• Published 6th Apr 2016
  • 8,570 Views, 880 Comments

Young Amazons - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer is flung into another universe

  • ...

Chapter 29: Napoli

Young Amazons
By Ackbarfan5556
Executive Produced By Wanderer D
Chapter 29: Napoli

“Come on, Dad! I really want to do this!” Barbara begged her father as he sat at the kitchen island, enjoying some lunch on one of his rare off days.

Commissioner Gordon sighed. “Barbara, look at this from my point of view for a minute. What you’re asking me is quite… extreme in a sense, at least for a little vacation.”

“But there’s nothing wrong with Pam and Sunny. You know that.”

“That’s not it, and you know it.” He gave her a warning look.

“Okay, I get it. You’re totally not on board for the idea of me flying out all the way to Naples,” she said, before adding under her breath, “and probably a few other locations.”

With summer break in full force, the girls were spending much of their time together training and hanging out when they weren’t out patrolling. Zatanna thought that maybe the girls could use some well-deserved time off and asked if Pamela and Barbara would be able to spend a bit of time in Italy during one of her tours. Sunset’s alibi of being Zatanna’s assistant still needed to be maintained.

“And there’s my issue,” replied Commissioner Gordon. “For starters, you’re going out of the country and flying across the Atlantic, this isn’t like heading visiting your grandparents in the countryside, Barbara.”

“I have a passport.” Barbara argued.

“That’s not something that adds in your favor.” He sighed once more. “Look, Barbara, I know you and the girls are almost inseparable, but Sunset has her own things and Zatanna is her guardian. And let me point out another thing: I don’t trust Zatanna.”

Barbara cocked her eyebrow incredulously. “Are you serious?”

“Yes, but not for the reasons you think. Listen, I know she’s probably on the level, but my problem is that your mother and I don’t really know her. I’ve only met her once or twice but to me, she’s still a stranger.”

Barbara rolled her eyes, hearing this story before. “I know, I know. Be careful with strangers and all that.”

“I’m just trying to look out for you, sweetie,” her father said as he patted her shoulder.

Barbara let out a small sigh of defeat. Pamela already got permission from her mother to be allowed to go, but she was going to have to stay behind.

A part of her thought that maybe being forced to stay behind meant she could have a chance with some one-on-one time with Batman. Maybe go out on patrol with him, and pick up a few pointers.

“I think she should go,” Barbara’s sprits perked up upon hearing her mother speak. Both Barbara and her father couldn’t believe their ears.

“April, honey, did you not hear a word I was saying to our daughter?” he questioned.

“I did, but I think you’re being a bit too overprotective again. For crying out loud, it’s understandable here in town, but do you think anyone will recognize her in Italy?” her mother argued.

“That’s… not the only reason why,” Commissioner Gordon said with a flustered face. “As I said before, I just don’t know Zatanna well enough to allow her to chaperone Barbara.”

“Jim,” Barbara’s mother walked up to him. “We can’t keep codling her forever. She’s not a little girl anymore; she’s growing up into a young woman before our eyes. She’s getting to the point where she needs to be allowed her own freedom to do things. She’s going to probably be moving out fairly soon.”

“Wait, you’re kicking me out as soon as I graduate?” Barbara joked.

Her mother turned and smiled at her. “You know what I mean. Besides, Jim,” she said, turning back to her husband. “It’s not like she’s been on her own before; we’ve taught her to be responsible and not do things that we wouldn’t approve.”

“Plus, I might be on my own in Beijing, well, fingers crossed on the whole Olympics representation,” Barbara added.

“Honey, it’ll be okay. Just give her your trust like you always do.”

Both women stood looking at the Commissioner before he sighed. “Alright then. You can go, Barbara,” he relented to her excitement.

“Thank you, Dad! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she cheered as she gave him a tight squeeze of a hug.

“But, you have to make sure that you don’t do anything that your mother and I wouldn’t approve of. And always be sure to call us every day.”

“I will, Dad, of course. I’ll try to call at a decent hour here since Italy is about seven hours ahead of Gotham,” Barbara explained.

“Just be sure that you do, and try not to call us in the middle of the night by accident,” her mother joked.

“Don’t worry, Mom, I won’t.” Barbara chuckled.

“Well, if that’s all settled, when exactly are you going to be leaving?” her father asked as Barbara turned around and began dashing towards her room.

