• Published 6th Apr 2016
  • 8,549 Views, 880 Comments

Young Amazons - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer is flung into another universe

  • ...

Chapter 27: Hurtle

Young Amazons
By Ackbarfan5556
Executive Produced By Wanderer D
Chapter 27: Hurtle

Batgirl sat on the roof of a nearby building not too far away from the jewelry store, rubbing some ointment that Batman provided on the parts of her body that still felt sore. Alicorn was doing the same thing while Ivy had her boots off and her feet planted in some grass that she raised. Batgirl had to guess that’s how Ivy’s physiology worked in terms of healing up injuries.

Batgirl still felt an overwhelming feeling of embarrassment as Batman looked out towards the city. It was bad enough that she and the girls had been completely curb stomped by Conjurer, but Batman showing up and seeing the results was what truly made the situation worse. She was half expecting an upcoming speech about how she and Ivy should probably leave the crimefighting to the professionals after this blunder.

“You’re certainly right about this stuff, Batman. It’s helping the pain quite a bit,” Alicorn said as she finished up applying the ointment.

“You’re still going to feel pretty sore over the next few days. That’s only a small relief I use when I need to get back to work in a hurry,” he explained.

“Then this is something we need. We can’t let that twisted magician run free for much longer.” Batgirl said as she stood up, only for pain to shoot through her legs and caused her to sit back down on the roof.

“I wouldn’t advise being so quick on your feet. Give your body a bit to recover,” Batman advised before he turned around to look at the girls. “So, Alicorn, tell me what exactly that Croatian was doing?”

“Croatian?” Ivy asked.

“Yes, I heard those last words he said to you girls before he vanished,” Batman said. “I’m not that fluent in the language, but with those words and that accent, I could tell he was Croatian.”

“He calls himself Uriah. I’m not sure if that’s his real name or not.”

“It doesn’t matter what his name is. He totally wiped the floor with us without even breaking a sweat,” Batgirl sighed before crossing her arms in frustration. ”That book of his was clearly responsible for it.”

Batman turned to Alicorn. “He used a spellbook?”

“That’s right. Old looking one from what I could tell. My guess is that he may have got it when he robbed Gotham National Library; I don’t have any proof he was the one responsible for the robbery, but there’s a good chance the two are connected.” Alicorn said.

“It’s possible, but I wouldn’t jump to conclusions until there’s no doubt he and the robbery are related.”

“I hope you don’t mind me saying this, Batman, but I don’t know if you’re going to be much help against him.”

Batgirl was surprised to hear that coming from Alicorn, and with little hesitation too. She knew that if she had to say that, Batman’s imposing presence would be way too intimidating for her to even say a single word in that sentence.

“You may be right,” Batman agreed, much to her surprise.

“I am?” Alicorn shared Batgirl’s reaction.

“Well, isn’t magic supposed to be more of your thing?” The Dark Knight asked with a slight hint of sarcasm, like Alicorn was supposed to know the answer.

“Yes, that’s true, but Uriah is the first adversary I’ve come across to use magic if you don’t consider that bloodsucker.”

“He caught us off guard,” Batgirl spoke up. “We’ll find him and beat him next time.”

“Actually, Re- I mean, Batgirl,” Ivy corrected herself. “I think we should regroup and plan accordingly for our next encounter rather than trying to go into another fight unprepared. He might not be so willing to let us live next time around.”

“Ivy’s got a point, Batgirl,” Alicorn nodded. “I think it might be smarter for us to look into that break-in at the library and find out what exactly he was looking for there.”

“If you girls think you can handle it, then get going. I’ll try to keep an eye on Uriah, but I can’t promise anything. Ragdoll broke from Blackgate a few hours ago. I actually came here in the first place because I thought he was the one robbing the store,” Batman explained.

“Okay, well, be careful, and try to keep your distance from that magician. Who knows what kind of other spells he’s got up his sleeves,” Alicorn warned.

Batman gave them a nod before firing off his grappling hook and swung back towards the skyline.

“Well, who’s up for a field trip to the library?” Alicorn asked.

“Do I need my library card?” Batgirl joked, much to Ivy’s amusement.

“Looks like the police have left the scene for a while now,” Ivy said as she observed the library from an alleyway across the street.

“Weren’t we supposed to be in the good graces of the police now?”

