• Published 1st Jul 2012
  • 2,133 Views, 96 Comments

Star-Crossed School Days - mechafone

Join Spark Storm as he lives out the early days prior to a great destiny.

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The Dashing Summer

The week went by quickly for Spark Storm. River and Mint mostly avoided him, mostly because they were under close watch by Cheerilee and Angelica. Almost everyday, he, Ditzy, Lyra and Bon Bon, Lemon Hearts and sometimes Rarity would get together with Allie Way at one of her parents' entertainment stores to play. They played games like soccer and tennis, even though one of the high school students, Ace, often monopolized the courts.

Allie proved herself to be great at bowling. Sometime in the next few years, she would get her cutie mark from bowling, and she was very proud of it.

Finally, the day came that Sapphire Snow returned to class. She was met with cheers and warm welcomes, even though Spark Storm didn't get up to greet her. She knew better, though. She could tell he had something to say, so she trotted over to his desk. He was purposefully avoiding her gaze, having found a spot on the wall interesting enough to stare at.

She grinned to herself and rocked on all four heels next to his desk. She could play the waiting game. At the sound of what seemed to be paper sliding across his desk, she looked down to see that he was slowly pushing a construction paper card to her, as if it were a secret document, like in one of those spy movies. It was absolutely adorable.

She took the card from him and looked inside. Inside was a crude depiction of Spark Storm by a building, looking on as a figure that could only be Sapphire in a ballet outfit knocking Mint and River for a loop, little black stars indicating she was hitting them with her hooves. He had drawn Sapphire in a graceful pose, a peaceful look on her face. In one of the corners, he had written 'My hero', and had even dared to illustrate a single red heart over it.

Sapphire looked up at Spark with wide, adoring eyes. He was still looking away from her, his cheeks tinted red. "Sparky..." He narrowed his eyes at the affection in her voice and chanced a glance at her.

"I will end you if you tell anyone." Sapphire broke out into snickers loud enough to get the attention of half the class, but she tucked the card close to her chest and hopped back to her seat, slipping the card into her saddlebags.

With Sapphire back in the group, Spark's first year began to melt together in a swirl of memorable moments. He and Mint got into more tussles, River continued to belittle Spark about his inability to fly. Every time, Sapphire was at his side, whether arguing, or fighting. Spark, Sapphire, River and Mint were branded troublemakers, even though River and Mint were almost always the ones to blame.

As close as they had grown together, Sapphire wasn't always around to help. It was one of these days during summer vacation when he met somepony new. He had just finished playing with Ditzy at the park when it happened. He was on his way home when he noticed River and Mint sneaking around, heading the way he'd just come from. He had a bad feeling watching the two, who hadn't noticed him. He snuck about after them.

His suspicions were correct. It seemed that the two bullies had taken to a new strategy: Approaching little fillies and colts when they were alone to taunt them. Single out the weak ones and make them pay for their shortcomings. Even Milky Way had suffered at the hooves of these two.

Spark was about to intervene when from out of the blue something small and fast cried out, "WATCH OUT!" The small, cyan bullet crashed right down on top of River and Mint, eliciting cries of pain and protest. Ditzy let out a little shout of surprise and flitted over to see what had happened. Spark Storm made his way over as well.

River and Mint groaned as a little Pegasus filly laid on top of them. Mint sat up first and shoved her off roughly. "Hey!" came a raspy protest. "Rainbow Dash?" Three heads turned to look at Ditzy, recognition in her eyes. Now that he thought about it as he took a better look at her, her mane and tail seemed to be made of rainbows. She was thin and wiry, her small body already toned somewhat from constant exercise.

Dash looked around, then settled on Ditzy as a big grin spread over her face. "Ditzy! Hey!" She sprang to her feet and dusted herself off. She'd completely forgotten about who she had landed on. River sprang to his feet, ready to shoot accusations and insults Dash's way. Spark Storm cleared his throat loudly, grabbing River's attention.

"Oh look, it's the cripple. What are you doing here?" Spark smirked at the name. He'd gotten used to the usual snappy insults, so he was able to shrug the little things off.

"I was making sure you weren't going to get to Ditzy. I saw you sneaking around."

