• Published 12th Aug 2017
  • 2,375 Views, 148 Comments

Failed Confessions to an Oblivious Friend - FerociousCreation

With her love for Sky Stinger overwhelming the mare, Vapor Trail attempts to confess her feelings to him. However, every time she tries to, something goes ary. Will she be able to tell Sky her emotions? Or with divine intervention prevent her?

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At once, Vapor Trail seized her hovering and began to fall toward the cloud. The mare glanced down at the platform and noticed how large it was. So even if Sky Stinger managed to miss her, she would have a safe and soft landing. A surge of adrenaline coursed through Vapor Trail’s body as she descended, daydreaming about the circumstance at hoof. She began to pretend that she was stunned by a lightning bolt and was about to crash hard onto the ground, and hoped a daring stallion would come to save the day.

Suddenly, the pegasus felt her body get snagged upwards and noticed the clouds she stared up at were coming close to her. Warmth comforted Vapor Trail as the cool air whisked at her body as Sky Stinger held her close, his grasp tight, but not uncomfortable. “Like I said,” Sky Stinger spoke into her ear, “the moment she said go, you wouldn’t even know you were falling.”

“Not in the slightest,” Vapor Trail giggled, her arms finding their way around Sky’s torso. He landed on a cloud and flopped over to his side before letting his friend go. Sky Stinger began to breath heavily, the exhaustion now starting to take its tole. But being the tough stallion he is, the pegasus sat up and smiled at Vapor Trail as she stood beside him.

Looking down at the captain, Vapor Trail called to Spitfire, “What is the time?”

Spitfire looked at her watch, then back up that Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger. And then… “WE HAVE A NEW RECORD AT THE OBSTACLE COURSE AT 6.97 SECONDS!” Spitfire exclaimed in her megaphone for all to hear.

“Too... easy,” Sky Stinger chuckled, wiping the sweat from his brow. His arm blocked his eyes, and the stallion didn’t notice his friend pouncing him. “Hey!” he cheerfully barked.

“Congrats!” Vapor Trail smiled as the cloud bounced from her sudden attack. She grabbed onto Sky as he did when he caught her.

A shadow fell over the two pegusi. “You two having fun?” Spitfire smirked, peering down at them as she sat at a slightly higher cloud. Sky Stinger was lying on his back as Vapor Trail was sprawled across his torso, the two making the shape of a plus sign.

“Just getting my celebratory hug from my closest friend.” Sky Stinger caught Vapor Trail’s eye and winked at her, the mare blushed at the gesture. “It was thanks to Vapor here that gave me the helpful advice to assist me in beating that easy record. And maybe a little bit of your help as well, cap.”

Spitfire rolled her eyes, but found herself smiling at the boastful stallion. “It looks to me that you and your closest friend really do help each other out a lot.”

Sky Stinger placed his hooves behind his head, gazing up at Vapor Trail. “Yup. That’s how we got here. I’d never be a Wonderbolt without Vapor.”

“Oh, well, I would say half of the reason you are here is because of me,” Vapor Trail muttered, her voice squeaking. “The other half is because you are an excellent flier.”

Butting in, Spitfire spoke up, “If I were to guess, you both look like special someponies. Have you two ever considered dating?” This is it! The moment I have been waiting for! Vapor Trail’s cheeks flushed at the statement, begging that Sky Stinger would catch a hint at her over the top embraces. The reaction the stallion presented was… not expected.

“Whoa, whoa, hey!” Sky Stinger exclaimed as he tried to sit up. Vapor Trail scrambled off of him, the mare worried the suggestion was something he abhorred. Sky Stinger looked up at Spitfire with heat in his eyes, “What makes you say that?”

Spitfire wore an expression of shock, not sure how to take in the pegasus’ reaction. “What? You and Vapor Trail look like you two would date each other because of how friendly you are toward one another.” She shot a look at Vapor Trail in hopes her teammate would interject, but the white mare only stood and stared at Sky.

“That’s what friends do with each other; being friendly.” Sky Stinger noticed Vapor Trail’s blush, which somehow made him even more defensive. “You don’t just… spring that type of question on us! That can make things awkward between her and I.”


“Captain, with all do respect…” Sky Stinger’s tone was very serious, as if Spitfire had insulted his mother. “...don’t go around telling me, Vapor Trail, or anypony that they should date a close friend of theirs. That is their business.” He brought a hoof to his breast. “If I wanted to have Vapor Trail as my special somepony, then I will ask her myself; and I am certain she will do the same.” A smile rose his cheeks, “Besides, Vapor Trail told me she has a stallion in mind, though, wants to keep the pony in question a secret for the moment.”

Remembering her words from yesterday, Vapor Trail realized she had set herself a trap without realizing it. “I… I did say that. And… I wish to keep it a secret if you both don't mind.”

Shock writhed onto Sky Stinger’s expression. “Oh crud! I'm so sorry for just blurting out to the captain!”

“Don't worry Sky Clinger…” Spitfire stared down Vapor Trail with a twitch in her eye. “...I know all about her stallion in question…”

“Then please don't tell anypony about this," said Sky Stinger. "I am sure you wouldn't want your best fliers to have awkward tension as they fly.”

Spitfire nodded, “Yes. Forgive me for my act of disrespect.” Her tone was sarcastic, but it didn't seem to bother Sky Stinger.

“Thanks, captain.” Sky Stinger gave himself a long stretch now that his breath has caught up with him. “Alright you two, I'm gonna go take a quick shower to cool off before we do our second half of training.” He fanned out his wings, squatting down. “Oh, and Spitfire, don’t forget to put my best time in the record book for fastest run in the obstacle course.” Pressing down hard, Sky Stinger took off in a quick rush.

Vapor Trail watched the stallion twirl around in the air before falling out of view. The mare felt the cloud she rested on bounce and saw Spitfire shaking her head. “Sorry, but I can't help ya with him.”

Vapor Trail’s ears fell back, not sure what to do now. “He did make a valid argument.”

“I can’t believe you are defending him after everything I did! Who’s side are you on?” The uproar startled Vapor Trail and she felt tears build in her eyelids. Despite not taking a liking to the sensitive mare’s attitude, Spitfire didn’t want to upset her anymore than needed. “Again, with the respect of your best friend, I cannot help you with your predicament. As far as I can tell, Sky Clinger really likes you as his clinging thing.” The joke tickled Vapor Trail’s funny bone and giggled, not denying the fact. “I do honestly think the two of you will be special someponies. But either you or him have to take that first step.”

“Okay,” was the only word Vapor Trail could muster.

“Good. Now go and enjoy the rest of your break. And make sure you exhaust all of your daydreaming in the process.”