• Published 30th Apr 2016
  • 1,062 Views, 13 Comments

Two Stallions and a Foal - BubblePuff

Blueblood is turned into a foal and adopted by Big Mac and Soarin.

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Family Values

Apple Cider stirred in his sleep. He woke up to find himself in a dark room. “Where am I?” He thought to himself. Apple Cider crawled out from under the blanket, his eyes adjusting to the dark. “Now I remember. I was adopted by daddy Mac and daddy Soarin.” Apple Cider was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t notice where he was going and bumped into the bars of the crib. “Owie!” Apple Cider started crying.

Upon hearing the crying, both Big Mac and Soarin were instantly awoken from their slumber. They both shot up from their bed and rushed into the nursery. Soarin picked up Apple Cider and rocked him back and forth.

“Shh, it’s ok. Your daddies are here now.” Soarin said reassuringly. Apple Cider kept crying. Soarin then had an idea. “My mother did this with me when I got fussy, and it always cheered me up.” Soarin then blew a raspberry on Apple Cider’s tummy.

Apple Cider stopped crying and instantly began laughing. “Heheheheheheheheh!” He waved all of his hooves wildly through the air.

Soarin then heard a grumble from Apple Cider’s tummy. “Looks like somepony is hungry! Big Mac, will head downstairs and get a bottle of milk?”

“Eyup.” Big Mac went downstairs to the kitchen and retrieved a foal bottle full of milk from the fridge. He heated it up in a pot of boiling water, then tested it to make sure it wasn’t too hot. Big Mac went back upstairs and put the tip in Apple Cider’s mouth. Apple Cider chugged away at the milk.

“My, he certainly has the Apple family appetite.” Said Big Mac.

After drinking the entire bottle, Soarin patted Apple Cider on the back to burp him. Apple Cider let out a mighty belch.

“Bring it up again and we’ll vote on it!” Soarin said with a laugh.

Applejack entered the room. “Is everything alright in here?”

“Don’t worry sis.” Big Mac said. “Apple Cider was just upset and hungry.”

Seeing Big Mac and Soarin with Apple Cider put a smile on Applejack’s face. “Good to know that everything is O.K. Since I’m already up, I might as well start breakfast.”

Later that morning while the family was eating breakfast, Applebloom peek-a-boo with Apple Cider. “Where’s Apple Cider? Peek-a-boo!” Applebloom said as she uncovered her eyes. Apple Cider giggled and clapped his hooves at the silliness.

“Applebloom, don’t you want any breakfast?” Applejack asked.

“Naw, I’m too busy being an aunt/big sister. Can I just have an extra big lunch?”

“Well, O.K. But just this once.” After breakfast Applebloom headed out for school. Big Mac and Applejack went out to do their work around the farm, and Soarin stayed in to take care of Apple Cider.

Soarin bounced Apple Cider on his knee until he smelled something foul. “Looks like somepony made a stinky.” Apple Cider’s cheeks became red with embarrassment. Soarin took him up to the nursery to be changed. He laid Apple Cider on the changing table and removed the dirty diaper. Soarin then wiped and powdered Apple Cider’s bottom and put a fresh diaper on him. “There, nice and clean.” Soarin said as he tickled Apple Cider on the tummy.

Granny Smith looked into the nursery and sneered. “What do you think you’re doing?”

Soarin was startled by her sudden appearance. “Apple Cider needed a diaper change.”

Granny Smith narrowed her gaze. “Around here we work hard all day. I expect you to do the same.”

“I am working hard. I am taking care of my son.”

“That’s just your excuse for playing around.”

Soarin was beginning to lose his temper. He took a deep breath and relaxed. “I think I’ll take Apple Cider out for a stroll.”

“You do that.” Granny Smith gave soarin and Apple Cider a nasty look as they passed by. Apple Cider became frightened and buried his face in Soarin’s chest.

Soarin wrote a note informing Big Mac that he would be out with Apple Cider. He stuck the note to the fridge and placed Apple Cider in his stroller. As the the two took off, Apple Cider could not help but wonder “Why does Granny Smith not like me?

As Soarin strolled through town with Apple Cider, numerous ponies stopped and commented at how adorable the little foal was. Soarin went to Sugar Cube corner where he was greeted by the Cakes and Pinkie Pie.

“Well, hello there Soarin!” Cup Cake said with a big smile. “And who might this little bundle of joy be?”

“This is my son, Apple Cider.”

“He’s adorable!” Carrot Cake said. Apple Cider simply sucked on his hoof.

“He is my pride and joy.”

“So, what can we get you?” Carrot Cake asked.

“Do you still have those vanilla scones?”

“Sorry, but we just sold out. How about we bake you up some fresh ones, and while you’re waiting Apple Cider can play with Pumpkin and Pound.” Cup Cake suggested.

“That sounds like a wonderful idea.” Soarin lifted Apple Cider out of his stroller and placed him in the playpen with Pumpkin and Pound Cake.

Apple Cider looked over at the Cake siblings. Pumpkin smiled and waved. “Hewollow!”

