• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 1,233 Views, 21 Comments

The Girls: Children of Troy and the Sons of the Bear - Chelis

Six college students travel to Equestria to investigate a string of abductions of ponies, which are believed to be taken by humans from their world

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"Mom!? Rainbow?!" I yelled as I got off of Joshua's lap to give them each a hug.

"Jenna! So good to see you!" Mom said. "While I was dusting the back house, Rainbow Dash happened to pop up just as I was about to leave."


"Where is he!?" She said nervously. I had seen Dash nervous, to the point of near panic, but not like this. She was sweating, breathing heavily, looking around for my brother in haste.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"I need to see him!"

"So you got my mom to drive for an hour in traffic to get your fill of my brother?"

"J, this is serious! I didn't come here if it wasn't important! Please! Where is he?!"

I sighed and pointed to the archaic building in front of me.

"Room two fifty-four of the science building, he is in class-"

Rainbow didn't let me finish and took off towards the building. She had run across the courtyard in record time.

"Dayum she’s fast," Josh commented as he walked up to us.

"Hello Joshua, keeping my daughter satisfied at night?"

"For fucks sake, Mom!" I hollered in embarrassment

* * *

Every other minute, I felt that surreal feeling that I was in that odd world between sleep and woken, only to be sprung back to life every thirty seconds or so.

Wake me up inside.

That rant started when he 'accidently' landed on the History Channel on his way to PBS and was triggered by the talk of life in other worlds. So, his mistake became our wasted class.

"The test is next week, how will we be prepared now!?" Brock moaned as he rested his head on his backpack.

It was a common sentiment, with leaving the class not an option or else getting kicked out of the class altogether.

"I should have picked the professor that was better reviewed," Trish complained.

"All of her classes were filled thou," Nas pointed out.

So he went on, the professor that was not even teaching about cosmology, biology, or anything that can be applied to the subject was complaining about the mere thought of extraterrestrial life. It didn't help that in the middle of the rant he said that he knew about the test, he knew that that day was going to be wasted on his rant and that any of us leaving meant losing our spot in class.

"So what's for lunch?" Nas asked.

"Damn Nas, already thinking with your stomach," I said.

"At least he is thinking about something other than his other head," Trish giggled.

I looked around; everyone else looked either bored or had a way to conceal that they were on their phones. I would do the same, but I had no one to text or message. Long gone were the days that I could pass the time with the girls, now passing the time with just bullshitting around.

Oh how I missed them.

"And if anyone believes that interdimensional beings exist, or the concept of other dimensions, they are knuckle-dragging retards!"

The door swung open from the corner of the room, which was at default better than the 'presentation' in front of the room. I didn't see what was causing it, but I kept looking at that direction to hope it was something good, or a mass shooter to put a bullet in my head and take me out of that misery. Either one would have worked.

She had the same clothes from when we first met, which was weird since I had to throw them away since they were tattered and torn, but here she was with a fresh pair of the clothes. Her rainbow-colored hair as vibrant as ever.

Oh boy, here we go.

She was like an animal caught in a room full of school kids. She was looking around with wide eyes and quick movements, looking for me while the rest of the class looked on with their curiosity.

"What are you doing in my class?!" The professor cried out.

"Yea Dash! What are you doing here!?" I yelled as I stood up with a grin.

"Egghead!" She cried out as she ran down the steps to me. There was no kiss, no hug, only grabbing my wrist.


I forgot how powerful she was because she was able to get me walking. I looked behind to see Nassir, Trisha, and Brock join me. The rest of the class saw what was going on, and decided to join. All we needed was enough of us to walk out to have the whole class join in.

* * *

Even when we went outside, she was still dragging me by my wrist, leading me to god knows where. It wasn't until we turned the corner when I saw Mom, Jenna, and Joshua, looking as confused as I was at that time.

"You's in trouble," Nassir said with a laugh as we finally were in front of them.

"Okay, you got me here, now what's up?" I finally asked.

The first thing she did was come up to me and violently shove her tongue down my throat, to my and everyone's surprise. I think Trisha may have taken it a bit worse than everyone else in the group.

"So it is true," Trishia lamented.

"Yea, Trisha… This is my girlfriend, Rain... Roxy."

It felt like the air was sucked out of our little group, the school, the city.. Hell, it felt like the world collectively stood still… At least for me. For Trisha I would have assumed hers was feeling like it was about to end.

"I remember you," Trishia finally spoke up after collecting herself.

"You do?"

"Yea, I was there when you and his team beat mine… I went to Laguna."

I cleared my throat, hoping to have waved off the stench of awkwardness.

"So, what brings you here?"

"Ponies have been disappearing back in Equestria. Just poof! Gone! We think whoever are taking them are coming from your world, and Princess Celestia wants to see all of you, personally," Dash finally said.

"Wait, what?!" Jenna asked.

"Humans… There? That can't be good." Nassir added

"An audience with the Princess?! Where the hell do I sign up?!" Joshua yelled.

Everyone looked at him, were concerned, and he was oh so smug.

"What? I've been wanting to go there for a long, long time!"

"I'm game too. Any objections to paying a visit and seeing what she wants?" Brock questioned.

"Equestria? Princess? What the hell are you guys talking about?" Trisha sheepishly asked.

I turned to her and smiled. "Well, you can stay here and deal with the nutty professor over there, or you can come with us and I’ll show you how deep this fun little rabbit hole goes."

Author's Note:

I have a skype group for fans, writers, and editors. If you want to join the madness here is the link https://join.skype.com/MkJbzfI1D8o2