapped back to reality, pulling the cart to the town square. It had a large fountain in the center, depicting the three pony races. With a swift kick, the cart opens up to reveal the stage, fireworks launching into the sky. Trixie quickly shewed Leo into the wings. "Come one! Come All! Witness the most amazing magic show even see by Equestrian kind!" A small crowd of onlookers begins to form "See the dazzling beauty, the amazing brilliance, the pure spectacle! The Great and Powerful Trixie will be showing you magic tricks never seen before! Watch and be amazed!" Trixie took of her hat and placed it on the stage floor. "Now watch in awe as Trixie pulls an animal from thin air!" She quickly teleported a rabbit into that. The stage was constructed specially to muffle noise and reduce the light that teleportation caused. Trixie removed that hat and revealed the rabbit. "Tada!" The crowd is mildly amused and begins to clap. "Now for my next trick!" She pulls out a bucket of water "The Great and Powerful Trixie will walk across water!" Trixie puts a ring over her horn made of a special metal that stopped magic "With no magic at all!" The crowd gaps as Trixie walks across the water effortlessly. Of course what the audience didn't know was that she was walking across plexiglass. The crowd was still to small though and not a single one had given a bit. She had to ramp it up a bit. That's when she had the most perfect idea. "Now, watch as the Great and Powerful Trixie shows you a creature never seen by the eyes of this world! A creature so dangerous, so deadly, Trixie nearly lost her life trying to tame it!" Trixie motioned Leo to come out. As he walks across the stage the crowd gasps in amazement. She had them right in her hoof now. "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you a human! Humans a so vicious they can eat entire ponies whole! Watch as the Great and Powerful Trixie tames this beast with nothing but her strength!" Trixie begins to swirl magic around him and Leo looks scared. She winks, assuring him this was all part of the act. He plays along. "RAWWWW!" The audience lets out another gasp "Fear not ladies and gentleman, for I have this situation completely under control!" The swirl picks up speed and Leo takes the cue. He starts to look dizzy and weak and then pretends to be entranced. This kid was a natural. The audience cheers and bits begin to fly onto the stage. Trixie had never seen so much money from one performance before, and the act wasn't even over! "Now for Trixie's finally trick, she will lock the monster away." Wait for it "Without hypnotizing it!" The crowd, which had grown quite large since the start, began to cheer. Nearly half the square was taken up by onlookers. Trixie stops her magic and Leo pounced on her, growling and snarling in her face. "Begone demon!" Trixie dropped a large smoke bomb and quickly push Leo back into the wings, grabbing a tiny metal box she used to keep her valuables. Using her magic she made it vibrate, as if something inside was struggling to get out. "Good job kiddo." Trixie whispers to Leo "Thanks!" he whispers back The smoke clears and she holds up the vibrating metal box. "And once again the evil monster has been vanquished!" The crowd cheers and more bits fly across the stage. "Thank you, thank you. Please be sure to donate to Trixie by throwing money in the tip jar before you leave." Once the crowd finally disperses and the money was collected, Trixie runs back to congratulate her little star. She gives him a big hug. "You did amazing Leo!" Trixie cried "I couldn't have done it without you! I made over 2,000 bits from that show!" "That was so fun!" he said, hugging Trixie back "You also know I didn't mean all the stuff I said back there right? About you being a monster?" "Yeah, I know." "Well I think you deserve some dinner for being such a great assistant." Trixie took of her hat and placed it upon Leo's head. "Yeah!" he said "I'm the Great and Powerful Leo!" Trixie just laughed. She missed the days when she was a kid. So optimistic and cheery. Not a care in the world. Completely unaware of how awful life really was. They both walk through town, Leo looking as if it had been him who slayed the beast, until finally they found a decent place to eat. Trixie loved this town. So vintage and beautiful. "Get anything you want Leo. You deserve it." Trixie said And boy did he. Without his help, Trixie wouldn't have even made a third of that money. Not to mention no angry mob chasing her out of town. She was hitting all sixes. Maybe things were starting to look up. A lizard comes