• Published 16th Mar 2016
  • 1,235 Views, 151 Comments

The Horror of Happiness - CrackedInkWell

Sometime after the Changeling invasion and before the events of the Cutie Map, Starlight Glimmer's village was once visited by a monster.

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Chapter 11: The Flight of Check Mate

It was nearly three that Dr. Lovejoy put the kettle on the stove. He got done writing notes on Hidden Trek, who has spent his second day in the Equality House, was sleep deprived but hadn’t cracked yet. The elderly stallion concluded that it shouldn’t be too long until his former housemate gives into the artificial insanity.

While he waited for the steam to build up, there was a knock on the door, “Hold on, I’m coming,” he said as he walked over to open it. “Yes?”

There before him was a gray Earth pony stallion with a dull black mane, “Dr. Lovejoy? Hey there, I’m Check Mate, and Starlight told me that it was my turn to see how you’re doing.”

The old unicorn looked at him for a moment, “Aren’t you the fellow that was released from that house yesterday?” he pointed to the barded house across the street.

Check folded his ears, “Yeah… I’m the guy that threw that rock a while ago. Honestly, I had no idea what I was thinking then.”

Lovejoy raised an eyebrow, “Well, won’t you come in, I was about to have some tea. You don’t mind having a cup would you?”

“You have tea? I hadn’t had a cup for a long time,” he said as he trotted into the living room.

The doctor closed the door behind him, “Are you angry at me Mr. Mate?”

“What?” the stallion turned to him in surprise, “Why would I be angry at you?”

“You do remember that I accused you of breaking Starting Line’s leg, right?”

“Of course I do,” he said as he went over to the couch, “Although, I was the one that threw it because Starlight said I did. And if Starlight says that I did it, I must have done that wicked act.”

“So you blame yourself for it?”

Check nodded, “I did it, but I had no idea why though. You did what was right and sent me to be corrected.”

“Ah, I see.” Lovejoy started to walk to the kitchen, “How is the village treating you now?”

“Many of them are upset and shocked for what I did. I don’t think many ponies are as forgiving as Starlight, it may take a long time before I come back to everypony’s good graces again.”

“But how are you feeling now that your punishment is over?”

“For one, I’m actually happy that I’m back in the open again.”

The older stallion paused for a moment, “Are you happy really?”

“Oh yes,” he nodded, “especially that you’re not being judgmental about me.”

Lovejoy hummed as he entered the kitchen, “Mr. Mate, would you excuse me for a moment, I’ve just realized that I need to fetch something from the basement.”

“Go ahead, doctor.”

Opening the door to the basement and turning on the lights, the old stallion went down the stairs towards the boxes that contained some of the small glass jars he brought with him. “Let’s see… where did I put that liquid fungus? I know I’ve brought it with me…” He picked up each individual jar, examining each label carefully. Then he picked up a jar that says: Sanctuary’s Qntal Fungus Extract.

“There you are,” he mused as he went over to the other side of the basement to pull out the jar of sugar cubes and carried them up with his aura, “I’ve completely forgotten about the sugar cubes,” he said aloud.

“You have sugar?” Check sounded in awe.

“Yes yes, I’ll be there in a moment,” the doctor turned took out his tea set and poured out the sugar cubes in it. Then with the extract and a teaspoon, he carefully let the liquid drip over one side of the bowl, letting the white cubes absorb the drug. Not too long after, the kettle whistled loudly and the doctor placed the spices with the hot water mix into the teapot before he carried the tray into the living room. “There we are, hope you like Saddle Arabian Spiced Tea.”

“I don’t mind at all.” He said.

The old unicorn began pouring out the steamy liquid into his guest’s cup. “Would you like one lump or two?”

“Two,” at the answer, Lovejoy smiled as he served the Earth pony the soaked cubes from one side of the bowl and one for himself on the other side.

“Before you drink that, may I take your picture?”

Check Mate didn’t mind, so the doctor flashed his photo before he let his guest have his first sip.

“So sir,” the old unicorn asked, “You say that I’m not judgmental of you, what do you mean by that?”

“Oh,” Check set his cup down, “as much as I like living in the village, I’ve always got into trouble.”

“What kind?”

He shook his head, “Just little things. Like going out of the house after curfew, or flirting with the baker Sugar Belle when I’m not supposed to, things… like that.”

“Does this happen very often?”

