• Published 1st Jul 2012
  • 2,132 Views, 96 Comments

Star-Crossed School Days - mechafone

Join Spark Storm as he lives out the early days prior to a great destiny.

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That First Day

"Spark Storm, sweetie..." Spark grumbled quietly to himself as he turned away from the invading voice. He pulled the covers tightly over himself. "Spark, it's time for your first day of school!"

Spark let out a long, drawn out negative. He pulled the covers over his head and pulled himself into a little ball of quilt. Cherry Joy chuckled at the little colt's antics. He'd never been much of a morning pony. She gently grasped the quilt with her teeth and pulled until Spark was tucked into it like an upside down net.

"I don't wanna!" he pouted, and made futile kicking motions as he felt himself being carried about in the quilt. Cherry ambled into the bathroom down the hall, and abruptly plopped him onto bathroom tile. She went to start a bath while Spark finally freed himself from the quilt.

Cherry turned to collect him. She paused, bringing a hoof to her mouth to keep from laughing at the sight before her. Spark's mane and wings were standing on end, frazzled with static. "Oh, Spark!" She finally let the chuckles escape. Spark scowled at her, but this just made her giggle harder.

"All right! Moooom, get out, I have to get ready to go!" He ran around behind her and tried to slide her out the door. She had planned to be mean about it and fake a gravity emergency, but his calling her his mother struck her heart chords. She let out a gasp and turned, grasping him in her forelegs and nuzzling his cheeks.

"Oh, Spark! You...you finally called me 'mommy'!" She squealed with happiness, having spent the last two years trying to get him to say it. "I said 'mom'..." he grumbled, but it was lost on loving ears. She finally put him down and smiled brightly down at her adopted son.

In the beginning, Cherry Joy had no intention of personally adopting Spark Storm. It was planned, and it was for the best, that he stay in the orphanage. Her daughter, however, had explicitly expressed her want to protect and raise Spark like a brother. After two years of watching the two grow closer, she had made the decision to adopt him into her family.

Spark sighed and glanced up at his mother, pleading for privacy. He got a warm smile and a kiss on the forehead in response before she finally gave him his space. Spark went about getting his bath, brushing his teeth, and combing his mane. Finally, it was time to groom his wings.

He brushed, preened and took immaculate care of his feathers. Cherry Joy always told him his wings were his most special feature, and to always take care of them. After his crooked wings were spotless, he rushed out of the bathroom to get breakfast.

Cheerilee was already ready to go, saddlebags filled with books. "Spark Storm, you're late! You always take too long in the bathroom." Spark raspberry'd at her and set about pulling on his saddlebags, already lovingly prepared by Cherry Joy.

"You're just jealous, Cheerilee. You don't have a pair of these babies!" He waggled his long wing feathers at her. They swayed a bit, and then popped straight up, neatly adorning his head like some fabulous hat. "D'oh! No no no! Arrgh!" Spark flipped his head back, trying to get his obstinate feathers to lay against his back again. He danced around, nearly losing his balance in the attempts.

Cheerilee smirked at this. No matter how many times that happened, he never learned not to show off. And this is what usually happened. After watching him for a full minute, she stepped over to him and ran a hoof over his back, slowly straightening his wings for him. With a dejected sigh, he quietly thanked her.

"All ready?" Cherry Joy smiled at them from the door. "Cheerilee, you know the way, right? Take Spark to class, then you head right on to yours." Cheerilee trotted to the door, holding it open for Spark with a backwards glance at her little brother. "Yes, ma'am."

Spark ran excitedly for the door, but he was stopped by a pink hoof. He looked up in horror as he realized what his mother was about to do. He barely had time to protest when she pulled him into a hug and kissed his face all over. "M-mother, no no! Close the do-NO!" He struggled fruitlessly away from her. Honestly, there were ponies watching!

"My little colt, going to his first day of school! I...I'm so proud!" Cheerilee stifled her amusement as best she could as Spark's dark face was plastered with red. Cherry Joy finally released her terribly embarrassed child. Her love for her children, even the ones in the orphanage, were all loved equally and without reserve.