to take your order. Apparently humans were quite into meat. Disgusting. "We'll be at the sea by tomorrow. To the New World." Trixie said "The New World?" Leo asked "The New World." "What's over there?" "To be honest, Trixie doesn't quite know. But she knows it will be better than here." "So why did you go on this adventure anyway?" "It's not important why." Trixie said, rather annoyed "She just needs to get out of this place." "Is this place bad or something?" Trixie laughed nervously at the question, not really knowing how to put it lightly. "Yeah, something like that." "It doesn't seem bad." Leo said "Everyone here is so nice." "Just... let it go. Ok? Let it go." They sit in a long period of silence until the food was brought out. Good meat smelled terrible. How in the world did humans eat that? How did anything eat that? The two finish their food without so much as a word. Show business sure worked up an appetite. But alas it was it was finally time to go. Trixie wished she could just stay here in Way City. But she knew she couldn't. She had to leave her old life behind and that meant leaving Equestria. "Well Leo, it's time to go. You can sleep in the cart if you want. It's going to be a long walk before we see the coastline." Trixie said "How long?" "A while. A day if I hurry. Two days if I just walk." "Can't we at least get a souvenir?" "A souvenir?" "Yeah. I saw a ton of shops. I want to get something!" "Well I suppose it wouldn't hurt. Nothing to expensive though. Trixie isn't made of money." When you both walk outside the sun was starting to set upon the horizon. It would be quite a bother if Trixie had to shine her horn extra bright to ward off predators. But it was too late anyway. Leo explores some of the shops and, of course, picks the toy store. At least it would be cheap. He walks up and down the isles until he finally finds the perfect gift: a stuffed brown bear. And only two bits. Trixie fills up another tank of water and made sure her food supply was good before walking to the edge of town. Leo had already climbed inside the cart and was sleeping peacefully. She took one look back at the town, really taking in the sight of it. Now there was no turning back. Trixie's new life was now just a two day walk ahead of her. And she wasn't about to give it up now. Say hello to new Trixie world. Because she was coming in hot. > A Mother's Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie couldn't keep her mind off Starlight, the first and only friend she ever had. Did Starlight care that she was about to leave the continent? Did she even notice Trixie's absence? Did she even like her or was Starlight just another faker like the rest of them? Trixie walked further down the dark and lonely path when a tidal wave of emotion hit her She stopped the cart and sat beside it. She was on a long path with a field on either side of it. She could hear various bugs and animals doing their nightly song and dance. The stars shinned brightly above her and the moon was full and beaming. But all of this did nothing to soothe her her pained mind. What Trixie would't give to be up there, shinning among the stars, to not be stuck in this awful trap called life. To even just have a home instead of a crumbly shack would be better than this. Tears stung her eyes but she didn't resist this time. She just let it flow. She cried loudly, as if trying to scream at the very universe itself. A dad that hated her, a mom that didn't care. It was no wonder she grew up to be so arrogant. No one ever told her she was loved. No one ever hugged her tight and said it'll be alright. No one ever said 'gosh Trixie, you're such a wonderful pony!' No one even gave her a Cuteceanera! Trixie didn't realize she was yelling all these thoughts out loud. Leo had woken up from all the noise. He dropped out of the caravan and just looked at her with caring eyes. "A-and what do you want?" Trixie said, sniffling "Trixie is j-just fine!" "I love you." he said simply, not breaking eye contact More tears streamed down Trixie's face "H-ha. As if Trixie would ever believe such utter nonsense." she blubbered "Y-you're just a kid! What do you know!?" "I love you." "Would you just be quiet you annoying brat!?" Leo gave her the brightest and most genuine smile she had ever seen in her life "I love you, Trixie." Not even Trixie's heart of stone could withstand the beauty of a child's warm and gentle smile. She hugged him tight. "I love you too." she said "You stupid kid." "Thank you, miss Trixie." he said "You know what you said about having a mom who didn't care?" "What about