• Member Since 15th May, 2014
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Raging inhibitionist.

Comments ( 212 )

Looking great, Trop. I'm looking forward to future chapters, and thanks for making my car ride infinitely less boring.

Loving the chapters so far Troppy, hope to see more in a while. :3

Afterwards they ended up in a businesslike meeting room back in the mansion, and a couple they had previously observed in a ‘slave training scene’ arrived to take questions. The mare, who half an hour earlier had been begging tearfully (and in vain) for mercy, was now relaxed, smiling and outspoken.

“Yes, in some ways it is all make-believe,” she explained. “But at the same time it’s also very real. The toys are real, our bodies are real, and the pain doesn’t suddenly disappear just because we end the scene and turn on the lights – you’ll notice that I’m not sitting down.”

This bit still doesn't fail to make me laugh no matter how many times I read it.

reproductive anatomy (‘because you were too busy giggling when they taught you this in school’), a safeword pop quiz, . . .

And at this point I think I lost my sides. Excuse me while I go look for them.

Don’t fall over yourselves; there’s a long way to a hundred . . .

A-a-a hundred?

Oh my

Shes going to need a fan and a block of ice to sit on. I know i do and im just reading

usually i dont read these kinds of stories but this one caught my eye. great work and i look forward to more in the future.

I love this story so far. It delves into a perspective I haven't yet seen in the few Clocktower fics I've read. You have earned my favorite, and I look forward to what's next.

Also, please, please, let C557 be renamed George(or a variation of it). I just think that would be hysterical

“Yes, but – I mean, I probably can’t really deny it sounds kinda hot, but how did you already know I was, you know –”

“Magic,” she said, with finality. “And that’s all you’re gonna get. That’s all they tell me.”

No it's okay, I totally consented to invasion of privacy and mindrape to find out what I'm into??

7752781 7752788 7752803 7752847 7752848
Thank you! :twilightsmile:

It's a nice round number to shoot for. Whether they reach it will, if the dom is any good, depend on how it goes along the way.

I really don't see any "mindrape" here. Some privacy concerns, perhaps -- but they are on about the same order as the Friendship Map dastardly disclosing to Twilight's council that such-and-such ponies have a friendship problem that needs solving.

I will hold her and spank her and fuck her and squeeze her, and perhaps – just perhaps! – call her George.

My sides have reached orbit!! Luna, please help me bring them back down to earth!:pinkiehappy:
Thanks for the good laugh, I needed that!:twilightsmile:
This story has me intrigued, ill be definitely tracking this.

Ooh! And NOT ANTHRO! I will be looking into this.

By god, that's a beautiful cover image.

Hazaah - a 'domming 101' sort of story. Though now I want to see how things would have gone if he had decided to go to Clocktower West...

This is a pretty interesting story. It's nice to hear the perspective of a newbie Dom, and something I don't think gets written about very often. I'll be watching this.

And the "Call her George" bit was hilarious.

7753111 Thank you~ :pinkiehappy:

There's more where that came from. Here's the picture we used for the promotional poster. :pinkiehappy:

im not usually into this but you have my attention

That last line cracked me up.

Had fun reading all of that, reminded me a lot of my first girlfriend lol

Really looking forward to seeing where this goes. I love this perspective, folks that kind of know what they want, but don't know how to get it and too inexperienced or outgoing to figure out it directly. Really hits home, lol.

I didn't even know I needed to read this until it showed up in the feature box. Thank you.

I should really get in on this 'verse at some stage.

and more consent than you can shake a whip at


I don't know why I found that so funny but I did.

Now that I think about it, It probably has something to do with how I haven't slept in the last 20 hours:pinkiecrazy:

7754123 that's not good man, you do know you can, and I mean this in all seriousness, you can actually die from sleep deprivation, after long enough without sleep to repair your brain it will literally stop functioning and shut down. :applejackconfused:

7754187 yea I Know...but these essays aren't gonna write themselves lol!:pinkiehappy:

I'm just glad they were the last two of the semester and I can finally go to sleep now:ajsleepy:

Great work. Keep it up, I can't wait to see more of it.

reproductive anatomy (‘because you were too busy giggling when they taught you this in school’),


7752857 I just figured it was like targeted advertising ya know? "Oh look this guy has purchased the essential bdsm porn collection...he may be interested in joining our club". The same reason Fimfic adds are for RWBY merchandise for me, since I just finished watching the show.

