• Published 7th May 2016
  • 10,336 Views, 192 Comments

Changing Lanes - AutoPony

When a human and his home land in Equestria, his love of speed quickly draws a few ponies to him, most notably Princess Luna. But her own desires and secrets soon begin to create..... complications in their friendship.

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Chapter 7

The temptation to rest your eyes for just a moment is beginning to become more difficult to resist by the minute as you sit through another financial report. For the past two or three hours, it has been nothing but an endless stream of numbers, facts, and exchange of formal pleasantries.

It hasn't helped your headache has returned, though not necessarily the pain. Nightmare Moon has made her presence known once again, with a full assault on your senses. You consider the real reason she was not present last night after your discussion with Luna was to regroup. Between her rambling about nothing in particular and constant distractions, your nerves are frayed.

"I am sorry, Princess Luna, but is there somewhere else you need to be, or do you find me that much of a bore?" Snapping to attention, you find all eyes in the room on you, including the stallion standing by the presentation board at the front of the room. Wearing a pressed business suit and a pair of rather outdated glasses, he stands with his chest puffed out.

"I... my apologies," you manage to stutter. "I have been a little under the weather as of late.." Your answer does not seem to sate the presenter, who is the mayor of a city called Manehattan or some such.

"While you may not be at perhaps the best of health, I expect you to show at least some interest in our budget, considering we are short of the money to complete our bridge project," he says.

"You aren't going to take that from him are you?" Nightmare Moon says, prodding at your temper. "Or are you really that spineless? How pathetic."

Biting your lip, you struggle to ignore her and keep your composure, only managing to nod.

"Luna, are you okay?" You sense Celestia reach out to you through your mental link.

Fine, never better, you answer her curtly. Your blood pressure rises as everyone in the room continues to stare at you.

"Do you find no interest in our financial burdens?" the mayor asks with an air of arrogance. You can't take it anymore as you rise from your seat.

"Do YOU care about your financial burdens?" you ask as you stride up to him, your wings outstretched in an imposing manner. "Tell me, how much do you make in a year?"

Startled by your sudden animated questioning, the mayor steps back a bit before he can answer. "Maybe a couple million bits? Your Highness?"

You refuse to allow him any sort of comfortable breathing space, as you lean in towards him, pressed against the wall by this point.

"So if we were to throw you off the edge of your beloved bridge in progress, there would be enough funds left to finish it up as well as have some left over for various other items. So perhaps YOU need to cut back on what you earn, or find another way to solve this issue before I solve this problem MY way!"

"Yes. I mean no. I uh... I will find a way, yes," the stallion mumbles weakly. Before you get another word, you feel an unseen force pull you towards the door. Looking down, you find the golden aura of Celestia's magic surrounding your form.

"Will you excuse us a moment?" Celestia says, rising from her own seat at the table. Pushing you forward, both of you head outside of the room. As the door closes behind, her face is red from embarrassment.

"Luna. What. Was. That?" she says, putting an emphasis on every word as she points a hoof to the door. As if exiting a thick fog, your head clears, the storm of anger within dissipating as you fully comprehend your outburst.

"I... I don't really know, sis," is all you can manage to respond. In the background, you sense Nightmare Moon chuckling to herself.

"Luna, sister, I am very concerned for you right now," Celestia says, sighing. "You are normally the more level-headed one when it comes to these meetings. Something is going on that you are not telling me."

"Oh, if only she knew. Of course, Celestia isn't known for being receptive to problems with her sister, if history is anything to go by." Nightmare Moon smirks, her face appearing just behind Celestia's shoulder.

Celestia shakes you. "Look at me, Luna. What is wrong?" she asks, genuine fear creeping into her normally calm voice.

"I haven't been sleeping well. The past two days I've gotten maybe four, five hours of sleep. I really don't know why," you lie. Celestia can only sigh as she slowly opens the door to return back to the meeting.

"Go try to rest, sister. I will let them know you have taken ill. I pray you are being truthful with me, Luna," she says somberly.

Without another word, Celestia shuffles back into the room, lightly closing the door behind her.