it?" "My mom doesn't either. My dad left I don't know about him. But I was wondering something." "What is it?" His voice lowered to a whisper "Could you well.... could you be my mom?" Trixie smiled brightly and butterflies gather in her stomach. Having a son. Having someone who loved and depended on you. Maybe this was the happiness she had been trying to find for so long. Maybe all Trixie needed to do was to settle down and have a family. And she was going to be the best mom there ever was or ever will be! "Of course I will!" she said, joy brimming in her voice "Trixie would love to be your Great and Powerful mother!" Leo hugged her tighter than he ever had before. "Thanks mom! I love you!" "I love you too, little one. Come on Leo, let's go explore the world. Together." He had such a sweet smile on his face. A smile filled with warmth only a child could give. Trixie put that harness back on and looked up at the sky. The sun began to rise, flooding the world with brilliant light. It was so fitting. She may not be out of the darkness yet, but the light was coming. Trixie motioned Leo on her back. "Hop on kiddo. We're riding together." He jumps on "Yeah! To victory!" And the mother and her son walked further down that path, sharing made up stories of great dragons, hidden empires, and epic adventures until Leo fell asleep once again. > Into the Deep Blue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie had been walking quite a ways, only stopping for some brief cat naps and to have a meal or two with Leo. He sure was good at keeping her awake and focused. But the coast had to be coming up soon. It have been nearly a day and half since she left Way City. Trixie took the map out of her saddlebags and checked to see where she was. About seven miles until she reached the sea. But she could smell it from her. The sweet smell of sea salt. It was the first time she had ever been to the ocean. She'd only seen pictures of it. She wondered how it would look in person. She still couldn't believe she was a mother, too a new species no less! Her cute little boy was sleeping quietly on her back. Little guy could sleep through just about anything. Trixie could feel the air getting more and more humid the further down she traveled. The sun was just barely cracking the sky. It must have been about six in the morning. She was also running quite low on water. Trixie needed to get to coast soon. She double timed to the end and it hit her. The ocean. It was absolutely beautiful. It was even more blue than the pictures! And it seemed to extend endlessly. This world truly was amazing. Her new life was just mere hoofsteps away. Leo blinked open his eyes. "Mama?" he asked "Yes my child?" Trixie said with a smile She loved the way that rolled off her tongue. Her child! "Are we there yet?" "Yes sweetie. We're almost to the ship. It's just down this hill." "Good." he says, nestling into Trixie's mane "Will I vanquish a dragon someday?" "I sure hope so." Trixie giggled It was then she realized it had been nearly a day and a half since she spoke in third person. Such an awful tick she had to hide her low self confidence and pain. Maybe this kid was the happiness she needed. "You get some rest sweetie. Trixie-I mean mommy- will wake you when we get there." In a mere instant he was out again, sleeping like a baby. It had been quite a journey for a little boy. Now all Trixie had to do was find the coastal town. She checked her map. Only about a mile to the left. She could hardly contain her excitement! She began to walk in the direction of the town along the shore. It was supposed to be quite eye catching. After only about fifteen minutes she saw it. It was a town entirely made of seashells and sand! And beside it was a long range of docks with ships big and small. She didn't even know how such a thing was possible. Trixie walked through the docks, looking for a place that sold tickets. It didn't take long. About halfway down the quiet sea town was a ticket kiosk. And her way out. "Two tickets to Cervidas please." Trixie said to the mare manning the station "Cervidas ya say?" the pony said surprised "Now why would ya ever wanna go to a place like that?" "It looks nice. It's a country occupied mostly by griffons right?" "Oh ya sad little lady." she said shaking her head "Haven't ya heard what's been goin' on down there?" "No. What is it?" "There's been a massive civil war that just broke out. It's hardly a place for vacationing." "Alright. Then where do you recommend?" "Edona is real nice this time a year." "Edona!?" Trixie yelled "B-but that's on the other side