• Published 29th Feb 2016
  • 4,305 Views, 117 Comments

He Asked What?! - Captain Unstoppable

The engagement of Big Mac and Rainbow Dash is the talk of Ponyville! Everypony wants to know how the proposal happened, when the date is, and how Rainbow Dash reacted! There is only one problem, Big Mac never proposed.

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Chapter 7: Incident Proposal

Chapter 7: Incident Proposal

Rainbow Dash felt like a filly again. Her body was buzzing with so much energy, she felt she could fly to Canterlot and back in the blink of an eye. Doing a loop in the air, she had to fight the silly smile trying to break free. Her heart was simply ablaze with the idea that she would soon be engaged.

Get a hold of yourself, Rainbow! You’re not like Rarity, or Twilight who would turn into a jibbering mess at this! You’re the one and only Rainbow Dash! Play it cool! The mental pep talk did little to lessen her smile as images of her walking around Ponyville with an engagement earring occupied her mind. Every mare in Ponyville would envy her for taking Mac off the market permanently, their secret hopes that they would break up gone forever. He was her stallion and nopony, not even the Princesses, would take him from her.

As she flew through the early evening air, she tried to imagine how Mac was planning on proposing to her. Was he going to be direct about it, getting down on one foreleg and asking her to marry him? Or was he going to try to slip the earring in her drink and surprise her when she pulled it out, taking her hoof in his and asking her?

Ugh, please not that! Rainbow thought, shaking her head from the mushy thought. If her beau was going to try that sappy cud with her she might have to throw the earring at him and tell him to try again. Then she would have to rethink their relationship if he actually thought something like that would be appropriate for her.

Besides, knowing herself and cider, she might accidentally swallow the damn thing.

If there was any other pony in Equestria that knew how awesome and cool she was, outside of herself and Scootaloo, it should be Mac, and he should propose in a way that fit that.

Just thinking about the upcoming proposal made Dash give a squeal of excitement as she did a corkscrew in the air, drawing ever closer to the Apple homestead all the while. She then cleared her throat to hide the squeal, even with no pony around her. She wasn't capable of making such a filly-like sound over something that was so mushy as this, no matter what the evidence might suggest.

Due to either the excitement she felt while accelerating, or her mind being lost in the realm of possibilities, Rainbow nearly overshot the farm. Taking a sharp right, she started to come in low, then skidding to a halt in front of the farm. She kicked up dirt with her landing, conveniently adding to her dramatic entrance.

Luckily, her entrance didn't go unnoticed. Big Mac was standing on the porch, his eyes wide in surprise as he held a picnic basket in his mouth.

Rainbow gave herself a mental pat on the back for generating such a stunned expression. Whipping her head around and throwing her mane back and forth, she gave Mac the most smoldering gaze she could, with half lidded eyes, lips rising so slightly at the edges to form a smirk, and a few strands of her mane falling in front of her face to complete the look.

“Don't look so surprised,” Rainbow said with a smile, casually observing Mac’s reaction. “I'm always this good looking.”

Mac blinked a few times in rapid succession before lowering the picnic basket, looking up at her with that easy smile he always saved just for her.

“Ah know that darlin’. Ain't no pony as amazin’ as ya,” Mac drawled, gazing at her. Rainbow just marveled in it, knowing she was the only mare to get such compliments from Mac. She closed her eyes, and raised her chin up, ready to be praised by her stallion some more. “Ah’m just surprised yer on time, fer once.”

Rainbow’s face tumbled into a scowl as she glared at Mac while he just stood there on the porch. She was ready for him to praise her more, not shoot down her ego. Mac’s grin just grew wider, showing some teeth.

“Easy, didn’t mean nothin’ by it,” Mac chuckled, though Dash's magenta eyes still glowered at him. “All Ah’m sayin’ is once Ah think yer already perfect, you go do somethin’ that makes ya even more perfect and Ah just love you more,” he said, giving her a wink as he leaned down to take up the basket again.

The annoyance melted from Rainbow’s face, that confident smile returning. “You’re just now realizing this? But I think you meant ‘awesome’ or ‘cool’, but I'll let it slide since you’re kinda cool,” she said, adding in her own wink.

“A’mved honhard,” Mac replied, his words muffled by the picnic basket in his mouth. “Hall we?” He bowed his head in the direction of the orchard.

“Eeyup!” Rainbow replied, copying his favorite reply. Mac merely rolled his eyes and started down the path. As he walked past her, Rainbow got a glimpse of the farmhouse and had to fight the urge to facehoof.

Gathered in the window of the family room stood Granny, Applejack, and Applebloom, all watching Mac and Dash. Tears were forming in each of their eyes as they looked on, though a shiver went through Rainbow as she saw Granny holding her cane, patting it softly against one hoof. While the old mare was moved to tears at her grandson getting engaged, she was more than willing to get revenge on the mare if she dared to say no.

While she had faced forces much greater than Granny Smith, nopony in their right mind would dare anger her.

Swallowing a lump in her throat, Rainbow turned from the onlooking Apples and redirected her attention to the path ahead. As she flew next to Mac, Rainbow felt that earlier excitement build up in her again, threatening to spill over, pushing her to skip the date so she could get to the part where he would propose. Looking at her stallion, she was surprised at how calm he looked, especially considering her own turbulent feelings.

Nothing seemed out of place with him. He wore his traditional yoke around his neck, dirt was still visible on his hooves and coat, and the standard stalk of wheat he normally held in his mouth was placed behind his ear for later. While other mares would want their stallion to be all dressed up and fancy for such an event, Dash didn’t want Mac to look any other way. She had fallen for the Apple Farmer as he was and she wanted him to be the one popping the question, not a fake version. Besides, if he had gotten all dressed up for this, he might have looked more like a Canterlot pony instead of her big red stud, with his broad shoulders, strong back, thick neck, and, of course, that irresistible fla—

“Ou’ ight er Davsh?” Rainbow’s face turned red. Judging from Mac's muffled voice, she had been staring at him for Celestia knew how long. Shaking her head, she darted in front of him and turned around, flying backwards as she gazed directly at him.

“Totally! I was just thinking of how lucky you are that I snagged you when I did!” Rainbow said, fighting the growing heat in her cheeks. Mac rolled his eyes in a telltale way that told her he knew she was embarrassed about something. Fortunately, he kept that calm, reassuring, smile that made it feel okay to slip up around him.