“Oh, the flight leaves at about eight in the morning! I need to pack!” she shouted as she made her way to her bedroom.

“Of course. Spring this on me at the last second! Typical!” she heard her father shout back.

“Well, Red sure is enjoying First Class travel,” Pamela chuckled as Sunset leaned back in her seat. Barbara was busy getting some sleep. The three of them, along with Zatanna, were currently flying above the Atlantic as the flight was on its way to Naples.

“I’m surprised that we’ve gotten all of First Class to ourselves. The plane wasn’t as full as I was led to believe,” Sunset said.

“Well, when it comes to flights from Gotham to Italy, Napoli isn’t the highest on people’s list. Usually they’d go to Rome and visit the city along with the Vatican.” Zatanna informed.

“Napoli?” Pamela questioned. “I thought we were going to Naples.”

“That is Naples, Pam, just pronounced the way the Italians name it.” Sunset told her.

“Oh, right,” Pamela chuckled at her little mistake before the plane suddenly rocked for a moment.

“Sorry passengers, just experiencing some minor turbulence right now.” The captain’s voice said over the plane’s intercom. Sunset felt a bit nervous; this was actually her first time flying in a plane.

“You still doing okay, Sunset?” her mentor asked her before the young magic user nodded.

“I’m doing alright, just a bit nervous is all. I honestly can’t believe that this large amalgamation of electronics and metal can easily soar through the skies like the Wonderbolts.” Sunset said. They were comfortable speaking freely since Zatanna added a simple silencing spell so that the pilots and the stewardess couldn’t hear what they were talking about.

“Wonderbolts?” Pamela asked.

“A group of Pegasus flyers, they perform tricks and acrobatics. The Equestrian version of Rainbow Dash wanted to be a part of their corps, while Canterlot High’s sports teams name is the Wonderbolts,” Sunset explained.

“Oh, sounds like the Equestrian version of the Blue Angels.”

“Yeah, but as I said before, it’s just hard to believe this thing can fly. Back in Equestria, the closest thing we had for non-flying ponies to fly were hot air balloons.”

“Interesting,” Pamela said before the plane rumbled slightly due to more turbulence. Sunset could see her friend was also a bit unnerved.

“Hey, what about you? You’re not looking too great yourself.”

Pamela shook her head. “Uh, not exactly.”

“Do you not fly that often, Pamela?” Zatanna asked.

“No, it’s not that, Zatanna, I’ve flown a few times in my life and I’ve been fine. It’s just now, well, how do I explain it? I feel sort of deaf and blind right now,”

Sunset seemed to have figured it out very quickly. “Let me guess, it has something to do with your powers?”

Pamela nodded. “I’ve never been off the ground before with this. No connection with the Earth. Everything feels different.” She sighed. “Why couldn’t we just simply portal to Naples like we did with going to Star City?”

“Well, for starters, Pamela,” Zatanna began to explain, “no one really knew any of us were there. Here in Napoli, my public presence will mean that we will have an eye on us. If I showed up in town without any proof of how I got there, well, that would bring up some questions none of us would like to answer, wouldn’t you agree?”

Sunset saw Pamela nod. “When you put it that way, I see your point. Still, I suppose portal travel has spoiled me,” she chuckled.

“Well, it’s going to be similar as before; this isn’t a full-on vacation, more of a working vacation. In fact, while we’re in Italy, there’s someone I would like you to meet.” Zatanna said.

“Who is it?” Sunset asked.

Zatanna responded with a smile. “I’m keeping that to myself for now, but I guarantee you girls will like her.”

“Speaking of liking things, I’m pretty sure Batman is going to somewhat like the fact that he has the job of guarding Gotham to himself for the time being,” Pamela joked.

“He’ll come around to you girls. You’ve just got to give it time,” Sunset assured her.

“You think so? I mean, we haven’t exactly been making the greatest impression for the time being,”

“I didn’t either at first, Pam, but just keep going at it and persevering, and you will.” Sunset smiled as she gave Pamela a pat on the shoulder before the plane rocked once more.

“Sorry passengers,” the PA went off. “Another rough patch there.”

Both girls once more felt their nerves going off for a short bit before looking at Barbara.

“How the heck does she easily sleep through this?” Pamela asked, which earned a chuckle from Sunset and Zatanna.

