• Published 30th Apr 2016
  • 1,062 Views, 13 Comments

Two Stallions and a Foal - BubblePuff

Blueblood is turned into a foal and adopted by Big Mac and Soarin.

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Modern Family

Big Mac wiped the sweat from his brow. He and Applejack had spent all day building two new rooms in the Apple family house. One was for him and his husband Soarin, the other was for the foal that two planned to adopt. Both rooms were side by side with connecting door in the center.

Soarin soon returned from shopping with Applebloom. The two had picked up supplies from the foal supply store. “We’re home!” Soarin announced. Big Mac came downstairs and greeted him with a kiss. Applejack helped to bring in the supplies.

Applejack looked over the supplies. “Looks like you got everything. Diapers, changing table, foal powder, rash cream, foal bottle, playpen, blanket, onesie.”

“And toys!” Applebloom jumped into a pile of stuffed animals.

“Hmm, it doesn’t look like yall forgot to get a crib.”

“Well, we figured we would use the Apple family crib. It worked for me, it worked for you, and it worked for Applebloom. I’m sure it will work wonderfully for the foal.” Big Mac said.

Everypony went to set everything up in the nursery. But Soarin noticed that something was missing. “Hey, where’s Granny Smith?”

Applejack thought for a moment. “I saw her this morning making cider out back. She’s probably still out there. I’ll go check on her.” Applejack went out back and found Granny Smith still making cider. “Hey Granny, we’re all decorating the nursery. Do you want to come help?”

“No thanks.” Granny Smith replied, not even bothering to look up from her work to face Applejack.

Applejack became a little bit concerned. “Granny, are you alright?”

“I’m fine.” Granny Smith said plainly.

“Well, I’ll leave you be then.” Applejack headed back inside to help the others with the nursery.

That night the whole family got together for dinner. “So, are you two looking to adopt a filly or a colt?” Applejack asked.

Big Mac swallowed his food. “Oh, definitely a colt. Don’t get me wrong, I love having two sisters but I think the Apple family could use some more stallions.”

“Hooray! I’m getting a little brother!” Applebloom shouted with joy.

“He’ll also be your nephew.” Applejack added.

Soarin spoke up. “Also, Big Mac and I have been talking. We’ve decided that since he’s an Earth pony and I’m a Pegasus, we want the foal to be a Unicorn to round out the family.”

“Aww, that is so sweet.” Applejack said.

Granny Smith muttered something incoherent.

“Did you say some something Granny?” Big Mac asked.

“Just some trouble swallowing.” Granny Smith said flatly.

Applejack was growing worried. “Granny, you’ve been acting odd these past couple of days. Is something wrong?”

Granny Smith put down her knife and fork. She wiped her mouth and looked up at the family. “Yeah, this.” Granny said pointing a hoof at Big Mac and Soarin.

“Granny, what do you mean?” Big Mac asked.

“I mean you and Soarin, that’s what’s wrong! Two stallions aren’t supposed to be together, it just isn’t natural! On top of that, You’re in a relationship with a Pegasus and you want to adopt a Unicorn?! The Apple Family have been proud Earth ponies for generations, and now you want to muddy the waters with a feather brain and cheap magic user! Your parents must be spinning in their graves.”

Tears rolled down Big Mac’s face as Soarin held him for comfort. Applejack was overflowing with anger. “Granny Smith! How dare you say such horrible things! Big Mac is your grandson for cryin’ out loud!”

“I’m just speaking the truth.” Granny Smith said, crossing her front legs.

Soarin looked over at Granny Smith. “I’m sorry that you feel the way you do, but the REAL truth is that times have changed. Ponies can love whomever they want, be they stallion or mare. You and your family founded Ponyville, there is no denying that. But Ponyville isn’t home to just Earth ponies. Pegasus and Unicorns have every right to call Ponyville home as well. I love Big Mac more than anything in Equestria. And if you can’t accept that, then I feel sorry for you.”

Granny Smith grew frustrated and slammed her hooves down on the table. “I’m not the one in the wrong here! And I won’t sit here and be judged!” She then stormed off to her room and shut the door loudly. The rest of the family sat quietly at the table. Big Mac closed his eyes and shook his head.

Applejack looked over at Soarin. “Soarin, I must apologize for Granny Smith’s behavior. She’s very old fashioned and traditional, and tends to be stuck in her ways.”

Soarin smiled at Applejack. “That’s alright Applejack. Big Mac and I suspected that this might happen. Something like this is really unexpected, and can take some getting used to. We just need to give Granny Smith her space, and in time she’ll come around.”

“I hope you’re right sugarcube.”