“Eeupff,” mumbled Mac, the picnic basket distorting even his most used word. He just pushed his head out, and pressed his nose against Rainbow’s in an eskimo kiss, which only served to make Rainbow’s cheeks grow darker. Unlike her, Mac had no problem showing signs of affection, but he had learned when not to; otherwise he ran the risk of getting a wing to the back of the head, a kick to the shin, or the one that really drew the point home: a headbutt.

Taking advantage of her flustered state, Mac kept on walking by, his chin lifted up a fraction of an inch in the victory of surprising Rainbow instead of the other way around. He didn’t have time to bask in that glory for long, as Rainbow dropped down on his back, hard. He nearly stumbled, saved only by the fact that he had long grown used to Rainbow’s tactics.

“You’re lucky that you’re cute,” Rainbow growled into his ear, before resting her head on top of his. “Otherwise, you would have gotten a black eye for that.” Mac merely chuckled, shifting his shoulder to adjust the all too familiar weight on his back.

“Eeupff,” he responded in his muffled voice. “Weer aldmoss therr.” He jerked his chin upward, directing Rainbow to look. Out above the orchard a single tree stood taller than the others, resting on a hill just outside the trees in the orchard. Rainbow’s face began to heat up again, as her heart pounded faster than before a race.

She knew the hill Mac was taking her: it was treasured by him and his sisters. The hill itself was nothing special; all that was there was an old oak tree that, despite the best efforts Mac’s ancestors, could not be removed. Eventually, they had given up and left it and at some point a tire swing was attached to its trunk. What was truly special about the hill, however, was that it was the place where Mac’s father had proposed to his mother.

The last doubts in Rainbow’s mind vanished as Mac led them to the hill. While Mac had never mentioned the hill to her himself, Applejack had told her and the rest of their friends the story and how she hoped a certain blue stallion would ask her to marry him under the very same tree. With the way Mac liked to keep to tradition, she was sure he was leading her up that hill for the very same reason.

The rest of the walk took place in silence, only interrupted by the sound of Mac’s heavy hooves hitting the ground. In the midst of the quiet, Rainbow could have sworn Mac could hear her heart beating away, perhaps even feel it, as she rode upon his strong back. It was unsettling how nervous she felt. The nauseating feeling of butterflies in her stomach persisted, despite the fact that she, an Element of Harmony, Wonderbolt reserve, and the most awesome pony of all time, shouldn't have been so nervous about something as simple as this.

If anypony should have been nervous, it should have been Mac, for he was about to ask the greatest pony that ever lived to marry him. Yet her stallion marched on, his large hooves hitting the ground in a steady beat, the rhythm hypnotic and unchanging. Rainbow’s eyes began to flutter ever so slightly, as her nostrils took in the deep scent of hay, soil, and apples from Mac’s hair. The smell was… comfort. Warmth. A great night’s sleep, tucked up against him.


Rainbow didn’t even realize she had fallen asleep until she was jostled awake by Mac’s broad shoulders shifting and his rich deep voice whispering, “We’re here.” Blinking the sleep out of her eyes, Rainbow started to look around, trying to piece back what had happened in her brief sleep. Her eyes went wide as she realized that they were on top of the hill now, and the entire orchard was laid out in front of them.

She must have seen the orchard hundreds of times from the air, seeing it in ways that the farmers who tended to it so diligently could not. However, as she looked at the orchard from the top of the hill none of her flights above could ever compare to what she saw. From here the orchard felt alive. While she knew it had to be alive to bear fruit, from here she could actually see it, feel on some level what she imagined Mac felt every time he walked past the trees. Feeling the sap moving and pulsing slowly through the large trees. Though it was dark, she could just imagine each leaf spread wide to soak in the warm sunlight and feel the apples ripening as she watched.
“Ah know it’s a great sight, but Ah’d like ta have supper if ya don’t mind.” Rainbow shook her head as Mac’s voice came to her once more through the haze. With a few flaps of her wings, Rainbow fluttered onto the ground next to Mac with a smile.

Now it’s a great sight,” she said, puffing out her chest with the orchard as her background. Mac shook his head with a slight laugh.

“Eenope, now it’s perfect.” Rainbow’s smile grew at the words as Mac pulled a red and white checkered blanket out of the picnic basket and whipped his head back, letting it flare out in the air before spreading it across the ground.

Rainbow took a few steps towards the basket. I could help him unload after he prepared it and carried me here, she thought as she reached forward with one hoof. Before she could get anywhere close to it, Mac’s much larger hoof blocked her path.

“Eenope! Got a surprise in there fer ya. Don’t wantcha spoilin’ it,” he said, giving her a wink as he leaned over and took a few paper plates in his mouth. As he did, he couldn’t see the smile on Rainbow’s face grow as she fought the urge to gallop in place. She wanted somepony to come slap her silly for acting all filly-like at the mere idea of what that surprise could be, but could anypony blame her? She couldn't help but feel excited at the idea of Mac’s proposal.

Taking in a few deep breaths, she managed to get herself under control right as Mac’s head came out of the basket again, this time with a six pack of dark brown bottles. At the sight of the bottles, Rainbow’s mouth began to water, her drool threatening to spill out like a waterfall. Though they looked very similar to the bottles within her own fridge, filled with Apple Family cider, these were some of the Apple’s top brand ciders, the kind that only Filthy Rich could afford.

These ciders were the Apple’s pride and joy, made out of only the best apples of the season, then carefully fermented for seven days with around the clock care. Mac and AJ had to take shifts to make sure nothing went wrong, and barely slept during the preparations. Once the apples were properly fermented, they began to blend it with the other batches they prepared, following a recipe that has been handed down for generations. In the end, they barely make more than a gallon or two, and sell it to the highest bidder. Next to joining the Wonderbolts, it had been Rainbow’s dream, since finding about this sacred cider, to taste it. The only thing she knew about the cider was that the barrels that contained it were stamped with Mac’s cutie mark, and the bottle tops were green.

“Ah take it by the way yer droolin’, ya know what these are?” Rainbow blinked a few times, as her hoof rubbed the corner of her mouth to find that, in fact, there was drool escaping her lips. Brushing it away and swallowing the excess saliva in her mouth, Rainbow nodded rapidly.