Fantastic, I thought this was going to be another bdsm clopshot,(like most of the ones that make the feature box are) but you have hooked me with an interesting and well told story so far, I look forward to more soon.

This is pretty great so far.


I will admit that is kind of the one thing that bothers me about the whole thing. I understand their intentions are good and if you say no they leave you alone, but that doesn't stop it from being creepy nonetheless.

7752969 7753201 7753720 7753734 7753929 7754060 7754497 7754608 7754811 7754914
Thank you! :twilightsmile:

7754741 7755064
Manifest Harmony, who created the Clocktower universe, has an intricate headcanon for how the Society actually locates prospective members. I chose not to go into it here because handling it properly would derail the story I want to tell. The level of knowledge Sip (and Beating Heart) ends up with here -- basically, A Wizard Did It -- is pretty much representative of what most members know about it, anyway.

To the extent 7752857's criticism is that Sip ought to have complained about the procedure, I will dig in and say that wouldn't be in character for him. After all, he had plenty of other more urgent things to figure out what he thought about. (Also, he is happy enough about having been approached himself, and is not really one to make a big stand for abstract principles).

This freaking story is what I was searching for in the whole Clocktower universe!

I have to admit, I kinda was motivated to read this fic due to the adorable mare on the cover. Are we going to have some cute slave/master romping in chapters to come?

Finished second chapter! Thoughts.

First, losing his virginity that way kinda made me wince. I guess it's the romantic in me, and to an extent "virginity" isn't a thing, but your first time seems kinda special still.

I like that he knows what he wants but finds his demeanor/character not quite in line with his desires because honestly that's really normal with lots of things. My desires and my temperament often clash! Many people's do. That doesn't make those desires illegitimate, nor does it make one's temperament a sham. It's just part of life, negotiating the complexities of being human (or pony, in this case). I can sympathize. Eager for more!

Only just read the first couple paragraphs so far, but I had to come down and comment that I HATE ENGLISH TEACHERS LIKE THAT. The point of any form of art, literature included, is that it is OPEN TO INTERPRETATION. While the author certainly is usually trying to make a certain point, that doesn't mean finding your own meaning is wrong.

Alright, rant over, back to the story. :twilightblush:

Honestly, it reads a bit dry, but I could be a touch over critical since it is a BDSM story and it is rare to see them done right.

Good luck regardless.

7755608 7756567
Thank you!

There will be at least some romping in the next chapter (whenever I get that written).

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, I suppose I'm rather on the drier side of most clop, which isn't for everyone. But I'm happy that a good amount of people do seem to share my tastes here.

Same as the others: I'm not at BDSM (that's why I hadn't delved that much in Clockwork's universe), but this fic got my attention. Hope to see how it continues.

Intriguing. I find myself laughing at a lot of things that maybe weren't meant to be funny, but at the same time, I did read two chapters. I'll even add this to my library and see where their first scene goes.

“I did,” she said plainly. “Don’t worry, she likes it that way. Said after this session it was the best sex she’d had in moons.”

Jesus Christ. If you can't get off without being physically abused, bruised, and bloodied, there's something wrong with you.

Do you know how easy it would be for the girl to change her mind and ruin your life? One day you're having your little fun, and then she decides to call the cops; and what are they going to see? The little bruised, crying girl, and you standing there, insisting that: "she was asking for it." How do you think that's going to play out?

These people are sick, absolutely SICK. Run far, far away from them if you value your life and sanity.

7759087 My friend, you seem to be missing the point.

Some people LIKE a little roughing-up in the bedroom...That doesn't mean they are like that in the rest of the world.

(Obligatory semi-personal example to follow): I quite like having my partner treat me like a toy between the sheets, and I absolutely love the 'abuse'. BUT -and this is the important part- we both have boundaries, and we both CONSENT to do these things. That's not to say we pummel each other black and blue every time, or ever, for that manner. I actually quite like when he leaves marks:twilightsheepish:That's normal sexual exploration. Why would you be afraid of your own sexuality? Why would you judge others for what they enjoy in the confines of their own bedroom?

Sure, the submissive could go and cry rape afterwards, but people do that all the time already! (UCLA, Duke lacrosse, etc.) and that situation would be no different in the long run. Sure, you might be detained (as a male) because of so many years where the males statistically WERE the domestic abusers. (Now, the statistics are skewed in the OPPOSITE way, but that's a discussion for later.) With all the cry-bullies about, I can see why you would say all of that, though and you have a fair point.


