• Published 7th May 2016
  • 10,362 Views, 192 Comments

Changing Lanes - AutoPony

When a human and his home land in Equestria, his love of speed quickly draws a few ponies to him, most notably Princess Luna. But her own desires and secrets soon begin to create..... complications in their friendship.

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Chapter 10

"What's that one?"

"That's an LTD, Rainbow."

"Okay, but what about the one behind it?"

Placing a palm over your forehead, you take a moment before you reply.

"Dash, every car in this movie is an LTD. This is like a 90 minute Ford Motor Company advertisement, like I said before we started watching it."

Tonight, you and Rainbow Dash were just chilling out and watching movies. You currently have on White Lightning, one of your favorite car chase movies.

"Sorry, I tend to fall asleep when you drone on," Rainbow jokes. Nevertheless, you mess up her mane with your hand while she tries to squirm away.

"Hey, cut it out," Rainbow says, fixing her mane with a quick brush of her hoof. "Don't tell me you're going to get all mushy and cute now that you and Luna are hooked up."

It has been a few days since you and Luna officially became a "thing," and Twilight wasted no time in telling all her friends. Other than Rainbow Dash, you don't see the others very often, but Dash is making up for that with her teasing.

"I haven't changed at all," you reply, turning the TV volume down a bit. "Luna and I just admitted we have feelings for each other beyond just being friends."

Rainbow scoffs at you. "Oh sure, next thing you know you'll sound like my friend Rarity. 'Oh, darling. Luna my dear.' Blech."

"I beg your pardon, Rainbow Dash?" a voice calls from behind.

Rainbow leaps up in an instant. "I was only kidding Rarity, honest," she cries. Both of you turn to look around the room.

Rather than seeing Rarity behind her, Rainbow Dash nearly flips out when Luna slowly raises herself up from behind the couch, a mischievous smile upon the night princess's face.

"Luna?! When did you get here?" Rainbow shouts, slightly irritated.

You aren't surprised to see Luna. After all, you were the one that told her what was going on through the link you share. Putting your hand up, Luna slaps you a high five with her wing, giggling.

"Greetings, Rainbow Dash," Luna says in a playful tone. "We arrived just in time for a good prank."

Rainbow doesn't seem to buy it as she scratches her head. You already mentioned to her that you and Luna share a mental link now, but Dash seems to already have forgotten.

"Really Rainbow? I'll just leave you in the dark for now," you say, garnering a dirty look from the pegasus.

"As I was saying before I seized this opportunity, I have some news regarding our gift we now share, Anonymous," Luna says quietly.

"Good news, I hope?" you ask. Judging by the slight dip in her ears, Luna does not bear any positive information.

"Not exactly. The last few days we have spent in the library in Canterlot, and I can say with certainty there is no useful information to be had regarding our mental link," Luna states flatly. As your shoulders slump in disappointment, Luna's voice perks back up.

"All hope is not lost," she says, leaping over the back of the couch and landing beside you. "Canterlot may not shed any light on this mysterious development, but the old castle within the Everfree may contain some older books lost to history."

"The old castle?" you ask, confused. You know the Everfree Forest is a treacherous place, judging by the way ponies speak of it. So why would there be a castle there?

"Yes, Canterlot's castle did not come into being until after our banishment," Luna says, her voice dropping a bit. "Before that, our home was the Castle of the Two Sisters. After discussing the matter with my sister, she mentioned that not all of the manuscripts that were in our possession made the journey to Canterlot, so there may be something within the ruins that can shed some light on the situation."

"Sounds interesting, when are you going?" you ask, intrigued.

"I intend on making the journey in the morning, would you like to join me?"

"Absolutely, Luna," you say, trying hard to contain your excitement. There is nothing like a good old-fashioned adventure.

Rainbow Dash, would you like to join us as well?" Luna asks. Rainbow fervently shakes her head.

"No, sorry. I have work in the morning. Actually, I should get going, it's getting late." Rainbow stammers, before waving and quickly rushing out of the house.

"Alright, what the hell was that about?" you ask, spying a sly grin creeping up on Luna's face.

"Rainbow Dash and the rest of her friends paid a visit to the ruins not long ago. Judging by what Twilight told us in her correspondence, it was quite the experience for everypony."

"Well, I suppose it means we get to spend the day together then," you say, putting your arm around her. Luna does you one better, snuggling up to you at the same time.

"I was hoping it would work out that way," she says. "What is it we are watching?"

"White Lightning, another car chase movie. I can start it over if you would like."

"No it is fine," she replies. " It would be a good idea to retire to bed early so we can rise and head out earlier in the morning. I am not sure how long it will take to reach the castle."

"How is adjusting to sleeping at night?" you ask. Considering her whole life has revolved around being a night owl, you're curious if it is an old habit to break.