“Buck yeah I do! That’s your mega cider! How the heck did you manage to get some, let alone six bottles?” Mac chuckled at Rainbow’s enthusiasm, scooping up a bottle with one hoof and pushing the cap off with the other, all executed with the effort it takes to pick a leaf.

“Ah think you ferget who makes it,” he said, handing her the bottle and watching the excitement growing in her eyes. “Knowin’ how much mah fillyfriend enjoys cider, what kind of stallion would Ah be if Ah didn’t get her some? Besides, doubt AJ would notice a thing.” Rainbow could hardly listen as she reached out for the bottle, her eyes the size of saucers as she looked down at the plain brown container.

The aroma of apples filled the air around her, replacing any other smell that might have been lingering around. She could smell the slight hint of alcohol that came with it, but it didn’t take away from the experience, only enhanced it. Looking at the bottle, and then up at Mac, Rainbow watched as he opened a bottle for himself and grinned at her.

“Come on now, Ah know how long you’ve dreamt of this!” He laughed, bringing the bottle to his own lips and taking a slow, thoughtful sip of the contents. Without any other delay, Rainbow Dash mimicked the red stallion’s motions and brought her bottle to her lips as well, lifting the tip into the air.

As the first drop of cider hit her tongue, Rainbow’s tastebuds thought they had died and gone to heaven. There was not just one, but a multitude of flavors that accompanied the cider as it washed over her tongue. There were too many for her to name, flavors that she didn’t even know existed. She had never had a cider anywhere near as good as this one, and felt pain for her tastebuds knowing that any cider she had after this would taste like dirt in comparison.

Finally pulling the bottle from her lips with some difficulty, Rainbow looked over at the maker of the cider who just sat there grinning as he set his own bottle down.

“Ah take that you liked it?” he asked, though if the big toothy smile on his face was any indication, he probably knew that she loved it. Looking down at the bottle once more, she glanced up at Mac with a smirk that would send other stallions to their haunches.

“Have I mentioned I love you recently?” She asked, before pulling the bottle back to her lips and starting to drain it.

“Ah’m glad you love me fer more than mah good looks,” Mac drawled, before he started to unload more from the picnic basket. “And that ain’t even the surprise,” he added, his voice brimming with confidence.

Rainbow was too involved with her drink to notice what he had said or what he was pulling out of the basket. Her mind was too involved in the waves of flavor that were splashing against her tongue. When she had finished the contents of her bottle, slightly regretting drinking it so fast, Mac had finished unpacking the entirety of their dinner and was already opening another bottle for her.

“The looks are just a bonus,” Rainbow replied, taking the next bottle with eager anticipation. As she accepted the bottle, her eyes wandered over the meal that Mac had prepared for them. It was a spread that she had come to expect when dining with Apples, as most of the meal was apple this or apple that. Not that she complained, no, not at all. It was much better than what she was used to with takeout food and food that only needed to be heated up. “Apple cooking is where it's really at.” With that, Rainbow reached for the first apple fritter she could find and took a large bite out of it.

“Eeyup,” Mac said in agreement, watching Rainbow Dash enjoy her meal before taking part in his own. The two sat there in the silence of the night, only interrupted by the cider splashing about in the bottles as they drank. This was the typical start to many of their dates, for they never had time to go out to the town, due to both of their work schedules. A nightly walk and a homemade meal became their norm, and neither seemed to have a problem with that.

As time went on, Rainbow knew what was to come next, and while it was normally one of her favorite parts of her dates with Mac, this night it would be a nightmare if she had to go into detail.

“So, how was yer day, Dash?” Mac asked, swallowing a bit of food before looking over at her, his bright green eyes almost glowing in the darkness around them. As soon as he had opened his mouth to ask, Rainbow had taken a large bite out of another fritter to delay answering the question. While she had in the past talked with food in her mouth (actually, quite frequently) tonight she practiced manners for once, in an attempt to stall.

What do I tell him? I can’t flat out lie to him, he knows when I do! Think, Rainbow! Think! Rainbow chewed silently, trying to find a way to get around this and not tell Mac that his proposal had been compromised, or that she knew it was going to happen. Knowing Mac the way she did, he had probably spent a lot of time planning this, and would be devastated if he knew all his planning had gone to waste. Yet his eyes never left her, a simple grin on his face as he waited.

With an audible gulp of food, Rainbow quickly reached out for her bottle of cider and took a few hurried sips. “Well, you know,” Rainbow murmured, swishing the bottle around. “Nothing too big. Just kicked some clouds and chilled back at home till it was time to come here.” A nervous little laugh followed as Mac tilted his head to the side. “How was your day?”

Mac blinked in surprise, his head tilting even further to the side till one ear flipped over his head like that of a dog. It wasn’t that uncommon for Rainbow to ask about his day, but not until after spending a considerable amount of time talking about hers; he had never heard her describe her day in a sentence or two.

“Ya alright, babe?” Mac asked, straightening up as he did. “Ya got a fever or somethin’?” Mac started to stretch his hoof out to touch Rainbow’s forehead to check. Rainbow’s cheeks went red as she looked away from Mac and leaned back to avoid his hoof.

“Of course I’m okay! What’s wrong with wanting to know how your day was for a change?” Rainbow couldn't help but add a little heat to her words as she replied.

“Nothin’s wrong with that, it's just that… well it's just…” Mac watched her for a half a second, before letting out a breath. “It ain’t nothin’,” he said, surrendering to the mare before him. He had been with her long enough to know to read between the lines, whenever she was short about something, there was something bothering her. He knew it was going to take a bit of time to get her to open up about whatever was bothering her, but he would humor her in the meantime; she’d probably need a few extra moments to figure out how to say what was on her mind.

“Nothin’ too special about mah day,” Mac said, as he began to lay down on the blanket, crossing one leg over the other. “Got here before AJ did, so Ah didn’t get a verbal lashin’ about being up too late with the prettiest pony in all of Equestria,” Mac gave a wink to Rainbow who just rolled her eyes and raised an eyebrow at him. Mac just gave his deep chuckle as he continued. “Fed the cows, hogs, and chickens before spendin’ the rest of the day buckin apples. Biggest harvest Ah’d seen in a long time. Glad Braeburn is here ta lend a hoof, though Ah think he’s more interested in seein’ Rarity than bein’ here ta buck apples”

Oh he’s here to buck, just a different kind, Rainbow thought as she emptied another bottle of the amazing cider. Going back to the regular stuff after this was going to be a nightmare.

