• Published 6th Apr 2016
  • 8,570 Views, 880 Comments

Young Amazons - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer is flung into another universe

  • ...

Chapter 30: Wonder

Young Amazons
By Ackbarfan5556
Executive Produced By Wanderer D
Chapter 30: Wonder

It was a surprisingly cool summer night in the city of Venice, Italy as a black-haired woman walked the quiet streets. She was dressed in some long white denim jeans, a white tank top and a blue long-sleeved shirt that wasn’t buttoned up.

The woman made her way up towards the Gritti Palace, one of the premier hotels of the city before walking inside. The place was fairly calm with most of the guests still either enjoying the late-night sights of the city or already turned in for the night.

She walked up to the front desk of the hotel before gaining the attention of a young male receptionist.

“Ah, good evening ma’am. Do you have a reservation with us?” The man asked in Italian.

“No, I’m afraid I don’t,” she replied back in perfect Italian, much to the man’s surprise; he was too used to foreign tourists showing up to check in being unable to speak the native language of his country.

“Well, I’m sorry, but if you don’t have a reservation—”

“I’m not here for a room, or at least, not for myself. Someone I know is here. I want you to show me to the room where Zatanna Zatara is,” the man gave her a look after saying that. “Trust me, you can call her right now and tell her that her friend is here waiting for her.”

The man was somewhat hesitant to answer her demand. He knew the famed magician was staying at the hotel with the charges that came with her, but she made it clear that she didn’t want her staying at the hotel to be known, at least through the hotel’s staff.

For him, he was half tempted to just tell the woman to go away, assuming that she was just a crazy woman or stalker that knew Zatanna was staying at the hotel, but another part of him was telling him to at least check to see if Zatanna was expecting her. He went with that idea and picked up the phone before routing through to the room Zatanna was in.

“Hello?” Zatanna’s voice came over the phone.

“Hello, Miss Zatara? There’s someone here at the front desk that says they’re a friend of yours and wants to come to your room,” he explained.

“Could you describe them to me?”

“Certainly. A young looking woman, black hair, blue eyes, wearing a very nice necklace and-”

“Feel free to send her up,” Zatanna interrupted him from describing anymore. “Thank you for letting me know.”

“As you wish, I’ll send her up,” he said before he hung up. “Sorry about that ma’am, I’ll lead you to her room.”

“Thank you very much,” the woman smiled at him before he led her to Zatanna’s room number. He knocked on the door before the magician opened it.

“Ah, thank you, sir,” Zatanna said as the woman walked into the room behind her, though not before giving the young man a tip before closing the door. “For a moment there, I was beginning to think you weren’t going to come. I thought you said you’d be here in the afternoon.”

“Sorry about that, Zatanna, I was coming in from Hamburg but there was a nasty storm crossing the Alps so the flight got rerouted to Marseille,” the woman explained. “I had to wait a few hours before we could leave and get here, so that’s why I’m so late.”

“Well, I wasn’t really worried or anything, just a bit curious as to the delay. That’s all. You’re not too late anyways; the girls enjoyed the day in the city and are probably still up right now.”

“That’s good to hear,” the woman sat down in a chair by the bed and grabbed a water bottle out of the mini-fridge. “Is it okay if I can have this?”

“Certainly. That’s not actually from the hotel. Can you believe they’re charging almost eight Euros for a bottle of water here?” Zatanna laughed.

The woman shook her head. “No, not really,” she replied before taking another sip of her drink. “So, have you already told the girls about me?”

Zatanna nodded. “Well, they had all heard of you, so there wasn't much to say. I thought I would leave the more personal stories to you. By the way, I’m glad to hear that you’re okay with all this. I was worried that I was putting you in sort of a compromised spot with your home.”

“Well, I’ve been very interested to meet the girls since you told me about them. As for home, well, word has been going around so far, but Mother is curious to meet them herself. In all, I think the girls will like meeting their namesakes and taking a few lessons from them, albeit, a short lesson.”

Zatanna sighed. “I wish I could give all of them a lot more time, but they’ve all got their own lives and time isn’t on our side; not with the looming threat of the Lords of Chaos hanging over our heads. You wouldn’t happen to know any of them, would you?”

