• Published 28th Aug 2016
  • 34,707 Views, 1,210 Comments

The Boopening - MaxBeezy

I get caught booping Queen Chrysalis.

  • ...

Booping Princess Luna

That was a fun night.

Had a delicious dinner from the Fillydelphia place in Ponyville, and topped it off by watching a couple of crummy horror movies, all in the company of Queen Chrysalis. It was nice, spending a movie night with someone. It reminded me a lot of my college days, where my friends and I would spend nights, either over the summer or after a rigorous study session, watching dumb flicks to get our mind off of school and life in general. Being with Queen Chrysalis reminded me of those days.

We sat down together and watched what Equestria’s version of the Paranormal Activity movies had to offer. In a somewhat surprising twist, they were just as stupid as the ones back in my world, and Queen Chrysalis and I had an absolute ball. Yelling at the ponies trying to egg the ghost on, and laughing hysterically at the loud noises and attack scenes, all the while providing running commentary for the scared out of their wits ponies.

Strangely enough, I don’t know how the night ended. Right now, I’m obviously dreaming. I have to be. Why else would I be in a swirling blue void? How did I even end up falling asleep? I don’t remember. It feels like a blur.

“Well, I’m dreaming, I better make the most of it.” I really should. Dreams are where anything is possible. My favorite dreams involve flying, so that's what I'm going to do. I jump off the floor to fly, but instead I come back down to the ground. “Hey. I want to fly, so…fly!” I jump again, but I do not fly. “Why isn’t this working?”

“I can explain that.” a feminine voice calls out.

What the...? Now, I’m alert. Who could that be? It’s no voice I recognize, that’s for sure. Is this even a dream? It could be a nightmare. Maybe the feminine voice is meant to lull me into a false sense of security, and when I least expect it…BAM! Demon Clown From Hell.

“Who’s there?” I call out, “If you’re going to scare me, just get it over with.”

Then, materializing in front of me, is an alicorn. Dark blue, I mean, like, really dark blue. Her figure is slender, and her mane looks like it is made out of the stars themselves. Her mark is of a crescent moon, with stars and clouds on it, which matches her chest piece.

I haven’t seen her before, but she does look like royalty. She must be…

“Princess Luna?” I guess.

“You guess correctly.” Princess Luna nods. “What gave it away?”

“The alicorn part.” I smirk. “That, and the crown.” I point at the crown on her head.

“Oh…” she chuckles, “I suppose that would be dead giveaway.” Princess Luna bows to me. Courteous. “It’s an honor to meet finally you. I realize we had not met in person, so I wish to see you here.”

“In…my dream? You…” I look around the area, “…you can meet others in dreams?”

“Yes. As ruler of the night, conversation with awake ponies is…minimal. So, I look into their dreams, and offer aid...if they so desire it.”

“That’s….amazing.” I gape in awe at her ability. “How many dreams do you enter per night?”

“It depends on if I like the dream.” she smiles. “If it’s something I find pleasant, I stay for a while, but if it’s something I find, well…let’s say undesirable…I move on to something else. If you must know, Queen Chrysalis’ dreams are surprisingly pleasant. I see your friendship with her has paid off.”

“Oh, have you seen her dreams before I arrived?”

“Yes.” Princess Luna looks down in sadness. “I do not wish to repeat what I’ve seen.”

“I understand.” I nod. Poor Queen Chrysalis. She’s so happy now. I can’t bear to imagine what she was like before, though if she was evil back in the day, I can have an idea.

“Sorry.” Princess Luna shakes her head, repelling possibly bad thoughts. “I have almost derailed what I have come here to see you about.”

“Ah.” I smile, knowing what she is about to ask of me.

“What? Do you know why I am here?” Princess Luna turns her head to the side, curious at my behavior.

“Of course I know why. You are here, so that I may boop you.” I chuckle as I say it.

“Is…” Princess Luna blushes, “…is it really that obvious?”

“With the days I have had so far, I’d say yes. Don’t worry, I’m not mad. It’s actually quite impressive. Yesterday, I thought that Princess Twilight’s letter wasn’t going to reach anyone, and that my booping would only be given to one. Now, both you and Celestia have come to me.”

“My apologies. I could not help but be curious. Twilight’s letter was so enthusiastic, that I had to see for myself what the big deal was.” Princess Luna’s ears perk. “Celestia came to see you?”

“Yeah. I booped her on the nose, and she fell asleep on top of me.”

“Oh my.” she gasps, “That’s quite the sudden reaction. Are you okay?”

“I’ll live. It’s interesting that each pony has a different reaction to the booping.”

“If that’s the way it is…” Princess Luna smiles, “I look forward to see what my reaction will be. Since we are in a dream, it could be anything. The dream-space you are in was created by my magic, so whatever I feel when you boop me will manifest itself physically.”

“Sounds cool…and a bit dangerous.” I’m hesitant, but I walk over to her, and she walks over to me. “How can I be sure that, if you feel displeased, whatever you feel won’t try to kill me?”