“Cept AJ was givin’ me odd looks all day. Like she wanted to say somethin’ ta me. Anytime Ah went ta ask her about it, she’d just say it was nothin’ and hurry on away. Could have sworn Ah saw a tear or two in her eyes as she did,” Mac then raised his head, looking around before leaning in close as though afraid to be overheard. “Between you and me, Ah think somethin’ happened between her and that Wonderbolt feller. ‘Fraid he might have done somethin’ ta her,” Mac whispered, his green eyes darting around.

Rainbow nearly spat the cider in her mouth all over Mac as he spoke. She was not sure what would hurt the big ol’ softie’s heart more: laughing at the thought of his sister being in danger, or wasting such precious cider.

Pounding her hoof against the ground, Rainbow Dash struggled to swallow the cider in her mouth without choking on it. It was a desperate battle to get it all down, and once her mouth was free she started to laugh. It was a laugh that was mixed with coughing, and came out more like ragged wheezing as tears formed around her eyes. She couldn’t help it. As much as she knew it was wrong, she couldn’t stop laughing.

Through her blurry vision, she could just make out Mac watching her. His eyes were slightly cross, but it was to be expected with the way he thought Applejack felt. Taking in some shaky breaths, Rainbow just looked back at Mac and smiled, though fighting back another round of laughter.

“You are talking about Soarin’, right? Co-Captain of the Wonderbolts? Blue? Completely insane for pies?” Mac kept his face stern as glared back at Rainbow, who was just smirking and looking full of confidence.

“Eeyup. Don’t like that yer takin’ this so lightly,” Mac’s voice was low, like that of a dog’s growl. He would normally never take up this tone with her, or anypony that didn’t do him some wrong, but he didn’t like her laughing at the idea that his sister could be in danger. As Rainbow kept on laughing, Mac gave out a snort as he opened his mouth. “Now Ah know you got respect fer the fella, but if he did anything ta Applejack Ah’m gonna—”

Before Mac had finished speaking, Rainbow Dash had leaned in and kissed him on the nose, effectively silencing the stallion. Mac’s jaw hung open in surprise as Rainbow withdrew her lips from his nose and smiled at him. Rainbow wasn’t sure if it was the amount of cider that she had consumed in such a short amount of time, or the fact that she loved it when Mac got all protective, but she couldn’t help kissing him at that moment. Looking into his warm green eyes, she just let that smirk become a full-on grin.

“You big dope! I think you forget who we are talking about! Applejack has Soarin wrapped around her hoof like nobody’s business! Heck, do you even remember who your sister is? If Soarin wronged her, you think she would be all sad like that? She’d hunt him down before you even got the chance!” Rainbow laughed at the last part. She had no doubt in her mind that if any stallion messed with Applejack, she’d take care of it herself before Mac could even hear of it. He probably knew the same thing, but that instinct that drove most older brothers didn’t like to listen to reason so much.

Mac stared back at her for several long moments. She could see the gears in his head turning as they connected the obvious dots before him. He let out a slow breath, releasing the tension within him with it, and looked up at Rainbow with a grin.

“Yer right, darlin’. Sorry Ah raised mah voice,” Rainbow’s own grin widened at Mac’s words and she waved a hoof in front of him.

“No problems, Mac. You just gotta realize that I’m always right!” She proclaimed, tilting her chin upwards to exemplify her wisdom. “It's only natural for you to be wrong every now and then.” Mac just shook his head and watched her. “And besides, she is an Element of Harmony; we’re the most badass mares in all of Equestria! And I’m the most badass of them all!”

“And daring,”

“And daring!”



“And the cutest of ‘em.”

“That’s right! I am also the cut—” Rainbow turned on Mac, her eyes focused on the big smiling face of his. “I hate it when you do that.”

“No, you don’t,” Mac laughed, leaning forward and nuzzling the side of her head. Rainbow happily returned the affection.

“Maybe I don’t…” she mumbled, enjoying the sensation. She could have stayed like that forever, just feeling his warm face against hers, the smell of apples emenating from his coat, and the simple sense of security she always felt when with him, yet the big lug had to pull away.

“As penance fer doubtin’ ya, ready fer the big surprise?” At those words, Rainbow’s face started to heat up and her heart began to race. As Mac pulled away and began to reach for the basket again, Rainbow’s wings started to flutter of their own accord, unable to hold the excitement that was building up within her.

She had completely forgotten why Mac had wanted to eat up here on Hearts and Hooves day, and why all of Ponyville had been after her this morning. He was about to propose to her!

“Ah hope you like it, Ah had ta start savin’ up fer it for quite some time,” Mac laughed, not noticing the condition Rainbow was now in. “But you are worth every bit of it,” he added, as time seemed to slow down in Rainbow’s eyes.

She could have sworn Mac was moving slower than normal as he lifted the basket’s lid and let it fall backwards to fully open, not seeming to want to build up the tension. Her right hind leg started to bounce up and down in anticipation. How she wished he would go about it faster, for it felt like her heart was about to beat right out of her chest!

“Took me a bit longer ta get it as well. If Ah did everythin’ in town, Ah was afraid you’d find about it and ruin it all.” A chuckle made its way into his words, as though he was remembering the whole ordeal. “Heck, with Braeburn showin’ up, Ah was afraid you’d find out before Ah was ready.”

That was all Rainbow needed to hear. It was true! He had gone to Appleloosa to get the earring for her! She would have to give him hell for lying to her later, but, at that moment, she couldn't care less! She could feel moisture building up in her eyes as well, but she didn’t need to be invincible for once; not in front of him, anyway.

“So Ah only got one question fer ya Rainbow. Will you—”

I do!”

Mac looked up at her, his eyes wide as he dropped what he was picking up in the basket. “You do?”

I do!” Rainbow repeated, jumping over the blanket of food and tackling the red stallion. Despite the fact he was bigger, heavier, and lying down, she didn’t have any trouble pushing the stallion onto his back and landing on him. “I do! I do! I bucking do!” Rainbow laughed as she kissed him full on the lips. She felt a few tears fall from her eyes and land on him, but she didn’t care; she was engaged to the stallion she loved.

