• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 1,228 Views, 21 Comments

The Girls: Children of Troy and the Sons of the Bear - Chelis

Six college students travel to Equestria to investigate a string of abductions of ponies, which are believed to be taken by humans from their world

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Calling All Angels

Trisha was still sheepish to go, since, well we are talking about going to another world. A road trip? Sign me the hell up! Across the country? I might need to see if I'm available. Another dimension? That's when the jitters start.

She ended up still tagging along as we went to my mother's car. She brought the station wagon so there was enough room for all.

"I'm still fuzzy with all of this since it was thrown to me in seconds, so what's the full story?" Trish asked.

"I don't know if I will have the time to explain it all," I said with hesitation.

"We are in the middle of a SIGalert, I think we will be here a while," Mom said.

"Oh, alright," I answered. Rainbow moved my hand over her shoulder, and rested her head on my lap, closing her eyes.

I played with her hair as I explained it to Trisha. Meeting the girls, taking care of them, protecting them from the kidnapping, having to break the portal, restoring the portal, the fun, and adventure between then and now. It was interesting as I explained it to someone else who had no idea what went down. Okay, maybe the story of the riot in Vegas, or the mass arrest at Lake Forest told part of the story through the news's accounts, there was the rest of it that wasn't published in the headlines.

It would of went quicker, but I had to bring up the night of the game. Brock and Trisha arguing the last few minutes of it. She thought it was luck to beat her school, we had to remind her the hell we went through just to keep it CLOSE, much less beating those sons of bitches.

Jenna smiled as the story was told, especially the parts where she kicked ass. Nassir signed in longing when applejack was mentioned. Joshua had to break in and mentioned that Jenna and he started dating during the fight at our old school.

"Wow," Trisha said.

I smiled, knowing her mind was blown.

"Trippy, ain't it?" I asked.

"Yea, so how many times have you been to Equestria?"

"Plenty of times, but this would be the first time I would bring people.

"Nice! What should we expect?" Trisha asked again, her curiosity peaking.

I cleared my throat "Well, at first it will fuck up your perception of things, but you should be able to get used to it pretty quickly.

* * *

"Well, I'm dumb," Trisha commented as we pulled into our upper-middle-class town, past the old high school, and to our street. She was mesmerized by the nice houses and clean streets. "By the way, I was told: everyone in Lake Forest lived in trailer parks."

"I guess this counts as a trailer park to you guys?" I replied as we stopped in front of my house. It was as if I never left, it was still big and beautiful. "I bet this counted as the guest house for you guys."

"I…I live on a houseboat with my grandparents on the marina, to be honest. It's not as fancy as the mansions that everyone lived, but seeing how my houseboat became party central in the summer seems to help," Trish answered.

"Nice," Nassir replied, the word 'party' making him perk up.

I was holding rainbow dash up, and kept her walking as we moved to the back and to the guest house.

The house still smelled of lemon pines as we entered, our gear hanging off of us still. It was like I had never left, only cleaner. We went from the living room to my room, and we all stood in front of the portal

"Well, this is the part where I leave you all alone! good luck!" Mom said as she gave everyone a hug goodbye and went back out of the room to continue with her plans for the day.

We all stood in front of the portal, the glass was wavy, like a Tupperware filled with water lightly tapped every so often, the waves bouncing off all over the place.

"And that's it," I announced.

"I can't tell you how many times I'm still mesmerized by it," Brock said.

"It's beautiful," Trish said in awe

"Ain't it?"

"So, it's a portal, to another world? It's a lot smaller than I imagine, seeing how it's a portal," Trisha said, walking around it. "Must be Japanese."

She looked at it at every angle, every part of my room. She was mentally taking notes about the portal. I had to remind myself that interdimensional travel was still science fiction, to those who didn't know about the portal.

"It's a portal, you know how much hell I went through trying to find and trying to keep it safe," I said

Rainbow cleared her throat and gave me a quick elbow in the rib.

"And it was worth all of it," I smiled at her as she smiled back. "Well, it's time I guess to go in, right?"

Everyone was looking down, or rubbing their necks and looking away. Even Joshua was feeling the butterflies. Trishia looked down, almost shaking. Everyone collected themselves, but it was still not enough.

"Whats wrong?" I asked Trisha

"I'm scared, I really am."

I guess I couldn't blame them. The girls had to force me over the mirror for my more peaceful second time, but after that, I found out that moving between worlds was like walking through a door between rooms.

"Hey Trish," I said as I grabbed her hand. "We will all go in together."

She looked at me and smiled. "Thank you,"

"Well, babe: why don't you lead the way?" I asked rainbow as I grabbed her hand.

Trisha and brock held each other's hand, then brock to Nas, then Nas to Jenna, and Jenna and Joshua being the final link in our chain.

"See you on the other side!" I announced as Rainbow tugged me and started our walk into the portal.

Author's Note:

I have a skype group for fans, writers, and editors. If you want to join the madness here is the link https://join.skype.com/MkJbzfI1D8o2