“I swear, you two really gave that audience a show!” Barbara said with glee as the girls returned back to their hotel room.

The remainder of the flight and the landing was uneventful except for the great view of the city when they touched down. After getting through customs, Zatanna took the girls to their hotel, which had a great view of not only the beautiful Mergellina Port but also the distant view of Mount Vesuvius. It was slightly unnerving considering the history Barbara knew about the volcano.

Most of the day was spent either catching up on some sleep from the jetlag like Pamela did, sitting around and getting some exercise and watching TV like Barbara, or getting some practice on the upcoming show routine like Sunset did with Zatanna.

After a few hours, the time to leave for the show had come. The venue where it was taking place had been sold out; Barbara and Pamela were lucky to get front row seats while Zatanna and Sunset got ready. As expected, the show went off without a hitch, unlike the last show Barbara went when she first met Sunset.

In some ways, Barbara knew deep down she shouldn’t have been so captivated by the stunts and spells since for starters she knew they were real and the whole trying to figure them out mentality was gone now. There was also the fact that she was basically seeing this stuff almost every day now whenever she was around Sunset.

Of course, despite that, she still was just as into it all as she was before she learned the truth about Zatanna and her magic. And just like the rest of the audience, she was blown away by the feats that Zatanna pulled.

“Well, that was kind of the point,” Sunset chuckled at Barbara’s words as they closed the door. The three of them were sharing a room while Zatanna had her own right beside them.

“Still, even though we know the truth about the whole show, it was no less impressive,” Pamela said.

“Thanks, girls. Of course, most credit goes to Zatanna, she’s the one doing most of that stuff.”

“Don’t sell yourself short, Sunny,” Barbara wrapped her arm around Sunset’s shoulder. “You had plenty of your own moments there.”

The two of them looked over to Pamela, who yawned and removed her necklace, reverting back to her plant hybrid form before walking for the shower. “You girls mind if I take this first?”

Both of them shook their heads.

“Nah, go ahead.” Barbara said. “Actually, I think I’m going to head back out and take a walk in that park by the hotel.”

“You sure? I mean, it’s pretty late and we don’t know this city,” Sunset said with worry.

“Uh, Sunny, you know I can handle myself? Anyone tries anything, they’re likely to get something of theirs broken.” Barbara gave her confident smirk.

“You’re right, how silly of me to think that. Just do be careful, okay?”

Barbara walked for the door before smiling back. “Don’t worry, I will.”

After making her way down to the ground level of the hotel, Barbara put her hands in her pockets and started to head over to the park. The place was way better than any of the parks that Gotham had; though she had to guess that if Gotham had existed for two thousand years, then maybe it would’ve had way more architectural influences and planning.

The night sky combined with the bright lights coming from the park lamps just clicked with Barbara, not to mention the nice breeze of the cool Mediterranean air. The last thing that she thought made this place better was the fact that she didn’t feel as much of a need to keep a guard up as she would back home.

“Good evening, my dear,” a voice behind her said in English, with a fairly strong British accent. “I’ll be simple with you.” Barbara then heard the sound of a gun clicking, ready to fire. “Hand it over, your money or your life.”

Barbara silently cursed. She should’ve known better not to let her guard down. Despite it being a different country, crime was still an issue. Of course, what this mugger didn’t expect was the fact that she knew self defense and could easily wipe the floor with him.

She waited for another second before she quickly swung her leg around and tried to roundhouse kick the mugger in the chest… at least, that’s what should’ve happen. Instead, her leg just simply fazed through his gun wielding arm and she ended up falling onto her back and looking up to her assailant.

To her utter shock, she was looking up to a man who wore what looked to be some sort of English gentleman’s outfit from some point in the 1800s. However, this outfit was completely white and ethereal as one could see right through it. He also possessed a top hat and a monocle.

However, the most eye-catching thing was the fact that he had no head. It was completely missing, and the only part of him that wasn’t covered with clothing. Barbara would’ve suspected that he was just invisible, but the ethereal clothing could only mean one thing: This man was a ghost.

The ghost once more pointed his gun, which Barbara could tell as some sort of flintlock pistol. “Well, I can see you’ve got a little fight in you. It’s futile, I’m afraid. Now then, one more time, hand over the money and I won’t need to put a hole in your head.”

