• Published 28th Aug 2016
  • 34,709 Views, 1,210 Comments

The Boopening - MaxBeezy

I get caught booping Queen Chrysalis.

  • ...

Booping Daring Do

Another week has passed by. Surprisingly, it's the most quiet it had ever been. I spent the week helping the Ponyville Press with some articles; running around and doing interviews and the like. It's fun work, though it doesn't give me much time to work on my research, but it's not the biggest of deals. I sent a letter out to Dragon Lord Ember, asking if I could come by at some point to do some studying on her species and culture, and she replied back that she would be open to meet in a week, and that she will mail me back when she is ready.

However, during these last seven days, there has been a curious absence in my life...Queen Chrysalis. After that day, where I tried a new technique and she showed an…interesting appreciation for it, she hadn’t come back since then. Four days without her was hard enough, but now a whole seven? I hope she’s okay. I really do. Maybe I should ask Princess Celestia if she knows her whereabouts, or Princess Luna if she can find her in her dreams. I just want to know if she’s safe and unharmed.

I’d do all that at this very moment, if I wasn’t so caught up with my latest venture…looking for the house of one A.K. Yearling.

I received a letter from the famed author yesterday, giving me details on where to find her. Honestly, these directions look more like a treasure map, than anything I’m familiar with. What I wouldn’t give for Google Maps. Anyways, the letter itself asked for my assistance. I’m going to assume it’s booping. It’s always booping. If it’s anything else, I’m going to be genuinely surprised.

I’ve read A.K. Yearling’s work during my time in Ponyville. All she has written are those Daring Do books. Daring Do and The Griffin’s Goblet. Daring Do and The Quest For The Sapphire Stone, which is often referred to as Sapphire Statue in certain places of Equestria. I also read one of her later books, Daring Do and The Ring of Destiny. I’m pretty sure I saw Rainbow Dash on the front cover, though it could be a coincidence.

Maybe I’ll inquire her about it when I get back.

A.K. is a good author. She had a good sense of action and poise. It makes me feel like I’m living those death defying adventures with her, rather than feeling like I’m reading a story. I’m constantly reminded of Indiana Jones, a pulp hero from my world, as there are some striking similarities, namely that they get into absolutely ridiculous situations.

Like, in Daring Do and The Journey To Dragon Mountain, she survived a full blast of dragon fire by holding her hat in front of her. Suddenly, surviving a nuclear blast in a refrigerator doesn’t sound so silly. Lucky for me, I like silly.

I finally make it to A.K. Yearling’s cottage. Man, that was a bit of a hike. I mean, I like a good hike as much as the next able-bodied person or pony, but still, that was something. This cottage looks rather homely. It’s a nice little place, with a chimney, a sturdy looking roof, holes in the windows.

Wait…holes in the windows?

I hear shuffling inside. Oh my god, is A.K. Yearling being robbed?! I have to help!

I go to the door and open it quickly. Inside, I see a pony with its back turned to me, shuffling through piles of books and desk drawers. It’s wearing a cloak and a hat, obstructing the identity. I must make my presence known. Maybe my mysterious appearance will scare it off. Or, it could lead to a violent altercation. No turning back, I’m in it now.

“Hey!” I say.

The pony turns around in an action stance. It’s a mare. A light gold coat, rose colored eyes, black mane. She doesn’t look too happy. Hold on, she’s calming. Maybe…

“Oh, it’s you!” she says, surprised. This must be…

“A.K. Yearling?” I ask. I have to make sure.

“Yes. I’m sorry, I forgot you were coming today.” she goes back to shuffling. “As you can see, I’m in a bit of a tight spot.”

“I saw your windows were broken. Are you okay? Are you injured?”

“I’m okay, thanks for asking. This happened before I returned.” A.K. Yearling moves over a plank of wood on the floor, revealing a spot where something should be, but isn’t. I can tell, because the dust surrounds a circular blank spot. “Shoot! He took it!”