Ivy turned to look at Batgirl, who asked the question.

“Should be, at least maybe you two,” she replied. “I think I might be wanted for some questioning after my brief villainess run.”

“Ivy’s right,” Alicorn said. “The manhunt might be over, but we should still keep our distance from the police. I know Chief Rojas wouldn’t pass up a chance to at least find out who we really are.”

“Dad, I mean, Commissioner Gordon says he’s following orders. The man is known through the department for his stubbornness though,” Batgirl added.

“Well, we’re certainly not going to get any answers standing out here. Let’s go inside,” Ivy said as three girls made their dash across the street before going up to the front door.

“So, we’re just going to walk in like this? Full costume and everything?” Batgirl pointed out.

“I can easily give us a portal to make an escape if we need to. Although, I doubt the librarians will care too much to stop us,” Alicorn said. A shiver went through her as she looked up at the gargoyles above. “Now that we’re here, I feel…strange.”

“Strange how?” Ivy wondered.

“That feeling I had yesterday? Same feeling is coming from here.”

“Guess we’re on the right path then. Let’s go.” Batgirl opened the door and the girls walked in. Alicorn took the lead while the other girls followed. The few people inside the building turned to look at the heroines but then went back to their business; much like how Alicorn believed.

“Any luck on figuring out the source of the feeling?” Ivy whispered.

“This way,” Alicorn pointed before the girls followed. The trio wandered the long aisles of books before they eventually reached a wall towards the rear of the building.

“Dead end,” Batgirl observed as Alicorn took a step forward.

“Maybe not. I’m sensing some magical force surrounding this bookshelf.” Ivy watched as Alicorn took another step forward and ran her hand along the spines of several books before eventually stopping on one. She pulled it off the shelf, or at least she tried, before it stopped. A strange mechanical sound began to moan out.

The girls took a step back as the shelf rocked before sinking into the floor through a bookshelf-sized trap door. With the shelf lowered, a strange entrance way was revealed.

“Huh. Who knew Gotham National Library had secret passages?” Batgirl said.

“That certainly explains why Uriah came here. My guess is that he was looking for something here?” Ivy asked Alicorn.

“Looking, and then found it,” Alicorn coldly stated before walking forward into the passageway. The remaining Amazons followed her and began to go down an old steel spiral staircase.

“Guh!” Batgirl coughed. “This place is so dusty. I didn’t know this area existed.”

“Neither did the janitors, I’m guessing. At least for the last century.” Ivy observed before nearly losing her footing. “Shoot, it’s too dark! I nearly fell face first there.”

“Anyone bring a flashlight?” Batgirl asked.

“I’ve got something better,” Alicorn said before she unsheathed her rapier and it began to glow bright.

“Well, that’s one way of lighting the way,” Ivy chuckled.

The three heroines kept up their slow march as they went further down into the unknown catacombs of the library. Ivy had a growing worry gnawing in the back of her mind as they kept moving. It was getting deeper underground where her plants might not be able to reach her and give her a hand if they ran into trouble.

The trio soon exited the old stairwell and ended up into a large room with a bunch of bookshelves stocked with books surrounding the walls. Also scattered around the room were metal candle holders that were almost as tall as the girls. At the center of the room was an empty podium.

“Okay, so if that podium is any indication, I’m guessing our magical adversary took his book from here.” Batgirl said.

“Might be a safe assumption there, Barb. I’m feeling waves of magical energy coming from directly there.” Alicorn nodded at the structure.

“But that still doesn’t really help us, does it? I mean, we know where he got his book from, but that still leaves the problem that we have to fight him. He could easily beat us like he did before,” Ivy reminded them.

“That’s true, but with the magic this podium is giving off, I think I can send this to Fate. Perhaps he can give us a step in the right direction about what we’re dealing with,” Alicorn said.

“Good idea. Here, I’ll get it,” Batgirl proceeded to walk forward to the podium before touching it and being blown back by a powerful force of energy. It was so powerful, it also blew Ivy and Alicorn to the floor as well.

“Someone get the license of that truck that just ran me over?” Batgirl groaned.

“Everyone okay?” Alicorn asked. Ivy and Barbara muttered in confirmation. “Guess we should’ve expected some sort of booby trap.”

