• Published 12th Aug 2017
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Failed Confessions to an Oblivious Friend - FerociousCreation

With her love for Sky Stinger overwhelming the mare, Vapor Trail attempts to confess her feelings to him. However, every time she tries to, something goes ary. Will she be able to tell Sky her emotions? Or with divine intervention prevent her?

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Bros Before Shows

Cool air shilled Vapor Trail’s wings as she ascended to the stratosphere, while Sunbeam easily managed to keep up. Because he was so close, the mare snatched her pet and held him close. “Sky kissed me! He gave me a real kiss!” In a marvelous dive, Vapor Trail sped toward the ground, keeping the adrenaline alive. It was too late for the lovestruck mare; she was infected with joy and could not hold still. Vapor Trail worried if she suddenly stopped, the energy in her heart would cause her to explode.

She rose up again and spiraled toward a cloud. It was a soft collision and the mare easily parted the cloud into small pieces. Exhaustion eventually started to yank at Vapor Trail’s already excited heart. She allowed Sunbeam to fly again and the mare descended toward the cedar tree that was used in an attempt to tell Sky Stinger the truth.

The instant Vapor Trail touched down, her body gave up and flopped onto the grass. In and out she breathed, her girly emotions nearly tired out. Still, the reality was almost unreal for Vapor Trail. After all the daydreaming she was able to do, reality finally happened. Sky Stinger knows her emotions. The mare looked up to see the sunbeam still shining down onto the tree. And through the hole of the cloud, Sunbeam peaked out from it before darting after Vapor Trail. Round and round he went, circling his happy owner. Finally spent as Vapor Trail, Sunbeam relaxed and settled beside the mare.

Both Sunbeams warmed Vapor Trail to the very core. Convinced she was going to receive a ‘yes’ from her best friend, the final daydream was born.

Sky Stinger entered through the hole in the clouds like an angel sent to take Vapor Trail away to a better place. He landed with simple grace, easily fitting himself next to her. Both of them began to glitter in the sunbeam and for the moment, they became crystal ponies. Sky then opened his mouth and began to lean toward his mare to be.

“Vapor Trail…?” Sky Stinger’s voice echoed.

“Yes?” the mare shyly answered.

“How are you doing?” he said in a much less elegant volume. Vapor Trail opened her eyes and saw the real Sky Stinger standing in the light. A few blinks confirmed that she was not daydreaming. A handsome smile grew on Sky’s face. “I don't doubt that you were thinking about me.”

“Happy things about you and I to be specific,” Vapor Trail said. Sky Stinger offered her a hoof and the mare easily accepted it.

She made an attempt to kiss him, but was intercepted with a “hold on.” Vapor Trail was upset with herself, bothered that her impatient heart got the better of her. Sky Stinger’s smile was weak, but it was a smile regardless. “Before you start assaulting me with kisses, you need to know that I am still thinking about my decision about you and me.”

Still convinced his answer was going to be a “yes,” Vapor Trail was not at all discouraged by his words. Though she did wonder if somepony can assault somepony with lips. Maybe sexual harassment, but assault? “Take your time with your choice,” Vapor Trail sang in the sweetest resemblance of a siren trying to charm a sailor lost at sea.

Soarin stood behind Sky Stinger who was being amused by Sunbeam. When Sunbeam approached him or went to Soarin, Vapor Trail didn’t know. But at least her pet managed to have another pony he liked. If only Sunbeam liked Sky Stinger. Sky did buy him after all, so Sunbeam has to at least show some respect.

“So, Vapor Trail,” Sky began, “can you help me with something?”

“YES!” she shouted. Vapor Trail flushed when she didn’t hear what she wanted, though she would have blushed if the question was “will you be my special somepony.” Her throat croaked as she tried to retake her response back and try again. “Yes. What would you like me to help you with?”

“Settle down, Vapor,” Sky Stinger said, a smile infecting his lips. “That question will be said hopefully in the near future.”

Vapor Trail didn’t care if her friend was avoiding the topic of being special someponies. Sky kissed her and that is all that mattered. They were going to get together. “Okay,” Vapor Trail nodded. “So, what do you need help with, Sky?” At the corner of her eye, she noticed Soarin look her way and Vapor Trail couldn’t resist looking at him. The moment they made eye contact, Soarin shied away and looked at Sunbeam who was eager to have his belly rubbed again.