Pulling away from his lips, Rainbow kept her hooves pinned on Mac’s chest as she beamed down at him. It felt as though her heart had done a double Sonic Rainboom within her chest, and she just couldn't help but feel happy as she did. Mac just looked up at her, his eyebrows raised and his mouth slightly ajar.

“You do?” Rainbow just shook her head. She should have expected him to be surprised that she agreed to marry him! She was the most awesome pony of all; anypony would be shocked that she actually agreed.

“I do!” Her voice was loud and resilient; she didn’t care who heard her! At that moment, the entire town already thought she and Mac were engaged, so what was the problem if all of them heard her accepting the real engagement?

“That… that’s great,” Mac stuttered out, his green eyes illuminated by the billions of stars in the sky.

“Heck ya it is!” Rainbow couldn't wait to share the news, the real engagement, with everypony in town! Now the attention would be amazing as everypony asked her about it, how it felt to take the greatest stallion for herself, and what they could get her for an engagement gift.

I can’t believe how excited I am! Screw how un-cool I look! Mac is my stallion now, and nopony is ever going to take him from me! Applejack will just have to deal with Mac being late tomorrow, because tonight he is all mi—

“You do what?” Rainbow was ripped from her thoughts as her eyes refocused on Big Mac. His head cocked to the side slightly as he looked up at her, looking less like a strong, brave stallion, and more like a puppy locked behind a screen door. Rainbow shook her head, and rolled her eyes as a smile returned to her lips.

He needs me to actually say it, she mused as she locked eyes with him and her smile grew wider than she thought possible.

“I. Do. Agree. To. Marry. You.” Rainbow stressed each word, resisting the urge to smooch his big, dopey lips between each one. She would have thought he would have been just excited as her by now, but he still must be in shock.

As she spoke, Mac’s eyes started to widen, making them look much too big for his head. His mouth began to open, but closed again as he tried to form even a single word, the path between his brain and mouth apparently not working. Rainbow just stayed on top of him, grinning at how astonished he was at the whole thing.

Luna, he must’ve been sure I would say no. Rainbow thought as she ruffled her wings, taking joy in Mac’s reaction.

“Ma… marry… m… m… me?” Mac finally spluttered out, his eyes still wide with surprise.

“Uh… ye...ye… yeah!” Rainbow mimicked, before jumping off the downed stallion’s barrel and back towards the basket. “Now let’s see it!” Rainbow laughed as she flung open the basket.

“Wait! Rainbow! Hold up fer a—” Mac’s words fell on deaf ears as Rainbow poked her head into the basket in search of the little box that held her future.

Inside, the basket was lined with fabric very similar to the blanket Mac had put out, red and white checkered. There were a few extra sandwiches inside, another pie, and a few other apple products inside but there was no velvet box. Instead, there was only a square shaped object wrapped in Wonderbolt wrapping paper. Cocking her head to the side, Rainbow leaned forward and took the wrapped object out and placed it on the blanket in front of her. Written on the wrapping paper was,

To Rainbow,
Love Mac

Looking over her shoulder to the stallion, she saw him leaning on his side, supported by his elbow as though he had been trying to get up but had frozen when she turned to him. Looking away from him, her attention focused back on the object before her. It was much too big to hold an engagement earring inside of it, nor was it the right shape for the engagement necklace that some ponies used.

Placing her hoof on it, she started to pull down, ripping the wrapping paper off of the object. When the rest of the paper was gone she saw, instead of an engagement… anything of any kind, a hardcover book with an illustration of Daring Do facing an old and crumbling castle. The title read: Daring Do: The Knight of Crail!

“It’s the first book.” Mac’s deep voice came from behind her and she could feel the heat rolling off his body. One hoof reached in front of her and flipped open the cover of the book. “One of the advanced copies, the one the author gets before anypony else,” he continued, as Rainbow looked down at the page before her.

To Rainbow Dash: my true number one fan,
You got yourself one hell of a stallion! You better hold onto him, or I might be tempted to take him for my own!
Daring Do

Rainbow looked up at Mac, his expression a mix between a smile and pain. “Ah… uh… it took me awhile ta find the book, and even get a response from her. The book was available in Appleloosa and Ah met her there ta get her ta sign it,” Mac said, his eyes seeming to want to focus on anything else but her. “Ah thought it would be what ya wanted. Didn’t figure you… uh…” Mac made a vague gesture with his hoof, as words once again failed him.

Rainbow continued to stare up at the big stallion, before looking back down to the book. A storm of emotions started to swell up inside of her: anger, sadness, relief, guilt, and confusion, to name just a few, as she looked back down at the cover of the book. Then, without thinking about it, she leaned into the chest of Big Mac, burying her face into his red fur.

Mac wrapped a foreleg around her as she did, placing his head on top of hers as he leaned against her, a reaction of pure instinct to protect and to care for her. He was confused as well, feeling Rainbow press herself against him as he held her close. He didn’t know what had gotten into her, thinking that he was going to propose. Though knowing that she did warmed his heart, his head, and just about the whole world around him, he was still confused as to how she came to that conclusion.

As if to respond to his thought, Mac felt her mumble something against his chest, like she had done that morning. “What’s that?” He asked, lifting his head up off of hers and looking down at her.

Pulling her face away from Mac’s chest, she rested her chin against him instead. “I said,” she growled out, her nose up, looking upwards at Mac. “I am going to kill Braeburn.” Mac’s ears perked up at those words.

“Braeburn? What does mah cousin gotta do with this?” Rainbow pushed herself away from Macintosh and back to the picnic. She took two of the remaining ciders in her wings before she returned to Mac. Without a thought, she popped off the top of both bottles and hoisted one up to Mac with her wing.

“Trust me, you are going to need one of these,” she murmured as she took a drink of her cider and leaned against Mac. “It's a long story.” Mac blinked several times as he took a sip of his own cider. He had no idea what Braeburn had done to earn the wrath of Rainbow Dash, but there was no force he knew of that could save him now.

Taking a sip of his own cider, Mac just nodded to her. “We got time,”



“Eeyup!” The pair of them sat under the old tree, still, Dash leaning into Mac’s broad chest as she recounted her story, taking comfort in the rhythmic beating of his heart. Mac did as he always did and listened intently, nodding as she recalled all the twists and turns her day had taken. They had managed to finish off the bottles of special cider and the bottles of normal cider he had brought with him.

