• Published 28th Aug 2016
  • 34,707 Views, 1,210 Comments

The Boopening - MaxBeezy

I get caught booping Queen Chrysalis.

  • ...

Booping Nurse Redheart

Well, this is nice.

This hospital room is a lot nicer than the ones on my world. The rooms I would be in looked cold and uninviting. However, rooms at Ponyville General look the complete opposite. Warm and cozy. I could almost fall asleep on this comfortable bed. I just might. It’s doing wonders for the pain in my side.

Feeling sleepy…

The door opens. Looks like sleeping will have to wait. I immediately shoot up into a sitting position. Ouch. That was a bad idea. The pain in my side came back. A white pony with a first aid mark on her flank comes walking in, holding a clipboard in front of her face.

“Okay, Mister…” she lowers the clipboard to look at me. The nurse pauses, then stammers upon seeing me. “Oh, you’re the human. I was wondering why you had such a strange name.”

“It’s okay.” I smile, but I also wince at the stinging sensation on my side.

The nurse places the clipboard down on a nearby chair, and walks closer to me. Woah, without anything close to a warning, she lifts my shirt up to see what is wrong. There is a big section of my side that consists of a dark purple blotch. The nurse goes back to the cabinet, pulling out a swanky little doodad.

"What is that?" I ask.

“It's going to take your x-ray. Close your eyes.” she says. I do so. Through the darkness, I see a bright light and I also hear a heavenly hum. After a few seconds, the light and noise stop. “You can open your eyes, now.” she says in a pleasant tone. I do so, spotting the nurse getting a syringe ready by a medicine cabinet. Yuck, I hate needles. “You have a couple cracked ribs, and some serious bruising. I’m going to give you a shot of acceladrine.”

“Excuse me, what?” I haven’t heard of any medicine in my world called acceladrine.

“Just a standard shot. You’ll feel better in half a day.” the nurse trots back to me and sticks my side with the needle. That hurt, but it doesn’t hurt as much as my side. “There we go.” Once the shot is finished, she goes back to the medicine cabinet, pulling out a container that looks like its full of vaseline. “This gel will also help with your bruising. Take off your shirt, so that I don’t have to fight with your cloth.”

I do so, and the nurse lets out a bit of a gasp. She noticed the small cuts I sustained while jumping out the window. I didn’t think much of them, due to the more pressing pain, but it seems enough to get her worried.

“The summary of your condition didn’t mention that you sustained cuts.”

“Sorry, I didn’t notice.”

“I’ll disinfect them after I apply the gel.” She starts applying the gel to my side. Her touch is nice and gentle; something I wasn’t expecting, given ponies’ hard hooves. Guess she knows that if she applied any more pressure, I will go back to wincing in pain. Once she is done, she gets some cotton balls and dabs some disinfecting liquid on them. She then comes back to me and starts applying the cotton to my wounds. “So, the report says you jumped out of a window?”

“Yeah. I was trying…”

“To escape Ms. Pie. Yes, the report says that, too. It also says you were tackled by her. This explains all the injuries. I’m surprised you’re still able to stand after all that. Maud Pie is one of the strongest ponies I’ve seen. I heard she was once able to disintegrate a rock with her bare hooves.”

“Wow.” I say in awe “Then I’m lucky to be alive.”

The nurse and I chuckle. She finishes disinfecting my cuts. The nurse gets some bandages and wraps them around my waist and arms snugly with relative ease. Once she is done wrapping, she cuts the excess bandages, and ties them up to stay put.

“There we go. You should be able to take those off in a day or so. You can put your shirt back on.”

I put my shirt back on, and she puts her stuff away. The nurse picks up the clipboard again, looking it over. Probably to make sure that she didn’t miss anything important. Makes sense. Though she didn’t miss anything, I can appreciate someone who is thorough.

“Looks like you’re all set. You can rest for a bit, as you might feel a bit woozy from the acceladrine.”

“Woozy, I don’t…” I stand up. Wait a second…yep, I feel woozy. “Nevermind, I’ll take a rest for a bit.” I sit back down.

“That’s a good reaction. It means the medicine is working. The pain in your ribs should be subsiding soon.”

“Is it okay if I rest here? I don’t want to take up space from anyone.”