Apple Cider was surprised. “Wu can twalk?”

Pound giggled. “We spweek fwoal. Gwown ups tant understwand us.”

“Wat’s ur name?” Pumpkin asked.

“Apple Cider. Bwut I keep gweeting the fweeling tat’s it’s something elwes.”

“Do wu want to pway wit us?” Pound asked.

Apple Cider had no idea what play was. But soon Pound started rolling a ball between himself, Apple Cider, and Pumpkin. Apple Cider liked this play thing. Soon he and the Cake siblings were all giggling and rolling around with each other.

Soarin stared happily at the three foals. “They are so cute together. And they’re even doing foal talk. I wonder what they’re chatting about?”

“Where are wu frwom?” Pumpkin asked Apple Cider.

“I live at Sweet Apple Acres with daddy Soarin and daddy Big Mac.”

Pound was confused. “Wu have two daddies? How dat work?”

“They bwring me home from a Pwlace where other foals are. Daddy Soarin and daddy Big Mac are very nice.”

“It sound wike fun at ur houwse.” Pumpkin said.

“Not weary. My Gwanny Smith no like me. I don’t know why.”

Cup Cake informed Soarin that his scones were ready. A moment later Big Mac walked into Sugarcube Corner. “I got your note Soarin. I thought the three of us could have lunch in the park.”

“Great idea Big Mac.” Soarin and Big Mac then kissed. When they did, Cup Cake and Carrot stood there in shock.

Big Mac looked at the Cakes. “Is something wrong?”

Cup Cake pulled the box of scones away from Soarin. “I’m sorry, but we cannot serve you.”

“What? But why?” Soarin asked.

“You never told us you were...homosexuals.” Cup Cake said with shudder. “And we do not support or approve of your lifestyle.”

“But we’re paying customers.” Big Mac said.

“And this is private property, which means we have the right to deny service.” Carrot Cake replied. “Now please leave.”

Soarin picked up Apple Cider from the playpen. Apple Cider wanted to keep playing, and reached out for his new friends. He was strapped into his stroller and Big Mac and Soarin left.

As the three rounded the corner, they heard somepony calling to them. They looked and saw Pinkie Pie peeking out from the back door of Sugarcube Corner.

“You guys, I’m really really sorry about Mr. and Mrs. Cake.” Pinkie said. “They have a very traditional view of marriage and are not fans of change.”

“That’s alright Pinkie.” Said Big Mac. “You can’t force somepony to change.”

Soarin let out a sigh. “It’s too bad. Apple Cider really liked playing with Pumpkin and Pound.”

Pinkie thought for a second. “Well, perhaps they still can! The Cakes always ask me to foalsit. How about I bring them over to Sweet Apple Acres to play with Apple Cider? The Mr. and Mrs. Cake won’t even know about it.”

Apple Cider smiled and clapped his hooves. “It looks like our little guy is on board.” Soarin said.

“Great! Oh, and one more thing.” Pinkie gave Soarin his box of scones. “On the the house.”

“Thanks Pinkie. You’re a true friend.” Big Mac then walked off with Soarin and Apple Cider towards the park.

Across town at the market, Granny Smith was selling apples. Business was slow, until a certain customer appeared.

“Hello Spoiled Rich, how’s the family?” Granny Smith asked.

Spoiled lifted her nose into the air. “Not that it’s any of your business, but my home life has gone down the tubes. First, my ungrateful daughter makes a mockery out of me in public, even after all I have done for her. And now my good for nothing husband is filing for a divorce. He says he will no longer be pushed around and he thinks he will be a better influence for Diamond. The nerve of that stallion! He is nothing without me!”

Granny Smith nodded her head in agreement. “It’s a shame when ponies don’t respect family values. I know exactly how you feel. My grandson just came out as a queer, married a Pegasus, and adopted a Unicorn!”

“Yes, I had heard about that. It disgust me. Two stallions should not be allowed get married, much less raise foals. I swear Equestria is going to Tartarus in hoof basket.”

“Yer preachin’ to the choir Spoiled. If only things could go back to the good old days.”

This gave Spoiled an idea. “Perhaps we can. As head of the school board, I have a lot contacts at Town hall, and many of them share our sentiments. With the right amount politicking, we can make Ponyville, and all of Equestria, pure and wholesome once again!”

Granny Smith Smiled. “Spoiled, I like the way you think.”

Author's Note:

After seeing Mrs. Cake react so negatively to Starlight Glimmer using magic in No Second Prances, it just natural to have her being apposed to something like same-sex marriage. As for Spoiled, that was a no brainer.

Comments ( 4 )

Why did you delete my comment? I don't see any reason to take it out sense it's no offensive torment in it and just wanted to add suggestions for the story.

Looks like Celestia's 'loving' decision to have Blueblood raised properly is going to backfire. I never pictured Ponyville to be full of bigots.

Okay, why is everyone in Ponyville so bigoted and racist? This is the same town that didn't bat an eye at the idea of a donkey and a mule getting married. :ajbemused:

Gonna have to leave another dislike. OOC usually doesn't work unless you know what what you're doing.

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