• Published 1st Jul 2012
  • 8,325 Views, 348 Comments

Lake of Reflection - Richer19

My first shipping story. Rated T for Twixie with some mentor Luna.

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Chapter 24: The Captain's Regret

It does feel a little good to be back to writing this story. Just a reminder that I will have something rather special posted on either June 30 or July 1; Eastern Standard Time of course. It’s not much but it is something. On that note, here is the next chapter.

Chapter 24: The Captain’s Regret

Solarshield was walking towards a room that she seldom visits. Not that it wasn't dangerous or haunted or anything that would instill any sense of fear into her heart. In fact this particular room would give one the sense of remembrance due to its nature.

After all, one might expect to feel that particular sense when they entered the Room of Honorable Service. It was a room that Celestia had ordered to be built as a way for young cadets to go and honor any and all guards who gave it their all in service to the crown. Solarshield use to visit it quite frequently, back when she was just starting out her duties as Champion of the Sun, to try and seek answers from the names and pictures of all past Champions. It was during these moments that had given her some rather creative and somewhat radical changes to how the guards operate and there was already talk that when she would retire, her picture would be placed in that room with a plague reading “The Mother of the Modern Guard.”

Not that Solarshield really cared much about her picture being in some sacred room. Just given the chance to be able to protect and serve the one pony who gave her so much courage, strength, determination, and drive was reward enough for her.

Shaking her head to get rid of the distracting thoughts, the Commander of the Day Guard focused her attention back on the present. Her mind quickly registered the symmetrical beats coming from the two unicorn guards who were flanking her. The two unicorns were currently in their standard issue combat armor which, unlike the flasher parade armor, was highly durable and had some good magical resistance. Solarshield however was wearing her Aegis Armor; a suit that was said to have been forged in a metal found in the heart of the Dragon Kingdom and was forged under the intense heat and pressure of the Sun itself. The armor is almost indestructible with its only real weakness being Lunar magic but it also functioned as a muscle suit and as a form of magical amplification; improving Solarshield’s overall strength, speed, durability, magical resistance, magical power, and magical reserves.

As for offense, the two unicorn guards had their magic for any long-range threat and a short but durable knife for any close range fighting. Solarshield, once again due to her status as Champion, had a sheath strapped on her side. Inside that sheath rested her one-of-a-kind hoof and a half sword Solarflare. This blade shares a similar back story as the Aegis Armor as well as similar traits, minus any improvement to physical ability. It was said in the Day Guard that there was only one time that Solarshield had ever had to draw and use Solarflare and that was during the last Trial of the Champion where she went up against what could only be describe as reincarnation of the Dragon of Vengeance.

She didn't feel that she needed to bring Solarflare for what she was planning. However, past experience has shown that she needed to expect the unexpected. Besides, the familiar weight of the blade coupled with the almost silent hum of power was calming to her; like talking to an old friend.

The three guards reached the door to the Room of Service and Solarshield turned to the other two unicorns and said “Make sure you cast those anti-teleporting wards and let nopony enter this room until you get the all clear from me.” They both responded with a quick salute and a ‘Yes Ma’am’ before taking up positions next to the door. She watched as both their horns flashed five times and gave a silent nod to them, letting them know that the wards were in place. Knowing what was beyond that door, since she could already feel his unique magical signature; Solarshield took a deep breath to calm her nerves before entering the door.

Meanwhile outside the Medical Wing

“I don’t know what Luna sees in this unicorn, but she must be important if she invoke that right…” Moonsaber mused as he stood guard in front of the recovery room. Snake Eyes had managed to complete the antidote and had already been down to inject the antidote into Trixie. Moonsaber recalled the scene with mild amusement as Snake Eyes, himself, the doctors, and even Princess Celestia had to try and convince Twilight that the antidote wasn't just another poison. Once the antidote was in her body, which from what he could understand from Snake Eyes was a combination of a more natural form of magical suppressant, a mixture that would slowly return control to her body, and purified mare genetics to negate the stallion ones.

Trixie was now resting in a comfortable bed, the paralyses mostly gone from her body but still in a state of half-awareness. Twilight was with her, not once leaving her side even for the mundane things like eating and using the facilities. Moonsaber eventually got the notice that the lockdown was in full effect and Solarshield was on route to the culprit’s probable location. All in all, everything would soon be returning back to normal.