“No, it’s fine. We have a couple emergencies from time to time, but Ponyville is a largely safe place. Take all the time you need to rest up.” The nurse puts the clipboard back down. “By the way, I’m Nurse Redheart. It’s nice to meet you, finally. I’ve heard a lot about you. I’ve heard nothing but rumors.”

“Rumors? There’s actually rumors going around about me?”

“Nothing bad, I assure you. Merely curious, is all.”

“Well, what have other ponies been saying about me?”

“Some thought you took to being in Ponyville quite well within your first couple weeks. Said that you found a…particular liking for the pony species.” The tone of voice she is giving seems to be suggesting that I like ponies...a little bit more than most.

“What? What gave them that idea?”

“Apparently, others have seen various ponies come to your door. They think you have some personal harem or something.”

Oh, wow. A harem? Why in Equestria would…oh wait. Queen Chrysalis would always come to my door disguised as different ponies. She would never transform into someone recognizable. I know this because I’ve seen many of the regular citizens of town during my days out. I suppose that, to the average Ponyville pony, this would seem like an odd sight to be sure. From the look on Nurse Redheart’s face, she seems a little flustered just saying the rumor.

“I…um…” I stammer “I don’t have a harem of ponies. It’s…” I can’t tell her that the Queen of The Changelings comes by; how would she react? After all, Princess Twilight did say that Queen Chrysalis once tried to rule over Equestria. Maybe saying that we’re friends would be a bad… “That’s just Queen Chrysalis. She comes by disguised as another pony.”


“Oh my!” Nurse Redheart gasps, and understandably so. “You’re…friends with Queen Chrysalis? I heard that she tried to rule over Equestria!”

“No, it’s not like that anymore. I met her a few months ago, and we became good friends. She’s always been very nice to me.”

“Wow…” Nurse Redheart exhales in relief. “Queen Chrysalis being nice. That’s something I never thought I would hear. Whatever happened to get her like that, then I’ll have to thank the one responsible.” Nurse Redheart looks to me and gives me a playful wink. The two of us share another laugh. “There’s another rumor going around right now. It’s quite recent, and it’s frankly even more ridiculous than the harem.”

“What is it? That I'm actually an octopus in disguise?” I laugh.

“No, but that would be quite silly.” she laughs with me. “The rumor is that you…calm ponies down by touching their muzzles.”

“Actually, that one is true. It’s called booping.” I say matter of factly. I’m surprised she thinks the pony harem rumor was less ridiculous than the booping.

Nurse Redheart stares at me with a look of surprise. That the silliest rumor she heard about me being the true one would no doubt have surprised anyone. The news makes her sit down on the floor, and tilt her head to the side.

“That’s…true?” she asks.

“Yeah. Apparently, ponies…and even Queen Chrysalis…have found this method of relaxation to be quite pleasing. Although, the reactions to prolonged booping has been rather…extreme. The reason why I’m here, is because I booped Maud Pie on the nose, and she went a little…let’s just say a little crazy.”

“Oh…” Nurse Redheart steps back. “Your booping caused her to do that to you? That must be some amazing technique.”

“I personally don’t think it’s all that amazing.” I admit. I still don’t quite know WHY ponies find it to be a comfort. All I know is that they do. “The only thing I do is prod their nose with my finger, and that’s it.”

“That’s it?”


“That’s all you do? Just a simple prod and that’s the way the story goes?”

“That’s the way the story goes.” There’s a pause in the room. I can see the thoughts in Nurse Redheart’s eyes. I’m going to say it before she does. “You want me to try it out, don’t you?”

“Well…I don’t know. If Maud Pie had such a visceral reaction, it might not be safe. Plus, you’re still recovering, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Okay.” I nod. That’s some pretty valid reasoning right there. Besides, I really need to be more cautious, myself. I can’t just boop anypony willy-nilly. Then again, I might have to. Maybe I should invest in some hockey pads. Does Equestria have hockey, or at least a variation of it that can make pads? Maybe Rarity can supply some. I hear she makes some pretty swanky clothes. Maybe she can provide me with some human…

“But, I’m just so curious now!” Nurse Redheart interrupts. “How about this. You said that prolonged exposure causes strange reactions, right? Well…maybe…you only boop me a few times, and that’s it.”

“How much is a few?”

“I don’t know. How many times did you do it, before the ponies had a big reaction?”

“Somewhere in the double digits. Like thirty or so.”

