• Member Since 15th May, 2014
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Raging inhibitionist.

Comments ( 38 )

Nice, consensual pet play. Very sweet... in a disturbing way.

I was about to put this off as just another random story... then somehow, the title of the prequel clicked in my head.

I... suppose I feel the same way about it as the previous one.

Uh, sarcophagia isn't a word, at least not according to google. Is it your word for an obsession with sarcophaguses?

Thank you.

I'm flattered you would remember it after three months. I must be doing something not entirely wrong.

It's my own attempt to construct a ten-dollar word for meat-eating as a fetish. Just having a bit of fun in the description, never mind that neither character actually has such a fetish. ("Sarcophagus" has a similar origin; it is a shortening of a phrase meaning "flesh-eating stone").

It is rare to find someone who understands that BDSM is not about sex or power but about immense trust between two souls.
I thank you for this wonderful story, Troposphere.

My pleasure. *bows*

4806785 Holy shit Jake The Army Guy was here!!! :pinkiehappy:

Here I saw the bell icon light up and got all excited about someone having an opinion on the story. But no. :fluttercry:

4848897 Aw yeah, story was cool, whatever. :moustache:

hot! Hot! HOT! Thumbs up!

My dick hurt after reading this I think you broke it with epicness

Twice. This is very good. :ajsmug:

4881053 Sorry, I hope you get it fixed.
4891696 Thank you.


what does this word mean? can't find what it means on the web

It means the practice of eating meat, from Greek σάρξ "flesh", and φαγεῖν "to eat". Probably a rare perversion in the ponyverse. See 4808606.

4913417 surprisingly enough ponies(IRL) can eat meat and derive sustenance from it. they are geared more towards grasses because it is far more plentiful and less energy intensive food source. :twilightsmile:

edit: I think i need to sleep, idk why i post this.

I want to give you multiple thumbs up for this, but it only lets me press it once. I like these stories, and want to see more like it.

It's always good to see writers who make use of non-humans unique features for bondage (oh, and I like the pet-play).

Carniphilia perhaps? Necrophagia showed up in Lovecraft's Christmas cards once.

I fuckin' love this story man. The trust bond, the realism in how he handles it? Mmph!

(Is it weird that realistic kink gets me going?)

Comment posted by Shrinky Frod deleted Dec 17th, 2014

I don't think -philia is appropriate unless at least somepony in the story likes it. (So no, it's not really a fetish here, despite my earlier comment). As for necro-, that looms so large in the character's personal perspective that it wouldn't really feel appropriate to adopt that for the story description.

Thanks for the praise. :twilightsmile: I'm particularly glad you point to his behavior, because the viewpoint here didn't make it easy to convey what makes him tick, and I spent quite some energy trying to make it work.

Fair enough. :)

And I'll admit, I have an in with him. I'm another of those freaky nurturing doms you never hear about. ;)

Let's hope you do a better job of it than the Master in this story. ;-)

And what did he do that was wrong?

He just found out that his pet has been consistently putting her life in his hooves beyond the level to which she was supposed to. Risking her own life against his direct orders. He had to find some way to actually punish her for doing so, to make sure the lesson stuck.

Considering how much she enjoys as "punishments," and what was given as backstory? This is a perfectly legitimate punishment. She didn't safeword out. Neither did he. He clearly *hated* it the entire time. Afterwards, after she went through the punishment, he made sure to reward her for *not* safewording out and working to restore their bond.

So I'd say he's doing a pretty good job of it. I'd just say he should have made her more keenly aware of what his worries were, but she seemed to be getting along with them until he found out otherwise. She's just lucky he found out when something *wasn't* wrong.

Thanks for your interpretation. It's always interesting to hear what people get out of my writing. I can't say yours is wrong, because it doesn't contradict anything that's on the paper and the story is supposed to stand on its own. In some aspects it arguably matches the text better than what I thought I was writing.

His main mistake, I think, was to make her responsible for setting up a backup plan when being completely dependent on him gets her off. That's just courting disaster. At least he should have supervised her a lot closer, rather than assume her sense of self-preservation could substitute for him verifying that it was being done.

That doesn't mean she shouldn't be punished, of course. That's what he has to do, no doubt about that. One might quibble that his initial idea of "then fuck her while she's eating it" is perplexingly pointless -- it doesn't really work for either of them, as sex or punishment or anything, despite her earnest effort to make it count. But I can't really blame him for not thinking completely straight in the situation. And having a known strong trigger for her ready for emergencies like this is a praiseworthy level of preparedness.

Where our readings diverge is that in my mind he's completely shaken by discovering the result of his failure to supervise, and desperately wants to apologize to her for it. But he doesn't think he can do so while the master-slave dynamic is still in effect. (Whether he's right about that is debatable; I should think it would be healthier if he was secure enough in his authority that acknowledging a mistake wouldn't jeopardize it). And he has a horrible misconception that the only way to get out of that is if she safewords out. So when he whips her, however objectively justified that is, he's doing so in bad faith, hoping he can push her over her limit. At the end he's resigned to not getting to apologize, and instead tries to make up for his mistake by giving her the best sex he knows how to.

All in all, Occam's razor no doubt favors your more straightforward explanation. I just can't claim to have consciously intended it.

Aaaaah, you see? Context matters!

You see, when Cheerilee pondered if he knew that he could safeword out, I took it as read that he did, but he also saw it as his duty as her Master to teach her *in* context, and therefore was preventing himself from doing so because he knew it was part of his responsibility.

That said, yeah, I see a lot of folks surprised by the concept of the dom/me safewording. Part of why I used it in the breathplay chapter of my Rarijackdash story.

Ah, that makes sense. Pretty ironic that you did notice the hint I dropped, but took it as pointing in the opposite direction of what I thought I was hinting.

I'll have to accept responsibility for keeping my headcanon too well hidden here. But I'm glad it didn't prevent you from liking the story as written.

Something about this story is very touching. Mainly early on. How sad she is that she disappointed him and how back during the pet/cage thing he realized she really didn't like meat and changed how he fed her so she was happier. Also that he let's her answer truthfully, instead of those dumb stories where subs have to "like" everything their dom does.

Anyway, great story and I really hope you make more sometime!

6141176 Glad you liked it. :raritywink:

I read this long before I had an account on this site. But if any bdsm fic deserves all the likes and faves in the world, it's this one.

7485882 Thank you. :twilightsmile:

(I've got yours sitting around in my read-later folder, waiting patiently for when I can find a secluded spot to start munching through 46k words, but with great hopes based on the description. Here's hoping "law" will turn out to be an actual safeword. :twistnerd:)

I'm totally with Cheers here: dog food tastes terrible! :rainbowlaugh:

Welp, another Troposphere fic for my faves list... :twilightsmile:

I simply *adore* your portrayal of kink relationships! Is there anything else you've been writing elsewhere??

Sorry, that's all there is.

10/10 would read again

Consent is kinky, change my mind

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