The woman shook her head. “No, not really, but I can think of one person that would love to see the conflict between Order and Chaos come to a head. Then again, he loves any sort of conflict; it’s his specialty.”

Zatanna nodded, understanding who the woman was referring to. “Well, I guess I should introduce you to the girls before they all fall asleep,” she chuckled.

The woman followed Zatanna out of her hotel room and into the hallway before walking to the room next door and opening it with her card. The two women walked in to see the girls enjoying some time to themselves before turning to their guest. Their eyes widened and sparkled with admiration.

“Uh, Zatanna, is this who I think it is?” Sunset asked excitedly.

Zatanna smiled. “Girls, I’d like you to meet Diana Prince, or as some people may know her, Wonder Woman.”

“Pleased to meet you girls,” Diana said. “Now if it’s okay with you, I’d like to ask which one of you came up with that name ‘Young Amazons’?”

The girls all blushed before Sunset and Barbara pointed to Pamela.

“Oh, way to rat me out, you two,” she pouted.

“This certainly is some prime real estate for a café,” Sunset said as she looked out across the café balcony to see the canals of Venice which led out to the Adriatic Sea. “It’s got a breathtaking view of everything from here.”

After the girls exchanged a couple of minutes of words with Diana, the trio went to bed before waking up early and traveling with Diana and Zatanna to the café to enjoy breakfast.

“One of many this city has to offer,” Diana said. “Though this one is both less known and less crowded as opposed to the other ones like at St. Marks. Hard to believe sometimes that this place is still the same after almost a hundred years. My first couple of trips to Italy were not too great for me.”

Sunset and the girls turned their attention to the Amazonian princess. They weren’t surprised to hear that she was hundreds of years old, thanks to what Zatanna told them prior to the meet-up, but were curious to know what she meant by that.

“What do you mean, Diana?” Pamela asked.

The black-haired Amazon dug into a purse she had and pulled out an old photo. It was her, not looking like she aged a day, but dressed in military garb with an officer who looked to be in his late 40s–early 50s.

“Stephen Trevor…” she paused and took a breath. “The first time I met him, he was a staff officer, a captain in the British Army during the First World War. In 1917, he was on his way with other officers to the Macedonian Front of the war before an Austro-Hungarian U-Boat sunk his ship. Hera must have been looking out for him because somehow he managed to wash ashore in Themyscira, a place that had been protected by the Gods from the mortal world for centuries.

“We quickly nursed him back to health, but he had the fire of duty in his heart and was insistent to return back to the World of Men to rejoin the fight of his countrymen. At first, he wanted to convince the Amazons to join the war on the side of the Entente against the Central Powers. Mother refused, but I was curious to see the world, so she allowed me to leave with him.

“We arrived in Athens where Steve, as he liked to be called, reported in with his superiors. He passed me off as a Crete woman that saved his life. After a bit of arm twisting, I was essentially drafted and served as a Corps Staff assistant. In this case, the British XII Corps for much of 1917 and parts of 1918 before we were both transferred to the 23rd Division’s staff on the Italian Front.”

“And that’s when you first saw Venice?” Sunset asked.

Diana nodded.

“Yes, in fact, the Italian-Austro-Hungarian front line was only less than an hour’s drive away from here. We were here until the Armistice as the war ended. That’s actually how we found this place; enjoying the celebrations of the war ending.” Sunset noticed Diana smiling as she looked out to the Adriatic, mind clearly remembering the past.

“Of course, if I remember my basic world history lessons,” Barbara spoke up. “It wasn’t much of a peace.”

Diana shook her head. “No, the Armistice didn’t lead to a lasting peace; it was a punishment for the defeated and led to a second, far worse, war. Those times we visited Italy between the wars was when Mussolini was in power. Then Steve, a staff General by the second war, and I were with the British Eight Army through North Africa and part of the Italian Campaign before being transferred to the Second Army and driving through Northern Europe from the Normandy Landings. That photo was taken on the 4th of May at Lüneburg Heath, not too far from Hamburg, when the Germans surrendered to Field Marshal Montgomery.” She finished explaining with a sigh while looking off in the distance.

“Certainly quite the story there, Diana. I guess we can all guess what happened to Steve then,” Sunset said while feeling a bit nervous saying that last part as hoping not to offend her.