As Applejack tucked in Applebloom that night, the young filly asked a question. “Applejack, what are a feather brain and a cheap magic user?”

Applejack’s eyes went wide. “Beg pardon?”

“Granny Smith said feather brain and cheap magic user at dinner. What are they?”

“Sugarcube, those are very negative terms used to describe Pegasus and Unicorns.”

“So why did Granny Smith say them?”

Applejack sighed. “Sometimes your Granny doesn’t know better. She’s very proud of her Earth pony heritage. Those are very hurtful and mean things to call another pony, and I never want you to say those words ever again. Understood?”

Applebloom nodded her head. “Good. now get some sleep. Tomorrow is a big day for the family.”

The next morning Big Mac and Soarin headed for the foal adoption center. Applejack and Applebloom, along with Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Scootaloo, Spike, and Sweetie Belle stayed home to prepare the welcoming party. Granny Smith stayed up in her room.

As they approached the entrance to the foal adoption center, Soarin turned to Big Mac. “Are you ready for this?”

“Eyup.” Big Mac said with a smile. The two held each other’s hooves and walked through the front door. They were greeted by one of the caretakers.

“Welcome! How may I help you?” She asked.

“My partner and I are here to adopt a foal.” Soarin said.

“That is so sweet. Have you thought what kind of foal you would like to adopt?”

“Eyup. We’re looking for colt. A Unicorn to be specific.” Said Big Mac.

“Alright, follow me.” The caretaker lead Big Mac and Soarin to the nursery. The room was full of foals who were asleep, feeding, and playing. “You came at a good time. A Unicorn foal was just brought in.”

“Where is he?” Soarin asked.

A loud scream came from the back of the room. “Right over there.” The caretaker pointed to a crib. Big Mac and Soarin walked over for a closer look. Inside the crib was a crying Unicorn foal with white hair and a yellow mane.

“Where am I? I don’t belong here!” The foalified Blueblood thought to himself. “Who are all these strangers?

Big Mac looked down at the crying foal. He started making silly faces. “What’s that big pony doing? Heh, it’s kind of funny.” Blueblood stopped crying. He laughed at Big Mac and waved his little hooves.

The caretaker was impressed. “You certainly have a way with kids.”

“Eyup. I helped raise my two sisters growing up. Stopping a temper tantrum was daily occurrence.”

Soarin reached down and tickled the little foal’s tummy. “So what’s this little guys backstory?”

“I have no idea. We found him outside in a basket the other day. The only thing he had with him was a note that read PLEASE GIVE TO A CARING HOME.”

Big Mac and Soarin looked down at the little foal, who looked up at them and smiled. The two stallions looked into each other’s eyes, seemingly knowing the others thoughts. “We would love to adopt him.” Said Soarin.

“Great! Just come with me to the front desk to fill out the paperwork.” The caretaker lead Big Mac and Soarin to the front desk and gave them some papers. The two filled them out and gave them back. “Congratulations, the foal is yours.”

Big Mac and Soarin both picked up the foal. “Are you ready to meet your new home?” Big Mac asked. “We’re your new daddies. I’m daddy Mac, and this is daddy Soarin.”

Two daddies? This is new.” Blueblood thought.

Big Mac and Soarin arrived back home to be greeted by everypony. They all looked at the little foal that Soarin had in a foal stroller and let out a unanimous Aww.

“He’s simply adorable! Rarity proclaimed.

“Have you’ve decided on a name?” Applejack asked.

Big Mac and Soarin looked at each other, then the group. “Soarin and I have been talking, and we want to stay with the Apple family tradition. So, say hello to Apple Cider.”

But I already have a name. Wait, what was it again?” Apple Cider tried to say. But all that came out was “Aba ba giba baba.”

“I think he likes his name.” Said Applebloom.

The rest of the party went off without a hitch. Apple Cider crawled around, examining his new home. Spike approached Big Mac, Soarin, and Apple Cider holding a crystal music box.

“Guys, I want you to have this gift. It’s a music box that Celestia gave to Twilight to help me fall asleep when I was still a hatchling. I’m sure Apple Cider will love it just as much as I do.” Spike cranked up the the music box, which let out a sweet melody.

But I’m not even ti-” Apple Cider let out a big yawn, then fell asleep.

“It looks like our little guy just had his first big day.” Soarin carried Apple Cider up to the nursery and tucked him into his crib. Both Soarin and Big Mac then kissed him. “Sweet dreams little one. And welcome to your new home.” Soarin and Big Mac left the Nursery with the music box still playing. Apple Cider slept with a smile on his face.

Author's Note:

From this point on, Blueblood will called Apple Cider.