• Published 16th Mar 2016
  • 1,235 Views, 151 Comments

The Horror of Happiness - CrackedInkWell

Sometime after the Changeling invasion and before the events of the Cutie Map, Starlight Glimmer's village was once visited by a monster.

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Chapter 16: Sugar Belle’s Visit

Dr. Lovejoy was doing some reading in his rocking chair while the phonograph played a duet largo of two cellos. It was almost sunset when there was a knock on the front door. “Just a moment,” the old unicorn called out as he looked up. Putting his book aside, he used his magic to open the door before quickly raising an eyebrow, “Ms. Belle?”

“Good evening doctor,” she nodded, “I was hoping if I could take a moment of your time?”

“Not at all, come inside,” the mare did so, “Would you like to have something? I have some candies in the-”

“Actually, I won’t be here long Dr. Lovejoy. I just came here for some advice.”

The old stallion waved over to the couch, “By all means, ma’am, have a seat, and tell me what troubles you.”

She hopped on the couch and asked, “First of all, how are you this evening?”

“Oh, quite well today,” Lovejoy smiled, “I’ve been developing some photos of the village today, and so far, they’re turning out nicely. Plus, that fellow… Mr. Case I think it was, had visited me his afternoon when I woke up from my nap.”

“That’s… good,” Sugar nodded politely.

Lovejoy raised an eyebrow, “Ms. Belle, is everything alright?”

She glanced at the windows to see if anypony was out there, “Well, you see doctor, I was wondering if you could give me some advice on… acceptance.”

“Acceptance for what?”

“Oh, you know. Just accepting to something that you don’t… fully agree with but you must, because everypony is looking at you to follow up to the status quo. That sort of thing,” she ended it with a forced grin.

“But I don’t understand what exactly the circumstance of this is. I’m afraid that I can’t really do much if I don’t know the context of what you’re asking.”

“Well…” she looked to the side uncomfortably, “It may or may not have something to do with my… husband-to-be. Hidden Trek.”

“Ah,” the doctor ceased rocking, “I’m guessing this has something to do with uncertainty?”

She placed a hoof on her shoulder, “Please understand, it’s not that I don’t trust Starlight’s judgment on it. I do in fact. I’m sure that Mr. Trek is a nice stallion but…”

“You don’t feel much for the fellow?”

“Truth be told… not really.”

Lovejoy shrugged, “Couldn’t blame you for it really, he wasn’t here for very long and practically left as soon as he came. Not much time to get to really know a partner in any sense.”

He’s just not my crush,” Sugar Belle blushed.

“Oh,” the old doctor nodded, “You’re already set for someone else?”

“Well… Yes, sir. That is the case, only… I don’t think he knows it yet.”

“Is it somepony I know?” he chuckled.

“I would think so. Does the name…” she looked at the windows before whispering, “Party Favor, sound familiar?

“Ah! So you’re really are the one that’s been sending love notes.”

Ms. Belle’s muzzle turned a shade of crimson, “He… told you about that.”

“Ma’am, as a doctor, I’m always entrusted with confidential information of my patients on a daily basis. Now, I will not give the exact details about the matter, however, I will say that recently he’s starting to suspect that you could be his secret admirer.”

“Wait! He knows!”

“I said suspect, not full out knowing who it is. As far as he knows, you’re the most likely but he’s not absolutely sure about it. He came to me recently, saying that he would respond, but at the moment, he has some personal problems to settle first.”

“Oh,” she folded her ears back. “I see.”

“Now, let’s get back on topic for a moment – what sort of advice do you want to hear about?”

Sugar Belle shrugged, “I guess… how do you let go of somepony you care about when you know you’ll lose in the end?”

Lovejoy hummed as he rocked back and forth in thought. “Did you tell Mr. Favor about this through writing?”

“A little bit. But… is it selfish of me that I’m not exactly ready to let go? What do you put into writing to the pony you’ve had some crush on for a while now to tell him that it’s not going to work?”

The doctor cleared his throat, “Ms. Belle, don’t ever tell anyone I’ve said this. But in a way, I can relate to what you’re feeling right now.”

She tilted her head, “You do?”

“Quite. Once upon a time, shortly after dirt sneezed into existence, I was a student at a medical school where we have to read up anatomy and the effects of certain drugs. And I don’t think there’s a word out there to describe how much I loathed that school. I was quite bitter beyond belief, to be honest. But then, one day I ran into someone who was trying to earn her degree as a psychiatrist. Her name was Fox Wit.

“At the time, we were taking a course in psychiatry for one of the general courses. I tell you, this mare was very sharp, quite observant, and… to me, the most helpful during a difficult time. She thought that it would be best if she had somepony to practice on to gain experience for the sake of her future clients.” Here, the old doctor chuckled, “You might say, that her sessions in just talking to me were our way of dating. In a way, I needed someone to talk to, and she was there.

“Not only did she help me understand the ins and outs of what goes on in a pony’s mind, but as we neared graduation, I assisted her to give her what she always wanted, to be truly happy. Well, not long after we got our degrees, she proposed to me.”

Sugar Belle “Awed,” at the story, “That was incredibly sweet.”

“I know,” he nodded, “I still remember her saying that she knew what joy was when I told her yes. Then, the next day, she died.”

The mare’s expression changed in a heartbeat from amused to shocked, “Oh…” she covered her mouth, “Doctor I… I’m so sorry.”

He waved it off, “At least the last thing she knew before-hoof was how happy she was. I couldn’t ask for more. So, after the burial, I will tell you that it was… quite difficult to accept this fact. You might say that I did get myself married, and it was to my job. So the advice I could give you is this: don’t tolerate accepting a role in life that you know won’t make you really happy. Take it from someone who has lost that happiness all those years ago, even if Ms. Glimmer won’t approve, always follow your happiness. Who knows,” he smiled, “Perhaps it’ll lead to a happy ending. Have I been of any help Ms. Belle?”

The mare got out of her seat, “I think so, but I would need to think about it.”

“Fair enough.”

“Besides, it’s almost sundown, and I really need to get home.” She headed towards the door. Before she opened it, she added, “Doctor Lovejoy, thanks for listening.”

“No problem, come back any time.”

Once she exited the door, the old unicorn took the needle off the phonograph and went upstairs. To open back to the page of Fox Wit from the hidden album, and looked at the two photographs: on the left, was a black-and-white picture of the two of them in their white uniforms. In Lovejoy’s aura was the ring that he was purposed with by a lake. On the right, in full color was Fox Wit by herself. In the light of a flaming orange sunset, her body floated above the water. Her mane, tail, and the open white uniform seemed to spread like she was in mid-air. The earth pony’s jaw hung open, filled with still water and her eyes were looking straight up at the sky. Underneath this picture, it was entitled: Angle in the Water, Ops. 1.

Lovejoy gave a small smile, “Even in death, you always were beautiful.”