• Member Since 18th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen May 21st


Creativity through pain, to relight the flame. Also sex Lotsa sex.

Comments ( 87 )

Beside a few spelling errors, this seem intriguing.

Yeah just spotted those this morning myself. -facepalm- I was so sure I’d got them all

It needs a bit more puns :moustache:

this is good, Pls keep going

Personally, I found these jokes to be very ... :twilightsmile: ”punny”. :moustache:

I do wonder if you found them all, however. Some are a lot more subtle than others.

Get this bitch a Canon bitches love cannons

Awe, murderous kawaii bat waifu

I'm still not seeing how him being the the Night Guard is a good thing. Azure hated him even after he both helped her and she found he was an omnivore. It really doesn't seem like anything has changed or that he's actually in a non-abusive environment, she just wants to bed him now. Nothing says any of them actually treat him with respect or kindness given none of them did before.


Patience, young one. Patience. This is only chapter 1 of like 10 or 11 (I’m still planning some of it out). All will be explained in due time.

I freaking love this. The drama, the dark tones, it's all so... real. It's like I'm actually watching a man fall apart, something that I, sadly, have a lot of experience with.

Yeah, real open and welcoming place. Considering his last interaction with the Lunar Guard, I'm surprised he doesn't just bring up his concerns with Luna. She'd be his boss, and it'd be irresponsible of her if she were to insist on his joining if they're going to ultimately be like the Day Guard (as it looks to be).

The simplest solution would be to travel to the past, then go to the place the portal appeared and just get inside again, you don't need to travel through space AND time, just one after the other, first time, then space, 24 hours is more than enough to do the trip.

Maybe, but remember that he has been in Equestria for almost a year. so the spell is useless passed the 24 hours.:fluttershysad:

Twilight has a time travel spell, though it only lets you stay about 30 seconds, I think is enough time to do a scan of the portal, where it comes from, how much power, etc. etc.

yes but she can only go back for a week, not 11 months :twilightsheepish:

“Caput Draconis.”

Someone thought of a safe password that is almost fully ponyproof...

That was part of the reason yes. You get a cookie.

The coverart has the Titanic in it but the description doesn't mention anything of it, so, does this story involve the Titanic or a ponified version what so ever?

Let me know in PM then, the involvement of the Titanic will determine if i read this or not

I get if it’s a personal choice to call it that, but I’ve always heard it called the ”Lunar Guard”, not the “Luna Guard”. Also, faved and liked, and awaiting more!

Hmm. I’ve done some reading on the subject and from what I can gather, “Luna” which is identical to the Latin roots, is just the name, but the adjective is ”Lunar” most of the time.
Technically, Luna Guard still works but one doesn't say “Celestia Guard,” they say Solar Guard or Day Guard. In short, I think you might be right. I might have to change that. :facehoof:
Sigh. Why does language have to be so complicated?

Anyway thanks for pointing that out. /)

No problem, man! (\ :pinkiehappy:

Hey great story so far but the only thing is the dialogue could make someone have to go back and reread to see who is doing an action in the conversation while another is talking. Like towards the end of the last chapter when our main man is talking with Supernova and Azure about his people, i could see the reason you could write it like you have however. A specific line that comes to mind is when Nova says “Just wondering” when asking about his sleep patterns, with only a space in between him yawning and her dialogue it somewhat makes it sound like HE is just wondering, not Nova. Other than that I’m liking this very much.

I'm glad to see you've continued his story. I love the polyamory and RGRE elements. I look forward to reading the next chapter when it's ready.

Hesitant fav. Don't get me wrong, I'm actually loving this story. Only thing is the 3 months without a chapter that has me worried. I've got so many great fics in perpetual favorite even though the author put a bullet in em'. :fluttercry:

Hmmm. Curious...


That human seem to get some attention ;3

9437216 since you asked so nicely...

I am enjoying this story. have a like :)

Yeah sorry about that. I have been really busy lately but I AM still working on it. The new chapter is called “Water” and It’s 3/4 done already. Feel free to join my discord if you want updates on what I’m doing (link below)


And this kids, is why you don't go to the Bermuda Triangle.

Wow, Luna is kind of a bitch here.

My suffering is immeasurable and my dream is ruined.

So there was no point in helping him, she just wanted access to his mind? Well so much for Luna being of any help. Plus there's the fact he didn't bring up at all how the rest of the guard he was supposedly going to fit in with are just as bad as their daytime counterparts, with some hypocrisy thrown in for good measure.

“My subject, I know only too well the pain of isolation. You must not be afraid to open yourself up to ponies.” My eyes looked away. “Please, promise me you will at least try.” I looked back at her, my fear and uncertainty clear in my eyes. I wanted to say no; but a voice reminded me of just how old Luna was. She was so, so much more experienced than me, and I wasn’t arrogant enough to pretend otherwise. Maybe, just maybe, what she was saying was worth listening to.