of the globe! It would take months to get there by ship!" "I'm tellin ya little lady. It'll be well worth your time. Great place to settle down too. It's as peaceful as Equestria without all the annoyin' residents." "How much will the tickets be?" "One hundred and twenty bits each." Trixie was so sick of ponies trying to stiff her out of her hard earned cash. But she begrudgingly payed the money. Looking at the ticket, the ship wasn't going to board till later that night. Looks like she was going to have some time to kill. She walked down the dock to a bench. "Leo?" "Yeah?" he says opening his eyes "How long have you been awake?" "A while." "Is it alright if you help mommy undo her harness? It's starting to chafe." Leo hops off her back and takes off her harness with ease. While Trixie loathed to admit it, those fingers were quite convenient. Almost made her wish she had some. Trixie made a huge stretch and popped her joints. It felt amazing, especially with her muscles still as sore as they were. "So what is this place like?" Leo asked "Edona I mean." "I'm not sure. But I know it will be better than here." "I trust you mom." "Thanks sweetie." Trixie said, putting her arm around him "So how long till we get on the ship?" "About five hours." "Five hours!?" Leo cried "That's forever!" Trixie smiles "Well I know what we can do to shorten forever a little bit." "What?" "I'm surprised a little boy wouldn't know. Ice cream of course!" "Awesome!" he said, jumping in the air "This town is supposed to have some of the best ice cream on the continent." Trixie explained "They have some magic recipe that incorporates sea water. But no boy of mine is going to get ice cream without the proper gear." Trixe pulled out her wizard cap and placed it on Leo's head. She then took her robe and wrapped it around her. "There we go. Now we're officially ice cream ready." "Yeah! I'm the best wizard there ever was!" "The second best." she corrected "You're only as good as your master and, well, she is great and powerful after all." "We're the best wizards ever." Leo said with a hug The two brohoof and make their way to the ice cream shop. It too was made of seashells and sand. This world was such a fascinating place. One would think that the sand would just crumble away, yet here it was, holding everything together as if it were cement. When they walk inside they are met with a rush of cool air. It felt amazing after being out in the hot sun without water. The floor was made out of sand hardened into tiles and the walls seem to be made of mud. They really didn't use a thing other than seashells and sand. Trixie and her son walked over to the counter and looked through the flavors. All were named after sea and fish puns. "I'll have a scope of I'm Feeling Crabby. What about you Leo?" "I want the Big Gulper!" The sweet pony at the counter grants their requests and sets them up with the ice cream and it was just as delicious as the rumors said. Trixie had never tasted anything so magnificent. It was well worth the long walk to get it. Sadly, however, they wouldn't have much time to enjoy it before everything went to hell. > Hell Hath No Fury Like a Princess Scorned > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door flies open and two ponies burst through the doors. It was none other than Princess Twilight Sparkle and her student Starlight Glimmer. Neither looked amused. "Leo." Trixie said sternly "Yeah mom?" Leo asked "Go wait inside the cart until I come and get you." "But-" "Now." Trixie commanded "Just do as I say." Leo nods, takes his ice cream, and quickly makes his escape. Luckily neither Starlight or Twilight noticed he belonged to Trixie. The pair move towards Trixie and Twilight looks livid. "Just what do you think you're doing Trixie?" Twilight asks, rage seeping from her voice "Trixie does not know what you're referring too." Trixie said defiantly "Last she checked, she was an adult mare who can do whatever she likes and go wherever she wants." "And adult mare huh? Is that how you see yourself? After leaving your best friend without saying goodbye? After going to god knows where? After not telling us why you're leaving? Is that how an adult mare behaves? Don't you realize how worried we were about you!?" This hit a nerve in Trixie. She had finally had enough. "How worried you were about me? How worried you were? As if! All the so called Princess of Friendship has ever done is ostracize me! Treat me as if I am some unforgivable outcast, just like everypony else in the world! Why would you ever care about me!?" Starlight takes over "What about