“Yeah,” Ivy shook her head as she got back up. “But that’s not much of a trap. I mean, a powerful wave of energy that knocks us to the ground; you think it would be something more dangerous.”

As soon as she said that, the shelves of books began to violently shake.

“Pam…?” Ivy could tell Batgirl was glaring at her.

“Note to self: Isley, keep your big mouth shut,” she muttered to herself as the books shot out from the shelves and began to organize themselves. However, they weren’t stacking themselves, but rather organizing themselves into more human shapes. They soon became armed when the candle holders flew towards them and they grasped them as weapons while more books became shields.

“Great. The trap wasn’t the energy wave, but the book Legionaries he had in wait.” Batgirl said as she got into a fighting position. Ivy and Alicorn followed suit as the Amazons stared down the ten Legionnaires.

“Be careful, girls,” Alicorn warned. “I think these books aren’t going to show us as much mercy as Uriah did.”

On cue, the Legionnaires charged forward. Ivy ended up being the first having to avoid their attacks as three of them swung their weapons at her. She managed to just dodge them but she had a dark feeling that they knew she would be the weakest of the trio in terms of close quarters fighting.

After she made the dodge, she could hear Batgirl also dodging attacks from three book avatars as well. Ivy glanced over and saw the remaining four dueling with Alicorn’s rapier, the clashing sounds of metal striking rang out through the chamber.

Ivy managed to put some distance between her and her attackers and tried to call up some floral support in her fight. Nothing happened. Her worries about not having much help down in the catacombs were confirmed. All that came to her aid was a single plant root and it didn’t look very strong.

“Aw, darn it!” Batgirl cried out in pain as she backed off from one of her attackers, clutching her foot. “No way to really fight them, at least like normal. Nearly broke my foot kicking a hardback.”

“Then let’s see if fire works well against them since they’re books,” Alicorn held her rapier forward and a torrent of flame shot forward against one of the Legionnaires. To the surprise of the girls, the fire merely bounced off the book shield.

“Guessing there’s a magical spell on those shields, Alicorn!” Ivy called out as she ducked under another strike.

“We need to get rid of those shields. Then it might work,” Alicorn responded.

“Ugh! Easier said than done!” Batgirl shouted as she jumped aside to avoid a downward strike a Legionnaire tried to deliver.

Ivy’s attention quickly went back to her three opponents as she avoided two of the swings but found herself unable to dodge the final attacker’s swing that was heading right for her head. She closed her eyes and prepared for what probably could be a fatal strike only to find that it never came.

She opened her eyes to see her plant root managing to wrap itself around the pole. It then disarmed the Legionnaire’s weapon by pulling it away and tossing it above the fighting. Ivy saw an opportunity and used her plant root as a platform to jump up and grab the pole.

Ivy landed on the ground with her new weapon and used it to strike away the shield of the disarmed book soldier. A moment later, a wave of flame struck it and was burnt away into ash.

“Just as I thought: Get the shields away, and I can fry them!” Alicorn said with a confident smile on her face.

“Got it. Watch and learn, you two!” Batgirl said.

She ducked under a few attacks before taking her self-defense training into practice and disarming another Legionnaire by pulling its weapon away. Then she did as Ivy did and knocked the shield away, leaving it wide open to be burned by Alicorn’s flames.

With an established system, the girls went on the attack and repeated their success until eventually the last soldier was burned to dust.

Ivy took a deep breath before falling unto her bottom to catch her wind. She looked over to her savior and gave it a pet.

“Good job,” she smiled as the root retracted away and went back to rest in the earth.

“Well, that wasn’t too difficult,” Batgirl dusted off her hands as she gave a small grin.

“Yeah, just another day at the office,” Ivy jokingly huffed.

Ivy then looked over as Alicorn walked up to the podium and picked it up; this time there was no energy wave so the trap was clearly broken.

“This confirms Uriah was behind the theft,” Alicorn informed as she looked over the podium.
“He left this trap just in case someone tried to find out where he got his spell book from.”

“We know where he got it from, but that still doesn’t stop him,” Ivy reminded.

“I know… but I think with this we might have a better idea of what we’re dealing with, as well as how to stop him.”

“Dr. Fate?” Batgirl said in a slightly know it all tone.

“He usually has the answers for this stuff,” Alicorn said before the girls jumped in surprise when a bookshelf fell forward and smashed against the floor.