After a quick check on Twilight in the library, you shuffle to your room once again, hoping to get at least some sleep. At this point, you feel like the walking dead, as fatigue has truly settled upon you after a long boost of adrenaline. Rather than bother with the sheets, you flop onto the bed, closing your eyes.

Just as you are about to drift off into slumber, the door to your room slams, making you bolt upright. It takes a few seconds for your sight to focus, finding Celestia standing in your doorway. Her normal cheerful visage has been replaced with a scornful look as she walks towards you.

"Hi, sis. what's wrong?" you ask as calm as you can. Truth be told, you find yourself a bit frightened as she comes to a halt a few feet from where you lay, still silent.

"You aren't my sister," she says coldly. Your heart rate instantly goes up.

"Celestia, Princess Celestia, let me explain...." you start to slowly rise to attention as Celestia's horn begins to glow with a charging of a spell.

"I don't want an explanation from you. I want you GONE!" you close your eyes and flinch as the princess's whole form lights up, her voice seeming to echo from every direction. In futile, you shield yourself with a foreleg and wait for the inevitable.

Jolting upright, you find yourself still laying in bed, panting for breath. As you look around, you find the door to your room closed, and no one in sight. If that was a dream, it was the most vivid and intense dream you have ever experienced.

"Why thank you. I take pride in my work." You nearly jump out of bed at the unannounced appearance of Nightmare Moon, as you turn to find her smirking, sitting beside your bed.

"Fuck you," you tell her, glaring angrily. Her smug grin only seems to get wider in response.

"No, but thanks for the offer," she quips. "Just think, I'm just getting warmed up here. I already have you shaking in your little slippers."

"You act like giving me nightmares is going to break me. You think I'm pathetic? You're the one that's pathetic," you snarl. The reverse psychology seems to work, as Nightmare's exuberance disappears, baring her fangs in anger.

"Anonymous?" Twilight's apprehensive voice breaks you away from Nightmare, as you turn to see your friend in the doorway. "Are you.... are you okay?"

Rather than lie, you take a deep breath, climbing out of the confines of your bed and onto the deep blue carpeted floor. "I'm... it's getting worse, Twilight. Please tell me you're getting closer to solving this," you say.

Twilight's eyes drop away from your own for a moment, making your heart sink. "I guess that's a no, then?" you mumble.

"No, I am getting close," Twilight says. "I'm just surprised at how much you've let Nightmare Moon get to you."

"Well, I haven't been able to get much sleep, Twilight," you tell her, backpedaling. Admittedly, you are a bit embarrassed by Twilight's observation.

"I know but... I mean, you've only been seeing her for a day now, right?" she asks, looking back up at you.

"Yes," you reply cautiously. "A very long day."

Twilight sighs, making you even more uncomfortable. "Well, I told Luna you were doing well. Guess I was wrong," she says, turning for the door.

"Twilight, why are you acting like this? I'm doing the best I can," you tell her. At this point, you feel almost sick to your stomach, letting down your friends like this.

She pauses as she is about to walk out of the room. "I just expected you to be stronger than... this. I'm going back to the library."

Before you respond, she disappears around the corner, leaving you alone again. Alone with Nightmare Moon.

"So, we were debating who was really the weak one?" Nightmare says, her cockiness notched up even further.

"Shut up," you tell her quietly. You don't turn to face her, instead trying to keep your composure as your legs tremble underneath you.

"Aw, did your feelings get hurt? You are weak. Just imagine what Luna would say if she were here."

"Shut up," you tell her again, this time with more force. You grit your teeth as you struggle to remain calm.

"I've just about got you broken," Nightmare whispers as she moves up next to you. "This has been even easier than I could have imagined."

"Shut up!" you roar, unable to contain yourself. Stomping a hoof down, energy radiates throughout the room, extinguishing the light shining in through the window in a dark haze. Soon, the whole room is almost pitch black as you look around, both scared and confused.

As you slump down to the floor, your eyes begin to adjust to the darkness, finding Nightmare Moon staring in awe and excitement at what you've done.

"Excellent work, my little protege," she says, chuckling. "You've even gotten my magic warmed up for me and everything."