Gotta call bullshit on this, ponies so far have shown themselves to be generally terrible. The Night Guard treat him like a freak and outcast just like his previous job and nobody seems to care, nor does it look like he'll either demand better treatment or just do the smart thing and ditch them altogether. Without a dynamic change in his situation I don't see how the story can move forwards at all.

Good to get some of his backstory and it's good he's been told not to be a loner. I like the "wormhole" angle. That's info 'T.S.' should know. It might be beneficial to leave some kind of monitoring where the 'human' was found. It's a long shot and may not lead to a way back to earth but I'm sure they'd gain useful data. Thanks for the update! I'm glad you're still working on it. I look forward to the next one.

Also, I noticed you used "Of cause" instead of "Of course" a couple of times. The latter makes more sense in context.


Also, I noticed you used "Of cause" instead of "Of course" a couple of times. The latter makes more sense in context.

-Looks it up on Google, then looks at spelling in chapter-
Ah. Yes you are quite right. Not sure if that’s a simple spelling error or a genuine mistake. I’m inclined to think the former. I’ll fix that now. Thanks.
Damn. I was sure I had got all the errors.

There was absolutely no point in drowning him without warning or time to prepare.

He's told to submit and accept his situation, when frankly it is shit and his previous life is portrayedqs better. Most ponies have been shown to not be qccomodating and friendly, but hostile and racist. He left one job working for royalty for another because they hated him fir not being a pony. The group he joined apparently also hate him for no reason when they in actuality should like him. He accepts they are different and doesn't hate them for being as they are, and despite being shown this they deliberately choose to hate him. The fact they want to screw him isn't an improvement, it just says he'll be sexually abused if he does. In short Luna pulled him from a nightmare about drowning to tell him to get close to people who have shown no redeeming qualities, and then she goes and drowns him herself. Nothing in the chapter does anything but harm him.


Regardless of how shit or great his previous life was, it is now irrelevant. He is stuck in equestria. This was the hand he was dealt and he has to deal with it. It is kind of a metaphor for any loss or grievance in that way. Sometimes shit happens and you have to move on. I have read many stories that portray the human as not missing earth or having a shit life before, I didn't want to do that. It seemed a bit boring to me and I wanted to create a bit of extra conflict by having him leave something behind.

The ponies who actually know him are generally very friendly with only a few exceptions like Obsidian. He is undoubtedly racist, he is written that way, but he represents the minority, not the majority. Anon has friends in both the day and night guard and the general populace, ponies who don’t know him, treat him with caution rather than malice, simply through instinct (he’s a predator after all) and ignorance. If he opened himself up more, more ponies would see who he is. The problem is that, that concept, opening up, terrifies him. He doesn’t want to be hurt again or risk getting rejected.

This story is about him coming to terms with his new life, finding his place and being proud of who he is as well as learning to open up again.

As for Luna’s actions in the dream, there was a reason behind this. All will be explained soon. I didn't want this chapter overstaying its welcome.

And just a quick fyi, he’s not a part of the night guard at this stage. He just attended a hunt. He hasn't moved anywhere.


The ponies who actually know him are generally very friendly with only a few exceptions like Obsidian. He is undoubtedly racist, he is written that way, but he represents the minority, not the majority. Anon has friends in both the day and night guard and the general populace, ponies who don’t know him, treat him with caution rather than malice, simply through instinct (he’s a predator after all) and ignorance. If he opened himself up more, more ponies would see who he is. The problem is that, that concept, opening up, terrifies him. He doesn’t want to be hurt again or risk getting rejected.

While good to be addressed, the fact that none of it seems present in the story itself is a problem given we've only really seen him "on the job" where most all the ponies seem to hate him, because it puts his situation in a much different light. And makes it seem that Luna doesn't much care about this even though he'll be transferred over to her guards.


The first chapter of this story had him off the job at the hunt with the bat ponies being perfectly civil

I saw it more as them being focused on wanting sex than actually deciding to be nice to him. Given the initial reaction to him saying he is an omnivore and doesn't look down on them for being different from other ponies is to hate him, it says the default state of the Night Guard is to hypocritically hate him. Sexual interest doesn't necessarily say they view him other than negatively. Though you could solve that in a single chapter, so as long as it isn't ignored its not a huge deal.

Heh. You might end up in Equestria. I dunno, some people might see that as a good thing.

I love this. All of the best parts of a good HiE are present, and the subtle RGRE is a great touch. Looking forward to seeing more from you.

Good start to an His did. Would love to to see this continued.

thanks man. Hoping to get the next chapter up soon

I ... think I meant HIE Fic? I dunno. Damn auto correct!

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