• Published 1st Jul 2012
  • 8,324 Views, 348 Comments

Lake of Reflection - Richer19

My first shipping story. Rated T for Twixie with some mentor Luna.

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Chapter 27: After Action Report

People wanted me to give them a big action scene…

Chapter 27: After Action Report

Train #3 heading to Ponyville, Compartment 5, several hours later

“Well…that trip certainly was one of the more interesting ones I've had.” Twilight mused slightly as she looked out the window. The moon, in the waxing gibbous position, was clear in the sky like a large beacon and the stars shining just as bright despite their size.

Trixie moved her head from her position on Twilight’s shoulder and watched the moon as well. She was silent for a moment before replying “interesting but you do have to admit that it was exciting love.”

Twilight gave a gentle smile before moving her head and giving her blue counterpart a quick kiss on her forehead next to the base of her horn. Twilight was able to briefly taste the natural fragrance of her new marefriend and felt her shiver a bit in her embrace from the small but sudden jolt of pleasure. Twilight then moved her head next to Trixie’s left ear and said “true…still I think the best part of that whole trip was my brother accepting the fact that we are together.”

“I agree though I do have to admit that I didn't think the reason was because of something so...” Trixie paused for a moment as she tried to search for the right word to say without insulting Shining Armor or Twilight and eventually settled with adding “…unique.”

Twilight nodded in agreement and said “Celestia did say we learn more from our teachers then just lessons. Sometimes we take on their habits, personality, and even beliefs.”

Trixie also nodded before allowing a small smile to touch her lips and saying “I would believe that, especially after meeting Celestia in the flesh; I could tell that you did pick up a few of her habits.”

Trixie was rewarded with her playful banter when she saw the pink tint on Twilight’s checks and hearing her slightly nervous undertone when she responded with “Is…is it that obvious?”

Trixie now couldn't resist letting out a fit of giggles before maneuvering herself so as to wrap her forhooves around Twilight’s neck and capture her lips with her own. The kiss, although intended to be brief; eventually became rather heated as Twilight moved her forhooves to embrace the blue unicorn around her midsection and they both opened their mouths to allow their tongues the chance to explore. Unlike what normal ponies would have done in a make-out session, Twilight and Trixie didn't force their tongues to fight for dominance but instead acted like a pony welcoming their friend into their house.

The kiss lasted for several moments until the need for air started to override the need to continue. The separation of mouths felt like it was being done in slow-motion with several quick pecks happing every now and then in an attempt to prolong the moment. At last, the two unicorns distance themselves, but not separate from snuggling up to each other, and started to softly refill their lungs with air.

Trixie stared into the face of her love and saw that the small pink tint on her checks had now turned into a solid pink line. She could feel the heat on her own checks as well and imagined that she must look similar to what Twilight looked like. As much as she wanted to continue, the events of today eventually caught up to her and she could feel her body and mind slipping into blissful sleep. Saying “I love you…” in a breathless tone, Trixie slowly closed her eyes and softly fell until her head was resting on Twilight’s chest. From this position, the blue unicorn was able to hear the steady and harmonious beating of her marefriend’s heart and knew that it was her and her alone that had managed to capture something so pure and precious.

Twilight was also feeling the welcome embrace of sleep and it wasn't long before her eyes closed. Her dreams, which had once been tainted with doubt and fear, were now a source of internal joy as her mind played scenario after scenario of moments that she wanted to experience with her lover.

The two unicorns, now wandering the realm of dreams; both had content smiles on their faces as the train continued to travel under the watchful gaze of the stars and the moon.

Meanwhile in Princess Celestia’s Main Chamber

“You have everything ready for Night Court Sis?” Celestia asked as she watched her younger sister organizing the scrolls that she would be looking over during the night. Ever since Luna had returned, it had taken almost no time at all for the two sisters to return to their usual routine and although Celestia wouldn't admit this to any other pony; she was very thankful to be back on a normal sleeping schedule without having to be woken up every hour or so to deal with something.

Luna nodded her head and with nothing more than a mere flash of concentration sent the scroll to the throne room where she would review them. However, Luna also knew that there was one more thing that needed to be done before her older sister could retire to sleep and even a thousand years apart wasn't enough to weaken the telepathic bond the two princesses shared.

Celestia notice the questioning gaze from her younger sister and knew what said question was. As much as she would have like to wait until morning, when everypony has had a chance to recover; she also knew that, at least to then, this day wouldn't be over for them mentally.

Nothing was spoken but something must have happened because they both turned their attention to the now opening doors. Passing through the threshold were Solarshield and Moonsaber; each of them holding onto a simple folder and showing expressions of neutrality.

The two Champions stopped a couple of feet in front of the princesses in perfect sync before raising their right hoof in a brisk salute. Celestia and Luna nodded their heads and the two Champions lowered their hoof and adopted a slightly more relaxed pose. The room was silent for a time before Solarshield cleared her throat and said “This is Commander Solarshield and Commander Moonsaber, here to give our after-action report on what happened today as well as what we have discovered.”