You don't respond, just wanting to wake up from this nightmare. Your mind races, unsure of what to do as you put your hooves over your head and close your eyes, hoping it will all be over soon.

It isn't clear how much time passes before you feel something prodding at you. Cautiously, you move your forelegs just enough to look and see who is there.

Twilight is there amidst the darkness, clearly rattled as she says something to you. Her mouth moves, but you hear no sound come out. As you continue to just stare at her, she becomes more animated, shaking you with her forehooves. Slowly, you try to focus on what she is saying, bringing you out of your daze.

"Anonymous, come on. You need to snap out of it," she says, her voice coming out shaky as she continues to poke at you to get your attention.

"Twilight.... why did you come back?" you finally manage to croak. She seems to be confused by your question, but rather relieved that you have finally responded. At the same time, the darkness in the room seems to recede a bit.

"I came back? I mean, I've been at the castle all day, if that's what you were referring to," Twilight says.

"You weren't just in my room? Or at some point, talking to me?" you ask. Gingerly, you take your hooves off your head and allow yourself to relax just a bit.

Animated, Twilight shakes her head. "No! I haven't been in your room all day. The last time I saw you was in the library. You said the meeting didn't go well, and you were going to try to catch up on sleep. I didn't want to disturb you."

You've been sleeping this whole time? You try to comprehend how that is even possible. Gradually, the blackness in the room fades, light once again returning. In a matter of moments, your room is back to normal, as candles illuminate the place.

Outside, the moon hangs low in the sky, having just recently made its nightly appearance.

You turn your head back to Twilight as you rise off the floor. "Twilight, it's getting worse. I don't know what's real. Is.... is this real? Right now?" you ask. Fear once again creeps into your voice as it simultaneously fills Twilight's eyes.

"Yes, I swear to you, Anon," Twilight says, putting a hoof to your chest in reassurance. "Don't worry, I think I almost have a solution to this whole mess. We need to get back to your house and Luna right away."

"You must relax, Anonymous," Luna says as you continue to fidget. While you lay on the couch in your living room, Luna and Twilight are on the floor, surrounded by a mountain of dusty tomes.

"That's easy for you to say," you bark. "You aren't the one trying to figure out if this is all real or another hallucination."

"Anonymous, come here," Luna says, sitting up as she marks her spot in the book she is perusing. Your nerves frayed, you are cautious in your approach as you slide off the couch.

You haven't had another attack like that in the castle since arriving home, but you have not dared let your guard down. Luna looks you over with sympathy as you sit in front of her.

"Now, I want you to lay down and spread your wings," she says softly. Mentally drained, you oblige her without an argument.

"Like this, Lu- holy... shit!" You are cut off by an explosion of pleasured relief centered on your left wing. As you look to see what is taking place, you find Luna deftly massaging your wing, starting at the base of your shoulder and working her way out.

It is unlike any massage you have ever received, as you melt away in the sensation and rest your head on the floor. Nearby, you hear Twilight let out a small giggle.

"There is nothing more relaxing than a good wing massage," she says. "Though I can only imagine what these digits must feel like, it could be perhaps better than any massage I've ever gotten."

"Mmhmm," you mumble, unable to create a coherent sentence. You feel yourself slipping away into the embrace of slumber before sudden movement upon the floor startles you.

"Luna, I think I have the final piece to get this spell to work," Twilight says excitedly. You groan in disappointment as Luna lets go of your wing, focused on the page Twilight is pointing a hoof towards. Luna's lips move ever so slightly as she reads, before breaking out into a wide smile.

"I believe this is exactly what we are looking for, Twilight," she says. "Excellent work."

Twilight is absolutely giddy at her discovery, before calming down and looking at you. "Are you ready to get this set back to normal?" she asks.

"Well, I was enjoying the massage," you grumble in jest. "But it's probably for the best we get this squared away before I have another attack."

Without another word, Twilight's horn begins to glow, as she turns her eyes back to the book in front of her. After a minute of hesitation, she focuses back on you and Luna.

"Okay, here goes nothing," she says. You close your eyes, expecting some sort of feeling or sensation.

Right away, you hear the sound of rushing air, before everything goes quiet again. You don't notice anything else out of the ordinary.