“Let’s get out of here before the library realizes this place exists and loses their minds about the expensive old books we burned,” Batgirl suggested.

“Good idea,” her two friends nodded as they ran out of the catacombs.

“So, the Gutt vu Kraaft was in Gotham this whole time,” Zatanna said after Sunset finished explaining what had happened.

At first, both Zatanna and Fate thought Uriah was using a normal spell book until Sunset told some of the book’s outer details that she saw. Their reactions told her that his book was something more than normal.

“I’m guessing that’s not something good,” Sunset said, to which Zatanna nodded.

“It’s one of the most powerful spell books known to man,” the woman replied. “Something that many have fought and killed each other over for centuries until it vanished sometime in the 1500s.”

“If you want an example of its power, Miss Shimmer,” Fate said as he continued to look over the podium. “It’s how Charlemagne was able to control much of Europe during his time.”

Sunset’s eyes widened upon hearing that. Ever since arriving in this dimension, she made it a mission to be as familiar with world history as possible, just so she wouldn’t appear out of place. Charlemagne, the first Holy Roman Emperor, was a subject she came across so she knew exactly what Fate was talking about.

“And now it’s in the hands of a magical criminal,” Sunset muttered.

“If this Uriah isn’t stopped soon, there’s no telling what could happen.” Zatanna explained.

“If this is such a threat, why don’t you come to Gotham and help me stop him, Doctor?”

“Sunset,” Zatanna stood up. “Fate is one of the most powerful members of the Lords of Order. If he steps foot in Gotham, the Lords of Chaos will be well aware of his presence.”

“Oh, right, I forgot,” Sunset nodded as she remembered the previous conversation. “Either Uriah might not even be with the Lords in the first place or it could be an isolated event.”

“The important thing is getting that book away from him. If he loses the book,” Fate said.

“He loses his power!” Sunset exclaimed as she stood up. “He was relying so much on that in our first encounter; without it, it’s an even fight with me at least.”

“And a fight more in your favor with Ivy and Batgirl,” Zatanna winked.

“Now the only trouble is how to get that book away from him exactly,” Sunset sat back down and closed her eyes to try and think of a plan. After a few moments, something came to her. “I’ve got it! Do either of you know an invisibility spell? Nothing strong, just something that needs to last for a few seconds.”

Zatanna gave her knowing smile. “I think I’ve got the perfect thing.”

After several hours of practice, Alicorn returned to Gotham and regrouped with Ivy and Batgirl. The trio got ready for what they hoped would be their final confrontation with Uriah.

It didn’t take long for them to find him. He decided to move from jewels to cash and was now currently taking his time robbing one of Gotham’s larger banks.

“So, remind me what the plan is again?” Ivy asked.

“And why Ivy needs my bonsai tree walking around?” Batgirl added. Before they reunited, Sunset asked Barbara to bring along her bonsai tree for Pamela to use.

“Okay, we need to get that book away from him before we fight him,” Alicorn explained. “That’s where our little friend comes in. I’m going to cast an invisibility spell on him and he’ll sneak up and get the book out of Uriah’s hands.”

Ivy and Batgirl looked at each other.

“That’s actually not a bad plan,” Ivy admitted.

“Of course, that’s the first part. The second one is for the little guy to make a run towards either you or Batgirl, and hand the book off. Once whoever has it, you’re to run away from here as fast as you can. Do not let him get the book once more or we’re doomed.”

“And I’m guessing the one who doesn’t have the book will assist you in taking that wizard down?” Batgirl asked.

Alicorn nodded. “Exactly. This plan should work, but only if everyone does their part to the letter.”

“Don’t worry. I’m not really wanting to do that whole black hole blast thing again,” Batgirl smirked as the girls turned their attention back to the bank.

“Okay, Ivy, Batgirl, you two reintroduce yourselves while I cast the spell. Just get him talking for a minute alright?”

Ivy gave her a thumbs up. “You can count on us. Let’s go Batgirl.”

Alicorn watched as the two of them got off the roof of the building and headed down to street level where Uriah was now just coming out of the bank with several loads of cash. Alicorn guessed he must have cast a spell on the money since all that cash would be very heavy for someone like him to carry with such ease.