Spark Storm glanced alarmingly into the streets. There were plenty of ponies walking about, but none had really taken notice of the shameless display of affection. He sighed inwardly and gave his mother a sideways glance as he started out. "Yeah, I...l-love you too g'bye." Cheerliee gave her mother a peck on the cheek and ran to catch up with Spark Storm.

The school back then was held in the back rooms of the orphanage. There were three rooms, one for each level of education. The first room was for entry-level students. Part-day care, part classroom, the youngest students came here to begin their education.

The second room, for older students, was comprised of students from third grade until eighth. Cheerilee was headed there today to begin her second year. The third room of course were for the students finishing up their schooling. It was also where they would begin to learn trades, their places in the town.

Spark Storm slipped shyly into a room that was nearly filled to the brim with little ponies. From the back of the class where the door was located, he counted eleven other foals. Five Unicorns, four Earth Ponies, and two Pegasi. He had to hold in his excitement when he realized that he wasn't the only Pegasus.

He hopped into the room and found the one empty seat between the grey female Pegasus and a mint-colored female Unicorn. They both turned to greet him, big smiles on their faces. Spark Storm returned their looks with a bright grin. "Hi! I'm Spark Storm! What are your names?"

"I'm Lyra Heartstrings! And this is Ditzy." Lyra nodded to her Pegasus friend, who gazed at Spark with a wall-eyed stare. Spark arched a brow at the odd sight, then smiled. "It's my first day, I'm really excited!" The two mares nodded in agreement, both just as excited.

"All right, colts and fillies!" A happy, feminine voice called out. All eyes were on the orange mare at the front of the class. Her mane was pure white, and kept short and pretty. Her mane was about mid-length, a little bushy, also white. She was tall, pretty and thin. Spark Storm smiled brightly at her, as did the rest of the class.

"For all you youngsters that haven't met me yet, my name is Angelica Lovage. I'll be your teacher for the next three years. I know we're going to have a lot of fun getting to know each other. We'll be learning lots of fun things this year. Now, I want everypony to stand up and tell us all a little about yourselves. You first, in the front!" She gestured with a hoof for the yellow Unicorn to stand.

"My name is Lemon Hearts. Um..." She paused. "My famiy's lived here in Ponyville for three generations," she continued, and lightly dabbed at her short, curly blue mane. Spark couldn't help but smile at her cuteness. Lemon sat down, and the next pony to her right stood.

This mare was cream colored with a navy blue mane with a pink stripe, and similar tail. She smiled confidently as she informed the class that her family had long been in the business of making candies. Her name was Bon Bon. Definitely a pony Spark would have get to know.

The next mare to stand was a pure white Unicorn pony with a long, styled blue mane and equally dazzling tail. Her name was Rarity, and her passion was fashion. Clothing styles, the in's and not so in's of fashion. She also informed the class that she would be handling costumes for any and all events. Spark Storm stuck his tongue out at her behind her back.

The next pony to share was an Earth pony with a plum coat and berry-shaded mane. Her family was in charge of one of the town's orchards and winery. Her family was wealthy, but she didn't hold herself in the same way some of the more snooty ponies did. Spark decided that he liked her well enough.

Next was one of the males. He was an Earth pony. Azure in color, with a seaweed green mane that was cut short and neat. Spark immediately didn't like this one. "My name is Righteous River." He announced in one of those pompous voices that you just hate. "My family has been here in Ponyville for generations upon generations. Most your families work for mine." He sniffed proudly and sat back down, his point made.

The room was silent for a moment before Angelica moved the class along. Even she had a slight look of distaste for the foal's bragging. "A-all right, who is next?" Next was another Earth pony. This one was wedged a bit between his desk and chair. He pulled and grunted until he made it out with an audible pop.

