• Published 12th Aug 2017
  • 2,375 Views, 148 Comments

Failed Confessions to an Oblivious Friend - FerociousCreation

With her love for Sky Stinger overwhelming the mare, Vapor Trail attempts to confess her feelings to him. However, every time she tries to, something goes ary. Will she be able to tell Sky her emotions? Or with divine intervention prevent her?

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Walking Cupid

A small puff of powder ploomed from Vapor Trail’s little makeup container as her brush touched the light material. She didn’t need to apply too much powder because of her already white fur. The mare had finished putting her hair in a ponytail before applying anything to her face, lest it falls in front of her eyes. It took Vapor Trail a lot of concentration and nerve to keep herself from shivering as she continued to pretty herself up.

What concerned Vapor Trail was not the gift or Rainbow Dash’s involvement. The did worry her was Sky Stinger. Both he and Vapor Trail were the best of friends and the mare couldn’t be more blessed than to have him in her life. But would her simple gift cause a cataclysm in the world she held with Sky Stinger? Even if Sky Stinger would give the white pegasus a gentle no, which was something she didn't want, Vapor Trail would rather have nothing bad happen to her friendship, regardless of the outcome of the confession. But Vapor Trail knew the risk of telling somepony their love to another. But not trying might be worse than not trying at all. After all, she had already tried a few times; and they all resulted in either Sky Stinger being oblivious or by circumstances intervening.

One glance at her mirror told Vapor Trail she was almost ready. Aside from her mane, Vapor Trail had her eyelashes brushed, ready to be batted in typical lovestruck fashion. A small streak of eyeliner curved like a wave of ink and a light amount of powder caked her face. All that was needed was a nice touch of blush, even though Vapor Trail was destined to be flushed later on; might as well show more. The mare’s nostrils picked up the sweet smell of her powder as she applied the blush with a soft pad. Vapor Trail noted to put on some perfume to not have the smell of makeup shroud her.

Vapor Trail closed her blush container and placed it in the locker. She caught her reflection in the mirror and was stunned at her own sight. Ponytail done, eyeliner applied, and powder and blush spread. She was finished.

The mare closed her locker door and left the locker room in a nervoucited mood. Sky Stinger would be foolish to not compliment her lovely appearance. Vapor Trail exited the locker room just as Wind Waker was walking down the hall toward her. He froze at the sight of the angel down the hall and flushed. “W-wow, Vapor Trail! You look wonderful.”

Vapor Trail did not stop walking but did give Wind Waker a smile and a nod. “Why thank you,” she said. Just before rounding the corner, Vapor Trail looked back and caught Wind Waker still staring at her. The stallion tried to run into the locker room but rammed into the wall as he still tried to look at Vapor Trail. She giggled as she watched Wind Waker flee out of sight and the mare knew then and there she was a walking cupid. And in her quiver, she had one arrow to fire.


Flying was the last thing Vapor Trail wanted to do. If she did, her mane would get frizzy, which is why she stuck to walking. Vapor Trail noticed others staring at her as she made her way through the Wonderbolt Acadamy. She didn't care for them but the mare was still nervoucited. Her current objective was to locate a beam of light shining down on a tree.

Fifteen minutes passed and Vapor Trail caught no glimpse of a sunbeam. The sky did have several clouds floating about, which made the search more unnerving. Vapor Trail wanted to hurry, locate the tree, find Sky Stinger, and then do what she has been trying to do several times before.

Vapor Trail was walking by the captain’s quarters when she noticed Soarin and Spitfire standing in front one another. Vapor Trail noticed the gift Soarin was holding. She also saw the nervous smile he held as well.

Not moving too quickly, but fast enough to stay hidden, Vapor Trail ducked behind a corner and peaked at the mingling pegasi. “-a-and I know the only thing you would love to do on a day like this is… well…” Soarin hooved the gift over to the captain and continued, “...open it and see what I got ya.” Spitfire didn't look at all angry with Soarin, and was actually smiling. Vapor Trail wondered if this was a Hearts and Hooves gift, or perhaps more! The thought of Soarin asking out Spitfire to be his special somepony almost made Vapor Trail giggle out loud. After Spitfire tore the gift wrap off the box, Soarin said, “Happy Hearts and Hooves.”

Vapor Trail gasped and hummed at the sweet gesture. She looked behind herself to see if anypony had caught her spying. But to her fortune, she was still in stealth mode.

“Wow, Soarin!” Spitfire exclaimed. “A new megaphone!” Out of character, the captain hugged Soarin and the stallion grunted at her quick movement. “Thanks. I love it.”

“A-any time,” Soarin stammered. “You uhh… wanna go try it out?”

“Sure,” said Spitfire. “I would love to yell at somepony with this new bad boy.” She and Soarin began to walk in Vapor Trail’s direction. The white mare ducked into the alley and hid behind a convenient box. Both Wonderbolts passed with no notice of Vapor Trail. “How many features does this thing have?” Spitfire said, her voice distant.

“Over a dozen.”

“Holy hay!”

Vapor Trail waited a minute before moving from her hiding spot. Trying to act casual and not suspicious, the mare strutted out of the alley. She looked to where Spitfire and Soarin went and didn't see them. Glad she was not caught, Vapor Trail let out a sigh.