Once again the two princesses nodded and Moonsaber also cleared his throat before saying “Upon the time of the crack, elements of Metal Gear Squad lead by Lieutenant Colonel Boss, Major Solid, and Captain Raiden assaulted a hostile control train with probable hostages and the HVT. Ten seconds after first crack, Sergeant Major Rex had secured principal target Simon Blueblood and teams had secured the Elements of Harmony. Five seconds later, Master Sergeant Liquid had secure hostages as well as the stolen cash from the treasury and highly sensitive Intel.”

“What kind of Intel?” Celestia asked, somewhat curious but she was also somewhat impressed by the speed and execution of Metal Gear Squad; which in turn made her wondered what kind of training the Night Guard goes through to make guards achieve those results.

Moonsaber looked at Solarshield and she caught the signal that meant she could take over the conversation. Giving a slight nod, she looked back at the Princess and said “Upon studying the Intel acquired on the train, we were able to form a very strong conclusion to the chain of events that had happened today.”

Celestia motioned for her Champion to continue which Solarshield gave a brief nod before saying “According to documents found on the train, as well as those found in Simon’s room; we have learned that he was apparently involved in a romantic relationship with a gryphon that we were able to identify as one Softwings, daughter of a minor noble of the Gryphon government.”

Moonsaber took over by saying “According to the letters, Simon would take periodic trips to the Gryphon Kingdom on the basis of improving diplomatic relations when we now believe that was just a cover-up to see his lover.”

Luna shook her head in dismay and replied “While I’m not oppose to the idea of interspecies relationship; the mere fact that Blueblood was using castle resources to do so must be frown upon.”

Solarshield and Moonsaber gave each other a cautious glance before Moonsaber said “Actually Luna, from looking over the budget over the past year, which is what we believe to be the point where Simon and Softwings became romantically involved; there hadn't been any signs of him appearing on the budget that related to trips to the Gryphon Kingdom.”

Solarshield then said “We thought he might have tried to cover it up. However, when we question him about it, under three different lie detection spells and the Element of Honesty serving as the fourth; he said that all those trips he paid with his own allowance, including the guard’s salary and any hotel stops.”

Luna was surprised by this and even Celestia felt a put off about this. They both had questioning looks on their faces and Solarshield quickly said “Before you ask, yes we did check with those guards he hired and those hotels and they all check out.”

Moonsaber decided that they had derailed for long enough said “If we can continue?” The princesses nodded and Moonsaber continued “From the letters from both Simon and Softwings, as well as his account; it appeared that they were both quite happy together and a few of the letters briefly mentions the possibility of marriage. However there became…a problem.”

Solarshield then said “Around three weeks prior to today, we noticed an increase in letters being sent to Softwings and a decrease in those meant for Simon. Upon looking over the letters, we had discovered that Softwings had become pregnant with Simon’s child. Simon, both from what he wrote in those letters and from our questioning; seemed more than willing to take Softwings paw into marriage and promised her that he would do anything to be with her and their child.”

“That was quite noble of my nephew to take responsibility for his actions.” Celestia remarked, glad that her chat with him after the Grand Galloping Gala on what it meant to be royalty had suck in.

Moonsaber nodded in agreement but his expression remained neutral when he responded “I would agree with you Celestia…if that was the truth.”

The princesses looked at him with mild confusion and were waiting for him to answer but it was Solarshield who said “Upon learning of this, we quickly set up contact via the Hologram Spell with General of the Honor Guard Deathtalon in order to get Softwings side of the story.” Solarshield shook her head in mild disappointment and added “It turns out that Softwings was not with Simon’s child and was in fact lying to him about it.”

“Why would she do that?” Luna asked. She could remember that gryphons, especially the females, were notorious for their stubbornness.

“From what she told Deathtalon” Moonsaber said “she was being threaten with the death of her younger brother if she didn't comply.”

“The gryphon that was threatening her was in fact the same gryphon noble that was killed on the train, Goldbeak.” Solarshield finished.

The room was silent as the two princesses absorbed the information that they had heard. Such a pause in the conversation was something that Solarshield and Moonsaber were use to as they waited for one of the princess to speak. Eventually, that princess in question was Celestia when she said “But what could this Goldbeak want with Softwings and Blueblood?”

The two Champions knew that this was coming, it was something that even now they still couldn't believe it even though it was as clear as crystal. They had also decided that Moonsaber was going to be the one to deliver it, since he is considered the acting Commander at the time.

Moonsaber took a small breath before saying “Working in collaboration with the Gryphon Honor Guard and their assist; we were able to learn that Goldbeak was head of a noble house that, due to various forms of corruption, had lost much of their power and influence within the government. It seems that Goldbeak had set his sights on becoming the new Gryphon King and had already made several assassination plans. However, he felt that, in order to secure his rise to power; he needed to do something that would bring him a lot of prestige, power, and wealth. He eventually set his sights on Equestria, the country that control the day and night. However, he must have realized that raiding the castle would be suicide, considering that the Changelings had tried and eventually failed and that we would be more prepared for such an attack. He needed someone on the inside to weaken our defenses and it must have been around that time that he managed to intercept one of Simon’s letters. Threatening Softwings, Goldbeak forced her to write letters about her false pregnancy and saying that her uncle was coming to get him so they could be wed.”