The foundation of dominant/submissive play is TRUST You have to know your partner, and know where the limits are, and strive NOT to cross them. The submissive partner has to be able to trust the dominant partner to stop if they say/signal to do so. Generally if you're going to be doing this type of sexual play, you'll be doing it with your spouse, significant other, or someone you trust implicitly. (Or explicitly in this case :trollestia: )


I wasn't really expecting much coming into this, just another generic BDSM clop (which I can be kind of meh on), but this turned into a lot more than I expected. Looking forward to what you write.

I'm not really a fun of BDSM but the story kept me... Chained.


It's not about getting hurt, but getting hurt in a way that doesn't hurt.

It's like, I practice jiujitsu and boxing. And when I'm sparring in the ring, me and my opponent are both trying our level best to punch each other. But it's not about "enjoying hurting my opponent" (I don't like hurting people, and if I did want to people, I wouldn't do it in a boxing ring; I'd just go do it in the street against someone who wouldn't fight back, the way thugs do). Nor is it "enjoying getting hurt". I don't like getting hurt. It hurts. :pinkiecrazy:

But pain isn't a show-stopper. When I first started, as a kid, I was terrified of even being knocked in the stomach and winded. But after it happened, it's like: "Wait, this isn't actually terrible. I mean, yeah, it's not nice, but it'll go away. I'm not hurt hurt. And the match is more fun than the discomfort I'm feeling." It's satisfying, knowing that surface-level injuries - bruises, winding, a bloody nose - aren't enough to stop me. And it's good to know my opponent feels the same way. He's not holding back, so my victory means something. And he's aware of what can happen, too, so I get to use the full litany of my own skills without worrying I'm going to cause him trauma.

But that doesn't mean we're trying to beat each other into the floor. We're sparring at the level of 'moderate discomfort'. So if one of us gets winded, or punched in the eye, we'll still go on. But we're still not trying to hurt each other. If someone asks to stop, we stop. If someone looks like they need to stop, we stop. And if someone thinks a match is an excuse to snap my arms, cave my skull in, and land me in hospital, that person is an asshole.

What it's about is not letting recoverable discomfort scare me away from something fun. Bruises go away; so does winding, and nosebleeds; things like that just don't bother me enough to make me think martial arts aren't fun. Not everyone's like that, and I understand that, too. I don't fight anyone who doesn't want to fight, and I don't fight anyone beyond a level they're okay with.

I've never done BDSM. But the idea's the same. It's not about "enjoying hurting your partner." Nor "enjoying pain". (Well, it might be a little about enjoying pain :derpytongue2: ). It's about knowing your partner is going to pleasure you so hard he'll leave marks. It's about knowing that you yourself aren't afraid of the discomfort necessary to reach that level of bliss, and about your partner knowing precisely what bothers you and what you're okay with, and respecting your decision that you're okay with that.

(Seriously, it's so annoying in boxing when a guy gives me a light bop on the head I don't even feel and then starts panicking and going "ohmygodohmygodohmygod I'm so sorry was that too hard are you okay???" Dude. I'm fine. I'm not going to crumple just because you made physical contact. If I was, I'd choose not to get into this ring, man.)

And it's about trust, too. And love, even. Knowing your partner isn't afraid of you, and will go as far as you want him to; but also that your partner is such a good person that he won't take advantage when you make yourself vulnerable to him. If you can make yourself helpless to them, and they go as far as you want them to and no further, even though they could... that's when you know there's someone wonderful in your life.

My two cents. (Okay more like twenty cents considering the sheer TLDRness I've put together. I do apologise. :pinkiecrazy: )

Well, I am pleasantly surprised :twilightsmile: the pace is much much slower than I thought it would be, and the protagonist is realluly likeable. Basically I love this story, it's well written, it's good.


Some people LIKE a little roughing-up in the bedroom

There's a difference between liking a little spanking, enjoying having a bruise or a hickey every now and then that you can look at as a little "reminder," and:

lying on a stone floor, trussed up with rope and looking fearfully at the camera with the one of her eyes that wasn’t half-closed and bruised. It was clear from the welts and scratches on her face and forebody that she had taken quite a beating.