“Who took it?” I’m not good at the pronoun game.

“That Dr. Caballeron! He must be working with Ahuizotl again to steal the Red Ruby of Saddle Arabia!”

Wait…what?” I ask with an eyebrow cocked up. “Those are characters in your books. Has there been some kind of spell that brought them to life and…” A.K Yearling removes her cloak to reveal that underneath is an all too familiar adventurer’s uniform, a safari hat, and a mark that represents a compass. “Y…you’re…” I can’t get the words out. My mind has been blown.

“Oh…” she timidly smiles “Yeah…I’m Daring Do.”

“I…I…” I approach slowly, before… “I have so many questions! So, all those stories were true?! That is incredible! You actually scaled the mountains of Dragon’s Peak? A creature like Ahuizotl is real?! What about…” I can’t geek out any further, as Daring Do puts her hoof on my stomach, stopping me.

“As much as I enjoy talking to fans, I have to get going. It’s an urgent matter.” Daring Do makes a quick exit from her cottage.

I’m not letting her get away! I’m too much in awe to let a chance like this pass me by! I run alongside her. She looks and sees that I’m catching up with her. Her eyes look me up and down, probably impressed that I’m next to her.

“What are you doing?” she asks. “This could get dangerous!”

“Daring Do, after everything that has happened to me these past couple of weeks, I feel that I can handle whatever Equestria throws at me!” It’s true. I’ve gone through a window twice, been tackled, and was nearly smothered by a Princess. My words are making Daring Do’s eyes roll, but I can see the hint of a smirk on her face.

“Fine.” she nods “But stay close to me, and do as I say.”

“Yes ma’am. So, where are we going?”

“If I’m correct, Dr. Caballeron and Ahuizotl have taken the key to the Fortress of Talacon. Inside is the Red Ruby of Saddle Arabia.”

“Wait, I thought the fortress was destroyed in Daring Do and The Ring of Destiny!”

“A part of it was. The rest of it holds a series of death traps that lead to the Ruby. We’re taking a short cut. Hopefully, they didn’t find the shorter path, and we’ll be able to stop them there.”

“And if they did?”

“We’ll ambush them when they leave the fortress.”

Within an hour, Daring and I make it to the fortress. She was right; a good portion of it was destroyed, but there’s another entrance that holds a completely different treasure than the one in the book. I haven’t heard of this Red Ruby of Saddle Arabia, but I also haven’t read through every Daring Do story, either. Maybe it’s in a later volume. Daring Do sits down, waiting patiently for Dr. Caballeron and Ahuizotl to arrive. This is really exciting. Me, on an actual adventure with Daring Do. I shouldn’t geek out too much; this is supposed to be serious.

“So, how long do you expect it will take for them to show up?” I ask.

“It depends on if they find any hazards along the way. The normal path has quite a bit of quicksand, spike pits, and angry natives.”

“Ah. Well, here’s hoping they don’t make it, then.”

“Unlikely. Those two have survived many things. I doubt that they’ll be stopped. Slowed down? Yes. Stopped? No.”

She has a point. In all the stories where they make an appearance, they always managed to find a way out of a dangerous situation, no matter how outlandish it may have looked. The books never explained HOW they managed to survive, but since these books are from her perspective, I think that she didn’t ask that question herself, because she wasn’t interested in finding out.

“Hold on a second…” Daring Do smacks her forehead with a hoof “You came here for the booping, right?”

“Yeah. If you want to reschedule…”

“Actually, since we’re here, maybe you can give me a small session. You don’t have to go all out, but enough until they show up.”

“Ummm….” I think. Those guys could show up at any moment, but… “…yeah, okay.” Heck with it. Might as well. Daring Do gets herself in a more comfortable position facing me, while I point my finger out for the eventual boop. “Wait, before I do this, I have to ask…how stressed are you?”

“I’m a little stressed, due to this Ruby thing. Why? Does something happen if you boop me while I’m stressed?”