Diana nodded. “Sadly there are few that can live as long as me, Steve passed away quietly in 1988,” she then sighed. “Whenever I’m here, I always like to remember the times we had.”

“I’m sorry,” Sunset said.

Diana turned around with a smile. “It’s okay. It was a long time ago, now.”

“Um, Diana, if it’s alright to ask, what do you do these days?” Pamela asked.

“Oh, I’m a historian in Greek antiquities. I mainly travel across Europe and do work for museums. Funny enough, I actually came in from Hamburg last night.”

“After a quick side trip to the French Rivera,” Zatanna teased.

“Hey, I was only at the airport, I swear.” Diana chuckled.

“Shame we can’t go there during this trip.” Barbara huffed as she looked out to the Adriatic. “I’ve always wanted to see France.”

“Barbara, trust me, Themyscira is going make France pale in comparison,” Diana told her.

“Well, it looks like we might be ready to head out there then, wouldn’t you agree, Diana?” Zatanna asked.

“No use keeping the girls in suspense, let’s head back to the hotel room and then get going.”

The five of them stood up and left the café after paying the bill.

“Looks like we’ll portal travel this time, Pam,” Sunset joked as she nudged her elbow in Pamela’s side.

“About time then.” Sunset saw Pamela give her a small smirk.

After returning to the hotel, Zatanna opened up a portal to the hidden island of the Amazons. It was a bit harder for her to open one to that location since she herself had never been there before..

Themyscira was indeed how Diana said it was: Absolutely stunning and bringing to shame any place on Earth. The best way to describe the green and lush island paradise was essentially what the girls thought ancient Greece looked like at its peak.

“France, eat your heart out.” Sunset heard Pamela mutter.

“I’m guessing from your looks that you like it.” Diana chuckled.

“Like it? I think that’s an understatement,” Sunset said, her eyes sparkling with wonder.

“I must say, Diana,” Zatanna said. “You certainly undersold this place.”

Sunset looked over and saw Pamela with an almost blank look on her face like she was blue-screened. “Pam, you okay?”

She quickly shook her head. “Huh? Oh, sorry, Sunny, it’s just… it’s all overwhelming. I’ve never been to a place in that's so in touch with nature before.”

“Makes sense,” Diana said. “Themyscira isn’t burdened by industrialization and remains in close connection with Gaia, mother of creation.”

“Depends on who you ask there,” Sunset mentioned before being interrupted by a blonde-haired Amazon that had a worried look on her face as she ran up to them.

“Diana, thank the Goddesses you’ve returned,” she panted as she tried to catch her breath.

“Mala, what’s wrong?”

“You’re to see your mother immediately!”

Diana paused and crossed her arms over her chest. “Mala, again, what’s wrong?” she asked.

“The Gargareans have returned.”

Pamela stood with the others in the main temple of the Amazonian city where they watched a black-haired woman who shared some similarities with Diana pacing the throne room. This was Hippolyta, ruler of the Amazons and Diana’s mother. She was continuing to process the information that was given to her while Diana whispered to them explaining what was going on and who the Gargareans were.

“Are you sure of this, Aella?” Hippolyta asked as she paced the room.

“Without a doubt,” the Amazon woman said. “I saw a large portal and a fleet of ships landing on the island. Dozens of ships that probably have maybe a hundred Gargareans to each of them. They quickly spread out and now I don’t know where they are. There’s over a two dozen paths they could come through and quite a number of places for them to rally after splitting up.”

“Our defenses would be stretched to the limit if we don’t know where they’re coming from,” Hippolyta said as she continued her pacing.

“Even worse, I think I spotted Achilles Warkiller leading them,” Pamela saw the look on Hippolyta and Diana’s faces turn to one of worry when that name was said. That didn’t look good.

“Mother, if Achilles is indeed leading them, allow me to face him,” Diana pleaded. “If he’s defeated, then the invasion might be turned before it reaches the city.”

Her mother shook her head. “It would be dangerous, Diana. Zeus created him as a counter to you.”

“I’m not afraid.”

“Even still,” Zatanna interrupted before bowing. “Sorry, apologies for speaking up, but I would suggest that before anything is to be decided about a fight, the Gargareans need to be found.”

“Agreed, Zatanna,” Hippolyta nodded. “We must send the scouts out; of course, we might need some help so I must ask you and your charges assist us in this.”