“I assume that Goldbeak was this supposed ‘uncle’?” Luna asked, feeling her temper start to rise at the gryphon who dared threaten Equestria’s peace.

Moonsaber nodded in agreement and continued “However, Goldbeak, now using Simon as his inside; felt that it wasn't going to be enough. Luckily for him, his spies tipped him off about Shining Armor mental condition and Twilight’s relationship. Feeling that was the opening he was looking for; Goldbeak order Simon to create a potion to turn Twilight’s lover, Trixie, into a stallion or he would never allow Simon to see Softwings or their ‘child’. Simon was force to comply and managed to slip the potion in the drink.”

Moonsaber took a moment to catch his breath and Solarshield decided to pick up where he left off by saying “What Simon didn't know what that Goldbeak had made other plans. He had brought out Squad Nine, minus Pvt. Highwind who was the guard who confirm that Simon was involved somehow. He also hired a gryphon assassin team to eliminate Twilight and Trixie in order to throw further guilt onto Shining Armor, ransacking the Treasury and even stealing the Elements of Harmony.”

Moonsaber managed to catch his breath and said “He would have succeeded, if not for the fact that Solarshield was quick to put up the Firewall and Luna causing the total eclipse. Because of the Firewall, Goldbeak was stuck inside of the city while his window was quickly closing. In a vain attempt to breach the wall, he ordered his guards to rig the Elements to the train’s engine, which turned out to only give away his position as that force was the source of pain that Solarshield had felt and allowed us to locate him.”

The room was now once again silent but the Commanders knew that it was going to be this point where the Princesses would have any final questions. Luna started things off by asking “What’s going to happen to Softwings and Goldbeak?”

Solarshield responded “Softwings is going through some therapy for what she had to go through and she also expresses a desire to see Blueblood. I told her that she would have to fill out identification papers as well as get clearance to enter the castle so you should expect that within the coming days. Wither or not you will allow Blueblood to see her will be up to you two. As for Goldbeak, he will be condemned as a traitor and will receive the ultimate punishment for a dead traitor; used as a source of food for prison inmates.”

Although the Princesses looked disgusted by the concept of the punishment, they knew that it wasn't their place to argue and perhaps there might be a part of them that kind of agrees with it, though they would never admit it.

Shaking off the distracting thoughts, Celestia asked “What about Pvt. Highwind?”

Solarshield, for the first time since they had started, lost her mask of neutrality and was now showing emotions of sadness and mild depression, as if Highwind was her son. Truth was that Solarshield did kind of feel like she had lost a son back at the Command Center where she watch the young guard’s life slip away and she couldn't do a thing about it. Biting back a fresh flow of tears that threaten to spill; Solarshield said “For unwavering service to the guard and showing unmatched courage, duty, and loyalty; Pvt. Highwind will receive full military honors, the Solar Medal of Honor as well as the Lunar Medal of Duty, the post-death rack S Sgt, and his picture will be placed in the Hall of Service. I have already prepared to leave in the morning to inform his family and to set up the burial date. As for the rest of Squad Nine, they will be buried with no honors and I have sent letters to their family. Is that acceptable Princess?”

Celestia nodded and added “If it is alright, we would like to also be present for S Sgt Highwind’s funeral to say a few words and comfort his love ones.”

Solarshield nodded her head in agreement and Moonsaber said “If that is all Princesses?”

Celestia and Luna nodded their heads and watched as the Champion of the Sun and the Champion of the Moon made an about-face before heading out the door, leaving them to decide on what to do with Blueblood.

Meanwhile, Lake of Reflection

The forest was as calm as the lake that it surrounded. No animal made a sound and no wind seemed to blow.

From the calming center of the lake, the mirror image of the moon started to break as water started to swirl and move on its own.

It was then that a calm voice said “She has chosen…” before becoming silent.

The water continued to swirl around the center before a large jet burst from the center before arcing and landing on the shore.

“…Now…she must commit.” The calm voice finished just as the geyser of water started to lose pressure and force, eventually returning back to the lake but not without leaving something on the shore.

Said something was hidden within the darkness of the forest but it didn't matter. The calm voice returned with “You know what you must do” before becoming silent again.

The silence lasted for only a moment before a high laugh started to echo from the forest. It source being the strange thing that the water geyser had left on the shore. The high pitched laugh continued before a dark and unsettling familiar voice said “Prepare you self Equestria for the return of The Great And Powerful Trixie!!!”

‘Trixie’ continued to laugh as she started to make her way to Ponyville, but not before making a quick detour.

…I give you backstory and resolution. I apologize for any buzz kills that I might have caused. Oh yeah, I finally managed to pick out an avatar; I hope you like it.