“Good. Then, ten times. That should be a good amount. Boop me ten times, and that’s it.” Nurse Redheart gets up on the bed and sits up straight, putting on a brave face. She closes her eyes tightly, as if expecting some kind of worse case scenario reaction. “Okay, do it.”

“Um…okay.” I shrug “Here we go.”

Boop goes my finger to her nose.


Nurse Redheart’s eyes are still closed shut. I boop her again, and then a third time. One eye from Nurse Redheart opens up, looking straight at me. I recognize that look. It’s the look of someone who is wondering what the big deal is. I can see she is a bit disappointed, but I can also see a hint of relief as well.

I keep booping her. Getting towards the tail end, and I hear a small giggle escape from her. Guess she’s finding a little bit of enjoyment now, but it’s still a remarkably subdued reaction, all things considered. In a way, I kind of like it. It would have been quite frightening if I had to deal with two crazed ponies in one day.

I hit boop number ten and place my hand down. Once I do, Nurse Redheart’s other eye opens, and breathes a sigh of relief that all she experienced was a slight case of amusement.

“How was that?” I ask.

“It was…fine.” Nurse Redheart replied after a few moments of thinking. “But, for the life of me, I cannot see what the big deal is. Yes, it was a bit amusing, and I do admit that I started feeling a bit ticklish, but other than that, I don’t understand why other ponies such as Maud had an over-the-top reaction.”

“Have you been feeling stressed, lately?”

“Well…no, not really. I mean, I have a couple days of annoyance, but I don’t really leave the workplace stressed out. Like I said, Ponyville is a mostly safe place. The worst case we had ever gotten was when a pegasus broke both her wings trying a rather dangerous stunt.”

“Interesting…” I say quietly. I remove my small notebook from my back pocket, and a pen from the breast pocket in my shirt. “It appears that the more stressed a pony is…the more likely they are to have an extreme reaction.” I talk to myself as I write the note down.

“It could just be a fluke.” Nurse Redheart says “Maybe I’m somehow immune to your booping.”

“No, this is actually really good stuff.” I smile. “You did have a reaction. You chuckled and smiled after a few boops. The thing is, you weren’t really all that stressed, so that’s all it could do for you. So, you had a reaction, just a very small and subdued one.”

“So, the more stressed the subject, the more grand the reaction? What were other ponies like?”

“Well, Maud was…this…” I point to my side “Princess Celestia was relaxed to the point of falling asleep, Princess Luna was becoming very catlike, Princess Twilight was acting like an affectionate puppy…”

“Wow, you have been busy with the royalty, haven’t you?”

“Yeah.” I chuckle “It sort of worked out that way.”

“And…what of Queen Chrysalis? You said you booped her, too.”

“The first time I booped her, she had a sort of subdued reaction. She cooed and purred at the booping and relaxed greatly. When we met, she was under a lot of stress. On subsequent boops, her reaction is even more sustained. All she does is giggle and stick her tongue out.”

“That’s it?” Nurse Redheart tilts her head. “No wild dance, or laughing maniacally with fire and brimstone behind her?”

“No, but that would be kind of cool.”

“Hmmm….” Nurse Redheart taps a hoof under her chin. Suddenly, she chuckles quietly, catching my attention.

“What is it?”

“It almost sounds like she’s not really that stressed, and just likes hanging out with you.”

“Huh? Nah.” I wave it off. “I mean, yeah, I get the feeling she likes to hang out, but every time she shows up, it’s always one thing after another with her army. She definitely looks stressed when I see her. Maybe changelings react differently from ponies. After all, changelings only have a few physical similarities to the Equestrian species. Inside, I bet it’s a completely different beast…in a manner of speaking, of course, I do not think of ponies or changelings as actual beasts.”

“No, I know what you meant.” she smiles. “Differing physiologies…that’s a sound theory. A bit more complicated than my much simpler ‘affectionate’ theory.”

“Besides, she’s a changeling Queen, what do I have that she feels affection for? My booping?” I think to myself “Well…okay, that could be a pretty good reason.”

“You should ask her, the next time you see her. See what she says. If I’m wrong…then I’ll give you ten bits.”

“Okay. You’re on, Nurse Redheart.”

As I shake her hoof as a sign that the challenge has been made, a unicorn doctor comes bursting in with a terrified look on his face. It must be bad, if he’s looking like this.

“Nurse Redheart! Quick! Ditzy Doo has her head stuck in a honey jar!”

