• Published 30th Apr 2016
  • 1,063 Views, 13 Comments

Two Stallions and a Foal - BubblePuff

Blueblood is turned into a foal and adopted by Big Mac and Soarin.

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New Beginnings

Celestia walked down the hallway of Canterlot Castle. It was a beautiful day, and she was enjoying the fact that there were no problems to be dealt with today, which was a rare event in the land of Equestria. Celestia’s moment of serenity was interrupted by shouting coming from the room of her nephew, Prince Blueblood.

“You call these pancakes?!” Blueblood shouted. Celestia peeked into his room to see him yelling at a butler. “And this tea is too bitter! I demand a sweeter taste!” Blueblood then tossed the tea into the butler’s face.

Celestia sighed and kept walking. Blueblood had always been spoiled, but he was getting worse as he got older. “He just doesn’t appreciate what he’s got.” Celestia thought to herself. “If only there were some way to teach him some humility.” A light bulb went off over Celestia’s head. She had the perfect idea.

Later that day, Blueblood made his to the royal hall. His aunts Celestia and Luna both insisted on seeing him at once about an important manner. “What could Aunt Celestia and Aunt Luna want to see me for? Don’t they know I have a busy day of playing croquet, attending garden parties, and meeting with Canterlot’s elite?”

While lost in thought, Blueblood accidentally bumped into a maid. His face became red with anger. “Watch where you are going!” The maid tried to respond, but Blueblood continued his tirade. “Do you know who I am? I am Prince Blueblood! Nephew to Celestia and Luna! And I will not have pathetic help like you getting in my while I’m needed for important business!” The maid broke out crying and ran down the hall. “Such a weakling. I’ll be sure to see to it that she is fired.”

Blueblood entered the royal hall. Celestia and Luna sat in their thrones and looked at him. “Blueblood, we need to talk.” Celestia said.

“Can we make this quick aunt Celestia? I have an important lunch date in half an hour.” Blueblood said with a bored tone of voice examining his manicured hoof.

Luna spoke up. “Blueblood, Celestia and I have noticed that lately you have been very selfish. Not to mention arrogant, boastful, and rude to other ponies.”

Blueblood simply smiled. “I don’t see what the problem is. I am only asserting my importance as a member of the royal family. And if a few peasants get upset for being put in their place, then why should I care?”

Celestia stomped her hoof and gave Blueblood a nasty stare. “That is not what being a royal is about! We are here to help and protect the ponies of Equestria, not walk all over them. You have become a disgrace to this family!”

“How dare you call me a disgrace! I am Prince Blueblood! My family has been royalty for generations! My ancestors personally knew the two of you!”

Luna just shook her head in disappointment. “Your ancestors were hard working ponies. They cared about every pony in the land, always putting others before themselves. But you have led a sheltered life of luxury, cut off from the rest of society. You no nothing of the daily hardships of ponies who live outside these castle walls.”

“My sister and I have been talking.” Celestia said. “We have decided that you need to learn some humility. That is why we are stripping you of your title of Prince.”

Blueblood could not believe his ears. “What?! You can’t do this!”

“Oh yes we can. And that is not all we have planned.”

“You are no longer allowed to live in the castle. Or Canterlot for that matter. From this day on you will live with the “common ponies” of Equestria. You are also cut off from the royal funds.”

Blueblood was in shock. “How I am supposed to live then?! I don’t have any talents that can provide me a steady job!”

Celestia could not help but smirk. “Do not not worry. You will also be getting a do over on life. You will learn to work hard, and hopefully be humbled by your experience.”

Blueblood raised an eyebrow. “And how exactly will you do that?”

Luna and Celestia smiled. They touched their horns together, creating a bright white light. The light shot out as beam towards Blueblood. When he was hit, there was a bright flash. Following the flash Blueblood laid on the floor, having been turned into a newborn foal no more than a day old.

Celestia walked over and picked up Blueblood with her magic. The now newborn foal began to cry, so Celestia gently rocked him.