“Mother!” Diana argued. “Zatanna certainly, but you can’t ask the girls to fight. They’re not ready to fight a war.” Those words now made Pamela and her friends a little on edge.

“Not fight, but merely help locate Zeus’s creations.If they claim to be us, then they should be willing to help their sisters, even if it’s merely just helping in the search.”

“Oh, I see,” Diana said. “Well, that might be better. Are you girls willing to walk out into the jungles and help in the search?”

Sunset stepped forward. “I am.” She then turned to Barbara and Pamela. “How about you girls?”

“If it’s scouting, I think I’ll be good with that. How about you, Pam?” Barbara asked.

Pamela took a deep breath and nodded. “Yeah, I think I can help too.” She thought deeply for a few moments before speaking. “It might not be much of a stretch for me if I can just communicate with the plant life of the island.”

“Then it’s settled,” Hippolyta said. “I’ll organize the search groups. Diana, you deal with our guests here.” She then turned and walked to another room.

“All right then. I don’t think you girls should go it alone, so you’ll each have some help. Zatanna, myself and…” Diana thought about it for a second before snapping her fingers. “I’ll find Egeria around here to go with one of you.”

“Good idea, Diana.” Zatanna nodded. “How about I go with Barbara, Egeria can escort Sunset and you go with Pamela?”

“Agreed. Come along, Pamela. Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you,” the Amazonian princess smiled.

It took only a few minutes before Wonder Woman and Ivy were walking through the jungle towards one of the areas where the Gargareans could stage their attack. Ivy was once more in her normal crimefighting form while Wonder Woman was wearing her normal battle outfit: Long red boots, blue and white star tights, red armored chest plate, gold tiara and gauntlets and a mythical lasso. She was also bringing a shield and sword as extra precaution.

“You girls have been on quite the adventures already,” Wonder Woman said as she ducked down under a branch. Ivy had finished giving a quick synopsis of some of the encounters the Young Amazons had.

“Certainly nothing like this,” Ivy replied. “This might be the biggest thing at least Red and I have been involved with. Sunny has a lot more adventures like having to fight hordes of vampires or mind controlling nymphs even before she came to Gotham.”

“You give yourself too little credit,” Wonder Woman assured her. “Given time, I know you’ll easily be able to stand proud next to your friends.”

Ivy shrugged.

“Maybe, but even though I’ve got plant powers, I still feel like I’m the weak link of the group. Sunny’s got her magic and a lot more experience, while Red can fight with such ease thanks to her gymnastics and defense training. I’d be almost helpless without my plants; a fight in a library basement almost proved that.”

The Amazonian patted her shoulder.

“We all feel that way, Pamela, believe me,” she said softly. “We all have our doubts, but we continue to persevere and soon prove to ourselves that we can do it. I had the same mindset when I was first trained.”

Ivy sighed and gave a small smile. “Well, that makes me feel a tiny bit better. Still, it’s hard to really get rid of a chip on your shoulder, you know?”

“Mm hm,” Wonder Woman nodded as the two continued to move. Things began to get very dark and quiet in the jungle before Ivy made a wrong step and found herself falling off a small cliff.

“WHOA!” she cried out as she fell what felt like a good fifty feet before landing on a large leaf that gently dropped her back on solid ground.

“Too close,” she muttered before looking at the leaf. “Thanks for the save there,” she smiled as she gave it a quick rub like she was petting an animal.

“Pamela! Are you okay?” Wonder Woman called out.

“Yeah, I’m fine!” she called back with a thumb’s up. “Just a wrong step and saved by nature, that’s all!”

“Well, hold on. I’ll rope you back up here!”

Ivy shook her head. “No, keep going without me. We don’t have time to be delayed and I’m just slowing you down. I’ll be okay.”

Wonder Woman hesitated for a moment, thinking of what decision to make.

“You sure you’ll be fine?” she asked.

Ivy pointed all around her. “I’m surrounded by nature. I’ll be good. Go.”

Wonder Woman nodded. “All right. Head back to the city and get ready, just in case the fight does arrive.”

Ivy watched her run out of her view before she looked around at the vast dark jungle she found herself alone in.

“Well, I guess it’s back to town for me then,” Ivy muttered before she found herself staring down a long abyss ahead of her with the whispers of nature in her head advising her to go that way. “Or I guess not since you’re all so insistent.”