“There’s a chance you might have a bit of a big reaction.”

“Like what? Breaking out into hives?”

“No, not like that.” I chuckle at the thought “Just like…you get really tired.”

“I think I can handle getting poked on the nose. You ARE talking to the mare who defeated a manticore with a single hoof.” Daring Do then sticks her muzzle towards me further, closing her eyes. “Now, hurry up, will you?”

“Can’t argue with that logic.” I whisper to myself with a shrug.


My finger presses against her muzzle. I can’t see her reaction; her eyes are closed, but she is smiling, so it must be okay. I boop her again. That smile is still there. I’m soft with my boops, and I change things up with every other boop; ever so slightly sliding my finger halfway up the bridge of her muzzle, before sliding it back to me.

“How are you feeling?” I query.

“Very well.” Daring Do nods. “I like that thing you do with your finger. Sliding it a bit up my muzzle. I can see why others like it.”

“Actually, that’s kind of the first time I did that part.” I admit. 'Kind of' is the right choice of words. The first time was an accident with Dragon Lord Ember, while with Queen Chrysalis, I did it purposefully, before it became a petting session.

“Wow.” Daring Do exhales “That’s impressive. You should do that with others, next time.”

“I’ll keep it in mind.” I smile. “Hey, Daring Do? Can I ask you a couple of questions? It’s regarding your books.” I might as well ask while I'm here... booping her.

“Go ahead.” she nods, her eyes still closed, and her mouth still smiling.

“In Daring Do and The Journey to Dragon Mountain, how did you manage to survive a giant blast of dragon fire using only your hat?”

“My hat is enchanted. It's been like that after Daring Do and The Summit of Mt. Golem. When I got injured during a battle with Ahuizotl, the monks there enchanted my hat to protect me from anything.”

“Wow.” I’m in awe. “I must have missed that one. I’ll be sure to pick it up.”

“It was my favorite book to write. I mean, getting hurt pretty bad in that one wasn’t very fun, but it made for a great story.”

“Oh…” I remember, “Going back to Daring Do and The Ring of Destiny, your sidekick for that one looked an awful lot like…”

“Rainbow Dash?”

“Yeah! Since you’re real and all, does that mean she went on an adventure with you?”

“She did. Actually, she and her friends joined up with me, too. I took a little bit of creative license and only had Rainbow Dash in the story. Her friends didn’t mind, though, especially that mare with the purple mane.”


“Yeah, her. She didn’t want to be reminded that she was in the…” Daring Do puts on her best Rarity voice when she says “…dark and dirty jungles with bugs and other foul creatures.” She’s pretty spot on. I chuckle at her accuracy.

I’m trying to get a bead on what Daring Do’s reaction is. I could say that she’s more open about herself, but I think she would have answered these questions regardless. There is the possibility that if I wasn’t booping her, and started asking these questions, that she would tell me to stay focused. I’ll never know. Still, that smile of hers isn’t going anywhere any time soon, unless something interrupts us, but it doesn’t seem like Dr Caballeron or Ahuzotl are close to…

Um…the fortress is opening up. Daring Do, back in action, lightly pushes my hand away and turns back to the fortress.

“They got here already?” she says in surprise “There was no sign of them at the entrance!”

“Maybe they found a way in.”

“That’s impossible! This is the only entrance to the fortress! Could they have found some kind of enchantment that hides their tracks?”

The door fully opens up. A few moments pass, and a figure comes out, with the red ruby around its neck. It’s not Dr. Caballeron. It’s not Ahuiztol. It’s a figure very familiar to me. A black exoskeleton. Frail looking insect wings. A contorted horn. Emerald eyes. Fangs.

It’s Queen Chrysalis! What’s she doing here? What’s she doing with the Ruby?

“Queen Chrysalis?” I say to myself, but Daring Do hears me.

“You know the Queen of the Changelings?” she says, caught off guard.