"A little roughing-up" is much, much different from "taking quite a beating."

Why would you be afraid of your own sexuality? Why would you judge others for what they enjoy in the confines of their own bedroom?

To answer your first question, if it's causing you and/or your partners objective, demonstrable harm, then that's a reasonable, rational reason to be afraid of it. To answer your second question, I judge everyone for everything all the time; that's the only way I can figure out what kind of people I want to associate with.

We consider teenagers who cut themselves (even superficially) as troubled and mentally unwell, and we think they need help. Why, then, is it so unreasonable to suggest that people who like being beaten in the bedroom are mentally unwell too?


I used to do Krav Maga. It is so incredibly brutal that I'm hesitant to even call it a martial "art." Basically, the rules of Krav Maga are that there are no rules: if you can think of a way to take down your opponent, you're allowed to do it.

I dunno about jiu jitsu or boxing, but in Krav Maga pain always served as a negative reinforcement. If you yourself feel pain, it's because you've done something wrong, and you need to learn, to adapt, learn techniques so you don't get hurt that way again. The goal is to minimize pain to yourself—and maximize the damage done to your "partner."

Because your "partner" is your enemy. You want to cause him as much pain (to the point of death) not because you want to, but because if you don't he'll do it to you.

A martial art is, by its nature, adversarial. So is sex, I suppose, to a certain extent (though I certainly don't like to think of my partners as my enemy)—but if you're pursuing it to the point where it's causing you actual demonstrable harm, there's something wrong.

I've never done BDSM. But the idea's the same. It's not about "enjoying hurting your partner." Nor "enjoying pain". (Well, it might be a little about enjoying pain :derpytongue2: ).

Pretty sure that the S and the M in BDSM stand for Sadism and Masochism. The former, by definition, is pleasure you get from hurting others, and the latter is, by definition, pleasure you get from being hurt!

As you said, the point of martial arts is not to enjoy hurting or being hurt; but, conversely, that's precisely the point of BDSM, by definition.


I'm more shocked at the fact that he's being taught Daring Do. Aren't those supposed to be pulp novels?

7760082 I agree, there is quite the difference between playful rough-housing behind closed doors, and a full-on beating, and nobody can deny that. However, what is being described by what you have quoted is depicted as a consensual act between adults. even though this seems a little on the edgier side of the S and M of BDSM, the fact remains it's still consensual, and it's far tamer than what you might think. (Granted, I think it's odd that someone can get off from taking an actual beating, but hey, whatever floats your bot...Or sinks it.) Is it wrong for two adults to explore new sexual actions and activities? There is a reason most of the people who are into BDSM are closeted about it. Because people will judge them in an unfair light, biased by an aversion to something about them that is 'unsavory'. (Point and case)

Anyone who cuts them-self superficially or not should really rethink their actions and seek help, but the difference here is that what you are talking about actually IS a problem. The difference here is that the ones subjecting themselves to being bound and spanked, flogged, etc. are doing so willingly, and in sound mind and body. It's a totally different mindset to want to cause yourself harm, and potentially end your life, rather than experience a bit of short-lived pain to add a delightful edge to pleasure. So in short, yes, I do think it unreasonable to say that people who are masochists need mental treatment. That's like saying that homosexuals need mental help. (Spoiler alert: We don't:trollestia:)

Comparing Sadism and Masochism to Krav Maga is stretching it so thin I think you could package it as tissue paper.
Negative reinforcement is not the same as punishment. Negative reinforcement occurs when something already present is removed (taken away) as a result of a person's behavior, creating a favorable outcome for that person. Basically, when a person's behavior leads to the removal of something that was unpleasant to that person then negative reinforcement is occurring.

Secondly, as one who enjoys both sides of the dominant an submissive role (Though moreso with the latter) you don't view your partner as the enemy. The analogy you are making is flawed, in that one is a fighting discipline, and another is something that two (or more) adults do recreationally for sexual pleasure. Sure, some people like a good fight to get the blood flowing (If you know what I mean) but that is the closest one could come to saying that you have any sort of basis for your assertion. That said, I am pleased to see that you already agree with that, and I will concede that things that cause permanent, or long-lasting psychological, or physiological harm are not good things to participate in, and seeking help would not be a bad thing in such scenarios....

But not when it's just something you do for fun that has little to no chance of causing true harm to you or someone else.