"It is not too bad, believe it or not. I still sometimes awaken to adjust the night sky a bit, to bring peace to those still awake as well. But I much prefer having a purpose to serve, and actually being busy during my shift, so I am happy." She snuggles up even closer to you as the screech of tires blares from the TV.

"I don't suppose you were planning on just staying here tonight?" you ask, even though you already know the answer.

Luna only gives you a knowing grin.

"Anonymous, are you going to sleep all day?"

Slowly, you stir away at the sound of Luna's voice, as well as her nudging. Lazily, you open an eye, finding the night princess standing beside your bed, impatiently flicking her tail.

"Ugh, I'm up. Just don't expect me to be too cheery for the first hour or so," you groan, earning a chuckle from Luna.

Taking time to stretch as you slide out of bed, you pull open your dresser and grab out a decent pair of jeans and a shirt. Meanwhile, Luna trots out of your room, allowing you some privacy as you get dressed.

"I was thinking before falling asleep last night, it may be wise to see if Twilight Sparkle would like to join us today," Luna calls from out in the hall. "Considering her voracious reading habits, we could go through a lot of the library in just one day."

As you slide on your shirt and run your hands through your hair as a half-assed way of combing it, you walk out and join Luna.

"Good idea, Luna. Twilight is already up and around, I'm sure. Unlike me, she's a morning person. Er, pony."

"Are you finally ready then?" she asks in a light-hearted, sarcastic tone.

"Easy for you to say, you don't have clothes to put on and your mane stays perfect all the time," you say, ruffling her mane with your hand. True to your words, it gradually smooths itself out.

Without a response, Luna closes her eyes, as a bright flash blinds you. Slowly, your vision returns, as the front door of Twilight's home fades into view, in addition to the sights and sounds of early morning Ponyville.

"I really wish you would warn me when you do that," you say. While you have gotten more used to Luna's teleportation abilities, it is still a bit disorienting. Oddly enough, it seemed fine and normal when you were in her body, but not now.

Rather than just barge in, you take the time to knock on Twilight's door. On a normal day, the door would almost instantly be yanked open, be it by Twilight her self or her little dragon buddy, Spike.

Yet today, even after a minute of waiting, all is silent inside the Golden Oaks Library. Trying the doorknob, you find it firmly locked.

"That's odd, Twilight is always awake and energetic at this time of the morning," you say to Luna, turning to her.

"Perhaps she had a late night of reading, Anonymous. You know how she is," Luna says with a smile. "How about we head to the castle for now, and come back for Twilight later in the day?"

"Sounds like a plan to me. How are we getting there?"

No sooner do you ask, Ponyville disappears, engulfed in another brilliant flash of light.

Luna, I told you to warn me next time, you groan through the mental link.

"But I find the surprise to be the best part," she responds playfully.

Gradually, the light begins to dim, as the foreboding shadows of the Everfree come into view. While you have never set foot in the forest, your imagination of this place seems to be accurate, as the thick canopy overhead lets in very little sunlight.

"Wow, does it ever get any brighter in here? It almost feels like night," you say in awe.

"There are sections where it is not quite as thick," Luna replies calmly. "The castle should be up ahead, just a very short walk."

Letting her lead the way, you follow close behind, keeping your eyes peeled for any movement in the underbrush. Even in your short time here in Equestria, you have heard tales about the creatures that lurk within this mysterious forest.

"So, I have to ask, what made you and Celestia decide this was an ideal place for your castle? From what I have heard, most ponies are leery about setting hoof within this place."

A muffled chuckle erupts from Luna as she beckons with a wing for you to walk beside her. You oblige, picking up your pace as the faint outline of a structure appears up ahead.

"The Everfree was not always like this, Anonymous. This forest was quiet and serene when my sister and I settled upon this location for our castle," Luna says, leaving you with even more questions.

"So what changed?"

"Nopony really knows for sure. The Everfree Forest did not become wild until after the Castle of the Two Sisters was abandoned, so perhaps the lack of ponykind allowed it to slip into the nefarious form it has taken," she says. Judging by her stare off into the distance, there's something else on her mind.

"Do you have another theory?" you ask, trekking lightly.

"I do, but it is one my sister is not keen on believing," Luna says. "The magic that was unleashed during... the events that played out, it was not ordinary magic. I'm sure as you've realized, alicorns are very powerful magic wielders, and all of that energy being used in such a short span of time, combined with the raw emotions..... Such an event can 'wound' an environment, so to speak."

The trees overhead slowly begin to thin out as the ruins ahead begin to grow taller, until the two of you are within the grounds of the old castle.

"So you think your... I mean, that you caused the Everfree to become wild?" you ask again, cringing a bit at your wording.

Luna comes to a stop at the foot of the stairs leading to the main door, as you do the same. "It is just a theory. But yes, I think it quite possible," she replies, her voice devoid of emotion.

