• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 1,233 Views, 21 Comments

The Girls: Children of Troy and the Sons of the Bear - Chelis

Six college students travel to Equestria to investigate a string of abductions of ponies, which are believed to be taken by humans from their world

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First Encounter

We saw Ponyville appear on the horizon from a mile or two out, and we got ourselves ready. We made the plan with the conductors of the train for a plan to get off. Turns out whoever was doing this were scaring everyone, so they didn't want to stay in town longer than they should. When the train neared the train station platform, the train slowed to a crawl. Joshua opened the door when the train was passing through the station platform and jumped out to the platform. He stumbled but recovered and didn't fall. Jenna was next, who was flawless. Nas, Brock and I stumbled but didn't fall.

As for Trisha?

She tried her best, but the sudden stop got her and she fell face first on the wooden station platform.

"Rookies," Jenna said.

Brock was quick to help her up, and we split up to look.

I took the town center, the place I had seen plenty of times before. It was empty. The alleyways, the houses, even town hall. Not a soul was there.

Oh well, I guess I will have to kick some ass some other day.


So to recap: the guy I have a crush on is dating a talking flying horse from a television show, and it has lead me to a magical world full of ponies with tattoos on their asses

Good job, Trish. You sure know how to pick them.

Still, I couldn't complain. I had everything recorded, and I was going to use it to research multiple dimensions and get that Nobel prize.

Oh, the look on my grandfather's face when I get it.

I was given sweet apple acres, which I was told was the farm on the outskirt of the town. I guess it was the farm that was visible from town on a hill. Between walking uphill and the fucking distance, I felt like the train ride was quicker than that march to death.

When I finally arrived, I expected nothing and that's what I got: nothing.

That'll teach me not to accept going on crazy adventures.


I still didn't know how I didn't just lose it so far. I mean, I was finally here. Couldn't have told you how long I waited, but it was a lot. Brock was with me, we teamed up after we found each other, and didn't see the attackers either.

We went to the castle, looking around, hiding. Nothing.



I was by the sugar cube corner, scooping around and shit. It was perfect: got to hang out with aj, come to this place, and bust a cap in a cracka's ass


I was on the same street when I heard something inside the store. I ducked into the alley and behind a barrel.

They were laughing and were right in front of the alley. I pulled out my phone and started recording, making sure my phone didn't stick out of the barrel too much. Them motherfuckers talked fast, and they talked in gibberish.

They kept moving, but the clock said I had to meet up with my squad back in our meeting place. So I went the other way.


"Hello brother, did you find anything?" Jenna asked in the center of town, I was waiting in front of the tower that I called the city hall, looking around.

"No," I shook my head in disappointment.

"We didn't find anything either!" Joshua and Brock said as they walked up from behind.

"I found them n shit," Nassir replied.

Everyone perked up and turned to Nassir as he fished out his phone from his pocket.

"I tried to be hidden and shit, so the camera quality might be a bit off."

The camera was albeit a bit shaky, but it was good enough. They were white, they either had blonde or brown hair and wearing light camouflage clothing. No weapons that I saw, but they were also speaking in a foreign language.

"It's Russian. I used to have a coach that was Russian," Josh said.

The ending of the recording didn't say much, but name stood out.

Sweet Apple Acres.

"And they were headed that way too," Nassir added

It was then I realized we might have sent Trisha to her doom

"Aw, fuck."


Well, that was disappointing, but relieving at the same time.

The shit kicking hick farm was empty, so I gave up and was headed back to the horse town. I must have been late because there they were, headed my way.

Except they were wearing camo, and all of them were fucking white males. I put two and two together and realized I was in deep crap.

"Fuck,"I breathed.

I ran back to the farm, looking back I realized that they didn't notice me, but it didn't mean I was out of the woods yet. I went in the barn, locked it, and hid behind the haystack in the way back.

I tried to slow my heavy breathing, but my fear was too much. I was hoping that they would search the house so I can make a run for it to town while they were inside.

Didn't happen. They started trying to kick down the door, every shot against it stopped my heart. It got even worse when I heard the wood slowly starting to creak and give way. When it finally did, they went inside, speaking in a language that was foreign but familiar.

I took basic Russian back in Laguna, and I understood most of what they were saying, save the slang. The way they were talking, laughing, and their voices. We were not dealing with a large organization or even a government

We were dealing with kids, college or even high school age kids.

They continued to look around because I heard their voices either get closer or fade.

"Dimitri, check around the hay bale," one of them said.

No, no, no, no.

My back was against the hay and tried to be as small as possible. I should have unzipped the bag earlier because doing it now would give me away. I heard him mess with the hay, hoping that maybe a pony would fall out of hiding in the hay, small sticks of the stuff were falling on me as he continued to move the pile around.

"Hey, brothers! Something is coming up the road! Wait, they are running!"

The guy stopped and I heard their footsteps fate. Then I heard the screaming, the cursing in both languages, then I heard the voices come back inside, these were friendly and English

"Trish! Where you at?!" Brock hollered.

I popped out of hiding, covered in hay, and with a relieved smile.

"So, still want to say non-violence is not in the way?" Jenna smirked.


Author's Note:

I have a discord group for fans, and people who want to help edit. If you want to join the madness here is the link https://discord.gg/uAk5aAP