“Ya had a long day, didn’t ya Dash?”

“Long doesn't even begin to describe it.” She sighed, pushing her head up Mac’s chest to rub it beneath her chin. “But you can understand why I am going to maim your cousin, right?” Mac let out one of his deep chuckles as he rubbed against the top of her head.

“First you were ready ta kill him, now ya want to maim him? Why the change of heart?” She shifted under him, brushing her smaller frame against him.

“Eh. He’s your favorite cousin, and you Apples seem to be crazy about your favorite cousins,” Rainbow said, shrugging as she put more of her weight on Mac, as if to take a brief nap against his frame. “And besides, I think Rarity might be mad if I killed her coltfriend.”

Mac simply nodded as he let Rainbow put her weight on him, keeping his foreleg wrapped around her and holding her there. “Ah’d reckon she might be a tad upset at that,” Mac mused as he kissed her on the forehead. “But ya can make him wish he was dead. Ah might know a story or two that will make him regret openin’ that mouth of his.” Rainbow pushed out from Mac’s embrace, and tilted her head upward to look at him.

Mac was looking ahead, as though he had said nothing at all, except the corner of his lip was curved up ever so slightly. Rainbow just stared at him, one eyebrow raised higher than the other, her mouth slightly open. Her expression quickly morphed into a grin as she bumped her hoof against Mac’s broad chest.

“How is it you’re so awesome?”

“Close proximity to the source,” Mac whispered as he pulled her against him again, kissing the top of her head as he did. Rainbow didn’t fight back as she leaned happily against the big stallion, letting out a deep sigh as her mind quickly got to work imagining how she was going to get back at Braeburn. Though her thoughts did not stay there long, as her eyes settled on the book, still open with the inscription.

“So, how did you get Daring Do to meet you?” Rainbow asked, not moving her head from where it rested. Between how soft his fur felt against his face and the buzz she was staring to get from the cider, moving her head from this spot seemed impossible. Even if she had wanted to.

“Wasn’t easy Ah tell ya. Must have sent a hundred or so letters before Ah finally got a reply.” Mac let out a low chuckle that Rainbow could feel vibrating deep within his chest. “Probably thought Ah was some kind of stalker with the amount of letters Ah’d sent. Ah bet they were right ready ta call in the authorities till Ah finally said you were mah fillyfriend,” Mac let out a low chuckle that Rainbow joined in.

The idea of Mac being arrested during his workday for stalking created some funny images in her head.

“Instead of gettin’ one of em’ impersonal notes they send, got a genuine letter from Daring Do herself ta tell her when Ah was ready ta meet so she could autograph it. Apparently she was mighty excited ta do it.” Rainbow’s wings fluttered in excitement at that. Not only did one of her personal heroes autograph a book for her, but they were also excited to do it! Mac released his grip ever so slightly to allow Rainbow’s wings to flutter.

“Eeyup, then all Ah had ta do then was ta save up the bits. Saw the book once when Ah was in Appleloosa, and when Ah wrote the shopkeeper she said the book was still there.” Rainbow nuzzled Mac’s chest at those words. She knew how expensive some of the first Daring Do books were, and the amount of time and effort he must have put into it to get the book made him even more awesome.

That was when a thought materialized in Rainbow’s head, and before it could fully form within the confines of her mind she began to speak. “So you lied to me about Granny’s locket?” With her head still on his chest, she could feel Mac tense up at the question. It wasn’t as though she was mad about it, it just kind of bugged her that Mac would lie to her.

Hearing him clear his throat, Rainbow could just imagine the look on Mac’s face as his ears went flat against his head and his eyes darted around looking for an answer. She kept her head against his chest as though she had said nothing, taking a bit of pleasure in Mac’s overall discomfort.

“Well… Ah didn’t so much as lie as… well… maybe a half truth?” Rainbow had her eyes closed, leaning against his chest. She didn’t say a word and just allowed the silence to fill the air between them. She knew that if anything, the pause in conversation would unnerve her stallion and force him to come clean. She barely had to wait a minute before Mac began to speak again.

“Ah’d really had to go to Appalossa ta get Granny’s locket fixed. Just so happen ta be the week Ah could afford ta get the book as well.” Rainbow smirked against Mac’s chest, her eyes still closed.

“So why didn’t you tell Braeburn what you were up to?” She could feel him tense again, and she loved it. Not so much the torturing him part, but more the fact that she loved to feel the thick muscles under his skin.

“Well, ya know how much he talks. If he saw me goin’ to the local saloon ta talk to a mare he would assume the worst, even if Ah told him everythin’ he'd just assume Ah was makin’ it all up. Ah didn’t want ta fathom what he would come up with.” Mac chuckled slightly, a nervous laugh that Rainbow could feel through his broad chest. She pushed into him a bit more, wanting to feel every fiber of him.

However, the gesture made Mac feel as though she did not believe him, that she was trying to get to the heart of the matter. “Well, the locket was no secret. Never intended it ta be. If Braeburn asked me why Ah was goin’ to the jeweler Ah would have shown ‘im the locket. Yet he never asked, he just smirked and laughed like he knew somethin’. Probably a good thing he only tailed me ta the jeweler or he would have seen me at the saloon.” Mac tightened his hold on Rainbow Dash, his heartbeat racing as though he was on that treadmill with her again, trying to outdo those Flim Flam brothers.

“Ah mean, imagine what’d he’d say if he saw me talkin’ ta Daring Do. Luna knows he would make up some story and it’d spread like wildfire.” Another chuckle left Mac’s lips as he felt Dash rub her head against his chest again. He had no idea if she was angry with him without seeing her face, but he kept going in hopes he was getting himself out of the hole instead of digging deeper into it.

“Could see him spreading stories about me makin’ time fer another mare behind yer back and ‘im somehow reachin’ ya before Ah got back. Heck, Ah’d had a fright, or two, about comin’ back ta find you, the other Elements of Harmony, the Princesses, and half the town waitin’ fer me ta banish me to the moon!” He shifted slightly and tightened his hold on Rainbow. “Don’t know what would be worse. Bein’ up their all by mahself or knowin’ that the last thought ya had of me was of betrayin’ ya.” Now it was Rainbow’s turn to chuckle; only Mac could make being banished to the moon romantic in some strange way.

