• Published 7th May 2016
  • 10,362 Views, 192 Comments

Changing Lanes - AutoPony

When a human and his home land in Equestria, his love of speed quickly draws a few ponies to him, most notably Princess Luna. But her own desires and secrets soon begin to create..... complications in their friendship.

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Chapter 1

It is closing in on two weeks since you landed in this weird place, though the first week and a half was essentially a blur in your mind.

Jolted out of sleep, you had assumed it had been an earthquake, or some sort of cataclysmic event, as various books and trinkets tumbled off their shelves, clattering to the ground in a heap. You weren't worried about those, however.

Your first reaction was to haul ass to the garage, worried about your baby. As soon as the shaking stopped, you were out of the house and headed toward the garage, not even noticing the multi-colored creatures that had begun to gather in the mid-day sun.

Heaving the sliding garage door open, your fears were realized as your eyes darted around the cramped garage bay. Crap was piled all over your pride and joy, her metallic purple paint dented and chipped in areas where the heaviest objects had landed. The windshield had an ugly spider web of cracks, and the massive spoiler that took two years to find was bent in the middle.

You had spent years piecing together the Plymouth Superbird that was your baby.

All that hard work right down the drain.

To say the ponies gathered around were confused as to what was going on was an understatement, startled and nervous when you started screaming and throwing out swear words left and right.

But two or your soon-to-be closest friends approached you anyways, albeit cautiously.

A blue pegasus with wild rainbow-striped mane and tail who was fittingly named Rainbow Dash, as well as a purple alicorn named Twilight Sparkle.

Introductions didn’t go well, to say the least, between the nonstop screaming and relentless circling you were doing.

That was when you found out this world had magic, as you abruptly felt like someone was holding your lips together, and holding your feet in one place.

It was then you realized you weren’t on Earth anymore and promptly passed out.

“….Twilight, did you shut him up or suffocate him?” a female voice inquired, as you slowly came to.

“Rainbow, if I had suffocated him, he wouldn’t be waking back up,” another one replied.

Slowly getting your bearings, you could see you were still in front of your garage, on the ground, with these two….. things looking at you, cracking nervous smiles.

The purple one spoke up first.

“Now that you aren’t screaming anymore, I’m Twilight Sparkle, and this is Rainbow Dash. And since you clearly are from…. I don’t know where, let me formally introduce you to Equestria."

You rubbed your eyes and took a hard look around at all the talking creatures that had gathered around, a barrage of bright colors almost blinding to your unfamiliarized sight.

“Yeah, this doesn’t look much like Earth, unless I woke up drugged in Japan. God damn the Japanese are weird.”

The two in front of you exchanged confused glances.

“I can’t say I’ve ever heard of Earth before, nor Japan,” Twilight said.

“That’s a first, I would have figured one of your thousands of books you bury yourself in would have something about this,” Rainbow chipped in.

Twilight shot the other mare an angry glare, then turned back to you with a softer expression.

“So, why were you screaming nonstop, and what is that….. thing in the building?”

Part of you had an urge to instantly go through all the details of your Superbird, but these ponies wouldn’t have a clue what you were rambling on about.

"It’s a car, we use them for transportation where I’m from, humans - which is what species I am - aren’t all that quick on our feet, so it helps us get places faster. And landing here damaged it some, which is why I was flipping out.”

Twilight perked up, her curiosity piqued.

“So how does it work, can you show me? I mean, if you want, you don’t have to if you aren’t comfortable..”

You didn't have to be asked twice, as you clamored to your feet, brushing yourself off.

“If you can help me get all this junk off of her, I will gladly show you,” you told her.

Twilight jumped into a frenzy of levitating all the junk out of the garage, while Rainbow Dash’s interest was caught on your words.

“Wait, that “car” is a she? It doesn’t look alive to me.”

Awkwardness sets in as you carefully pick your words, as you try not to sound like a complete freak.

“No, it’s a machine, people where I am from tend to refer to things like this with gender pronouns when we have grown attached to them.”

“Uh, okay then…. So how fast does this thing go?" Rainbow asked, still a bit puzzled with your previous answer.

You grinned, as you were hoping for a question like that.

Twilight was just finishing up the last of the garage clearing.

“You’re about to find out.”

Just then, a blinding white flash appeared out of nowhere, scaring the crap out of you. It took a while to finally get your sight back, and where the flash has been stood two ponies much larger than any of the others gathered around.

One was stark white, her mane a flowing river of bright pastel colors.