HEY, DAYDREAMER!” a voice blared from behind Vapor Trail. Instead of leaping into the air like a frightened cat, Vapor Trail hopped forward while letting out a scared scream. Her subconscious was still aware that preventing a frizzy mane was a high priority. Vapor Trail looked back after her high pitched yelp and saw Spitfire grinning. Soarin was doing his best to not smirk but failed miserably. The captain did not have her eyes on the white mare, and was instead admiring her new toy. “Wow, this thing is loud, and that is saying something.” Finished with looking at the various buttons on her shiny red megaphone, Spitfire took notice of Vapor Trail’s features. “You going on a date with all that makeup?”

Vapor Trail took the moment to take a crack at Spitfire, “I can go on a double date with you and your megaphone, along with me and my potential date.”

“You know, I normally hate dates. But I wouldn’t mind taking my megaphone along with me,” Spitfire said. “Then I may talk into my date’s ear to ‘whisper’ things to you.”

Soarin chuckled into his hoof, “I don’t know if you could whisper into a megaphone.”

The challenge made Spitfire whisper into her megaphone, though it sounded more of a very loud ghost trying to be found out, “Nothing is impossible, Clipper.” Spitfire removed the megaphone from her mouth, along with her smile, and asked, “In all seriousness, Vapor Trail, you got something planned for another stallion?” Vapor Trail knew Spitfire was being vague in front of Soarin. So worrying about Soarin knowing Vapor Trail’s crush was nothing to be concerned with.

“It’s Hearts and Hooves after all,” the white mare answered. “You can assume why I have all this makeup.” Vapor Trail looked between Spitfire and Soarin, curious about the one-way gift exchange. “Do either of you two have plans for Hearts and Hooves?”

“I may use my megaphone to scream at others at how terrible this holiday is,” Spitfire said, “but other than that, I got nothing going for me today.” Vapor Trail waited for Soarin to answer her question, but he stared at the back of Spitfire’s head with a neutral stare; Vapor Trail took note of his silence.

The white pegasus looked around to see if any nearby trees had a beaming light on it. There was no such thing as far as Vapor Trail could see. She figured she could spare another question that was unrelated to romance or holidays before heading off to seal her fate. “Hey, Spitfire, who was that pony you were talking to earlier today? The one with the cart?”

“You sure like to spy on me when you aren’t daydreaming,” Spitfire replied with a raised brow.

“I’d like to ask the same thing,” Soarin chimed in. “Who was he?”

The talk of business was unavoidable, so Spitfire answered, “His name was Quarter Hearts and he is strictly here for business.” It was subtle, but Vapor Trail heard Soarin sigh out of relief. It was strange for Vapor Trail to see the normally upbeat and positive stallion not look like himself. “There are some gems under Wonderbolts Academy and Quarter Hearts wants to mine them. I scheduled him to mine as much as he wants for three hours. He didn’t seem to mind the time limit and mentioned to me he had other things planned today, so my conditions were met with no issues.”

There was no more mystery to the pony Spitfire spoke to earlier and there was no more reason for Vapor Trail to stick around her teammates. “Thanks,” said Vapor Trail. “I was just curious.”

“Not a problem,” Spitfire responded.

“Oh, and one more thing,” Vapor Trail added.

Spitfire rose a brow, “Yes…?”

“Have you seen Sky Stinger?”

The stallion in question spoke from behind Vapor Trail, “Who wants to know?” The mare looked behind to see Sky Stinger smiling at her. His expression turned surprised Sky Stinger got a good look at Vapor Trail. “Does the lovely best sneeze need me?”

“Oh Sky,” Vapor Trail giggled. Spitfire rolled her eyes at the mushy nonsense before her and walked out of the ally with Soarin in tow.

“You look great, Vapor Trail,” said Sky Stinger while Spitfire and Soarin exited the ally. He looked to Spitfire and added, “You look great as well, Cap.” Again, Spitfire rolled her eyes. Soarin on the other hoof let out an irritated clear of the throat and made an obvious glare at Sky Stinger.

“What's with the look?” Sky Stinger asked Soarin. “There's nothing wrong with complimenting a mare.”

“I-it’s just…” Soarin stammered, his words not properly pieced together. “...you have already seen Spitfire about her attitude toward Hearts and Hooves. I would refrain from complimenting her, lest you too want a scolding.” It was hard for Vapor Trail to tell if Soarin was standing up for Spitfire, or if Soarin was trying to get Sky Stinger to back off of the captain because he was jealous.

Spitfire agreed with Soarin with a smile and directed her megaphone at Sky Stinger. “Yeah, Sky Clinger! Leave me alone or I will render you deaf!” The loud noise rang in both Sky Stinger’s and Vapor Trail’s ears. Spitfire turned around and lowered her microphone, “Anyways, I'm gonna go test this thing.” She looked to Soarin and asked, “You wanna tag along?”

“Sure,” Soarin said. Before the stallion walked off with his friend, Soarin approached Sky Stinger, “Sorry. Didn't mean to get all up like that. Spitfire’s just a little sensitive about this holiday.”

“Not a problem,” Sky Stinger held up a reassuring hoof.

“Thanks.” Soarin looked back to see Spitfire had left him without hesitation and the pegasus had to leave in a quick dash to catch up with her.

Sky Stinger returned his attention to Vapor Trail. “You do look wonderful. Is there a particular reason why you dolled yourself up?”

Vapor Trail was tempted to confess her feelings then and there but easily resisted. “Have you seen a tree with a beam of light on it?”

Author's Note:

For context, if anyone wants to know what Quarter Hearts looks like.

Sorry for the week delay. I have been working on a one shot that didn't end up a one shot. It is nearly finished and published. Give it a look if you are interested: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/387299/stay-with-me-inspiration