“Sometimes, but maybe that’s because I’m not exactly liked- no... That’s not a good word, respected is more like it. I guess from an outsider’s point of view, that you might think that I’m-”

“This town’s whipping colt?” the doctor interrupted.

“Something like that, but I don’t mind, really.” Check Mate picked up his cup once more, “If anything, even with the punishments, it’s nothing depressing or anything.”

“Who said anything about depression?” Lovejoy raised an eyebrow. Check Mate’s eyes widen nervously, taking a quick sip. “Is there something wrong sir? You do know that you can tell me these things, I’m a part psychiatrist after all.”

Another sip, “Oh doctor, you don’t want to hear-”

“I insist, whatever is troubling you, I will do everything I can to make you happy.”

Check breathed deeply for a moment, “Do you know why I stayed? It’s because Starlight was right about something about me. My, original cutie mark was the source of my misery.”

“Do tell.”

“Well, as you could guess by my name, I used to be really good at chess. There was a time that I was a bit obsessed with the game. Yet… I was a little too good at it. So much that my friends left me because of my talent, they couldn’t relate to me at all. Eventually, playing the game was all that I was good for. It didn’t help me when I was looking for a job. After all, would you hire somepony who wasn’t good at math, or had poor typing skills, or couldn’t do anything right except win a game of chess?

“I know what you’re thinking,” he continued after taking another sip, “Why didn’t I just join the military if I’m good at planning out when and where to move something? Well… I’ve heard all the horror stories about boot camp, and I was too fragile emotionally. In fact, every time I have turned down a job, I cried. You might say that there was a time that I absolutely hated myself because of my special, useless talent. I thought that I was useless.

“But then, I found her, Starlight Glimmer. She was the one that told me what I’ve known all along. My cutie mark was holding me back of the good life that I was long denied. So I agreed to have it removed and to live here with other like-minded ponies.”

Lovejoy nodded, finally taking a sip from his cup, “I see. Tell me, do you ever have any recurring dreams that you can remember?”

He tilted his head, “What does that get to do with anything?”

“I sometimes find that the dreams that ponies had repeatedly can reflect about the state of their lives. So, did you ever have any dreams with a similar theme?”

Check put a hoof under his chin, “Well, I used to have this same dream where I could fly, and that I had these beautiful wings too. A little weird, isn’t it?”

“Oh no,” the doctor took another sip, “Flying dreams are a commonplace among ponies, and not just the Pegasi either. It’s a commonly held belief that flying dreams represent a craving for freedom by the subconscious. That one’s life is so earthbound that they want to have a free life of moving away from their troubles or wanting to go to a much better life that’s out of reach.”

The gray stallion nodded, “That I could relate,” he said before taking another sip.

“But what if I could make that dream come true?”

Check looked up in shock, “What?”

“What if I was able to make that dream of having wings become real?”

“But… how? There’s no spell out there to make that happen… is there?”

Lovejoy smirked, “Want to find out?” He nodded, “First, close those eyes tightly,” Check did so, “and think back to that dream. Try to recall those wings. Can you see the length of them on your back? Do you feel the soft feathers against your coat? Can you hear them rustle as they open? Do you see the strength of those wings that while they’re light, they could lift you off the ground to that paradise you always wanted to be in, those wings that will help you fly away from your depression? Now open your eyes.”

Check Mate did, as he looked at his sides and gasped, the doctor knew that the drug was now taking its effect. “Holy Celestia! How-” He got off the couch, looking at the empty space on his back, “It’s… They’re just like the wings in the dream! Doctor Lovejoy, how did you do this?”

“Magic,” Lovejoy smiled.

“This is incredible! They’re so light! So beautiful!”

“Yes, they are quite magnificent indeed.” The old unicorn nodded, “How do you feel now?”

“Doc, I can’t begin to describe how happy I am to see these,” Check said, giving the most genuine grin he’s given in years.

Lovejoy looked over at the tripod and the phonograph, “Check Mate, how about we go somewhere to test your newfound wings?”

The younger stallion looked at him, giving a puzzled look, “Why? I bet I could just jump right now and I’ll be flying circles all over the room.”

“Yes I know, but I think that now you’re a Pegasus, I think we need to do something that’s a little more… traditional?”

“Remind me why we’re here again?” the hallucinating Earth pony asked as he looked down from the edge of a cliff side.