“Do not worry, young human. If I feel displeased, my feelings will most likely be multiples of myself, looking upon you in disappointment.”

We find each other in the middle. I think about what she said. Being looked at by multiples of her? And all of them would be staring at me in disappointment?

“Somehow, that feels worse.” I chuckle, “But, I suppose it’s a chance I am willing to take.”

“It’s a chance that you are required to take. I won’t let you wake up until the booping is complete.”

“You drive a hard bargain, Princess. Guess I have no choice.” I raise my hand up and point my finger at her muzzle. “Time to boop you on the nose.”

Princess Luna smiles as I do. I bring my finger forward. This is it. Once again, I find myself in the presence of royalty. It feels almost repetitive at this point. I wonder if the next pony I find myself booping will also be royalty, or if it will be a normal pony, looking to quell her curiosity.

That being said, I wonder what Princess Luna’s reaction will be. Queen Chrysalis’ reaction is amusement and comfort, Princess Twilight turns into a pet, and Princess Celestia falls into a coma. Not only that, but I’m in a dream space created by Princess Luna. Anything can happen.

No turning back now.


I separate my finger from Princess Luna’s nose. She looks at me curiously, like if she’s wondering this that’s it.

“Want me to do it again?” I ask.

“Sure.” she nods in approval.

I boop her on the nose again. It seems that nothing has happened. Wow, could I be losing my touch so soon? I was on a bit of a roll. I have to say, I’m pretty…


Hold on. It was faint, but I heard it. Did…did Princess Luna just purr?

“Princess Luna? Was that you?”

“Huh?” Princess Luna looks around the area. “That wasn’t me. You must be hearing things. Maybe there’s some other creature in the dream-scape with us.”

“There is?” I look around with her. “Then, what should I do?”

“Best not dwell on it. If you leave it alone, it’ll leave you alone. Now, keep on with the booping.”

“Um…okay.” I shrug.

I boop her on the nose a couple more times.


She is! Princess Luna is purring! I can hear her loud and clear! There’s no thing in the dream with us! There’s no monster to be afraid of! She’s being a pony cat! Or...a cat pony...either one!

“Ah ha!” I say in triumph. Don't know why I'm so excited about this. “I knew it was you!”

“What are you talking about? You’re crazy! I would never lower myself to simple…”


Princess Luna instantly falls to the floor and rolls on to her back, purring loudly now. I step back in surprise at this sudden behavior. The dark blue void suddenly turns into something akin to her bedroom. The floor that Princess Luna lay on has transformed into a big round bed. It looks rather comfortable, I have to say. I’d be amazed if I wasn’t so transfixed on Princess Luna rolling around on the bed, still purring with that loud purr.

“Princess Luna!” I gasp, “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know!” Princess Luna says mid roll and mid purr, “But I require more boops if I am to stop with this behavior!”

“Stop? I’m afraid that if I boop you more, you’ll do…THAT more!”

“Boop me! Your Princess demands it!”

Suddenly and literally out of nowhere, Royal Guards poof into the room. There’s dozens of them; more than enough to make me worried for my safety. Actually, only one would be enough to get me worried. Having over a dozen of them? Total. Fright.

“Boop the Princess!” all the guards say in unison, “Boop the Princess!”

“Oh, wow.” I back away slowly, “This is…” Suddenly, I feel swords pointing at my back. I turn to see even more guards, this time unicorns, holding up swords with their magic, blocking my way of escape. “…freaking scary.”

A lone guard walks out of the crowd. He has a white coat, with a blue mane. His strong stature makes it seem like he’s the leader of this army of royal guards. A scroll appears in front of him, and he unfurls it to read.

“By the decree of the Princess of The Night, Luna must be booped no less than fifty times, or else the punishment…will be DEATH!”

“DEATH! DEATH! DEATH!” go the guards.

Oh boy…this took a dark turn and fast. I turn to Luna with an understandable expression of absolute panic.

“Death?! Are you kidding me?!”

“Yes, I am kidding. But you have to admit, it sounds oh so dramatic, don’t you think?” Princess Luna says with a mischievous giggle. “Now, come here and boop me. I must feel your glorious finger against my muzzle once more!”

Gulping down some panic saliva, I walk over to Princess Luna, who is on her back, and looking at me upside down. I form my hand back into the pointing gesture, and she laughs in delight, knowing what is coming.

I boop her on the nose, and she squeals and purrs in happiness.

“Again!” she demands.

I boop her again.

“Again!” she shouts.

I boop her again.

“AGAIN!” she screams out.

“Look, Princess Luna…” I say calmly. “I’m going to follow the orders of the guards. I’m going to boop you fifty times. You don’t have to say ‘again’ all the time.”

“But it’s so fun to say.” she pouts. Okay, that’s kind of cute. “Fine, you shall boop me for as many times as necessary. No more shouting. Only booping.”