“How much longer do I have to walk here?” Ivy sighed as she walked for what felt like several hours. “You better have a good reason for why I’m going this way,” she huffed to the plants. They were insistent that she was right to go this way.

She eventually came to a small clearing with a single stone in the middle. All around it, there was nothing but thick jungle foliage.

“Great, now I’m lost,” Ivy sighed as she sat down on the rock.

“Not lost, my daughter,” Ivy nearly jumped out of her skin as soon as a woman’s voice speak out from all around her. She quickly calmed down since the voice was very soothing and calm, the feeling of gentleness in the tone.

“Who’s there?” Ivy turned around before seeing a woman wearing nothing but an ancient Greek robe walking towards her barefooted. Her looks, it was almost like a marble statue brought to life; beauty without comparison and yet there still had the look of age and maturity and a feeling of maternity.

“Hello, Pamela,” she smiled as she walked up to her.

“How…how do you-” Pamela could hardly speak.

“Know your name? My dear, I know everything about you, especially since you are so much like me,” the woman said before she held her hand up. The jungle practically came alive as several vines and plants made their way to her.

She chuckled. “Yes, you would be right to think that I’m Gaia, mother of all Earth.”

Ivy’s eyes widened upon hearing that. She was in the presence of the Mother of the Gods; practically Mother Nature herself.

“I–I’m sorry, this is a bit much for me to take. I mean, especially since, you know––”

“Still burdened by your actions shortly after gaining your gift? It is curious. You have more power than you think, Pamela,” Gaia said. “Nature is always at your beck and call no matter where you go and yet you refrain from using to suit what you would want. To level the entire world and all the damage mankind has done to nature and revert it back.”

Ivy was both surprised and disappointed to hear that. Surprised to hear that she had way more power than she thought, but disappointed because she obviously was referring to Ivy’s brief time of villainy when she first received her powers.

“Do not despair, my dear,” Gaia told her as she brushed her hand along Ivy’s cheek. “You’ve chosen to use your gifts to help others, a truly noble cause if ever there was one. Nature will always find a way to continue despite what humanity does, and with people like you, it will never be destroyed.”

Ivy gave a small smile upon hearing that. “Th-thank you, Gaia.” She almost teared up, somehow the Mother of the Gods knew exactly what to say to her. However, Gaia’s mood darkened and looked more serious.

“But now, we have a pressing matter, Ares’ war is about to begin.”

“Ares? Why have I heard that somewhere before?” Ivy asked.

“The God of War… and my great-great grandson. He’s the one that has brought the Gargareans to Themyscira,” Gaia explained. “This war will not be quick; Ares gains nothing from a quick victory. No, the forthcoming fight will be bloody and vicious, but neither side will gain a decisive victory and will retreat to recover their strength. The island will be engulfed in the fires of war for centuries as both sides will attack and retreat time after time.”

“Is there no way to stop him, to try and win the war at the start?”

Gaia shook her head. “No, but there is a way to end it before it even starts, and that’s where you come in. Right now, Diana has found the Gargareans and is locked in mortal combat with Achilles while the rest of the Gargareans watch. Their hearts are stern and ready for battle, but with the Amazons, not nature itself.”

Ivy’s eyes widened upon hearing that as an idea crossed her mind. “You mean, unleashing the full fury of the jungle on them?”

Gaia nodded. “Yes, you can command it to break the spirit of the Gargareans and force them to abandon their ideas of conquest and battle, to make them flee Themyscira and not return for several ages.”

“Wait, you mean… by myself?” Pamela shook her head. “I don’t know if I can do that. Commanding some plant life and such, sure, but the entire jungle?”

Gaia smiled once more. “You can do it, Pamela, because no one else can. You have that power, but you must be sure of yourself.”

Ivy chuckled. “You sound like the words of wisdom that are given in a bunch of movies I’ve watched.”

“Perhaps, but this is your power; this is something only you can do. Trust me, know that you have me behind you to help, my daughter.”

Gaia’s words of confidence swelled inside Ivy before she stood up and nodded.

“You’re right, doubting myself isn’t helping anyone,” she said confidently. “My regrets have held me back for too long now. I’m going to be more like Sunset; not burdened by my past mistakes but embracing my strength and the good things I’ve done with it.”