“Yeah. We’re friends. What on Earth is she doing here?” Hold up, I’m not on Earth. “I mean…what in Equestia is she doing here?” Much better.

“You’re friends with her? Wow…you get around.”

“Not too much. She was the first mare I met. We sort of hit it off…after I booped her, of course. It was because of her that this whole thing started.” I watch Queen Chrysalis play with the Ruby. That smile on her face feels childlike and playful. “It’s a shame that we have to take that Ruby away. She seems to really like it.”

“She does, but it belongs in the fortress. Or else…”

Daring Do’s words get interrupted by the appearance of Dr. Caballeron and Ahuizotl. Their appearance is exactly like the books described them, with Dr. Caballeron having a weirdly named gambogeish gray coat, a five o’clock shadow, and a general air of sleaziness to him. Ahuizotl is tall, looks like a messed up dog, blue, and has a tail with a hand at the end of it. Creepy.

The two emerge from the jungle in front of Queen Chrysalis, stopping her from enjoying the Ruby any further. They look like they’ve been through a lot. I guess those traps and angry natives were no joke.

Queen Chrysalis…she might be in danger. I stand to aid her, but Daring Do pulls me back down.

“What are you doing?” she asks in an angry whisper.

“Trying to help my friend!”

“She’s the Queen of the Changelings! She can handle herself! I doubt she needs you.”

I open my mouth to protest, but she’s right. Queen Chrysalis is a powerful one. She once tried to take over Equestria. I don’t know the entire specifics of how, but if she was enough of a threat on her own, then these two shouldn’t be a problem for her. Still…I want to be by her side, just in case.

“Who are you?” Dr. Caballeron asks Queen Chrysalis, with a tilted head of confusion.

“I’m Queen Chrysalis. Queen of the Changelings. You might have heard of me.”

“Oh, yes, of course. Where are my manners? I am Dr. Caballeron, and this is my associate, Ahuiztol.”

“Charmed.” Queen Chrysalis says in a sneer, looking Ahuiztol up and down in disinterest. Yeah, you go, Queen Chrysalis. “If you don’t mind. I have places to be.” Chrysalis turns to walk off, but she is suddenly stopped by Ahuizotl. He’s a fast one. He's also taller than her. She doesn't seem intimidated by him, though.

“Not just yet, my Queen.” Dr. Caballeron speaks in such a slimy voice. Just like how I imagined it. “We can’t but notice that enticing red ruby around your pretty neck. May we ask how you were able to acquire such a treasure?”

“It’s none of your business.”

“There’s no need to be rude. I merely ask, because I know for sure that one would have to go through a mile of dangerous traps and obstacles to get it. Not to mention…” Doctor Caballeron pulls a circular gold tablet, with an image of the fortress engraved on it. “Needing the key to open it. How did you get inside without this?”

“It wasn’t hard. A Queen such as myself needs no key to open doors. Now, back away.” Queen Chrysalis snarls.

“No, I don’t think we will.” Dr. Caballeron turns to… “Ahuiztol? You’re so quiet. Want to say something to our royal guest?”

“Gladly.” Ahuizotl replies with his own devious snarl.


He smacks Queen Chrysalis hard in the face, sending her to the ground!

“No!” I say, but before I could stand, Daring Do holds me down.

“Stay down!” she says quietly “You have no idea how strong he is!”

“Queen Chrysalis is in danger! I have to save her!” I stare into Daring Do’s eyes. I cannot let Queen Chrysalis get hurt any more. Daring Do’s eyes stare back. They widen, backing away.

“Wow…you...” she responds. She doesn’t bring any further context, shaking her head and going back to her serious face. "You can't take them both on. Maybe if they are separate somehow..."

“I’ll take that.” Ahuizotl takes the Ruby off of Queen Chrysalis’ neck, tossing it over at Doctor Caballeron. “Take this. I need to have a word with the weak Queen.”

“Do as you must. Just don’t take too long.” Dr. Caballeron trots off. Now, there’s only one of them.

