• Member Since 21st Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen Tuesday


Just a casual reader and occasional writer. I know I make mistakes and I'll try my best to prevent them, but I write mostly to relax or just pass the time. Also English isn't my native language.

Comments ( 301 )

I like this, new chapter plz!

Good storie but I think when he sleeps he meets all of the enbodyments of emotions

Volthoom doesn't need sleep, but he can meditate.

I can't understand why anyone would want to cosplay something else other than a good Christian person, or Jesus. Anything else is just wrong and celebrating it is even worse. I'm sorry, but I have to thumb this down. I hope you understand.

Nicely done Scorpion I hope you continue this story soon

Never heard of Volthoom till now... still awesome story so far
Hope to read more soon :yay:

Great chapter can't wait for more

I am a human. A righteous one at that.
I do say so. One day you'll look back on this and thank me for setting your soul right.

Because people who dress even remotely close to any important religious person gets persecuted by the same people that they are supposedly of the same commune with.

Also, how is it liberating, or free, when they are continually judged just by the way they dress, even in mere fiction?

Whether you are trolling or not, it's a perspective and I respect people enough to give an answer, whether I'm being messed with or not.

Hmm, never heard of the character, on the other hand, in more of A Marvel guy.

I like it. Nice to see another displaced story with Chryssie having a larger role.

If I wanted to cosplay as a religious figure (mainly of the catholic religion) I would cosplay as either Vlad "The Impaler" Tepes or Giles "Blue Beard" de Rais.

Both where fervent believers of the Catholic God, but good lordy did they spilled a lot of blood.

You must be thinking, how it’s possible to scroll through 10 billion years of memories multiple time in just a few thousand years? It’s pretty easy to do this when you think (1)in the speed of light(1).

(1) could you be kind enough to explain to me how can someone think in the speed of light? Besides, I think you meant to write "think at the speed of light.

In fact he has to keep series of (1)mental block(1)to be able to think at (2)normal speed(2), blocks he can remove if needed

(1) how can there be a series when there is only one?
(2) define normal speed for me

Nice start i like your style 😀:yay:

It's just a idea that I ended up writing but since I spend a lot time in it I decided to published instead of just leaving in my files just to see if it's well received or not.
Sorry about the mistakes english isn't my first language and these was one of my first ideas that wrote about.

Ong celestia destroy the valley then turn into the bad lands and the changeling are the flutter ponies know wonder they hate celestia can you do more please

Well, it will be fun to see the reactions when he reveals Celestia wrongly attacked him and in the process committed genocide

Welp, that went well. I imagine the former flutter ponies might be a bit peeved at Sunbutt now.

Will ask this but once... could you stop pretending to follow God...? it’s offensive...

Pretending? How about you stop throwing vile accusations towards me, you filthy heathen.

I hope you make a picture of his new body if not find one pls
Also is his body going to be a dragon Phoenix hybrid with pink and blue pony mane?

Love it! Keep going dont stop!

Prepare your Sunbutt, Sunbutt.

So he is making a body I can't wait what will it look like great work can't wait for the next chapter

Not gonna lie. As much as I like this story so far, This chapter was a major dip in grammar quality. Again, I like it a lot, but this REALLY should have gone through a proofreader before being posted.

Wow great story...
I am very interrested in how you intend to develop the political stance and actions, if a teary reunion with Appologies ( both sides appologising) or ticked off god of justice ( equality for everyONE) or something completly unexpected but awesome 😁
I have a good feeling for a Happy End
Hope to read more of your exiting work.
With regards

So he is making a body that cool what will he look like and can he transforms as well

Will you be adding a new chapter on Friday or Saturday?

I don't have a specific day to post the chapters, i just post then when I finish at least a additional chapter ahead so that if I have writer's block for too long I can post at least one chapter if needed.
Don't worry chapter four is ready, just making sure to correct as many mistakes as possible before posting.

“That’s indeed what happened, I became a avatar of Death and if the king and queen did stop me I would have destroyed all life on this world, and in order to make sure that doesn’t happen again I will need a body, a living body of flesh and bone,” said Volthoom as he floated in front of Phyllia.

Wouldn't it be if the king and queen did "not" stop me
And it's ok take your time I just didn't know when you post chapters every once a week.


And it's ok take your time I just didn't know when you post chapters every once a week.

For this story it's more like every two weeks.

Ok and did you see the mistake I found while reading

I love it keep it going

and also favorited,liked,tracked,read later,and multiple bookshelves added

NP just watch out for the crazies butt stabber

I don't see the new chapter

Great chapter keep up the good work

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