me?" she asked "Did our time together just mean nothing to you? Was it so insignificant that you would just leave without even telling me where you'd go?" "No! It meant everything!" Trixie said "But then you got close to the Princess of 'Friendship' and spent all your time with her instead of me. That's why I left town! I knew you were just like everypony else! You just wanted to abandon me when I didn't serve any use to you!" That hit Starlight like a ton of bricks. Tears filled her eyes as the words stung her very heart. "I... I see..." she said, not knowing how to reply "Is that why you did all of this? You thought I had abandoned you for Twilight?" "Is Trixie not wrong!?" Starlight could hardly keep her tears in at this point. She took a step back and faced away from her. "Fine. Do what you want." Starlight stormed out of the shop, leaving Trixie alone with the Princess. "You can't do this Trixie." Twilight said "Come back with us. Starlight needs you. We need you. We see you as a valuable friend and-" "Oh save me the speech!" Trixie cried "As if I'd ever care about your disingenuous platitudes! I'm going to find my happiness and you're not going to stop me." "Well, as a grown mare, it's your choice." Just then, Leo rushes back into the shop and stands between her and Twilight "I won't let you hurt mom!" he yelled "Leo?" Trixie asked in disbelief "I won't let you hurt her! I love her! Now go away!" "Mother?" Twilight asked, not fully grasping what she was seeing "Trixie what is the meaning of this? Who-and what-exactly is this thing? I've never seen it before." "That, Twilight, is my son." Trixie explained in an almost gloating fashion "Leo what are you doing here? I told you to wait in the cart." "I know. But I saw you were in trouble and I just couldn't stop myself." he said Finally the all the puzzle pieces click together for Twilight and she realizes what's happening "Your son? Mother? Trixie did you kidnap a child!?" "No, I didn't Twilight! I found him alone in the middle of the woods. I couldn't just leave him there!" Trixie becomes snide "I wouldn't expect you to understand. You wouldn't know how to take care of a child, you can barely figure out friendship." This was Twilight's last straw. "Well Trixie I've heard enough. By order of the Princess of Friendship, I hereby put you under arrest for kidnapping a child. You're coming back with me, even if I have to use force. I won't ask again." "And I won't tell you again. I'm leaving for Edona in four hours. If you would be so kind to move out the way so Trixie and her son can board their ship." Without any warning, Twilight wraps both of them in a magic net and starts dragging them out of the shop. "Unhoof me this instant!" Trixie cried "M-mom. I'm scared." Leo said, looking as if he was about to cry "Don't worry darling. Mommy will find a way out of this. I promise." Trixie feels a rush of strength course throughout her body, and with a flick of her horn, cuts the ropes of the net. "Run Leo! Now!" Trixie runs next to him, picking him up and going towards the ship, using a smoke bomb to completely throw Twilight off. All she had to do was make it there and she'd be home free. Even if she was a Princess, they wouldn't just let her on the ship to pursue a criminal who's charges were unproven. After that, she would finally be free of her clutches forever. Just as she's about to reach the boarding station Starlight blocks her path. "Starlight, I'm warning you." Trixie said, bearing her fangs "I'll do whatever I have to, to get on that ship. You see how Twilight treats me! She's going to do the same to you, just cast you aside if you do something wrong. Miss Perfect Pony Princess will never understand what it's like to be who we are. You should come with me." Starlight shakes her head "As much as I want to, I can't. I must stay here." "But why!?" "Don't trouble yourself with that. Why are you running form everything?" Starlight asked "You honestly think running away to some far away place will ever change what has happened?" "I'm not looking to change my past Starlight." Trixie replied "I just want a better future for myself and my son." "And you truly think this will help?" "Of course I do!" Starlight looks straight into her eyes and says "You know that's not true. You're running because you're afraid." Trixie avoids eye contact. Trixie wasn't afraid of anything. Right? "Look at me Trixie." Starlight commanded "Can you in full honesty say to me that going to a different country will give you the life you want? That it will change anything? Will abandoning me, the one pony who