“There he goes.” I say. “Daring Do, you go after him and retrieve the Ruby. I’ll stay behind and take care of Ahuiztol.”

“Huh, didn't think they would split off." Daring Do looks impressed. "Still...be careful. Don’t underestimate him.”

“It’s okay. I have a plan.” I smirk.

Daring Do nods, slinking off into the jungle to stop Dr. Caballeron. It’s you and me, Ahuiztol. I hop out of hiding, and walk towards the creature, who has his back turned towards me. He’s too busy looking at the fallen body of Queen Chrysalis. It’s okay, I’m here.

“Why are you so weak, my Queen?” Ahuizotl presses a hand on Queen Chrysalis’ neck. “Are you not receiving enough love? Or does the fearsome changeling have her heart set on somepony? I thought you had no patience for such a thing.”

“Excuse me?” I call out in my most polite voice possible. Ahuiztol turns to me with a snarl, but then a look of confusion graces his face. He's also much taller than I realized. I might have misjudged his height a little bit. “Hi, how are you?”

“What are you?” Ahuiztol asks. “I’ve never seen such a creature like you.”

“Yeah, I get that a lot.” I feign a chuckle “Um…I’m what is called a human. It’s okay if you never heard of me, because I’m the only one.”

“I see. Well, I am Ahuiztol.” he announces himself like he’s the greatest thing ever, hand over heart and all. “There are many like me, but I consider myself above them all.”

“No doubt.” I nod “A creature like you looks proud. But, you must get stressed from time to time, huh?”

“Yes. I am constantly accosted by one Daring Do. Have you heard of her?”

“No, can’t say I have.” I’m such a great liar. “Is she a nuisance?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe. All I want is treasure, and there she is, always stopping me from obtaining it. All I want is to be rich and powerful, is that so bad?”

“No, it’s not. I understand your frustration. Hey, I got an amazing technique that will relieve your stress in no time.”

“Really? What is it called?”

“It’s called booping. I just take my finger here…” I raise up my right hand, pointing upwards “…and boop you on the nose.”

“Really? That’s it? And it works?”

“One hundred percent success rate.”

“Wow. Well, I suppose I deserve a little relaxation.” Ahuiztol gets closer to me, leaning down to meet me face to face. “Well, young human. You have my curiosity. Show me what you can do.”

“Alright. Well, first…you close your eyes.” Ahuizotl closes his eyes. Perfect. “And…” My pointing gesture becomes a fist.

POW! Right in the kisser!

That was a good hit, too. Ahuizotl slams onto the ground in a daze. Guy’s not down yet. He looks at me in discomfort and unhappiness.

“That wasn’t relaxing at…”

POW! Take that you bastard!

Ahuizotl is down for the count. Enough about him. Time to check on Queen Chrysalis. She hasn’t moved since that first strike.

I kneel down and cradle her head on my lap. She groans in pain, and she has a cut on the top of her head. That damn Ahuizotl; I should have hit him harder. Queen Chrysalis mutters, and her eyes gradually open to see me. A smile creeps on her face, but also a look of confusion.

“Hey…” she says weakly “What are you doing here?”

“I came here with A.K…I mean…Daring Do.”

“Daring Do is real?”

“You know Daring Do?”

“I read her books. I like them.” she giggles cutely, before “Ah…” she winces in pain “My head…”

“I got you.” I say. I look through my pockets for a handkerchief. Of course I don’t have a handkerchief. Well, there is a tear in my shirt I sustained when me and Daring Do ran through the jungle. I suppose I could rip a piece off. Sorry Rarity, this was a pretty nice shirt.


Damn it. I ripped too much off. Now there’s a giant gap between the bottom, all the way up to underneath my left arm. I can’t think about this too much, I have to stop the bleeding. I wrap the fabric on my palm, and press it down onto the cut. Queen Chrysalis lets out a pained hiss. I’m sorry.