River snorted, drawing himself up. "So you decided to 'help' her by sneaking around while we snuck around? A bit hypocritical, isn't it?"

Dash was immediately in River's face, the usual ferocity on her face whenever her friends were threatened. "And just what were you planning on doing to Ditzy? I know a lot of ponies don't like her because of her eyes, but that's no reason to be mean to her! You better run on home before I get mad!"

River backed up a bit, a look of distaste in his eyes. "A rough and tumbler is it? You're no better than the cripple." He gestured to Spark Storm.

Dash chanced a glance at the dark Pegasus, then did a double-take at the sight of his wings. "Omigosh omigosh! Dude, we've gotta get you to a hospital and fix your wings, fast!" She flew up above him and grabbed him about the waist, trying to pull him up.

"Wait! What are you doing?" Spark struggled and plopped back down to the ground, glaring at Dash's good-natured mistake."Nothing's wrong with my wings! I-I mean, they're not broken, er...they're..." He sighed quietly. "They're not hurt. I was born like this."

Ditzy frowned with painful recognition at Spark's plight. She knew all too well what it felt like to be mistunderstood with new ponies. Dash landed and folded her wings, taking in this new information. Once again, she'd rushed into an unknown situation and made things awkward. "Gee, uh...I'm sorry..."

River let out a laugh that made the author want to smack him. "Oh, that's rich! Not even your own kind recognize you!" He dropped on the ground, holding his belly with laughter. Even Mint had gotten a chuckle out of the whole situation. Dash immediately went on the offensive. She didn't know the colt, but she wasn't about to let him get any more bullied than he already was.

"Hey, shut up! How'd you like me to come over there and teach you a lesson?"

River smirked and stood again, then stamped his hoof twice. Mint immediately stood in front of Dash, an eager look on his face. "Oh, please. Are you sure you've got the brainpower to teach? You look like you can barely function."

Dash's wings spread out in a threatening display at this. "What are you, some kind of rich snooty snob? I HATE little brats like you who talk like they're better than everypony!"

"Well I can't help who I am now, can I?" River shrugged and smirked at her. "Just like you can't help being the impulsive, overreacting brute that you are."

"THAT'S IT!" She shouted and rose into the air. She pulled back, demonstrating impressive wing control as she came down in a torpedoing motion, aiming for River. She was caught off guard as Mint came up under her and head-butted her stomach.

All the air was pushed out of her as she sailed over River, clutching her stomach. She curled up into a little ball as she tried to breathe again. She didn't see but heard as there were shouts and sounds of scuffling. When she got to her feet again, albeit shakily, she saw no sign of the two Earth ponies. Instead, she saw Ditzy comforting Spark Storm, who looked ruffled and a bit beaten.

Dash stepped closer to him, when she was met with his gaze. His forehead had a cut and his muzzle was a bit bloody, but he was smiling. "Meh. It's not as bad as it looks, really." He smiled at Dash. "Those jerks still can't get the jump on me." Dash smiled brightly. She hadn't expected a Pegasus incapable of flight to be so tough. Then again, she'd been wrong about Ditzy when they'd first met, too. She had assumed that Ditzy was dumb, maybe a bit handicapped. While she was clumsy and sometimes a little slow on the uptake, Ditzy was by no means dumb.

So here she'd gone and underestimated yet another pony simply because of what they looked like. She'd really been trying to work on that, but it seemed she had more yet to learn. "Dude. I don't know how you did it. I mean, I'm one of the roughest Pegasi up in Cloudsdale, and..." She trailed off. She examined Spark Storm more closely. She could swear that she'd seen this Pegasus before. She was sure of it.

Spark straightened. Her silent stare was starting to bug him. "What?" Dash sighed.

"Um...Ok. You're gonna think this is weird...I mean, even I think it's a little weird. If you can't fly, that must mean you live down here on the surface, right?" Spark nodded. "So...If you live here, then why do your parents live in the sky?"

Spark made a face. "What are you talking about? I only have a mom. I'm adopted."

Dash cringed inwardly. Of course she'd gone and dug herself a hole. Again. She couldn't back out now. "Did you ever know your parents before?"

"No, not really. They dropped me off at the orphanage when I was a baby. I don't remember them...Why are you asking me this?"

"Uh...I think I...kinda know your folks..."