• Published 1st Jul 2012
  • 2,133 Views, 96 Comments

Star-Crossed School Days - mechafone

Join Spark Storm as he lives out the early days prior to a great destiny.

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Special Preview: Encounter In The Forest

The Changelings were falling. The duel spell cast by Cadence and Shining Armor had been the last nail in the coffin for Queen Crysalis. She had gotten arrogant at the final hour of her victory. This certainly wasn't something she'd been planning when had spoken with Discord.

Finally falling into the Everfree Forest, she laid there on the ground as her children fell all around her. She slowly got to her feet. She was seething with anger, and it would not be sated until she got her revenge for this final insult. She let out a scream that called what children she had left to her. When they had assembled, she had maybe a hundred, maybe two.

"Changelings! Proud usurpers! Our defeat today has left us weak and embaressed. A laughing stock in the eyes of our enemies! But in bringing us here today, they have left their precious burg unprotected! Tonight, we march to the little town called Ponyville, and we shall lay waste to it! While their best warriors are in the capitol, we shall steal their homes, and destroy their loved ones! We move now!" she screamed the last word, and ran in the direction of Ponyville. She would hear the lamenting screams of those who defeated her by tomorrow...

Spark Storm's heart raced as he practically flew through the trees. He would have to be fast if he was going to get to Ponyville before the Changelings got there. This just got more and more convoluted. The attack on the capitol had been quick and fierce, and although he had been there, there had been too many innocents to protect to help out the Elements. He hadn't been there, but he assumed that they had taken care of Crysalis. Too bad whatever spell expelled them from the castle put them within an hour's run of Ponyville...

Spark had quickly outrun the Changelings, and was rapidly approaching Ponyville. It was early evening, so he wouldn't have the cover of night to get in unseen. He'd just have to chance the angry looks and possibly an outraged sister. He ran through Ponyville at a slow enough pace to see where he was going, fast enough to pass up any conversation thrown his way.

He heard a few calls,and even a few wolf-whistles. It was very uncommon to see Spark running through town, even less common to see a Pegasus like him. He was tall and well-muscled, thanks to years of working on Sweet Apple Acres once a week. If he wasn't in such a rush, he'd probably stop and chat with the ladies a little bit.

Finally, he found the pony he was looking for, and not a moment too soon. He skidded to a stop right in front of Ditzy and Carrot Top, who were both playing with little Dinky. Ditzy broke into a big, warm smile while Carrot Top stared. Ditzy had told her many times about her friend from their school days, but had never met him.

"Ditzy...No time...Get the Pegasi...and initiate plan 355, meet me at the Everfree. It's an emergency!" He was already winded a bit from running for so long, but he immediately turned and ran back the way he came. Ditzy put on her game face and turned to Carrot Top. "Carrot...hold my muffin." She deposited the little muffin in Carrot's hooves. "And watch my muffin!" Indicating Dinky, she took off into the sky to gather as many Pegasi as she could.

The small army soon made it to the edge of the Everfree. There, about two miles away, stood Ponyville. Completely unawares of what was coming, the town would quickly fall and the Changelings would be avenged. Crysalis took a step forward, eyes squinting to make out what she saw before her: A single dark blue and black Pegasus. She let out a loud, barking laugh when she recognized him. "It's you! The Goddess's lap dog! What do you think you're doing?"

Spark Storm stood tall and proud, his wings buzzing quietly behind him. "Me? I'm stopping you from ransacking Ponyville. Not a single one of you is going to get past me." He glared at her steadily. There wasn't a single hint of doubt or arrogance in his voice. He was speaking fact. His calm bravado was a bit unnerving, she had to admit, but Crysalis wasn't about to back down. She had worked for far too long and for far too hard to give up now. She had been denied her great prize, this consolation prize she was looking to take would not be taken from her as well.

"You amuse me, dog!" she spat the words, taking a few steps ahead of her army. "I have here in my possession over one hundred Changeling warriors. There is one of you. You have no chance! Step aside and I'll grant you a quick death!" As she spoke these words the sky seemed to be getting darker. She glanced up; a storm. How fitting that this would be the...wait. She took a closer look. This wasn't a random storm encounter. There were Pegasi bunching the clouds together.

So that was his plan...and it was a good one. Lightning was the Changeling's greatest weakness, and it was said that the Goddess's Knight weilded lightning himself. But...he couldn't possibly rival Nightmare Moon in terms of lightning powers, could he? She would soon find out, she would not show weakness and retreat now. She hissed and displayed her insect-like wings in a threatening display as she faced Spark once again.