“Oww…” Queen Chrysalis whispers.

“Sorry, I have to put pressure on it to stop the bleeding.”

“No, it’s fine. It just hurts. This wouldn’t have happened if…” Queen Chrysalis trails off before she could complete her sentence.

“If what?”

“…if I wasn’t so weak.” she tries to turn her head away from me in shame, but my helping hand isn’t letting her. “I haven’t absorbed any love in the last few months.”

“Wait…” I’m confused “What? What do you mean by ‘absorbing love?’”

“I never told you about that?”

“No. I mean, I recall you saying something about changelings looking for love, but I figured you meant that in a romantic context.”

“I apologize, dear.” she chuckles. There she goes again; calling me affectionate names. “We changelings, though we eat and drink like others, we gather our power through absorbing love.”

“Absorbing love?” I’m trying to process this “Like…the emotion?”

“Something like that. We would change as somepony, colts or mares, and we gain the affection of a pony though small talk and minor seduction techniques. Once they feel love for us, we absorb that and use it to power ourselves. My army can last a couple weeks without feeding, if they are able to get a strong enough subject, while I can last a few months.”

“You must be really good, if you are able to last a few months without feeding.”

“I’m not the Queen for nothing, my darling.” she playfully brushes my arm. “Don’t worry, I don’t sleep with them. Most of the time.”

“I wasn’t worried. Even if you did, I wasn’t going to judge you.” I nod. If that’s what she needs to survive, then I can’t judge her. It’s interesting, though. Feeding off the emotion of love. “What happens to the subject?”

“No death, I assure you. Maybe some momentary dizziness, but they are relatively unharmed after that. We wipe their memories of the event, so that they won’t feel too lonesome.”

“A small comfort, I presume. Forgive me for saying this, but you should have known you were feeling weak. Why did you not go out to feed?”

“I…I thought I had enough power to last me another week. I spent the last of it retrieving that blasted Ruby.”

“Right, the Ruby. Why did you want it so bad?”

“Because it looked nice. Don’t need a better reason than that.” she smirks. “I used my power to change into a small bug. Got through all the traps. Once I retrieved it, I teleported right to the entrance, and opened it up without any silly key.”

“That’s impressive, but I’m sorry that this happened.”

“Don’t concern yourself with my stupidity. I should have found myself a subject. Now, it’ll be quite difficult.”

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t transform. I’m too weak. If I had power, I would be able to heal this cut with no problem.”

“Hmm…” I think. “What can I do to help?”

“W-What?” she blushes. That’s cute, but why is she blushing? “What do you mean by that?”

“I mean I want to help you find someone.”

“I told you, I can’t transform into anypony.”

“Why transform at all?”

“Because look at me! Nopony will want to talk with this!”

“Why not? I’m talking to you just fine.”

“That’s because you’re my friend. We’ve known each other for a while. Of course it’s easy for you. To others, I’m an ugly scary monster!”

“Oh, come on.” I roll my eyes. “You’re too pretty to be considered a monster.”

Queen Chrysalis looks at me for a long time. Her eyes have widened, and her mouth is partway open, likes she wants to say something, but getting the words out is the hardest thing ever. Was it something I said? Yeah, I complimented her, but has she never been called pretty before now?

“You…think I’m pretty?” she asks.

“Well…” I don’t think about this too long “…yeah. I think you’re very pretty. Have I never told you that?”

“No, you haven’t. I didn’t know you felt that way.”

“That’s how I feel.” I smile, “If you ask me, any guy would be lucky to…”

I don’t finish my words. Queen Chrysalis had wrapped a hoof around my head and pulled me down to her. Before I can ask what’s going on, I feel something I never thought I would ever feel.

Queen Chrysalis’ lips against my own.

Oh...oh my...

It’s a weird feeling. Her lips are soft and warm, and her kiss is gentle. I feel her fangs pressing against me, and I can hear her heartbeat pounding out of her chest. I am frozen. My hands are shaking, as if trying to find the right course of action, but deciding on just shaking against all other possible ideas.

