• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen 33 minutes ago


Greetings all and welcome to my page. I tend to write stories of a darker nature though I enjoy reading a wide range of stories. I hope you find something of interest here, have a good day.

Comments ( 150 )

Well, liking how it's going so far. Just PM me if you need anything else in terms of the Fall's world.

7313047 don't worry I will as i'll need info on other parts as this conflict spreads. right now I have enough for the area to get by.

glad you enjoy it. :twilightsmile:


Caribou, the reapers have come to liberate this land!!!:flutterrage:

No slaver will survive without facing justice!!!!!:twilightangry2:

Onwards, freedom and justice!!!

7313111 for some reason this comment makes me :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

7313113 well the Caribou do deserve it. Though it does depend. There is likely to be atleast some who don't like the way things are done.

But still....


7313163 as i'm sure you've seen the two chapters you get a good idea of how things are going to go and knowing how the EDF feels about certain things its not hard to predict the action they will take.

Man, i really wish twilight was there as well. wouldn't her reaction to those sick fucks be spectacular!?! It'd be even better that it was a mare like her that wiped out the big bad caribou.

7313165 i know it all too well...

My morals don't like this at all, and i think we all know just the approriate thing to do.
The EDF certainly do.:rainbowdetermined2:

7313179 she will be later in sure just this story will follow the town of Hope mostly

7313189 call aside BG even the BCD Doctors found the idea of owning some one repulsive and we saw how their minds work defenly know what the EDF is going to do

7313292 I eagerly await that development. Also, the Bio research team somewhat scares me, but i love how they handle things.

200 favs! This is the 200th story to make my fav list!

7313489 and I though Clorine gas fuck you up fast.

7313517 the BCD might have increased the lethality of that contagion

You know what... I need to write one of these, screw it.

Bio Weapons division scientists, gotta love them for their personalities.

7314542 they are such a friendly bunch aren't they? Mesh will with everyone.

7314738 As the colts and fillies in the barracks say, " They need to get out more instead of shut inside their rooms playing with their petri dishes and whipping up mad science experiments"

Welp, can't wait to see what kind of shenanigans happens next! Activating tracking beacon...

7315519 I like how you call The events in these chapters, especially the second one, shenanigans. :rainbowlaugh:

This story is my cup of tea

Death by Science and a small blade.

Had anyone been near the ruins just before dawn they would have felt a small earth quack around the same time a certain town appeared.

The quack emanated from the ruins themselves as deep within them, past the crumbling doors and through the debris filled entry way.

I'm seeing visions of a castle overrun by ducks. :rainbowlaugh:

7318366 I have read over that multiple times and I didn't see that typo.:facehoof:

Yes they have, everyone has been captures as far as I aware.

The EDF will work towards lineration of everyone if they can. Right now they have no real idea what's going on but the soldiers have been instilled with a belief in doing what is right and dn the consequences since training.

Isn't Caribou taking over equestria from another series ?

7325517 its anotjef cannon with a lot of side fics. This is basicly a side fic of that as well

7317107 two.of the most painful ways to go. :twilightsmile:

So i finally got around too reading this. I have a couple questions.
.With their technology. are they as advance as our world is ?
.Is the Commander gonna be is this( kind of hope so)
.Lastly when is the next update ?
I really like this story. Its fun idea

7340307 yes Equestria is at the same level.of technology as us, possible only slightly behind butbtheu have computers and satilites and basicly almslt everything we do except nuclear power.

The Commander will be showing up later, most of this story is done with OCs though.

Next updates will possibly be this week if things go right

7340321 Ha i can't wait for the commander's reaction too this word. Besides that this world is taken over by caribou. But that this world also has humanized pony's( I know she has been a human before) But i'm of hopping that the resistance is in this. And hoping either the princesses, Zecora maybe even discord are part of the resistance. I don't know how the cannon went with this. Anyway's can't wait

7340345 I'm sticking as close to the cannon as I can which means Discord joined the Caribou and everyone was captured with little fighting.

Note the cannon to this universe is full of holes and has zero explanation for some things

7340672 ah ok. I guess that would help explain why Equestria was taken over some how.

7340699 litterly the cannon is the leader of the caribou deafed the Royal Sister with a wave of his hand. No clue how. Or why Discord, a character who was shown as a trickster and prsnkers would side with a bunch of rapists and why no one fsught back at all.

Pretty much everyone just acted OOC so a story about all the mares of equestria being elslsved could be written and go into detail about ehst happens.

Which is great for me as it means I have a lot of gaps I can fill in with what i want so my own story makes sense while the EDF creates many new holes in the Caribou's plots. :pinkiehappy:

So would you like some help editing and writing?

Lock and load ladies and gents. Smack down time!

7343878 I would but as is aid before i'm still not on WiFi often enough to send work to be edited.

its been over a week since I was last on wifie and It may be longer before I can get on again.

7343885 Sorry, I thought that since you uploaded a new chapter you'd be back on a wifi network.

7343896 I am on a wifi network, a buggy one. I have a whole knother chapter to upload that will be uploaded from my phone as this network is glitching out and says it failed to process my request.

I wonder if there IS a plan for something like this.. the EDF must have a plan.. other than kick bum and look epic doing it.. I bet the commander had a plan tucked away and forgot about.. who knows.. I would not put it past that mare to have a plan for.. well.. ANYTHING.. I smell tactical raids coming.. or something.. who's got the popcorn!?

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