“Or about as normal as it gets around here anyway” A calm deep voice sounded within Moonsaber’s head. Normally when a pony starts hearing voices inside their head; it was generally a sigh of going insane. However for Moonsaber it was nothing more than the familiar presence of a recently reformed spirit.

Opening his right eye, Moonsaber saw was could be describe as a ghost of a dragon. This dragon had scales that were as dark as a starless night all over his body. The only breaks in color were the ivory claws and teeth, his silver wings, and finally his ruby red eyes. It gave the impression of a demon in the form of a dragon and for a long time that was true. Now those years of hatred were gone, changing the once Dragon of Vengeance to the Dragon of Redemption.

Giving a small smile at the off-hoof comment Moonsaber replied in his thoughts “How are they doing?”

The dragon gave a mild shrug and replied “The blue one is still recovering from being paralyze and the purple one still remains by her side.” He paused for a moment and appeared to be looking off into the distance before adding "I can sense much love between them.”

Moonsaber gave a silent nod in agreement before saying “There is something about Trixie that keeps bugging me. I've checked her background and there was nothing there that should have warrant the attention of Princess Luna. I wonder if this is just some kind of test to see if Trixie could become Luna’s personal student or if there is some deeper meaning.”

The dragon once again shrugged before replying “She inherited her mother’s curiosity as well as her secrecy. I feel we won’t know the truth behind the blue one until Luna decides to reveal it.”

“But if Trixie turns out to be somepony has some large role to play in the grand scheme of things, then surely…” Moonsaber started to interject but stopped mid sentence when he heard the multiple synchronized sounds of metal hitting stone. Turning his attention down the hall, he saw what appeared to be about five or ten hooded creatures slowly approaching. It was hard to tell what was behind those cloaks but whatever they were; there were enough of them to completely block the hallway.

“You think they are here to relieve you?” The dragon asked in a tone that made it seem like he already knew the answer.

Moonsaber shook his head before thinking “Don’t know…better give the call.” Moonsaber then raised his voice so that it carried to the group and proclaimed “Star?”

The creatures didn't respond and they didn't stop. Moonsaber was starting to feel a little nervous and shouted “Star!” However, he didn't hear the counter call but instead he heard the sound of sword sliding through leather before seeing the gleaming reflection of a well maintain blade. As the creatures now started to break from their controlled march into a charge; the one thought in Moonsaber’s mind was “Well…buck.”

Meanwhile in the Room of Honorable Service, Captain’s Wing

“Just as I suspected…” Solarshield thoughts after she had passed through the threshold of the main room into one of the wings. Specifically it was the Captain’s Wing, a section that was dedicated to everypony who ever held the honorable title of Captain of the Guard. The Captain served as the model guard, the perfect image of what it meant to be a part of the Royal Guard. They were also one of the few officers who were in constant interaction with the regulars and the general public. It was an honor that many strive for but few ever achieve.

There, standing with his back turned to her and no doubt facing one of the many busts that line the wall, was one such example of a pony who encompass everything that it meant to be a guard. Although after the events of today, that idea might have already burned into ashes.

“Hello Commander” Shining Armor asked in a neutral tone before turning around to face her. Solarshield noticed that he was wearing his Captain of the Guard uniform but was slightly surprised to realize that it was his ceremonial version. He had a spear resting along the wall but he made no move to retrieve it. In fact he hadn't even tried to cast any spells or charge any magic.

Shaking the distracting thoughts from her head, Solarshield made her way towards Shining and said in her best calming but still commanding tone “I’m sure you've heard about what happened at the dining hall today.” Shining Armor didn't respond expect for a brief nod of conformation. It was enough for Solarshield to add “Then you know why I’m here.”

To her surprise, Shining Armor took a glance back at the bust that was behind him and said “You remember Captain Goldblade?” Now it was her turn to give a quick nod of agreement which was enough for Shining to continue “I looked up to him while in basic. Thought he was the best to come. Went to all of his lectures, treated his words like they had come from the mouth of Celestia herself.”

“He fooled a lot of ponies Shining.” Solarshield remarked.