loves you more than anything, really fix your problems?" Trixie stays silent and Starlight sighs "I'm letting you go Trixie. I won't make your choices for you. But I beg you to please reconsider. I want you too look deep inside yourself. You know the truth. You know the right choice. You are much smarter than what you're making yourself look." "Come on Leo. Let's go." Trixie starts to walk the rest of the distance towards the ship but Starlight stops her. "I have one last thing to say Trixie." "And what would that be?" "I love you." she said warmly "Please be safe." "I love you too, Starlight. I will. I promise." Trixie made the rest of the distance to the ship just before Twilight caught up. She looked out from the boarding bridge to see Starlight distracting her. She really was letting her go. Trixie looks back at Leo with a smile. "We made it sweetie. We made it. I'm so proud of you. You were so brave back there." "Thanks mom. I don't feel so good." "I'd imagine so. You've been put through quite a these past few days. Let's check in and get you some rest." Leo hugs her waist and only then did she see that something was very wrong. Leo's skin was a ghostly, pale white and colder than snow. He really had been through a lot. But the worst was behind them and their new life awaited. It was only a matter of time. > Stepping Stone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie quickly checked in and boarded the boat with her ill sin. The boat was amazing. It had marble floors, ornate staircases, large chandeliers and red carpets. It might as well have been a floating castle. It certainly made her feel like a queen. She wondered how such a thing was light enough not to sink. It seemed to defy reason. Creatures from all over the world were dressed in their best suits. It made Trixie feel so out of place. Trixie was glad she had payed for extra service. Now the boat workers would get her caravan. She certainly couldn't walk back out there with Princess Paranoia prowling the docks. It cost her a full 25 bits extra, but she was counting her lucky stars she didn't decide to be a penny pincher this time. Trixie walked up the long, beautifully designed staircase to her room and let Leo down onto the bed. He really was feeling ill. He looked terrible. He had broken into a cold sweat and was panting like a worn out dog. Hopefully he'd be better tomorrow but, just to be safe, Trixie put in a request for the doctor. She leaned over her ailing boy. "How are you feeling, my Darling?" she asked "Horrible." Leo said weakly "Can I get you anything right now?" "Water would be nice." Trixie quickly follows his request, getting him a cup of cool water and slowly pouring it into his mouth. "Thanks for the help Leo. You were a real trooper today." "Thanks." Leo turns on his side and nearly instantly falls asleep. He earned it. Trixie walked towards the small porthole window looking out towards the long ocean. The sun was beginning to set, making the water shimmer beautifully as it sank into the horizon. The waves hitting the shore were quite relaxing. It was enough to even put Trixie asleep, but she had to fight it. She wanted to keep and eye on Leo. To think she was about to start he new life and she owed it all to the best friend she so selfishly left behind. At least Starlight was going to let her succeed or fail on her own, rather than acting like some overprotective mom. Maybe she really did care for her after all and Trixie was just being paranoid. After a while of just staring out at the sea, the ship begins to move and a large smile cracked upon Trixie's face. Her new start was just a calm ship ride away. Trixie kept staring out the window as the boat pulled out and the sun slowly set, giving way to night. It was finally over. All the pain. All the suffering. It was finally, finally over. Trixie sat down on the bed and heard something which sounded like paper crinkling in her robe pocket. She dug inside and found a note in Starlight's hoofwriting Dear Trixie, I wanted you to know that I do think of you as a friend. The only reason I haven't been spending time with you is because you never stop moving. When I found out you were leaving to another country it broke my heart. I wanted to come with you, but I couldn't leave all my other friends as well. You are one of the best friends I have ever known. You're strong and amazing and are one of the only ponies who understands the struggle of having the short hand in life. You are more than great and powerful to me, you're perfect. I hope that you will keep writing me just the same. Or at least