“I’m on it.” Nurse Redheart hops off the bed and stands proud. She then turns to me. “Nice to meet you. This was fun, but…try to avoid jumping out of windows next time, okay?”

“I’ll give it a shot.” I wave goodbye to her.

I rest on the bed for another half hour. The acceledrine she gave me really knocked that pain away fairly quickly. To be sure it stays that way, I slowly move off the bed, and make my way out of the hospital, signing myself out and waving goodbye to the staff.

It’s late afternoon, now, but I don’t have any time today to look for any creatures and ask about their lifestyle and habits. Maybe tomorrow, once I am completely sure I can move around like normal, without any fear of feeling like I’m going to buckle down in pain at one wrong move.

I approach my house, where I see Maud Pie giving a pony with a construction hat on a bag of bits. Seeing Maud standing there is giving me a little bit of pause, even though she was more than generous enough to help me to the hospital. Once the construction pony has moved out of sight, Maud Pie looks to me with the slightest hint of surprise in her eyes.

“Hey.” Maud Pie says, walking up to me. “You’re out of the hospital.”

“Yeah. Nurse Redheart patched me up, and by tomorrow, I should be ready to seize the day.” I reply with enthusiasm. I see a small smirk on Maud Pie’ s face. “What were you paying that construction pony for?”

“I had ponies come by to fix your door and window. It’s good now.”

“Oh…” I’m surprised that she had it done already. “Thanks. How much do I owe you? I’ll pay you back.”

“That’s not necessary. It’s the least I could do after almost having my way with you.” Maud Pie’s droll voice in saying that makes me chuckle on the inside. “I know it’s not enough, but…”

“It’s…fine…for the most part. It didn’t end up happening, in the end.”

“That still doesn’t excuse it. I’m sorry I acted that way. If you feel that you don’t want to see me again, then I understand.”

I feel a little bit bad for Maud Pie. If my theory is correct, then the gravity of her stress affected her reaction greatly. Sure, it was a violent, and even frightening reaction, but underneath that cool and calm looking exterior is no doubt a pony who can be just as stressed as the rest of them. She’s right, though. In my world, such an action would be considered reprehensible, no matter how funny others would perceive it as.


“Don’t worry about it.” I shake my head. “I’m better now. You’re better now. The house is better now. It’s all better now. Yes, what happened was really…something…but, if you’re still feeling a bit stressed…I wouldn’t mind if you came back for more.”

“What? Really?”

“Yeah. I think I have a solid theory that the biggest reactions to booping are always the first reactions. The next time it happens, it’ll be much less…well…what happened today.”

“I see. Then…” she thinks for a couple seconds “…then, I think I’ll come back again. Thank you.” She nods, turning to move away. As if remembering something, she then turns back around. “Oh, another pony came by, looking for you.”

“Who was it?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never seen her before.”

“What did she look like?”

“Tall. Blue. Blonde mane.”

“I don’t…” Wait a minute. Queen Chrysalis likes to transform into ponies, but never those from Ponyville. She must have stopped by earlier. “Oh, wait. Yeah. I remember her. Where is she?”

“She's not here anymore. I told her what happened, and she yelled at me. Then, she came back and brought a present, and left soon after that. She left it on the living room table.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

Maud Pie gives a small wave, and walks away. Queen Chrysalis yelling at Maud Pie? That must have been some exchange. I can only imagine Maud Pie staring at her with that blank expression on her face, as Queen Chrysalis went off on her. Still, I’m surprised Queen Chrysalis would even do that.

I go upstairs and see the new door and window. Good as new. Looks as it did early in the morning, like no pony threw her hoof through the door, and no dumb human jumped out the window. They did a fantastic job.

I go downstairs to the living room to see what Queen Chrysalis left.

On the table, I see a black rose, along with a card with a picture of a pony with a cast on his foreleg. The front says ‘Get Well Soon.’

Aww, thanks.

I pick up the black rose, and smell it. It smells nice. Despite the color, it smells no different from regular roses. Still, being out of water must be damaging it a little bit. I put the rose in a thin vase with some water inside, and stand it over at the counter by the kitchen window. It’ll get some nice moonlight tonight, and sun when morning comes.

I open up the card, and find green lipstick markings on the inside.

No words. Just markings. I put my finger on the mark, and it feels soft. It’s not part of the card.

Did…did Queen Chrysalis kiss this card?