“Is this really the best course of action?” Luna asked.

“It is the only way he will learn. Blueblood will retain some of his mind, but most parts will be replaced by his new foal mind. This way he will forget all of his bad habits and learn better ones.”

“But where shall he go to learn how to be a better pony?”

“I already have the perfect place in mind. Ponyville.”

A few days later, as Celestia rose the sun, Big Mac was up early and in the kitchen. He was preparing a big breakfast for the Apple family. Big Mac had a surprise in store, and was hoping that a hearty meal would help with the announcement.

Applejack was the next to wake up. She made her way downstairs, the smell of a warm breakfast greeting her nose. “Good mornin’ Big Mac. You sure are up early.”

Big Mac replied with his usual “EeYup.”

Applejack took a seat at the table. “Hay bacon, applesauce, apple cinnamon pancakes, toast with zap apple jam. You’ve cooked up quite a spread here Big Mac.”

Big Mac smiled and replied with a simple “Mm-Hmm.”

Granny Smith was the next one to come down stairs. “Well I’ll be. I can’t remember the last time you cooked breakfast all by yourself Big Mac.” She took her usual seat at the table.

Applebloom came down last. “Wow, what a feast! Thanks Big Mac!” Applebloom took her seat, and the whole family started eating.

After everypony had finished breakfast, there was a knock at the door. “I’ll get it.” Applejack said. She opened the door to find Soarin standing on the front porch.

“Good morning Applejack!”

“Soarin? What are you doing here? Rainbow Dash isn’t helping on the farm the today.”

“I’m not here for Rainbow Dash.” Soarin replied.

“Ah, you must be here for some Apple family pie. Sorry, but we haven’t baked any yet.”

“Actually, I’m here for Big Mac.”

Applejack raised her eyebrow. “Say what now?”

Soarin let himself in. As soon as he and Big Mac saw each other, they smiled and hugged. They both then looked into each other’s eyes, and kissed.

It became so quiet in the Apple house that a pin drop could be heard. Applejack, Applebloom, and Granny Smith’s jaws collectively hit the floor.

Applejack was the first to speak. “What in tarnation is goin’ on?”

Big Mac looked at his family. He took a deep breath and told them everything. “I don’t know how to say this, so I’m just gonna say it. I’m gay, and Soarin is my lover.”

“And when did this happen?” Granny Smith asked.

Soarin answered. “It was a couple of days after the Grand Galloping Gala. I enjoyed that apple pie so that I decided to come to Ponyville to buy another. I arrived at the market, and Big Mac was tending to the cart. We locked eyes and couldn’t look away. We started talking, and found out that we have a lot in common. We’ve been dating ever since.”

“Until last week.” Big Mac said. “I asked Soarin to marry me, and he said yes!”

Granny Smith sat down. This was all happening a little too fast for her.

“What does gay mean?” Applebloom asked out of nowhere.

“Well sis.” Big Mac replied. “When two ponies who love each other are of the same sex, like two stallions or two mares, they are known as gay.”

Applejack was still trying to figure all this out. “Big Mac, why didn’t you tell us that you were gay sooner?”

“I was too afraid to be honest. But it’s not like I didn’t drop hints. Like the time I dreamt that I was an Alicorn Princess when Luna had us all in that shared dream, or when I dressed up as a mare for the Sisterhooves Social.”

Applejack thought back. She should have noticed the signs. Especially with Big Mac not showing any interest in Mares like Fluttershy or Marble Pie. There was that one Hearts and Hooves day with Cheerilee, but that didn’t really count because Big Mac was under a spell.

“So, are you my uncle now?” Applebloom asked Soarin.

Soarin could not help but laugh. “Technically, I’m your brother in law. Well, not yet anyway. Later today Big Mac and I are going down to the town hall to get a marriage license.”

“But don’t you want a wedding?”

“No. We just a private ceremony. Same sex marriage may be legal in Equestria, but not all ponies approve of it.”

