• Published 16th Mar 2016
  • 1,235 Views, 151 Comments

The Horror of Happiness - CrackedInkWell

Sometime after the Changeling invasion and before the events of the Cutie Map, Starlight Glimmer's village was once visited by a monster.

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Chapter 20: A Family Visit

“Couldn’t we get someone else to look after him?” Starting Line asked, “L-Like maybe the Brushes from across the street?”

“Seriously Starting,” his mother turned to him, “What’s gotten into you? Why are you so dead set against checking up on Dr. Lovejoy?”

“He’s trying to get your leg fixed after all,” Shore Line pointed out, “You’re acting like we’re going to see Nightmare Moon or something.”

“I don’t wanna go!” the colt protested. “I’m telling you, he’s evil!”

Sighing, Sandy place a wing over him, “Start, I know this is a stressful time for you. I get that. I miss Finishing too-”

“It’s not about him mom,” he interrupted, “I know what I saw! He has a pony in the basement that he’s drying him out like a prune. Why would you believe me?”

“We did see his basement,” his earth pony father said, “along with the town, and all there is a dark room for his pictures. There’s nothing there except pictures and his supplies. I think that your worry for your brother has gotten you into seeing things.”

“Hon, please understand, you can’t be upset at the doctor. He’s trying to help you, and Lovejoy knows what he’s doing.”

As they approached the last house at the end of the street, Starting looked up at his mother, “Just promised me that neither of you will be alone with him, that you’d have me or dad by your side – and you too dad?”

“We won’t be there for long.” His pegasus mother smiled down, “So you don’t have to worry your little head about it.”

The family walked up to the door, his father knocked a few times until the old unicorn answered. “Good afternoon, I just pulled the kettle off the stove a minute ago. Would the three of you come in for some tea?” The three of them entered, “By-the-way, Starting, how’s that leg doing?”

Starting hid behind his father, “You have to forgive him,” Shore said, “He’s been like this since the 5th. I think he’s scared of you.”

“Really,” Lovejoy raised an eyebrow, he craned his head down to the colt’s eye level, “Now why would you be afraid of me for? I’m just an old stallion after all.”

When the little earth pony didn’t respond, the mother decided to change the subject, “It smells good in here, what are you making?”

“It’s spearmint and honey with a hint of ginger. So shall we have our tea in here or in the kitchen?”

“H-How about the kitchen,” Starting suggested.

Lovejoy raises an eyebrow, “Very well.” He turned towards the kitchen in the next room in which the family followed. “Have yourselves a seat while I finish up. After tea, I’ll have to look at your son’s leg to see if it’s healed yet.”

The three of them sat down at the table, watching the doctor place the teapot, cups, sugar bowl, and spoons onto the tray, “How are you doing today doctor?” Sandy asked.

“It’s been a good day so far, I’ve taken a few excellent pictures the other day and they’re developing quite wonderfully. Besides, I’ve heard from Starlight that I’m going to have my very own garden soon, which is nice of her.”

“Indeed,” the father nodded. “Starlight Glimmer is quite generous of everypony.”

“Which reminds me,” the old unicorn said, lifting the tray in his aura, “I was wondering if I could ask the three of you something. What do you think of this town?” He asked, setting the tray down.

“We love it here,” Sandy smiled, “We’ve been given a home with like-minded ponies.”

“The ponies here are polite, everypony’s very happy here, and there’s no discrimination at all,” Shore added.

Lovejoy raised an eyebrow, “Give me a moment as I put something on,” he went to the phonograph, in which he selected a record to play. Soon, the house echoed the sound of a piano and a violin duet. “I hope you don’t mind some Moztrot,” he inquired as he took his place at the table.

“Not at all,” the mother said, “You may not know this, but this village does appreciate you playing your records. For some, it’s been literally years since we’ve heard something as wonderful.”

The doctor started to pour out their drinks, “That’s rather a sad thing to hear. I don’t know about you, but of all the things I had to give up, my love of music is a very stubborn thing to let go of. Why I think I would have gone mad if it wasn’t for music.”

He passed out the cups one at a time to the three of them. “You’d be surprised of all the things you don’t really need,” the father told him. “With Starlight giving us something to do, we don’t have time for things like reading books or play games. We all have our gardens to tend to so that we’d have something to eat. I think it would be good for you too.”

“Do you two like to do garden work?”

“It isn’t the first time we’ve gotten our hooves dirty,” Sandy answered. “We’ve built a house after we got married. While we didn’t end up keeping it, we agreed on the fact that we’ve built something out of a labor of love.”

“Another question,” Lovejoy asked, “Well, two questions really, do you want sugar with your tea?”

All three of them pushed their cups forward, giving a soft chuckle, he placed a couple of sugar cubes into their cups before he asked, “And as of now, are the three of you happy?”

Starting raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean?”

“I mean, are you pleased with your lives you have now?”

“When you put it like that,” Sandy said, taking a sip of the hot, flavorful liquid. “I guess you can safely say that we are both happy and grateful.”

Dr. Lovejoy smiled, “That’s good to hear.” He said as he poured his drink, added the sugar and took a sip from it. “You know, there’s a particular place that I want to photograph. A place that I don’t think I’m familiar with.”

“What place?” Shore inquired.

“I’ve heard about a pass that’s North East from here. The one that’s up in the mountains where there’s an entrance to a cave that leads to a labyrinth. Do you know what I’m talking about?

Both husband and wife looked at each other, “I think we know what you’re talking about,” the earth pony stallion said, “But why would you want to go there? Unless you know your way, it’s very dangerous there, you might get lost in it.”

“So I’ve heard, but I just want to go into the mouth of the cave and take a few pictures. I’m not talking about going into the labyrinth itself, just someplace adventurous to get some great shots. So,” Lovejoy was cut off with a cough. “Excuse me. So I was hoping if either of you knows how to get there to the mouth of the cave?”

The little colt gulped, “You don’t mean right now?”

Lovejoy shook his head, “Not today, I’ve still had some work in the basement that needs to be taken care of. Cleaning up and whatnot,” he winked and Starting Line shuttered.

“There we go,” the doctor said as he unwrapped the bandage from the colt’s leg. Lovejoy couldn’t help but notice that Starting seemed very nervous while sitting on his couch as if he knew what was coming. “Now, tell me if you feel any sort of discomfort,” he used his wrinkle hoof to prod at the leg in several places. He pressed gently into the bone and joint structure all along the colt’s leg and to the relief of his parents, Starting didn’t flinch in pain.

“Well, the good news is that your son no longer has to wear a cast anymore. He should be able to walk as normal now.”

“Oh thank you, Doctor,” Sandy smiled as she hugged her son, “You know, as a way of giving our thanks, we’ll have a talk with Starlight to have you see the caves tomorrow.”

“That’s wonderful,” Lovejoy stood up and went to the door, “and I want to thank the three of you for coming to visit.”

“Please,” Shore Line went up to him and shook his hoof, “It’s the least we could do.”

“Now, if you would excuse me, I have a basement to straighten up,” the doctor usurer them out the front door, wishing them goodbye before closing the door.

Now on his own, the old unicorn made his way downstairs to the basement. “Well now, Mr. Trek,” he said as the flicker on the light, “How are we today?”

At the center of the room, the drying bed was now an open box that helps to keep most of the salt in. Moving the salt around, the unicorn dug in until he reached the dried forehoof of the younger stallion. “My, you’re as dry as a canvas already. This is quite the surprise, you’re early.” With a wide, happy, excitable grin, he trotted to the other boxes to take out the candles and a big pot before heading back upstairs to the kitchen, “Oh this is going to be so much fun!”