“I wouldn't want you banished to the moon,” Rainbow yawned, much to Mac’s relief as he let out a breath he had been holding in. “I would just let AJ, Granny, and Bloom know what you did. I’m sure whatever they’d do would be much worse.” Rainbow had to bite her lip from breaking out into laughter when she heard Mac gulp at the thought of what his family might do to him. There was no fury like that of the Apple family.

Rainbow just let that little metal image play out in Mac’s mind as she snuggled up against his chest. She would have never done this in view of another living creature, for cool ponies did not snuggle. However, if those cool ponies were sure no living creature was around, they could snuggle all they wanted against their coltfriend.

“Though, mind if Ah ask ya somethin’ Dashie?” Dash gave out a soft, almost purr-like sound at the question as she felt Mac’s hoof rubbing her foreleg idly. Mac just smiled at her reaction as he took in a deep breath. “When you said… you do… did ya… well, did ya really mean it?”

Rainbow’s body went rigid and her stomach began to toss and turn. Mac’s hoof trembled momentarily, before he went back to rubbing her foreleg as though nothing happened. “Ah mean… Ah just want ta know if you’d really considered it and it wasn’t some… well…. Like ya felt like ya had ta say yes.” Rainbow would have been a fool if she didn’t hear the quavering in Mac’s voice, that deep soothing voice that usually spent its time comforting her, rather than needing comfort itself.

Taking a breath, Rainbow stayed where she was, leaning against the familiar form of Big Mac. “Does it really matter?” From where her ear was placed on Mac’s chest, she could hear Mac’s heart beat increase at those words.

“Well… Ah think it does,” Mac said slowly as he looked down at the blue mare resting against him. “It’s a pretty big decision, ta… well… get married,” Rainbow smirked as she heard how Mac was talking to her, it was the same tone he took when he was giving Applebloom a lecture. “Ah don’t want ya feelin’ like ya gatta do it now. It changes life fer yeah, and Ah couldn’t live with maself if Ah forced ya into—”

Mac didn’t get a chance to finish as Rainbow pulled herself out of his grip in a blur of motion, and without a second’s warning had her lips pressing up against his.

Rainbow had always cherished the fact she was one of the few ponies Mac would talk openly to, that he would have full conversations beyond his one word replies. However, she took even greater pleasure in silencing him when he did speak, confusing the usually stoic stallion.

She opened her eyes partly as she kept her lip pressed to Mac’s. His bright, nearly luminous, green eyes were open wide as he stared back into her own. She watched the emotions flashing within his eyes as he tried to understand what was going on, to put his mind back on track. Finally, he slowly began to realize it was a pointless battle and melted into the kiss.

Just as Mac started to return the affection, Rainbow pulled away from his lips. Mac’s eyes opened up again to watch Rainbow pushing herself onto her hind legs and placing her hooves on his shoulders. Throughout the process she never broke eye contact with him, her rose colored eyes fixated on his green ones.

“Of course I meant it. I’m Rainbow Dash! Since when do I say stuff I don’t mean?” Rainbow asked with a cocky grin.

“Well… Ah can think of at least one or two times you may’ve bitten off more than you can chew,” Mac teased, before his face went serious again. “It is serious Dash, Ah don’t want it ever being said Ah’d forced you inta anything.”

At those words, Rainbow pushed her nose right up against Mac’s, forcing the great stallion onto his back once again that night. Without blinking, Rainbow kept her nose right against his as she spoke.

“Like you could ever force me into anything,” Rainbow said, her voice low and threatening. “You should know by now that I can’t be forced to do anything. All day I was thinking about what it would be like to marry you, what I would lose, what the downsides would be. And you know what?”

“Wh-what?” Mac choked out. With those words, emotions ran through Mac that made him fear what came next, what the future might hold between them.

“In my book, we are already married,” she said with a wide smile, before falling onto his chest and draping her lithe and so much smaller body over his large muscular one. “From the day you moved in, it was like we were already married. You turned my home into our home. Whenever I need help, somepony to lean on, or just to remind me how awesome I am, you are there for me. I can’t see a future without you Mac. So I don’t need an earring, ceremony, or anypony’s permission; I own your flank Mac, and you own mine.”

Mac raised his head just high enough off the ground to see Rainbow lying there, her head now resting on his chest. She was looking back at him like she did most nights when they fell asleep: as if she were completely calm and at ease with the world around her.

Very slowly, Mac wrapped his forelegs around her, holding her against him as though he was afraid she would disappear if he were to let go. As she spoke, he felt a weight he didn’t even know he was carrying lift from his shoulders. He had known Rainbow loved him, but something in all this had made that love even deeper in ways he just couldn’t fathom.

“Ah love you Rainbow.” His voice was barely louder than a whisper as he spoke.

“I love you too, Mac,” Rainbow replied, her eyes slowly closing as she rested on the large stallion.

The entire day had been a hurricane of emotion for the two of them, and now that they were finally able to rest, it took its toll on the both of them. Rainbow could feel sleep calling to her. She hadn’t even realized how tired she was ‘till then, as she rested in the embrace of the stallion who had held her every night for the last few months, and had completely won her heart. At that moment, there was nothing else she would rather do than fall asleep in the orchard then and there.

Though Mac seemed to have other plans in mind.

“So… what do ya want ta do about everypony thinkin’ we’re engaged? Just walk around town tellin’ them the real story?” Mac’s voice rang out, pulling Rainbow from her well earned sleep. Giving a huff at his words, her tired mind tried to think of how to even start.

“Ugh… that seems like way too much work! I’d rather not try to tell them the real story. I’m sure Pinkie has done something crazy already.” Rainbow moaned at the idea of Pinkie setting up an entire party just to find out it’s not happening. She would either be devastated, or try to make the party into something else at the last second.

“Then ya just want ta be engaged then?” Mac suggested idly, his eyes already closed as his breathing became slower and more shallow as sleep called to him. Rainbow gave out a very unmare like snort at that.

“Are you proposing then?” She asked, before letting out a loud yawn, fully opening her mouth as she did.