Moreover, I don't believe one can judge someone just by looking at one aspect of their life for a few seconds. That's shallow and it truly reflects o the person making the judgement. People should make an attempt to get to know eachother (Even if not very well) before outright deciding that they don't like eachother. Take. for instance, America's political mess. Should people who don't like Trump hate people who do? No, they shouldn't, Not based on that one item, but that doesn't stop them. (I mean holy shit, look at these protests) That's like hating someone for liking classical music over rap. They're both just preferences and opinions. If you don't like it, then don't pay it any mind! Nobody is forcing these things on you (And if they are, they shouldn't be.)

TL;DR: Your points are invalid, and I can provide citations. You seem cool, though, but I think you should totally give at least the B and D ( :trollestia: ) a try, even if you;re not into the S&M (Nanana come on!).

The ponies in the art are cute. There I said it.


However, what is being described by what you have quoted is depicted as a consensual act between adults. even though this seems a little on the edgier side of the S and M of BDSM, the fact remains it's still consensual, and it's far tamer than what you might think.

Just because it's consensual doesn't mean it isn't sick. 2 Girls 1 Cup is a consensual act between adults, yet that doesn't make it any less sick, nor does it stop me from vomiting.

Is it wrong for two adults to explore new sexual actions and activities?

That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about people who can't get off without being abused (Ithe BDSM people consider themselves a community; their sex lives are defined by their kinks—I mean, jeez, I know I have my fetishes, but I don't consider myself in some sort of community with people who also like to cum to the same things I cum to).

If you can't get off without being abused, without having demonstrable harm (which is often permanent) done to you, there's something wrong with you.

Any man who would get involved with a woman like that is only asking for trouble. She doesn't want to be kissed, caressed, held tenderly; she wants to be tied up, whipped, and given black eyes, i.e., she wants a man to give her no reasons why she should love him, and wants him to give her every excuse to hate him. I don't know what's more sick; the person who wants to be abused, or the person who agrees to go along with it.

I would never, ever give a woman the opportunity, reason, or cause to paint me, or treat me, as some kind of abuser. I value my life and my love too much for that.

Anyone who cuts them-self superficially or not should really rethink their actions and seek help, but the difference here is that what you are talking about actually IS a problem. The difference here is that the ones subjecting themselves to being bound and spanked, flogged, etc. are doing so willingly, and in sound mind and body. It's a totally different mindset to want to cause yourself harm, and potentially end your life, rather than experience a bit of short-lived pain to add a delightful edge to pleasure.

This is circular reasoning. "People who cut are not of sound mind and body, therefore it's a problem; whereas people who do BDSM are of sound mind and body, therefore it's not a problem."

My whole point is that people who do BDSM are not of sound mind and body, and you pretty much are saying "I don't agree." Which is fine, but the above quoted excerpt doesn't really help your point much.

Comparing Sadism and Masochism to Krav Maga is stretching it so thin I think you could package it as tissue paper.

Probably, but I was just using the analogy 7759788 made and was just rolling with it.

But not when it's just something you do for fun that has little to no chance of causing true harm to you or someone else.

It's not unheard of for people who engage in BDSM to die, or be permanently disfigured.

Moreover, I don't believe one can judge someone just by looking at one aspect of their life for a few seconds.

No, but I do believe you can, after examining one aspect of a woman's life for a few seconds, make a judgement as to whether or not you want to get sexually involved with her. If I found out some woman could only get sexually involved with men who flogged her and gave her black eyes, I would keep her at arm's length and not get involved.

Ok, I don't think you understand a damn thing about what the 'BDSM Community' actually wants. No-one 'needs' abuse to get off; I agree that someone who does probably needs to get looked at. It's the fact that it heightens the experience in some way.

This can come through chemicals such as endorphins (The body's pain reliever, which has a side-effect of pleasure and happiness), or through the feeling of utter freedom or total control that comes from submission or domination, respectively (Yes, freedom for the submissives. The utter freedom that comes from being able to willingly give away your own control; to no longer be responsible for yourself, and having complete trust in your partner).

If you really think people are fucked up for liking to 'play' with their own body and emotions, then you must not like gays, transvestites, lesbians, blacks, whites, martians, or anything.

Normality is bullshit, and if you aren't comfortable with your partner having fetishes, then they should not have to be comfortable with any you have either.

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