“Sounds good to me.” I smile and nod. “Okay, Princess…”

I start to boop her. Every time I touch her muzzle, she laughs and purrs, all the while rolling around on the bed. The guards watch with smiles on their faces. Even though I know full well that this is a dream, and the guards that stand before us are nothing more than constructs created by her imagination, the fact that all eyes are on me is doing a lot to creep me out. Is this what Princess Luna likes? To be watched? I can’t imagine what other kinds of dreams that she has, which require a bunch of guards watching her.

Ugh, I shudder to think about it.

As I continue to boop her, she starts to move around too much for me to stay in one place, so I move onto the bed with her. This gets uncomfortable in a fast rate of time, as she rolls on top of me.

"Continue to boop me!" she demands.

"I'm booping! I'm booping! This is supposed to make you calm!"

"I am calm!" She sure doesn't sound like it.

On the plus side, she isn’t as heavy as Princess Celestia, and she isn’t sleeping, so to speak, making moving away from this situation easier. Still, the fact that she is so willing to roll on top of me makes me more than a little antsy to get away as fast as possible.

I sit up quickly to avoid another awkward moment, and I move along with her, booping her after every roll. It is kind of amusing to watch, as it’s like a game of whack-a-mole back at the arcade on earth, only this time, it’s Boop-The-Princess. I get her pattern down well, and hit my target with precision, and a great amount of skill.

Hey, this is harder than it looks.

Once I hit fifty, Princess Luna lets out one final purr. This one is louder and more powerful than the rest. So powerful, that the room suddenly vanishes, along with the guards that were watching us. I fall to the floor, as I am now unsupported by the bed. Princess Luna, on the other hand, floats down the beauty, grace, and style; completely unlike her behavior not moments ago.

“You have pleased your princess with your booping technique. For that, you have my admiration and gratitude.”

“Um…thanks?” I say. Her royal attitude is throwing me way off. “It was…my…honor?”

“No, the honor was mine.” She bows before me. “You have shown me great happiness. I can see why the others have sought you out.”

“Actually, only Princess Celestia sought me out. Princess Twilight got a demonstration after a misunderstanding.”

“I see…and Queen Chrysalis?”

“That was me taking a wild chance, in an attempt to calm her down.”

“Ah.” Princess Luna nods in understanding, “Still, I must assume that other ponies will seek your skills, after this. After all, I saw Princess Celestia using a spell to send Twilight’s letter to multiple places.”

“When we say ‘multiple places,’ how many is that, exactly?”

“I don’t know? Ten? Twenty? It could be more or less. It all depends on who Celestia deems worthy of your gifts.”

“I’m not sure if what I do is a gift.”

“Oh, but it is.” Princess Luna walks closer. “What you do will give many ponies throughout the land a chance to unwind and relax. To feel happy through a single touch. That is what I call a gift.”

“I guess…” I scratch my head. I’m not sure if causing ponies to purr or fall asleep could be constituted as a gift, but if Princess Luna says so, then I probably shouldn't argue with her. “So…how do I get out of this dream?”

“Simple, when you are ready, all you have to do is wake up?”

“Wake up? Just like that?”

“Yep. Just like….”

I wake up. Wow, that was faster than I was expecting. Makes me wonder if I should have woken up before all the crazy booping started. The first couple times were fine. The purring was strange, but also kind of adorable, so I would have been able to get past that. It was when the guards appeared and death was threatened, that it got really strange.

Well, she did say that I wouldn't be able to wake up until she was satisfied, so maybe it was best that I didn't try.

That being said, I had a little bit of fun in the end. Princess Luna’s reaction was definitely one I wasn’t expected. Then again, I haven't expecting any of the reactions I have gotten so far.

I’m kind of concerned about what lies ahead.

Why is there a weight on my lap?

My eyes adjust. I'm still in the living room. The television is off, but the lamp to my left is still on. I must have fallen asleep on the couch. Still, the weight is concerning me.

I look to my right to see Queen Chrysalis. Her body is curled up for warmth. I follow her neck and see that her head is resting on my lap. Ah, so that's where the weight is coming from. She's lightly snoring the night away. Her sharp looking horn points upwards. I'm thankful that I didn't lean downwards in my sleep, or else that could have ended in tragedy. Or, at the very least, a missing eyeball.

Wow. Queen Chrysalis would hate it if I said this to her face, but I have to say it; seeing her like this, is really cute. The way she's curled up, and the way she's snoring. It sounds like a soft purr, not like the loud purring that Princess Luna was doing. It's hard to believe that this was the same Changeling Queen that threatened to kill me all those months ago. That she is able to trust me so much, that she feels comfortable sleeping on my lap, says a lot about our friendship.

Thinking about how far we have come makes me smile. I run my hand along her neck, and lightly caress her mane. I won't disturb her. I have no reason to. I'll just go on back to sleep. I'm still very tired.

Hopefully this time, I have normal dreams.

Author's Note:

Fun Fact: I originally planned Princess Luna's reaction to be a big musical number. But, I felt that would have been too big for so early in the saga.

Maybe some other time.