You place a hand on her back in comfort. "It's not your fault Luna. Don't be so hard on yourself," you say softly.

Your words of reassurance seem to have the opposite effect, as Luna turns to you, a scowl upon her face.

"No, Anonymous. It is our fault," she snaps. "I understand you are trying to make me feel better, but I had a choice to side with my sister, or with Nightmare Moon. I chose the wrong path long ago, and I will not brush such a mistake aside." With that, Luna pushes forward, heading up the stairs to the main door.

Considering her reaction, you do not believe Luna has quite come to terms with her past, either. But, you leave it alone as you follow her, your eyes taking a while to adjust to the dark, damp interior of the castle as the two of you enter through the rotting oak door.

Almost right away, Luna comes to a halt in the foyer. The foyer splits off into two hallways opposite each other, and Luna glances at each of them in turn. Maybe she doesn't remember this place as well as she thought?

"Forgive me, Anon, it has been a long time since we have set foot here," she says, likely getting wind of your thoughts through the mental link.

"I'm fine, Luna," you reply. Despite outward appearances, it is clear from the inside this castle is structurally sound. Aside from years of dust and grime that have collected over the years, the walls and ceilings are in remarkable shape everywhere you look.

Without a word, Luna slowly strides toward the left hallway, as you file in behind her.

"So, what are we looking for? Or what should I be looking for?" you ask. Spying a sign of some sort on the wall, you reach out your hand to brush off the dust. Instantly, your hand is seized by the blue aura of Luna's magic.

"Sorry," she says, seeing you jump a bit in surprise. "it would be unwise to touch anything along the walls, considering how long this place has been left unattended."

"I... I don't follow. What do you mean?" you ask, confused.

"You have seen what the relationship between my sister and I is like. We like to play jokes on each other from time to time," Luna says, letting go of your hand. "We were even more aggressive in our pranks in our younger years, and there is no telling what items have been trifled with, and what they could do now after years of neglect and decay."

"I'm guessing that's why Rainbow's visit here was so eventful. I'll keep my hands to myself then," you say, jamming your hands into your pockets. "So what are we looking for, Luna?"

"If we can find the throne room, I will remember where we need to go from there," she says, turning her attention to the dark hall ahead.

"Lead the way, then."

Nearly an hour has passed since you and Luna began trekking through the castle, with no luck finding the library, let alone the throne room.

Frustrated, Luna comes to a stop, sitting upon her haunches, silently debating what to do next. Meanwhile, with no desire to sit on the stone floor, you lean against the wall next to her.

"So, I'm guessing we just went in a big circle, Luna," you say, spying a familiar dusty sign on the wall. Seeing Luna looking around confused, you direct her attention to the landmark with a pointing finger.

Catching sight of it, Luna drops her head and sighs, kicking a hoof at the floor. "I always disliked how my sister made this castle into a maze. I suppose she will win this bet."

"Uh.... what bet, Luna?" you ask.

Instantly, Luna's head snaps back up to you, giving you a deer in the headlights look.

"Horseapples," she says, realizing what she said aloud.

Frustrated with the last hour of walking, you fold your arms. "So is that the only reason we're here? For a stupid bet?"

"No, absolutely not," Luna cries, shaking her head with vigor. "We are indeed trying to find the library and the collection of books it contains. I had mentioned the plan to my sister, and she had bet me a day off that I would be unable to find my way around after all these years."

You find yourself smirking a bit as Luna allows the frustration of the situation creeps into her voice.

"This trip has gone well so far, hasn't it?" you quip.

"Enough of this," Luna growls, rising to her hooves as her horn begins to glow with a blue light. Uneasiness begins to seep into you, unsure what as to what Luna is referring.

With a sound akin to a primal war-cry, Luna hurls a beam of energy at the wall you were just leaning upon. Dust swirls up, making the already dark corridor pitch black as the sound of crumbling rocks fills your ears.

It takes a while for the dust in the air to settle enough to regain sight, as all is quiet once again. Slowly, a gaping hole in the wall comes into view, as does Luna, standing stoically.

"I suppose that's one was to traverse a maze," you say in jest. Luna's scowling face lights up at your joke, as she lets out a light chuckle.

"Yes, but do not let my sister know what we have done to navigate through this place," she replies.

"Oh? What's in it for me?" you ask, feeling mischievous.

Luna strides over to you, leaning in close as she grins.

"There are a lot of things we can do with an extra day off," she whispers ominously to you. "Do you really want to try to bribe your special somepony? That's not very nice."

"I suppose I can forget that you blasted a hole in the wall," you say, as Luna giggles in response.

"Come Anonymous, let us not waste any more time aimlessly wandering," Luna says, leaping through the hole in the wall. Carefully, you tiptoe through into the next room, and deeper into the castle's interior.