“Reckon so,”

“Sure. Let's do it then.” Rainbow sighed, as she let her full weight rest on Mac as he gave out another chuckle.

“Ah guess we’re kinda engaged then… aren’t we?”

“Eeyup,” was all Rainbow was able to say, as another yawn escaped her. “Can I go to sleep now? It's been a long day.”

Mac gave a slight nod as he rested his head back as well. “Eeyup,” he muttered and let his eyes fully close, and the pair soon started to drift off to slumber.

Both fully content with that and in each other’s company, they slowly fell into the waiting embrace of sleep, letting the world around them slowly disappear.

Then, as if their tired minds reached the same conclusion at the same time, both ponies’ eyes flew open and sat up to look each other in the eyes.

“We’re getting married!” They shouted out in unison as they scrambled to their hooves. The need for sleep left them as the realization of what they had agreed on settled in. Rainbow Dash jumped off of Mac; her hooves were clutching her head while her wings fluttered uncontrollably. Her eyes were as wide as they could be and her pupils had shrank to pinpricks. She slowly floated into the air, beginning to gush. Mac barely noticing as his own panic set in.

“Ohmygosh.Ohmygosh.Ohmygosh,” was all Rainbow was able to say as she hovered there.

Mac just sat there, having his own little freakout. “Celestia’s mane! Ah didn’t ask yer pah! AJ is gonna kill me if she finds out! Not ta mention Granny!” Mac moaned as he shook his head, before looking out over the orchard. He wore a thousand yard stare as he looked over the trees he and his family had been taking care of for generations. “Stars and stones… then there's the Apple Stag night tradition…”

“Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh!” Rainbow kept repeating to herself. “What am I going to tell my mom and dad? Oh mom is going to flip about this! She is going to tell everypony in Cloudsdale before I can even finish telling her!”

The two turned to one another, panic plain on their faces, ready to convey all the problems they saw in the near future to one another. Yet, when their eyes met once more, all those troubles disappeared. Both broke into goofy grins as they stared at one at each other and the true meaning of it all came over them.

Mac barely took a step forward when Rainbow flew into his chest, wrapping her forelegs around his massive barrel as Mac wrapped his own around her much smaller frame.

“We’re getting married!” Rainbow laughed happily as she tightened her hold on Mac.

“Eeyup!” Mac replied, just as excited as her. He got to his hind legs and swung Rainbow in circles. Laughter erupted from the two of them as they spun, the world a blur around them.

Before long the motion left Mac too disoriented to keep standing and he fell onto his back with a soft ‘thud’, laughing all the same as he did, Rainbow’s own scratchy laughter joining his. With their lungs burning from laughing and tears spilling out of their eyes, Rainbow pushed herself up on Mac’s chest and kissed him once again.

All day she had been denying any engagement, that she was not getting married, and that she was not ready for it. Now, she couldn't be happier as she pulled away from Mac with a brilliant smile on her face. She was engaged to the stallion she loved and didn’t care how filly like she looked.

“Best. Day. Ever!” was all she was able to say.

The End

Author's Note:

Wow! What a ride! I am very surprised I got to finish this story after all the troubles I have been having with it. It was such a joy to write this story and I am glad there were so many of you that enjoyed it!

Now before I go into the thanks, for all of you who will ask (SFaccountant ) Mac was going to ask if she will let him read it after she was done. Or something. I don't know. I tried.

And for those who want to know where I have been getting Daring Do book titles, of late, all thanks to Gloryhammer! Go check them out, amazing stuff!

Now big shout outs to Arbarano, Docontra, The Masked Ferret , and Magic Squirrel for all the edits! This story would have been a complete mess without all of you so thank you so much! (Shut up, my notes can be as wrong as I want!)

Now some really big personal thanks Aquaman and The Masked Ferret who got me through a pretty hard emotional mess a few days ago. You two are the best and thank you for being there for me!

Finally, I hope you enjoyed this Jake the Army Guy. Welcome home soldier.

Don't forget to leave a comment!

Comments ( 23 )

This chapter was awesome. I really liked how Mac and RD spent their date together and the ending was both sweet and hilarious. Thanks for the amazing story. Really hope there is a sequel.

That was great. It was funny to see that panic at the end.

Aw, I was hoping either of them would beat Braeburn to a pulp... :pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy:

Great story!!!

That was cute. Especially because of the confusion but nevertheless, cute. Thumbs up. :twilightsmile:


I guess Mac gets to accidentally and casually say that Braeburn may or may not propose to Rarity at some point. :eeyup:

MacDash? What's that? Daringmac OTP

Ahhh dude this was awesome!

What? That's it?? Lawrdy!

7138764 I would write more... but you must give you your heathen ship. Lol.

Aww, I wanted to see Braeburn get more punishment. Still can't believe Rarity is dating such an idiot, she can do so much better.

Damn... Why can't I find love like that in my own life...
Beautiful fic, my friend. :twilightsmile:

Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel

Curse you and your excellent writing, making me enjoy a ship that I don't support! :twilightsheepish:

Really though, this was a great way to end this chapter and story.

7139964 I shall save you from your heathen ways lol

7137393 I mean, if that's ok with you..:fluttershysad:

I wasn't going to ask that at all! Rather, I was going to point out that Rainbow ALREADY savaged Braeburn for spreading a rumor that she thought was incorrect, and it is thus redundant to punish him for his rumor being incorrect.
Not that it was in any way out of character, just, you know, SOMEONE has to stand up for the goof. This is unjustified double-jeopardy violence.

“Of course I meant it. I’m Rainbow Dash! Since when do I say stuff I don’t mean?”

Again, not at all uncharacteristic of her, but I think it's worth pointing out that her doing exactly that was the entire plot of this story.


Liked this story. Up until the last few lines I thought Rainbow would end up proposing to Mac.

A part of me was wished they didnt actually get married , but it was a nice ending regardless, and an awesome story!

I've always loved this story so much! It's been a couple years since the first time I read it and I've just come back again for a re-read. The romance between Mac and Dash is so heartwarming! And the absurdity of the situation is so true to the show, it's easy to see this fitting in as a slice-of-life episode. :twilightsmile:

I Love this fanfic this is the second time I've read this story, I don't know if you going to read this post but I was waiting for you to make a fanfic about their wedding and their days as a married couple.

This will always be my favorite ship :rainbowwild:

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