"So, I'm guessing it didn't work?" You answer your own question as you hear your voice, putting a hand up to your mouth instinctively as you open your eyes.

Sure enough, you find yourself standing in your correct body, looking down to see Luna back in her own body as well, as she looks up at you.

"You were saying, Anonymous?" Luna states smugly.

Ignoring her smartass remark, you drop down to the floor and hug her, grabbing Twilight with your other arm. "I'm just so glad to be back to normal," you exclaim.

"Us as well," Luna responds as you let go of her and Twilight. "You did an admirable job Twilight, thank you," she says, as Twilight beams with pride.

"Not a problem. That was a fun project," she says. You and Luna look at each other, as if asking one another if she really just said that.

You hear your front door open at the same time, a rush of color flying into the room like a whirlwind.

"Hey guys," Rainbow Dash says. "How's it going today?"

"Back to normal, thank god," you respond, earning a chuckle from Luna and Twilight. Meanwhile, Rainbow seems a bit disappointed.

"Aww, you mean I missed the main event?" she asks. "Why couldn't you wait for me?"

Twilight shakes her head, smiling at Rainbow as she pipes up. "There wasn't much to see, Rainbow. Besides, Anon was getting pushed near his limit, there was no time to lose."

Your happiness diminishes somewhat, remembering back to the hallucination of Twilight you had in the castle. Instantly, you feel a wing wrap its way around you, dragging you over to the princess of the night.

"Do not be ashamed, Anonymous," Luna says, sensing your troubled mind. "You mustn't forget, we have fallen for the trickery of Nightmare Moon as well."

You turn to face Luna, her turquoise eyes and warm smile offering sympathy.

"Thanks," you say rather flatly. "But uh... how is everything going up there?" You gesture to her head.

"All is well," she says. "Your mind may have been a fresh haven for Nightmare Moon, but we are used to her. She is back in her place."

You breathe a bit better, as does Twilight, who lets out a loud yawn.

"I think you need to get some sleep. You've slept little to none during this whole ordeal," you tell Twilight. She nods in response to your suggestion.

"Yeah, I should probably head home," she says. "Take care, everypony."

As she waves and shuffles to the door, Rainbow takes a seat on the couch. "Luna, you got the night off? How about movie night, the three of us?"

"Apologies, Rainbow Dash, but it would be wise for me to return to the castle," Luna says, dampening Rainbow's spirits. "After two days of Anon masquerading as myself, it would not surprise me if my sister is suspicious. I suppose I owe her the truth."

Before departing, Luna throws herself into your arms, wrapping her wings around you. A bit shocked, it takes you a moment to return the favor.

"Have fun," you tell Luna in jest. She sticks her tongue out at you, before waving to Rainbow and disappearing in a flash of light.

"Well, I'm game for movie night," you say to Rainbow. Her energy that had been sapped by your other two friends' departure returns in full force.

"Alright!" she exclaims. "But I'm surprised you aren't out there kissing your car and driving it all over Equestria. You know, being separated for two days."

You can't help but roll your eyes. "Yes, I missed it a bit, Dash. But I'm not that obsessed with it. Besides, it isn't the best idea to mix fatigue and power."

"Sure, now you're a responsible citizen," Rainbow jokes as you begin to shuffle through your movie collection. You just decide to grab a random one and toss the disc into the DVD player, joining your friend on the couch. No sooner do you sit down do the questions begin.

"So, how was it being a princess?" Rainbow asks with a sly grin. "Apart from about losing your marbles, of course."

"Very exhausting," you reply. "Having magic and the ability to fly was cool, though. I'll miss that a bit."

Rainbow seems to mull over your answer a bit, before shooting back with another.

"What was Princess Celestia like? Is she really formal even when she's not presiding over Equestria?"

"She's... a character," you say, preferring not to delve into the details. It might be best the world not know how their monarchs behave behind the scenes. Rainbow seems disappointed, but you can't blame her for that.

"So, are you and Luna officially together now?" Recoiling away from her in shock, you look at Rainbow.

"What?" she says.

"I'm not even getting into that mess," you say flatly. Rainbow crosses her forelegs as the movie begins.

"You're no fun."