I should push her away. I should ask her what has gotten into her. What could have happened to get her to do this? Was it the compliment? Seriously. NO ONE else has said this to her? How could they not? I mean, yeah sure, she’s not traditionally pretty like Princess Celestia or Princess Luna, but her mysterious and otherworldly appearance is exactly what makes her appealing. The hair. Those wings. Those fangs. That voice.

Wait…something is odd about what I am thinking. Am…am I attracted to her? No, no I can’t be. I’m a human. I can’t be attracted to her. It’s impossible for me to be attracted to her. But…why do I feel like I am?

I feel lonely on my days without her. Whenever I see her, I feel happy and excited. This past week without her made me upset something fierce. When I saw Ahuizotl hit her, I fell into a rage, and used my anger to deck him into unconsciousness. But, of course I would. She’s my friend. I’d do that for all my friends.

But…she’s the one kissing me. Is she attracted to ME?

I can’t think straight. I can’t move. I can’t…huh…this is….this is…

This is kind of nice.

My hands gain their movement back. I move them towards her, but I don’t push her away. My left hand caresses her neck, while the other caresses her cheek. I feel her mouth opening up further, and I can feel her tongue moving into my mouth. Woah. She’s going French on me. Screw it, I’m letting it happen. It feels too good to stop.

My head becomes filled with thoughts about her. Her smile. Her laugh. The time we have spent together. How I enjoyed every minute I was with her. This amazing kiss.

Oh my god. I…I think…I think I’m in love with her.

Suddenly, I hear a loud purr emanating from Queen Chrysalis, as her mouth opens wide, and I see a mist like essence leave my mouth and enter hers. She’s absorbing it, and I can see the cut on her head healing.

Oh, wow. She’s absorbing my love. It’s true! I can’t believe it!

Moments pass, and the absorption is complete. I let go and fall backwards onto the ground. She’s right, there is dizziness involved with love absorption.

I lay there for a few moments. Queen Chrysalis stands, walking over and looking down at me. She looks healed. She probably has enough strength now to do whatever she wants. She looks sad. Why does she look sad? Is she sorry for having done this? Why would she? I can't think straight, but at the same time, my mind is attempting to flashback to all the times where I should have seen this coming. The last time I booped her? No, that seems too far ahead. When we had movie night together? Nah, that's too soon.


"That card makes sense, now." I say to her, but she doesn't laugh.

"I'm sorry." she says quietly. Her wings unfurl and she flies off.

Wait a minute. Don't go! I stand as fast as I can. I'm still a little dizzy, but I have to try and...she's already gone. Too far for me to call her name. Why did she fly away? I wanted to talk to her about this. This changes everything between us. We're not just friends, anymore. She has feelings for me!

I...I have feelings for her...

I hear the clearing of a throat, and I turn to see Daring Do, with the Ruby around her neck, holding the key to the fortress in her hoof, and Dr. Caballeron bound and gagged behind her. Daring Do's mouth is agape in awe. I guess she saw everything.

"Hey." I give her a small friendly wave.

"Like I said...you DO get around." she clears her throat again, trying to change the subject. "I should put the Ruby back, before Equestria is destroyed."

"What do you mean?"

"This Ruby contains the soul of a demonic entity. The farther away it is from the fortress, the stronger the spirit gets. Could be enough to cause it to break and escape. You think Queen Chrysalis knew that?"

"I don't think so. She wouldn't lie to me."

"Clearly, she might have kept a lot of things from you. But, it's safe now, and that's all that matters." Daring Do walks past me, noticing the still unconscious body of Ahuizotl. "Did you do that?"

"Yeah. I did."

"You must care for her a lot, if you were able to knock Ahuizotl out." Daring Do smiles, opening up the fortress and walking inside to put the Ruby away.

"Yeah..." I say quietly to myself. "I do..."