remember that if you ever decide to return one day, I will be waiting for you with open arms. Yours truly, Starlight Glimmer Tears sting the eyes of the blue mare. Damn it Starlight! She missed her already. She didn't hate her at all, it was just Trixie's insecurities getting the better of her. But it was too late now. She couldn't go back even if she wanted too. It was time to commit to her choice, whether she liked it or not. She turned and looked over at Leo. He looked even worse now. His breathing had picked up and he was so pale it was as if he was glowing. Perhaps she needed the doctor sooner than tomorrow. Trixie got up and wrote a little note to Leo, telling him where she'd be in case he woke up then headed out of the room. It was surprisingly quiet on the ship. Even though it housed so many beings, it was as if Trixie was alone on it. She went to the lower levels to the ship's infirmary. She knocked on the door. "Hello, doctor?" A very tried pink pony comes out from behind the door. She looked as if she had been up for days. "Yes, how may I help you?" the doctor asked "Could you come help me? My son isn't feeling well." "Alright, alright." Trixie leads the doctor back up to her room and the boy had gotten even worse. It was as if every minute his condition worsened. "This is your son?" the doctor said, confused "Yes, yes could you please just look at him?" Trixie replied in an annoyed tone "Fine, whatever you say." She looks Leo over, getting his vitals, checking his reflexes and recording his breath rate "He'll be fine." she said "Just a bad case of the flu. Give him a few days and it should clear right up." Trixie wiped the sweat of her brow. What a relief. "That's good. I was beginning to get worried." Leo just nods, too sick to muster up a reply. "Well if you need anything just say the word and mommy will be here. I love you." Trixie leans down and kisses his cheek. Such a sweet boy. She walked over to the bookcase to see if there was anything there she could read him to sleep. Mostly adult books, though there was one on proper parenting. Trixie pulled it out and placed it on the nightstand. As she did so, Leo had already fallen asleep again. She felt her stomach rumble. She sure was hungry, but she couldn't just leave him here alone. She looked back to Leo, her only family. Sweet Celestia she hated her family. They were the ones who gave her all these terrible inner scars in the first place. She wondered if she was honestly any better than them. It wasn't as if she accomplished anything of note. Trixie hated sitting alone in silence. All these horrible thoughts and memories just came rushing back to her head. Her family, her life. They all just rubbed their ugly faces into her whenever she was alone. She had to do something to keep her mind occupied. "Hey Leo." Trixie said "Y-yeah?" he replied weakly "I'm going to get something to eat. Would you like anything?" "No, I don't feel good." "Ok. I'll be right back, so sit tight." Trixie gets up and walks out of the room once again, her stomach lurching from only eating a little bit of ice cream in over a day. She walks past all the shops. It was like a mini city inside this thing. It had gift shops, fast food, clothing stores. It was amazing they could fit so much inside such a finite area. But it was no time to doddle. Leaving Leo alone when he was that sick filled her with anxiety. She just wanted to get back as soon as possible. Trixie giggled to herself. She was actually developing maternal instincts. How silly this whole situation was. Trixie went inside a fast food joint and scarfed down a hayburger, not wanting to spend another moment away from her precious son. She quickly trotted back upstairs and opened the door to her room. > Anything but the Rain Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie opened the door to a brilliant white light. She had never seen anything like it before. And it was emanating from Leo. "Leo what on earth is the matter with-" Trixie tried to place her hoof on him only to find it went straight through. It was as if he were nothing more than a ghost. Leo blinks open his eyes. "Mama?" "Yes sweetie? Mommy is right here!" "Where are you?" he said looking straight at you "It's all dark. I can't see anything." Tears filled Trixie's eyes. This couldn't be happening. This had to be some sick, twisted joke. "W-what are you talking about sweetie?" Trixie said, barely being able to contain her tears "Mommy is right here can't you see her!?" He looks around. He couldn't even hear her voice anymore. Trixie felt like a knife was slowly being drive