"Do you really think you can stop us with this little plan of yours? You are but one Pegasi, and your comrades will not chance an encounter with my soldiers. You ponies are all useless cowards!" Spark smirked softly and closed his eyes. His wings spread out high, already buzzing and sparkling with energy waiting to be released. Now, Ditzy...

Having seen the signal from high up above, Ditzy stomped on her bit of cloud, sending down a thick thread of lighting at Spark's lightning rod-like appendages. He redirected the lightning and threw it along the ground, catching dozens of Changeling's in it's line of fire. The Changeling army started to panic, some flying up into the air where they were struck down by the Pegasi up above with threads of lightning.

"No!" Crysalis charged Spark Storm, only to take a hit full on in the chest. She was thrown back and crashed through a tree, toppling it. She was immediately on the move, in full retreat. Had she been at her full strength, with all the love that she had taken from Shining Armor, she could've easily wiped out the town and it's stupid Defenders.

But as weak as she was now, her life was in danger. It couldn't end now, it was far too soon! Her thoughts were soon broken as thick threads of lightning shot around her, barely missing her head. Spark Storm was chasing her into the woods now, and attacking her under his own power. While these strikes were significantly less powerful than if aided by an actual storm, he was still strong enough to kill her if he could corner her.

"My children!" she called as she ran, full speed deep into the forest. "Protect your queen!" The Changeling army swarmed into the area, ready to defend her. Spark wasn't about to lose the Queen, though. One of Equestria's biggest threats was right in front of him, and he wasn't about to pass up the chance to end it. He released strike after strike, the threads of light lighting up the woods like blinding strobe lights. Changelings fell, bodies smoking, carapaces cracking.

Spark ran faster and faster after Crysalis, getting closer and closer. He let fly strike after strike from his wings. He was getting tired, using up his stamina so quickly. But so was she. The remnants of Crysalis's army was getting smaller. It wouldn't be long now...

He finally aimed a strike at the Queen's leg. It's aim was true, and she stumbled head over feet to run into a fallen log. She breathed heavily, her long, teal hair falling over her face. Spark Storm approached her, his crooked wings raising over his head. Crysalis could hear the high-pitched whine of powerful electricity building in his wings, preparing a final strike. Crysalis growled. She'd come so far, she'd lost so much. It wasn't fair, it wasn't fair!

Spark and Crysalis suddenly became aware of a darker presence. There, standing on the fallen log that Crysalis was resting against, was Nightmare Moon, staring down at the Queen with a look of amusement. "Oh, does it amuse you so to see me so cornered, Moon Goddess?" Crysalis demanded. That stupid pony was always so smug...

"Oh, indeed it does. Not that you need feel so powerless...My Knight is magnificent, his victory was assured even without assistance." Nightmare Moon said, with great satisfaction. She cast her gaze to Spark Storm with affection and approval. He sighed and rolled his eyes. This mare again..."Step aside, Goddess, so I can end this."

Nightmare Moon gave a cute little pout and shook her head. "Oh...I'm afraid I can't do that. You see...I need her help with something, and her death would put a kink in my wonderful plans for you...for us." Nightmare Moon stepped down off the log and approached Spark, daintily brushing a wing under his chin. "You understand, don't you?"

Spark shivered at the gentle touch, but tonight was business. He stepped away from her, lightly shaking his head. "I'm sorry, but the coy flirting won't work with me tonight. What this creature has done is personal...I'm ending it now."

The Goddess smiled, then spread her wings high over her head, her own feathers bristling with electricity. "Then I propose a test...If you can best me at my own powers, you may take her life."

"Hey!" Nightmare Moon ignored Crysalis' protest.

"Oh, run along, bug. My love is tired...he will not persevere. And then I may have some fun with him."

Crysalis did not find this amusing. Her best laid plans had just been ruined, and then she had been denied her revenge. And to top if all off, she was being rescued by this lovey dovey Goddess. Her pride was destroyed, there was nearly nothing left. With a heavy heart and wounded pride, she ran off into the woods aimlessly.

Spark Storm sighed and looked into Nightmare Moon's eyes. "Look, I enjoy a good roll in the hay as much as the next stallion, but I keep telling you I'm not interested."

The Goddess laughed that beautiful laugh, which Spark was loathe to say he enjoyed hearing. "My Knight, there will be much rolling in the hay, but for now, we will dance."

Spark Storm spread his legs and splayed his wings. If she was going to challenge him at lightning, then with Celestia as his witness he would challenge her.

They danced.