• Published 17th Dec 2016
  • 625 Views, 10 Comments

Into The Fog - BG9

After coming across a mysterious young boy in the middle of the woods on her escape from the world, Trixie learns the value of love and friendship

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Hell Hath No Fury Like a Princess Scorned

The door flies open and two ponies burst through the doors. It was none other than Princess Twilight Sparkle and her student Starlight Glimmer. Neither looked amused.

"Leo." Trixie said sternly

"Yeah mom?" Leo asked

"Go wait inside the cart until I come and get you."


"Now." Trixie commanded "Just do as I say."

Leo nods, takes his ice cream, and quickly makes his escape. Luckily neither Starlight or Twilight noticed he belonged to Trixie. The pair move towards Trixie and Twilight looks livid.

"Just what do you think you're doing Trixie?" Twilight asks, rage seeping from her voice

"Trixie does not know what you're referring too." Trixie said defiantly "Last she checked, she was an adult mare who can do whatever she likes and go wherever she wants."

"And adult mare huh? Is that how you see yourself? After leaving your best friend without saying goodbye? After going to god knows where? After not telling us why you're leaving? Is that how an adult mare behaves? Don't you realize how worried we were about you!?"

This hit a nerve in Trixie. She had finally had enough.

"How worried you were about me? How worried you were? As if! All the so called Princess of Friendship has ever done is ostracize me! Treat me as if I am some unforgivable outcast, just like everypony else in the world! Why would you ever care about me!?"

Starlight takes over

"What about me?" she asked "Did our time together just mean nothing to you? Was it so insignificant that you would just leave without even telling me where you'd go?"

"No! It meant everything!" Trixie said "But then you got close to the Princess of 'Friendship' and spent all your time with her instead of me. That's why I left town! I knew you were just like everypony else! You just wanted to abandon me when I didn't serve any use to you!"

That hit Starlight like a ton of bricks. Tears filled her eyes as the words stung her very heart.

"I... I see..." she said, not knowing how to reply "Is that why you did all of this? You thought I had abandoned you for Twilight?"

"Is Trixie not wrong!?"

Starlight could hardly keep her tears in at this point. She took a step back and faced away from her.

"Fine. Do what you want."

Starlight stormed out of the shop, leaving Trixie alone with the Princess.

"You can't do this Trixie." Twilight said "Come back with us. Starlight needs you. We need you. We see you as a valuable friend and-"

"Oh save me the speech!" Trixie cried "As if I'd ever care about your disingenuous platitudes! I'm going to find my happiness and you're not going to stop me."

"Well, as a grown mare, it's your choice."

Just then, Leo rushes back into the shop and stands between her and Twilight

"I won't let you hurt mom!" he yelled

"Leo?" Trixie asked in disbelief

"I won't let you hurt her! I love her! Now go away!"

"Mother?" Twilight asked, not fully grasping what she was seeing "Trixie what is the meaning of this? Who-and what-exactly is this thing? I've never seen it before."

"That, Twilight, is my son." Trixie explained in an almost gloating fashion "Leo what are you doing here? I told you to wait in the cart."

"I know. But I saw you were in trouble and I just couldn't stop myself." he said

Finally the all the puzzle pieces click together for Twilight and she realizes what's happening

"Your son? Mother? Trixie did you kidnap a child!?"

"No, I didn't Twilight! I found him alone in the middle of the woods. I couldn't just leave him there!" Trixie becomes snide "I wouldn't expect you to understand. You wouldn't know how to take care of a child, you can barely figure out friendship."

This was Twilight's last straw.

"Well Trixie I've heard enough. By order of the Princess of Friendship, I hereby put you under arrest for kidnapping a child. You're coming back with me, even if I have to use force. I won't ask again."

"And I won't tell you again. I'm leaving for Edona in four hours. If you would be so kind to move out the way so Trixie and her son can board their ship."

Without any warning, Twilight wraps both of them in a magic net and starts dragging them out of the shop.

"Unhoof me this instant!" Trixie cried

"M-mom. I'm scared." Leo said, looking as if he was about to cry

"Don't worry darling. Mommy will find a way out of this. I promise."

Trixie feels a rush of strength course throughout her body, and with a flick of her horn, cuts the ropes of the net.

"Run Leo! Now!"

Trixie runs next to him, picking him up and going towards the ship, using a smoke bomb to completely throw Twilight off. All she had to do was make it there and she'd be home free. Even if she was a Princess, they wouldn't just let her on the ship to pursue a criminal who's charges were unproven. After that, she would finally be free of her clutches forever. Just as she's about to reach the boarding station Starlight blocks her path.

"Starlight, I'm warning you." Trixie said, bearing her fangs "I'll do whatever I have to, to get on that ship. You see how Twilight treats me! She's going to do the same to you, just cast you aside if you do something wrong. Miss Perfect Pony Princess will never understand what it's like to be who we are. You should come with me."

Starlight shakes her head

"As much as I want to, I can't. I must stay here."

"But why!?"

"Don't trouble yourself with that. Why are you running form everything?" Starlight asked "You honestly think running away to some far away place will ever change what has happened?"

"I'm not looking to change my past Starlight." Trixie replied "I just want a better future for myself and my son."

"And you truly think this will help?"

"Of course I do!"

Starlight looks straight into her eyes and says "You know that's not true. You're running because you're afraid."

Trixie avoids eye contact. Trixie wasn't afraid of anything. Right?

"Look at me Trixie." Starlight commanded "Can you in full honesty say to me that going to a different country will give you the life you want? That it will change anything? Will abandoning me, the one pony who loves you more than anything, really fix your problems?"

Trixie stays silent and Starlight sighs

"I'm letting you go Trixie. I won't make your choices for you. But I beg you to please reconsider. I want you too look deep inside yourself. You know the truth. You know the right choice. You are much smarter than what you're making yourself look."

"Come on Leo. Let's go."

Trixie starts to walk the rest of the distance towards the ship but Starlight stops her.

"I have one last thing to say Trixie."

"And what would that be?"

"I love you." she said warmly "Please be safe."

"I love you too, Starlight. I will. I promise."

Trixie made the rest of the distance to the ship just before Twilight caught up. She looked out from the boarding bridge to see Starlight distracting her. She really was letting her go. Trixie looks back at Leo with a smile.

"We made it sweetie. We made it. I'm so proud of you. You were so brave back there."

"Thanks mom. I don't feel so good."

"I'd imagine so. You've been put through quite a these past few days. Let's check in and get you some rest."

Leo hugs her waist and only then did she see that something was very wrong. Leo's skin was a ghostly, pale white and colder than snow. He really had been through a lot. But the worst was behind them and their new life awaited. It was only a matter of time.