The Captain of the Guard nodded his head in understanding before adding “Getting the chance to train under him was probably the third happiest moment in my life. I was so blinded with hero worship that I failed as a guard and a pony to see the kind of stallion he was under that armor.”

Solarshield wanted to interject but couldn't find any words to say. How could she when what was supposed to be a simple capture and interrogation is now turning into some kind of psychological review. Shining Armor didn't notice the slight hesitation on his commander’s eyes and continued “For so long, I absorbed every word, idea, and viewpoint he had; not realizing how much it was tainting my own heart and corrupting my own mind. Cadence could tell, knowing me before I went to train under that stallion. However, every time she tried to bring it up, I always ignored her or…or shouted at her, saying words that to this day are still scars in my heart.”

Shining Armor looked like he was about to start crying, but his guard training was enough to force back the tears as he looked off into the distance but not really focusing on anything. The pause in the conversation lasted long enough that Solarshield was about to say something but Shining beat her to the punch by adding “You know, up in the Crystal Kingdom, they have some of the best psychologists in Equestria.”

Solarshield nodded her head in understanding and was now actually slightly curious as to where he was going with this. Shining Armor returned his attention back to her and said “I…I've been getting help two hours a day, four days a week. At first, I thought it was pointless…I mean only crazy see a psych doctor right?” He gave a deep sigh before continuing “It wasn't until my third session that I realized how crazy I was. How blinded I was to the truth and how much that stallion had haunted me.”

“No one pony can do everything or expect to be perfect every day. Sometimes, you need somepony to give you a shoulder to lean on or act as your voice of reason.” Solarshield remark as she started to remember the days before that faithful night. Sometimes it still would shock her that she had acted in such a fashion.

Shining Armor nodded in agreement and said “My psychologist suggest that I come home and make peace with my past. However, I’d never expected my past to fight back in the most personal strike I could ever think of. When I heard that my little sister, who I think the world over, had fallen in love but with another mare; I…I could only guess that I had a kind of relapse. When I was in those sessions’, I had never imagined that I would be dealing with it on a more personal level.” Shining gave a small chuckle before adding “Life has a funny way of throwing your life into chaos.”

Solarshield knew he was being honest as she never felt her lie-detection spell triggering. However, as much as she wanted to believe him; she still had to know. Taking a deep breath and preparing for the worst, the Champion of the Sun asked “Did you attempt to turn Trixie into a stallion.”

Despite the accusation, Solarshield had to admit to herself that Shining Armor didn't show any kind of reaction or broke his eye contact with her. Once again a testament to the kind of training he had done. Breaking that line of thinking Solarshield listen as her Captain of the Guard said “I know I seem like the prime suspect, and I admit if I was in your armor, I would have thought the same thing. However, whatever I might feel about my little sister being with a mare; I would never force anypony to change their gender.”



“………Nothing” Solarshield thought to herself in mock surprise. Her lie detection spell didn't go off. This meant that Shining Armor was telling the truth; a realization that Solarshield was somewhat thankful for. However that truth only raised another question. If Shining Armor wasn't the culprit, then who was the one that tried to turn Trixie into a stallion?

Before Solarshield could even review the evidence that was acquired, a loud alarm blasted throughout the room and most likely throughout the entire castle. Solarshield and Shining Armor were both startled by the sudden noise but their startle gave way to shock when they both heard Moonsaber shouting in their heads “This is Commander Moonsaber to any and all available Royal Guards. The castle has been breached and unknown hostiles are assaulting the medical room 1138. Egghead and Showmare are not secure, I repeat Egghead and Showmare and NOT secure.”

Solarshield and Shining Armor had a look of horror about them and they didn't waste any time in racing towards the medical wing, Shining Armor making sure he got a firm magical grip on his spear. As the two guards blasted through the rooms and back out the halls, startling the two unicorn guards who were also surprised by the alarm and announcement but quickly fell in line; Solarshield only thoughts were getting to Twilight and Trixie in time as well as whoever was behind this was about feel the full wrath the Royal Guards post-Changeling Invasion.

The only thing I have to say is that I really need to stop getting ideas from your comments. Otherwise, I’ll never get this story done and move on to other projects. Hope you enjoy the chapter.