through her chest. And just as sudden as it happened, the bright glow began to fade, taking Leo with it without a single trace. Trixie looked at her hooves as if just staring at them long enough would bring Leo back to them. She bit her lip and cried. She should've know. She should've know this was too good to be true. She fell to the floor and just cried. The tears seemed like they would never cease. What was the point of all this? Why go to a new land, start a new life, if she didn't have Leo here to enjoy it with? She clutched her chest, feeling a stabbing pain. Her heart was breaking. Just as she had experience the sweet joy of a happy life, the rug was pulled out from underneath her. She couldn't go on, not like this. It was all over. Just like that. All the smiles. All the laughs. All the hope for the future. Gone in a brilliant flash of light. And he wasn't even able to hear her say 'I love you' one last time. All because of her stupid need for food. This is all my fault Trixie thought This was all my fault! Trixie knew she only had one option left. She slowly walked to the door and made her way to the deck. The sky was black without the moon's gentle light. The ocean was so calm tonight. Everything so peaceful, so serene and still. All she could hear was the sound of waves crashing into the boat. Soon she would join those waves, be enveloped by their cold embrace. Letting them absorb her for all of eternity. A life without her son just wasn't a life at all. Trixie looked over the side. It was going to be quite a fall. All the better. She climbed on the railing and looked down. It was finally time for this horrible comedy show she called a life to close. It seemed the the Great and Powerful Trixie was just never meant for greatness and power. All she was meant for was to be laughed at and hurt. Trixie inched towards the ledge. This was really it. She was really going to throw her life to the waves. She looked back at the boat one last time and took a deep breath. "Goodbye Starlight. Goodbye Leo. I love you." She went limp and just fell into the abyss. She waited for the moment her boy slammed into the ocean below but for some reason it was taking too long. Trixie opened her eyes. She was covered in a magic veil. She looked back up to see none other than Starlight Glimmer holding her up with magic. Tears were falling down her face and on Trixie. "S-Starlight?" Trixie began to struggle "Let me go!" Trixie screamed "I don't want to live anymore! Let me go! Let me go!" Starlight clenches her jaw and with one hard pull, puts Trixie right back on the deck, jumping on top of her. She had a look of rage so searing it practically melted Trixie's soul. "Y-you.." Starlight could hardly form words she was so upset "H-how dare.." Trixie just looked back with eyes devoid of life. She really had died inside now. Nothing left but her own beating heart. More tears were streaming down Starlight's face than she had ever seen in her life. It was like a waterfall. She bit her lip. "Come. You're going to make this right." Starlight blubbered "Oh yeah? And how's that?" Trixie said There wasn't even any life left in her words. "I'm glad I stayed. I was worried you might try something so I sneak on to watch you just in case. Why Trixie? Why would you do something like this?" Trixie just remained silent. It wasn't as if Starlight was going to revive her. Leo took all the remaining life she had left. "Answer me Trixie!" "Leo is gone." "Gone?" "Yeah. He vanished into a white light." Trixie felt her heart crack again and she closed her eyes. "Oh Trixie." Starlight gets out from on top of her. Tears fill Trixie's eyes again. "I... I don't know what to do." she said "K-kill me. Please. Kill me." Starlight hugged Trixie tight. "Shhhh. Shhh. Just let it all out." Starlight cooed Trixie buried her face into the mares shoulder and cried again. She couldn't believe he was gone. She just couldn't believe it. Why was life determined to make her hurt so much? "Trixie listen to me." Starlight said "We're going to make it out of this. I promise." "How!? There's nothing left." "Yes there is! We have each other! Do you trust me?" Trixie broke into sobs again "Do you trust me?" Starlight asked again "I don't know!" "We're going to help. Let's go back Trixie. We can help you. I can help you." "I don't want help! I want to die!" Trixie cried "Don't say that. Come on. Let's go home. Maybe then we can get you that peace you so desire. Will you come with me?" "I don't care anymore." "Well we're going Trixie. And don't you ever forget how much I love you. You are loved."