“In Pegasi tradition,” Dr. Lovejoy said as he set up his phonograph, “when a child is confident enough to spread their wings. Their family would gather at the edge of a cloud where that said pony would jump off of to see if they would really fly.”

“And if they don’t?”

“Then it would be up to the parents to catch them, of course,” by now, the unicorn had cranked the machine and set the needle on the record. “But if you were ever to fall, which is unlikely, then I’ll use my magic to catch you. However, with your new wings, it ought to be very safe for you.”

Check looked at his back with pride and breathed in deep, “You know, I never thought that this dream would ever come true. This time, it won’t just pretend, I will fly for real. Oh, doctor, I’m just so excited.” He paused for a moment to listen to the music, “Is that Swan Lake?”

“A piano transcription of Tchaicoltsky’s famous piece, why yes. Yes, it is. I figured to see you fly like a swan to this would be absolutely perfect.”

The Earth pony smirked, “I should have brought my tutu then,” he said. “Perhaps it’ll be best if I do a swan dive.”

Lovejoy laughed, “Maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad idea! After all, with those magnificent wings of yours, you could now swim through the air. Gravity is all nonsense to you now. So don’t be afraid now Check Mate, whenever you’re ready, spread those wings and jump.”

Check Mate, with a satisfied smile on his face, changed his direction to the edge of the cliff. His eyes closed, he felt the wind blowing through his short mane. The cold air on his coat felt numb at the nervous excitement of what was to be made a reality. “Doc,” he said, “Thank you. I don’t know how I could ever repay you for fulfilling something that I thought was unreachable.”

The old doctor chuckled, “It’s nothing really, all I want, is to be sure that you are happy.”

“I feel more than happy doctor,” he looked at him once more, “I now know what joy feels like.”

Lovejoy said nothing when the Earth pony faced the open air, taking a few steps back, and listening in on the record, he waited for the piano’s great crescendo in which he galloped forward, jumped off with a smile and spread forelegs as he fell downwards towards the rocky earth.

The old unicorn looked over the edge, keeping his eyes on the falling pony, “This is beautiful,” he thought, “Suicide with a side of Tchaicoltsky, and they go together like expensive wine and cheese.” Although Dr. Lovejoy couldn’t hear it from all the way up there, he did see the body made its immediate, violent, bone-crushing impact upon the desert floor.

Taking the tripod with him, he teleported down to where the mangled body was and applauded, “Brava, Mr. Check Mate! Brava! That was the most elegant death that I’ve ever seen! Absolutely wonderful!”

But Check Mate didn’t make a sound.

“Now, one last thing before I head off,” Lovejoy angled the camera to just the right lighting to where even the blood shines brightly in the afternoon sunlight.

Starlight!” Lovejoy cried as he ran out of breath through the tiny village, “Starlight! Help!

“Hey,” Party Favor waved a hoof, “Doctor, what’s-”

Where’s… Star?” the old stallion heaved, “Check… Mate…

“What’s going on here?” the founder asked, “Doctor, have you been-”

“Terrible… Awful…

“Calm yourself, Dr. Lovejoy,” Starlight urged him to one of the open tables, “What’s gotten into you.”

The stallion took several minutes to catch his breath back, “Check Mate… dead.

Several voices of shock were heard all at once.

“What!” Starlight asked in surprise.

“I’ve tried… to stop him… I’ve noticed he was… walking away… from the village… I’ve followed him… to the cliff sides,” he pointed towards the place where he left the stallion’s body. “I followed him… When I saw… him on the edge… I tried to talk to him… out of it… I really… did. But he… wouldn’t listen… and he…”

“Doctor,” the unicorn mare said, “I think you’re in shock now. Please, go home, and lie down for a while.” Starlight turned to the crowd, “Double Diamond, Shore Line, Night Glider, come with me. Sugar Belle, be sure to put him to bed.”

The townsponies obeyed. The baker helped the shaken pony up on his tired hooves and led him to his bedroom, and put Lovejoy into bed.

“Is there anything I can do?” the mare asked, and the doctor shook his head.

Several minutes after Sugar Belle left the house, he had his breathing back to normal. The elderly stallion went downstairs to the camera that he teleported it and his phonograph before he ran to the village to avoid suspicion. Taking the camera off the tripod, he went down to the basement, his horn giving a red light so he could develop the new photos for his memory book.