“Well, since it is Hearts and Hooves Day,” Sky started, “and because we both know about Clipper’s mare in mind, I would like your help in setting the scene between him and…” Out of respect, Sky Stinger whispered into Vapor Trail’s ear, “...Spitfire.”

A small surge of a different kind of adrenaline tickled the mare’s heart; the kind where secrecy is involved. Vapor Trail’s smile matched Sky Stinger’s. “I would be more than happy to see out teammate achieve his Happily Ever After.” Poor Soarin nervously rubbed the back of his leg, clearly aware of the situation at hoof. “Is something wrong, Soarin?” Vapor Trail asked.

“Just… nervous is all…” Blush invaded Soarin’s cheeks as he looked around at anything that didn’t have a pair of eyes.

Knowing his circumstance, Vapor Trail approached Soarin. “Trust me, I know how you feel. It is difficult to let that pony you care about so much know about a love that burns in your heart.” She turned around and looked at Sky Stinger. “But you will feel much better when that pony knows your thoughts.” Vapor Trail fought the urge to giggle, but her girly-filled joy could not be contained. Sky only looked at her for a short second before looking at Soarin, their mouths and eyes serious. The mare tried to understand the silent stallion conversation both were having but quickly gave up trying.

The silence at the cedar tree did give Vapor Trail a small chill. She and Sky Stinger were eager to help Soarin get together with Spitfire. Love was supposed to be in the air. Why was their only serious stares? Did Sky and Soarin have some intense talk while she was gone? For a moment, Vapor Trail was worried about her chances with Sky Stinger. He did kiss her, but perhaps that was his consolation prize instead of Vapor Trail being granted the grand prize.

Vapor’s mood was soured by the idea and lost track of what she was saying. Thankfully, Soarin was able to find the strength to break through the awkward glass. “I know what you mean, Vapor Trail,” he said with a weak smile. “You forget I was there when…” Soarin looked between Vapor and Sky. “...you know.” The memory of truth still fresh in her mind made the mare flush for a moment. “I am grateful for both of you willing to help me with mustering up the courage to confront Spitfire on the matters of my…” He cleared his throat, “...feelings.” His eyes fixated on Vapor Trail, a message specially meant for her was at the ready. “And your little practice sentence between you and I really did help a great deal. So, thanks for that.”

“Your welcome,” Vapor Trail smiled.

Soarin’s weak eyes went to Sunbeam. “But I still need your help. And I feel weak for having to rely on my teammates for this matter.”

“This is love we are talking here,” Vapor Trail said with a disapproving shake of the head. “Taking it seriously is not a terrible thing to do, Soarin. You are talking to Daydreamer, after all, so I would know.” The simple encouragement gave Soarin the strength to grin. “Just because you are having a difficult time with your personal matter doesn’t make you weak. We are a team. And teammates help each other with their struggles.”

“I agree,” Sky Stinger said. He proudly walked beside the stallion and wrapped his arm around Soarin. “And you know how us stallion Wonderbolts go by our code: bros before shows.”

“I thought it was bros before-” Soarin was instantly cut off by Sky Stinger with a bitter clear of his throat. Vapor Trail was unaware of this “code” the other stallions went by but was amused by the clever brotherhood motto.

“Now I think it is time for no more delay, brother,” Sky said to Soarin. “That great ball of fire needs somepony to catch her.”

Vapor Trail jumped in on the bandwagon of encouragement. “Yes. It’s time to face the phoenix.”

Sky Stinger took his attention to his friend. “I like that one, Vapor Trail.”

“Hehe, I try.”

Even Sunbeam gave Soarin a supportive nudge on the shoulder. Encouraged by the two Wonderbolt members and angelfish, he smiled, “Thanks, you three.”

“Your welcome,” Vapor Trail said. She looked at Sky Stinger, certain he had a plan for getting Spitfire and Soarin in the same room. “Alright, what is the plan?”

Author's Note:

I appologize for the delay on this story. School and another story of mine have diverted my attention away from Failed Confessions. THankfully, a huge portion of my schoolwork has been overcome, so focusing on this story will be much easier.