“Ah, dame, kako je divno vidjeti vas još jednom.” Uriah greeted Batgirl and Ivy.

Alicorn finished the spell and placed the bonsai tree on her shoulder.

“Just remember what you need to do,” she whispered before leaping off the roof. She used some magic to help her land in-between her fellow heroines.

“And there’s the third one. I was almost thinking you weren’t going to show for a second there.”

“Give it up, Uriah. You’ve only got one chance before things get nasty,” Alicorn warned as she felt the bonsai tree hop off her shoulder and begin making its move.

Uriah chuckled. “Forgive me for laughing, but you clearly must be joking. Need I remind you how easily I thrashed you girls earlier? You’re in no real position to be making demands. As for me, I’d like to ask you the same question. Believe me, you girls simply leaving would be better for all of us.”

“Not going to happen, you creep,” Batgirl said with defiance.

Uriah’s look became more serious. “I’m warning you, girls. Leave now. I don’t want to do anything drastic, especially to women as young as you are. Even with as much patience as I have, it’s not unlimited.”

“We could say the same about you,” Ivy said before Uriah opened the Gutt vu Kraaft and looked ready to begin his attack.

“As you girls wish then. I-” he suddenly was interrupted as the book was violently pulled out of his hand. It floated through the air until it landed right next to Batgirl. Within a second later, the invisibility spell wore off and the bonsai tree was revealed to all.

“Batgirl, now!” Alicorn cried out.

Batgirl took the book out of the bonsai tree’s arm-like branches and dashed away with the book safely under her shoulder.

“You deceptive fools!” Uriah yelled out as he ran as fast as he could after Batgirl, ignoring both Alicorn and Ivy.

“You did good. Head on home now,” Alicorn heard Ivy say to the bonsai tree as she ran after the villain, with Ivy following right behind.

The four of them went on a fast chase through many of the streets and alleyways of Gotham City. As Alicorn and her two magical mentors guessed, Uriah was completely dependent on that spell book.

Alicorn could see Batgirl slowly starting to gain more and more ground over Uriah while the other girls began to catch up to him. He was now only a few feet in front of her when she charged up a ball of energy and struck him in the back.

“Gah!” he cried out, falling face first onto the dirty cement ground of an alleyway as Alicorn and Ivy stood over him. He growled in anger before sweeping Ivy off her feet with a leg kick and then punching Alicorn in the knee cap.

Alicorn grunted in pain as she fell on her knee. He punched her right in the face and held his arm out, charging up his own ball of energy.

“Shouldn’t have pushed your luck, angel. Jednostavno, umri.” he said before a trash can lid hit the back of his head.

Now he was the one groaning in pain as he glanced over and saw Batgirl with a smirk on her face. Alicorn could see she clearly deviated from the plan by coming back to help.

Uriah roared in anger before he suddenly stopped as he realized his right wrist was pinned to the ground by a sharp vine with thorns.

“I wouldn’t move if I were you,” Ivy warned as she slowly got back up along with Alicorn. “Unless you want to risk cutting an artery on those thorns.”

Alicorn then walked over to the man and cast a spell on this legs, binding him to the ground.

“Face it, Uriah. You’ve clearly lost now,” she said. “You shouldn’t have spent all that time relying on the Gutt vu Kraaft.”

Uriah’s response surprised them all as he began to chuckle. “I clearly underestimated you girls and your resourcefulness. Bravo.”

“Save your praise for a jury and your cellmates. You’re going away for a long time, buddy,” Batgirl taunted as she kept her distance. Alicorn could tell she didn’t want to risk having that book too close to their opponent.

“And where exactly would you send me? Blackgate or Arkham? Either way, I could easily be out within hours.”

“Perhaps, but you wouldn’t be able to reach your book again,” Alicorn said. “Fate will see to that.”

“Ah, yes. The infamous Dr. Fate. That reminds me, before I clearly go, I was meant to pass on this message.” A sinister grin grew on face. “The Lords of Chaos know you’re here, Alicorn, and they will be coming for you soon. You can’t hide your power from them.”

He chuckled as police sirens rang out coming their way.

The girls left the defeated villain on the ground for the police, all clearly unnerved by his message, but none more so than Alicorn.

Her fears were confirmed: Gotham would clearly be the battlefield for an upcoming conflict with the Lords of Chaos and it was all her fault.