He was mint green, big and stocky. His mane was short and spiked and nearly the same color as River's. "M'names Mint. Mint Bank. M'daddy owns the bank." He nodded dumbly for a moment before deciding to squeeze himself back into his chair.

The next filly to stand was a Unicorn. She had a dazzling coat of azure fur, much brighter and shinier than River's. Her mane and tail were bluish white. She stood slowly, her head held high as her horn glowed blue. When her legs straightened sharply, she released her magic in a shower of sparks and showy effects that got 'ooh's and 'aah's out of the foals in the room. "I am Trixie!" She announced proudly. "One day, I will be the most famous Unicorn in all Equestria!"

Spark Storm had mixed feelings on that one. Next was the Unicorn that had introduced herself. Lyra gave the room a slightly unsettling grin. "Hi, everypony! I'm Lyra Heartstrings. Most of the ponies in my family are musicians. Our family handles most musical gigs in Ponyville."

Spark was listening intently when he noticed that the room had become silent. It was becoming painfully obvious they were waiting on him. He stood slowly in his chair, quickly realizing that it wasn't so easy or pleasant to have the spotlight on him.

Spark Storm cleared his throat as he looked around at the full room. All eyes were on him, expectant and more than a few of them looking impatient. "Uh...I-I m-my name is Spark Storm..." He stuttered out. "Um...Mo...I mean Ms Cherry Joy adopted me 'cause my parents had to move away..." He trailed off, and glanced down at the floor. He'd obviously blown his one chance at making friends.

Of course, it surprised him when there was a chorus of encouraging words, and he even thought he heard Rarity asking him to model for her. It was a confusing cacophony of sound until Angelica called for quiet, even though she had a big smile on her face. It made her happy that the ponies were so accepting. Of course, nopony noticed the looks that Trixie, River and Mint had shared. They weren't impressed.

Next up was Ditzy. She stood up a little too quickly and took to the air to correct her oversight. Unfortunately this made her a little dizzy, and her poor eyesight wasn't helping. She bumped into the wall on her right, and then overcorrected to her left. She let out a yelp and closed her eyes, preparing for a crash.

She opened her eyes to see Spark Storm's face quite near hers. She smiled down at him as she realized that he'd gotten to his hind legs and grabbed her with his forelegs to keep her afloat in the air. She grinned happily as she slowly settled herself into her chair and beamed at Spark thankfully before turning to the rest of the class.

"My name is Ditzy Doo. Um...I guess I'm a little clumsy..." She smiled sheepishly as most of her classmates already knew this, and didn't begrudge her this fact. Again, the three troublemakers in the room shared a look that they didn't approve of such a clumsy filly.

The last Pegasus stood up and smiled. His body was a very white blue, with a dark, wavy mane and tail. "Um, hello! My name is Milky Way. I um...I like the stars..." He finished lamely. Spark Storm and the fillies in the room smiled approvingly. River gave Mint a deadpan look. Great. A nerd. His eyes said, adding a gesture back towards the Pegasus. Mint didn't catch the look or the gesture. He was busy trying to fit his hoof up his nose.

Finally, the last foal was ready to introduce herself. She was the tallest student in the room. She was a pretty butter yellow Unicorn with short, tomboyish blue hair. She had a big smile on her face as she said, "Hi, I'm Allie Way! My family owns and runs some of the best game and toy shops in town! Come see us if you want to play."

This last introduction was met with much enthusiasm. Finally, all the students had been introduced. Angelica tapped her desk to get her students' attention. "All right, class, there will be plenty of time to talk and play with one another. Right now, I want you all to get out a pencil and paper..."

Spark Storm smiled as his teacher went on to describe the first assignment. There were two or three foals in his class he could do without getting to know, but all in all things were shaping up nicely. Life outside the orphanage wasn't going to be so bad at all...

Author's Note:

Background ponies are copyrighted to Lauren Faust and/or The Hub.
Cherry Joy, Angelic Lovage, Righteous River, Mint Bank and Spark Storm are mine. Please don't use them without my permission. I'd love to see them in other stories, too!