“Wha-what are you?” Barbara questioned, fear now beginning to grip her as she really couldn’t do anything to this ghost.

She could almost guess he was rolling his eyes if he had them when he sighed. “They ask that, they always ask that,” he held the pistol up before reaching for his hat and giving it a slight lift as if he was greeting her. “I go by many names in Europe, but you can feel free to call me Gentleman Ghost.”

Barbara decided her only chance was to make a break for it and quickly put her gymnastic skills to use as she got back up onto her feet, only for the pistol to cock once more and be pointed at her chest.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” he shook his head. “Running won’t be of much help; I rarely miss with this.”

“Then how about you miss this!” Barbara turned as she heard Zatanna’s voice from behind her before a shining light blinded her. While it was disorienting to her, it seems Gentleman Ghost took it way worse as he cried out in pain before suddenly vanishing once the light died down.

“Ugh, give me the heads up before you turn on the high beams there, Zatanna,” Barbara groaned as she was still seeing spots in her vision.

“I apologize for that, Barbara, but it was the only thing I could think of to send him away,” Zatanna said as she walked up to her.

“Well, thanks for that. I’m not sure that I would be alive right now if it wasn’t for you. By the way, how did you know I was here?”

“I saw you leaving your room and decided to follow you; just for your protection, I am supposed to be your chaperone, after all,”

“Yeah, you’re right. Sorry, it’s just I wanted to come here and enjoy this park for a few minutes,” Barbara said. “I wasn’t expecting to be mugged by a ghost.”

“You and me both, but I don’t think he’ll be bothering you again. Now, come on, let’s head back.”

“Yeah, good idea,” Barbara conceded as she followed Zatanna back to the hotel. She felt a ghostly chill remain on the back of her neck, sure that Gentleman Ghost was still somewhere nearby. Just waiting for his next robbery.

Zatanna explained the situation to Sunset and Pamela once they got back to their room. While the girls were surprised to hear about Barbara’s close encounter with the dead, Zatanna assured them that she was going to have some friends she knew in the country deal with the ghostly robber. The ghost wouldn’t be an issue for them anymore and they could enjoy the city, as well as focus on their training.

While that sat well with Pamela and Sunset, Barbara was uneasy for the rest of the night, not out of fear of Gentleman Ghost but rather a sense of shame and regret at what was going to be done. How long before Zatanna’s friends could deal with Gentleman Ghost? How many more were going to be robbed by him? Would he pull the trigger on someone before being caught?

When morning came, Barbara was quick to get up. Pamela just beat her in waking up and was going for a morning shower while Sunset was clearly enjoying some extra sleep. It was a perfect time for Barbara to have some one-on-one time with Zatanna.

“Has your mind wrapped around this ghostly encounter yet?” Zatanna asked as Barbara took a seat on her bed while she finished readjusting the bathrobe she was wearing.

“Couldn’t really think of anything else, I’m afraid,” Barbara sighed. “Just not what I was expecting when coming here. Thought it would be quiet from any sort of supervillains, you know?”

“I understand what you mean, this is surprising for me as well. But, I already told you-”

“Zatanna,” Barbara interrupted. “You know that I adore and respect you, but this isn’t good enough. I was lucky last night; how many aren’t going to be before these friends of yours deal with this problem? That’s my concern.”

Zatanna raised her eyebrow. “And is that the only reason?”

Barbara felt like Zatanna was almost staring into her soul with that look. The young girl sighed. “All right. I mean, that’s sort of the reason, but the main one actually is that I just feel embarrassed about this: That I could’ve easily dealt with him if he wasn’t a ghost and all; that I need to even the score or beat him.”

“Pride always comes before the fall, Barbara. Have you heard of that before?” Zatanna asked as she sat down next to her.

“I know, I promise that I’m trying to not let that blind me. Look, Zatanna, I need your help with trying to find him and defeat him.”

“You sure you need to ask me by yourself? Don’t you think Sunset and Pamela should be involved with this too?”

“No, let them enjoy Naples. This is something that I should do mostly by myself,” Barbara sighed once more. “I’m sorry, I know I’m being selfish.”

Zatanna shook her head. “No, I know your heart is in the right place here. You need to focus on the fact that you should be doing this as trying to help others rather than settling a score.”

Barbara nodded. “I understand. Getting some payback is no longer on my mind, but he needs to be stopped as soon as possible before he ends up hurting someone.”