Applejack put a hoof on Big Mac’s shoulder. “Big Mac, you’re my brother and I love you. I will never stop loving you. You being gay will never change that. I fully support your marriage.”

Applebloom ran up and hugged Big Mac’s leg. “I love you, too!”

A tear rolled down Big Mac’s cheek as he smiled. “Thank you both very much. It makes me feel good to know that I have your support.”

Soarin stepped forward. “Why don’t the two of you come down to town hall with us? We would like to have some witnesses to our our union.”

“That sounds wonderful.” Applejack looked over at Granny Smith. “Aren’t ya gonna come too Granny?”

“I..I just need a minute.” Granny Smith replied. Big Mac, Soarin, Applejack, and Applebloom all had worried looks on their faces. They decided to head down to town hall and give Granny Smith some time.

The four ponies arrived at town hall. Big Mac and Soarin approached the desk of the marriage clerk and rung the bell.

“How may I help you?” The clerk asked.

“We would like a marriage certificate please.” Said Soarin.


“Soarin and Big Macintosh.”

The clerk gave them the certificate and they both filled it out. The clerk took it back and signed it to make the certificate official. “By the power vested in me by Equestria, I now pronounce you married. Congratulations!”

Big Mac and Soarin both smiled and kissed. Applejack and Applebloom applauded, with tears running down Applejack’s face. Big Mac took notice of this. “I thought you only cried on the inside?”

“I guess I’ve sprung a leak.” Applejack replied as she smiled and wiped away the tears.

The four returned to Sweet Apple Acres, only to notice a trail of rose petals leading to the barn. Big Mac and Soarin opened the barn doors and were instantly surprised by Pinkie Pie.


The entire barn was covered with decorations, with a tall wedding cake featuring a candy Big Mac and Soarin as the centerpiece. Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash,Spike, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were all there. Granny Smith was also there, but she was sitting in a corner quietly.

Big Mac was speechless. “Pinkie, how did you know about our relationship?” Soarin asked.

“Duh, my Pinkie sense has been going crazy for months! I’ve been waiting for you two to get hitched so I could present you with my seven layer, white chocolate wedding cake!”

“And what about everypony else?” Big Mac asked.

“Pinkie told us this morning. We’ve been preparing for the party while you were out.” Twilight said.

Big Mac and Soarin knew better than to question how Pinkie worked, so they joined the party along with Applejack and Applebloom. Rarity approached the newly wed couple.

“Congratulations darling! It looks like another fine stud is off the market.”

Big Mac could not help but blush. “Eyup!”

Rainbow Dash approached Soarin. “I’m very happy for you Soarin.”

“Thanks Dash. I’m sorry I never told you that I was gay. I didn’t mean to lead you on.”

Rainbow Dash simply waved him off. “Don’t worry about it. You’re still my teammate, and I’ll always have your back.”

“Thanks Dash, that means a lot.” Soarin said with a smile.

“It’s time to cut the cake!” Pinkie announced.

Big Mac and Soarin held each other’s hooves as they cut out the first slice of cake. They fed each other a piece, getting frosting all over their faces. Everypony laughed and then they kissed.

“So, what will you two do now?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well, Soarin and I have decided to stay here at Sweet Apple Acres.” Big Mac said.

Applejack was ecstatic. “That’s wonderful Big Mac! I thought the two of you were gonna move away to someplace fancy.”


Soarin spoke up. “We are going to need to build some additional rooms to the house. You see, Big Mac and I want to adopt a foal of our own.”

Everypony at the party awwed at the announcement. Applejack threw her hat into the air with excitement. “Yeehaw! I’m going to be an aunt!”

Applebloom jumped with joy. “I’m gonna be an aunt AND a big sister!”

Meanwhile, Granny Smith remained in the corner. “This just isn’t right.” She muttered to herself.

Author's Note:

I made this story because I haven't seen a lot of stallion loves stallion stories. There will be some tough moments, but nothing dark.