The other, a bit smaller, was deep blue with a mane that seemed to be a piece of the night sky.

Both obviously were of some sort of royalty, judging by the crowns and the fancy jewelry. Not to mention everyone gathered instantly turning to bow.

Everyone except for Twilight, as she ran over two the two regal ponies in restrained excitement.

“Princess Celestia, I didn’t expect to see you today, we haven’t prepared for a visit," Twilight said nervously, facing the taller white pony. She then turned her attention to the blue one.

"Nor you Princess Luna, also good to see you!”

Celestia looked up from Twilight, right at you. Nervously, you waved in response, keeping your mouth shut.

“I heard there was some sort of an odd visitor today. I came to see for myself,” Celestia said. She offered a small smile, making you relax just a bit.

You glanced at the other alicorn, Luna. She cracked a sly smile, making you even more uncomfortable.

Quickly, your attention turned back to Celestia, who began walking toward you. Twilight was hot on her heels.

“I was going to send a letter, I just got so caught up introducing him to our world and - wait, how did you know this happened?” she asked.

Celestia smiled at Twilight, before looking at you again.

“I could hear the screaming all the way to Canterlot.”

“Um, sorry about that, I was kinda a bit in a daze," you said, a bit embarrassed.

Surprisingly, no one here seemed incredibly suspicious of you, mainly just curious. That was more than a relief, you didn’t see living in a prison as a good time. If they even had prisons.

Luna, silent this whole time, finally broke her silence.

“We are curious as to what you are, in addition to your name," she said.

You just realized you hadn’t even mentioned to anyone your name yet.

“Oh yeah, I forgot. Name’s Anonymous, but I prefer Anon. And I‘m a human.”

You felt an odd tingling sensation in your head and chest at that point, which quickly disappeared. The two royals turned around and had a quiet conversation.

Celestia turned around after a time, sporting a warm smile that broke your feeling of dread.

“Allow my sister, Princess Luna, and I, Princess Celestia, to formally welcome you to Equestria. Our home is your home.”

You realized you hadn’t taken a breath since the two had turned around. You found yourself letting out a long exhale.

Everyone else gathered broke their silence to voice their approval, as well as undoubtedly release any tension they felt.

“Um, thanks. You all seem very open to strangers, I’m rather flattered. Can’t say I was expecting that.”

“Let us or Princess Twilight know if you need anything, we will be in contact for further questions and study about your fascinating world and people.”

Twilight blushed heavily at the mention of her title. Apparently, all alicorns were royalty.

“We do have to ask, what is it you were, as you say “flipping out” about? You seem quite calm about being here, we believe it must have been something else," Luna inquired.

Luna's dialect struck you as very odd, but kind of endearing. Perhaps she was from another part of this place?

You quickly made a recap of what you had told everyone else, up to the point where you had planned to show off the Superbird.

Luna remained quiet, keeping a straight emotionless face the whole time. After a spell, her sly smile returned.

“We would be most interested in seeing this piece of technology in action.”

With that, you slowly rolled the ‘Bird out into the light. Everyone gathered around gave you room, albeit barely.

She wasn’t quite as bad as she had looked in the garage, but it didn’t matter. Not like you had all the tools you needed to fix it.

You popped the hood to make sure everything was situated underneath. While from the outside the Superbird looked stock, you had taken “liberties” on many other items.

She was in fact, a bit more race-bred; a cross between street, and what she had been built for, the high bank ovals. Heavy duty suspension, tubed frame, and that orange beast topped with a NASCAR style intake and 4 barrel carb.

Yup, that thing’s got a Hemi.

“Alright everyone, this thing is going to be a bit loud, so be prepared. And make a bit more room so I can actually drive it.”

Everyone cleared the dirt road that ran through the area, except for Twilight, Rainbow, and oddly enough, Luna.

“Are you sure you want to be this close, guys?”

"Hey, you seem to be pretty sure this thing is quick, I wanna see what you got,” Rainbow replied, brushing aside your question.

The other two rolled their eyes with a smile. Apparently, Rainbow Dash's cockiness was normal.

"I want to understand how it works, I’m not going to be able to study it well unless I’m up close to it," Twilight said, circling around the car.

But Luna was quiet, you weren’t sure what to make of her.

“Alright then, suit yourself," you told them, before hopping in and twisting the key.

Despite your warnings, you still startled everyone gathered. The throaty growl likely sounded like a mad predator to them, you thought to yourself.

Before the three nearest to you could take to the sky, you jammed the shifter into first and matted it.

“Try to keep up!”