“Agreed,” Zatanna stood back up and walked over to the table by the window before she picked up a book. “I did a bit of research last night before I went to sleep. Our Gentleman Ghost is actually the cursed spirit of English highwayman ‘Gentleman’ Jim Craddock, who terrorized England during the nineteenth century.”

“That explains the accent and the clothes, but what exactly is he doing in Naples?” Barbara asked.

“Maybe with the European Union, even a spirit like him is easily able to cross national boundaries with ease,” Zatanna gave a slight smirk, which caused Barbara to chuckle.

“Well, even in death, he still goes by the same profession.”

“Of course, there’s the issue of finding him and then combating him. I can help with that first part easy, but the second part, how’s about you give me the day to figure that out?”

“Figure what out?”

How you can be ready enough to fight him.”

“Thanks, Zatanna.” Barbara smiled.

“You’re welcome, Barbara. Now, how’s about you put this aside for a bit and just enjoy the day with the girls?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

For much of the day, Barbara hung out with the girls as they explored Naples and enjoyed some of what the great city had to offer. Of course, Barbara’s mind was a bit more preoccupied on how she would be able to combat Gentleman Ghost, but she held faith that Zatanna would come up with a solution.

It was getting close to night by the time the girls got back to the hotel when Zatanna asked Barbara to see her.

“So, I’m guessing you’ve got a plan?” Barbara asked as she closed the hotel room door behind her.

Zatanna nodded. “Took a little arm twisting from Fate, but I’ve got a good solution for us. Now, as I said, I can find him, a simple spell and all to track down any sort of concentration of supernatural energy.”

“Well, that solves finding our noble ghost, but what about fighting him? Any sort of spell there?” Barbara asked again.

“Actually, there will be no need for that,” Zatanna turned around and pulled out a pair of metallic gauntlets and boots. They looked like something that a medieval knight would wear as part of his armor.

“Care to explain?”

“Of course, these here are gauntlets and boots made of Nth metal.”

“Nth metal? What on Earth is that?”

Zatanna chuckled. “Funny you should say that, it’s not of Earth but rather a metal from outer space. I won’t go over any history for you since we’re only borrowing this but to make things short, this metal has special abilities; it’s able to resist magic quite successfully as well as do some serious damage to supernatural beings.”

“So, if I wear those, I could actually hit Gentleman Ghost?” Barbara guessed.

“Exactly, and don’t worry about the weight either; it may look heavy, but it’s actually really light,” Zatanna said.

“Hmm, sounds like mithril,” Barbara smiled. She walked up to Zatanna and the woman handed her the items.

“You better get dressed, our ghoulish friend won’t wait for us,” Zatanna gave her a supportive smile.

“And he certainly won’t know what hit him!”

Barbara quickly got dressed. Of course, she was unable to keep Pamela and Sunset in the dark about this. However, to her surprise, the girls were supportive about her wishes of trying to take care of this mostly by herself. Barbara promised them that if things didn’t work tonight, that she would be sure to have them come along for the next round against Gentleman Ghost.

After getting suited up, Batgirl and Zatanna quietly snuck their way across the streets of Naples as Zatanna’s spell guided them towards their target. As she should’ve suspected, Gentleman Ghost was targeting another park.

Batgirl thought it made a bit of sense nowadays. Highwaymen back during his lifetime hit horse carriages and riders who traveled on quiet dirt roads, certainly couldn’t do that now on high-speed motor highways.

“So, what’s the plan, Zatanna?” Batgirl whispered.

“I thought you wanted me to stay back and allow you to handle this.”

“Well, sort of. Let me deal with the fighting, but do stay close in case I screw up or something, all right?”

“Ah, I see what you mean. But let’s say you don’t. You beat him. Then what?” Zatanna asked.

‘Uh,” Batgirl blushed. “Shoot! I didn’t think that one fully through.”

“But I did. Remember that arm twisting I mentioned about Fate? Well, that was also to deal with Craddock if we defeated him. You get him into a position for me, and I’ll open a portal to send him to Fate; he’s agreed that he’ll take care of him.”

“Put him in a magical prison? Probably the only place we could keep him out of trouble.”

“Precisely,” Zatanna said as the two continued to watch out for any sign of danger. Soon, they spotted a young local woman making her way through the park before an eerie fog slowly began to follow her.

