• Published 1st Jul 2012
  • 8,325 Views, 348 Comments

Lake of Reflection - Richer19

My first shipping story. Rated T for Twixie with some mentor Luna.

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Chapter 3: A Hopeful Wish

I am really glad that you all are enjoying the story. I would have thought that the way I was doing these chapters, alternating them between Trixie and Twilight, would have been a bad idea, but I am glad for the positive feedback. With that, here is the next chapter.

Chapter 3: A Hopeful Wish

Two months ago: Twilight’s Library

“So…are you going to keep it as some kind of trophy?” Spike asked as he stared at the familiar cape and hat. He took a glance at Twilight who was also staring at the familiar get up, worn by what was considered the most boastful and teeth-gritting pony in Equestria. Yet, Spike could see the almost wishful look in her eyes. Due to the fact that he had spent most of his time in her company, Spike was aware of the various reactions her body would make when she was thinking, and could almost take a guess as to what her answer was going to be. However, it came as a mild surprise when Twilight responded in a rather hesitant tone “…I don’t know Spike.”

Such a sentence was almost nonexistent to Twilight. She was the pony that was able to know exactly what was going on. Yet, her books had failed her for the first time in her life; only giving her vague, yet extreme, results that both scared and frustrated her. Spike had a feeling what was going through Twilight’s mind at the time. He had always known her to be in control of everything in her life, and to now face a problem that she was unable to properly identify was causing her more grief then the time she almost missed a deadline for her friendship reports. It was at that moment that a soft fluttering of wings registered in Spike’s ears, followed by a tiny but firm pressure on his shoulder. He turned his head and saw that it was his pet phoenix Peewee who had just returned from his nightly flight. The phoenix was growing up at a healthy rate, according to both Celestia and Fluttershy, and had already gone through one of his cycles of death and rebirth.

Spike gave the young bird a pat on the head and asked Twilight, “Are you going to get rid of it?” Spike would never tell Twilight, but even after all these months, he still felt a mild anger towards the blue unicorn. This anger was born from her rather boastful nature and the way she treated Rarity’s mane as if it was some plaything. Though he didn’t like it, a part of him wouldn’t mind seeing the fabric in front of him burn in a green fire. However, Twilight once again responded, “…I don’t know Spike.”

Spike, who was officially out of ideas and was far too tired to come up with new ones, replied, “Well…let me know what you plan on doing with it in the morning. In the meantime” He gave a rather large yawn that shook Peewee off his perch on Spike’s shoulder and made his way to his own sleeping area to rest, “I’m going to be hitting the sack.” With that, Spike made his way to his sleeping basket and almost immediately the sound of light, draconic snoring filled the room.
Twilight gave a sympathetic smile to her faithful assistant before returning her attention back onto the cape and hat that was currently on one of the display ponies that Rarity use in her shop. To be honest with herself, she had no idea what she wanted to do with the cape and hat now that they were fixed. Part of her wanted to go out and try to find the blue unicorn so she could return them. However, she had no idea where Trixie was at and she was fearful of any sort of encounter with the blue unicorn. She had thought about what Spike said, but she didn’t want to think of these clothes as some kind of trophy. She was fearful of having to see these clothes and be reminded of that night when the Ursa Minor attacked.
Yet, the thought of getting rid of them always seemed to leave an awful taste in her mouth. If what Weaver had said was true, then the fabric alone would be worth more than at least ten of her oldest tomes. The fact that the material was so rare was another reason why she kept her mouth shut about the existence of the cape and hat to her friends. She hated doing so, but she couldn’t help but imagine all the things they would do to it if they had found out. Rarity was at the forefront as she imagined her ripping apart the cape and hat in order to salvage the precious Canterlot silk it was made from. Applejack and Rainbow Dash would most likely wear the clothes only to abuse them to the point where they would be unrecognizable. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, though didn’t challenge Trixie that day, would more than likely damage the cape and hat for the sole reason that they represented a pony who hurt their friends.

Twilight gave a tired sigh and made her way to her own bed. As she got under the covers, she was suddenly aware of a faint scent floating in the air. Curious, she took a few sniff and started to feel her mind haze up a bit and a feeling of comfort flowing in her body. She was unable to identify the source of the scent, but it smelled like a mixture of jasmine and blueberry, with a hint of something that she was unable to put her hoof on. Not that it really mattered right now anyway, the unknown scent was calming her aching mind and heart; relaxing her in such a way that she hadn’t felt since back when her mother had tucked her into bed when she was a little filly. Slowly, her eyes drifted off into her dreamscape and she was hit by a dream that was both new and unexpected.

She saw herself sitting in the main room of the library. The sun was out and she was reading a book that showed diagrams of various equations, and words printed in small but readable text. Twilight realized that she was reading a passage about the correct method of teleporting, which confused Twilight, because she believed herself to be an expert in that field. It was then that she heard her voice say “Are you ready to try again Trixie?” The book was lowered and Twilight saw that she was nearly face to face with the blue unicorn. She was also holding the same book as Twilight, and she to lowered it before replying “I think I figured out what I’ve been doing wrong. I’m ready to give it another try.” Twilight couldn’t see it, but she could feel the caring smile forming on her mouth as she watched her blue counterpart start to channel her magic in a blue glow, before disappearing with a loud bang and a flash of white.

It was only a moment before another loud bang and flash of light appeared a few feet away on the other side of the table. Twilight got up onto her hooves and made her way to the other side and saw, to her slight amusement, Trixie lying on her back with her eyes closed. Trixie slowly opened her eyes and exclaimed “I did it Twilight! I did it!” before pausing for a moment and adding, “Wait…did I rearrange the library again?” Twilight couldn’t help but let out a small giggle of happiness and made her way over so she was facing Trixie and looking down at her upside-down body. Twilight then said “You’re getting better Trixie. Maybe someday you’ll be as good as me in magical ability.” What Twilight didn’t expect was the small smirk forming on Trixie mouth nor her response, “Really…Trixie thinks that she made need some more…’motivation’ before she starts to believe that.”

Twilight knew what Trixie wanted so she started to lower her muzzle to give Trixie the ‘motivation’ that she needed. Before they were able to connect in a passionate kiss, a draconic sound echoed in the library. That noise was enough to break Twilight out of her vivid dream and she found herself back in her bed, listing to the snoring of her number one assistant. Sweat was clinging to her coat, and her heart pounded against her chest, as she tried to calm down again. She had no idea where that dream came from, or why it was so clear and vivid, but there was now a new ache forming in Twilight’s heart. She gave a tired sigh and looked out her window just in time to see a shooting star falling from the sky. She knew the old myth that if you wish upon a shooting star, then your wish would come true. However, the rational Twilight didn’t believe in such things. Yet, she felt the need to make a wish. She wanted to have some kind of hope, no matter how small, that the dream she just had would become reality. So, that night, without her assistant knowing and the only witnesses being the moon and stars, she made a wish. A wish that she would no longer have these dreams…because she wanted them to become reality.
With all the positive feedback that I’m getting, I wonder if I should try and get my story to appear on EQD. However, I think that I’m not quite there yet and there are plenty of other stories that deserve that spot.