The plants whispered to her as she turned to a path that was slowly forming to lead her to Diana and the Gargareans. "It feels weird with you calling me daughter," Ivy said, glancing over her shoulder at Gaia. "I already have mom."

“I know.” Gaia nodded. “And Pamela, she will one day discover you and what you’ve done…”

Pamela felt almost suddenly frozen with fear hearing that.

“…And she will be so proud of you.”

Ivy gave out a small sigh of relief hearing that. She quickly regained her courage and looked back at the path.

“Promise you’ll have my back?”

“Always,” Gaia said before Ivy took another breath and began to run down the path.

It didn’t take her too long before she ran into a vast clearing. A massive army of warriors numbering in the thousands was there, and in the center was a large man in ancient Hoplite armor wielding a spear and fighting Wonder Woman.

“Give it up, Diana, you can not defeat me,” he said as he knocked away her shield leaving her just armed with her sword.

“With Hera’s strength, I will not rest until you are defeated, Achilles,” she shouted in defiance as she slashed at him.

“Hey! Who’s that over there!?” A Gargareans noticed Ivy and turned the attention of quite a few of the warriors but it would be too late.

Ivy closed her eyes and began to reach out to every living plant that existed in the vast jungle that surrounded them all. Ivy was surprised at all the voices she heard from ever leaf and branch that existed, but they all managed to come together in a perfect unity that eased her mind.

At first, the ground rumbled, causing Wonder Woman and Achilles fight to come to a stop as several Gargareans fell over from the shaking. As it turned out, this was the calm before the storm as hundreds of large roots shot out of the ground and began waving around like the tentacles of a monstrous sea creature.

The battle commenced, but it was a one-sided fight. Many of the Gargareans were losing their will to fight as they were getting swatted and thrown around like rag dolls while not making any sort of progress trying to fight off the attacking plant life. Ivy kept her concentration as more and more of the jungle joined the fight.

For the Gargareans, any chance of winning the fight was gone within a minute. Panic swelled through the ranks like a trickle of a stream, warriors dropped their arms and fled back to the landing zone and their ships. And like water, more and more followed suit until it was a total tide and every Gargarean fled the area leaving just Ivy, Wonder Woman and Achilles.

Achilles was shocked by the sudden turn of events before he found himself getting slapped in the face by a large root that knocked him to the ground. As he got up, he was instantly wrapped up in Wonder Woman’s lasso.

“Alright, Achilles, who sent you here? How did you arrive?” she demanded as Ivy calmed down and the jungle slowly returned back to its original places, leaving no trace of the battle except all the abandoned shields and weapons.

“Ares…” he grunted, unable to lie or keep quiet thanks to the mythical properties of Wonder Woman’s lasso. “Ares wanted a war and we were more than willing to provide one.”

“Well, tell Ares that his plan has failed,” Wonder Woman said before releasing him from the lasso. “You’re beaten, Achilles. Join the rest of your brethren in retreat.”

The warrior huffed before he picked up his spear and ran off to join his men as Ivy fell to the ground and took a deep breath.

“You okay, Pamela?” Wonder Woman asked.

“Yeah, I’m good,” she said. “Just a bit tired is all. That took a lot out of me, even with Gaia’s help.”

Wonder Woman’s eyes widened upon hearing that. “You had Gaia helping you?”

Ivy nodded. “Yeah, I had a little talk with her before I got here. She helped me get my mind in the right place and gave me some words of wisdom before I gave you a hand.”

“Gave me a hand? I think you did way more than that,” Wonder Woman smiled as she helped her up.

“Well, maybe I did a bit more,” Ivy rubbed the back of her neck, still trying to act humble.

“A bit more? Pamela, the Amazons will sing songs and tell stories of what you’ve done here for ages. I’m sure of it,” Wonder Woman said. “Now come on, let’s head back and introduce Themyscira to its heroine.”

Ivy was totally red in the face from embarrassment. “Great,” she groaned. “Just what I needed: Total hero worship.”

Wonder Woman laughed and the two of them walked back to the city.

A sudden instinct made Ivy turn to look back at the battle scene. For a single moment she saw Gaia out in the clearing giving her a warm smile. She smiled back, proud of her part in helping save the Amazons.