“That’s my cue,” Batgirl ran towards the woman.

“Good luck,” she heard Zatanna say as she stayed back.

“Good evening, my dear,” Batgirl saw Gentleman Ghost form behind the woman before he pointed his gun at her. “Hand over all your valuables if you value your life.”

“Not this time, Craddock!” Batgirl shouted as she landed between him and his victim. “Go! Run!” she told the woman.

“Oh grazie!” The woman cried as she ran away from the two.

“So, you’ve come back to try and fight me again, young lady?”

Batgirl kept her fighting stance towards him. Any fear in her heart was replaced with determination, even though he seemed to know who she was. It probably wasn’t that hard to figure out.

“You picked the wrong person to rob last night, and that was your last ever hold up,” she said.

Gentleman Ghost laughed hard at her for at least a good fifteen seconds. “I’m sorry,” he began to calm down. “I admire your tenacity, but please try to regain your senses. You know you can’t harm me,” he then pointed his flintlock at her. “Here, I’ll even let you get a shot in.”

“Oh, with pleasure,” Batgirl smirked as she threw her fist forward before punching him in the face. Sure enough, the Nth metal made him vulnerable and the fist connected, causing him to suddenly flash black and his invisible head to go visible. A horrific looking skull with little flesh on it was revealed before he phased back to normal. Batgirl wasn’t finished though as she threw a kick that knocked away his pistol.

“What? Impossible!” Gentleman Ghost cried as he got back up, completely shocked about what had just occurred.

“Not impossible. Just the right tools for the job,” Batgirl said as she went back onto the attack. Craddock ducked down to avoid a kick of hers but she responded fast with yet another punch to the face, which caused him to roll backwards.

Batgirl then kicked him in the head while he was down and got ready to keep him pinned, however he had other plans. He quickly phased through the ground leaving Batgirl all alone. She waited a moment before quickly ducking down, expecting him to try and ambush her once more. She was ultimately proven correct as he just barely missed hitting her with his cane.

“Quite good reflexes, but how long do you think you can last? I have all eternity, love.” The ghost taunted.

“Don’t need to last long to beat you,” Batgirl responded as she kicked him in the gut and then threw a hard uppercut. Gentleman Ghost was on the ground once more but Batgirl quickly found herself being tripped up and on her back as well. The sheer force of the impact knocked the breath out of her and left her vulnerable.

“I must say, you’ve given me quite the challenge that I haven’t had in almost a hundred years,” Craddock said as he stood up and unsheathed a ghostly sword from his cane. “But all games must come to an end. I’ll send you to a better place. You have my word as a gentleman.”

He thrust his sword for Batgirl’s chest, but she was just fast enough to hold her hand up and the sword melted into her palm, not harming her at all. Gentleman Ghost was surprised by the event and extended himself too far to the point that Batgirl grabbed his hand and began to squeeze tight before she jumped back up and threw him to the ground.

She then placed both her feet into his back and stood on him, preventing him from phasing through the ground once more.

“Well, you’ve caught me, mi ‘lad, now what are you planning on doing? Can’t send me to jail or the gallows, I’ll just escape and I’m already dead,” he huffed.

“Oh, that won’t be a problem. I’d like to see you escape from this one, Gentleman Jim,” she said before the portal that Zatanna was to prepare opened before them.

“What… what sort of trick is this?” the ghost now sounded worried.

“No trick. Just your new home!” she shouted as she tossed him through the portal, though he tried to fight it for a few moments.

“When they hung me, that wasn’t my end, and this will not be my end either!” His furious anger was the last thing she heard before he was sucked in and the portal closed.

“Yeah, we’ll see about that,” Batgirl said as she dusted off her hands.

“Well done,” Batgirl turned around to see Zatanna walking up to her. “Gave me a bit of a scare there though when you were on the ground.”

The young heroine rubbed the back of her head and smiled. “To be honest, I thought he almost had me there as well. Anyways, that should be the last of him for a while?”

“Fate’s sure he can keep him, and I’m sure he’s right about that.”

“Good,” Batgirl said before she yawned. “Shoot! Between sightseeing and ghostbusting, I’m tired.”

Zatanna chuckled. “Well, come on then. Let’s head back and enjoy a good night’s rest.”

Batgirl nodded as the two began to make their way back to the hotel.