• Published 29th Feb 2016
  • 4,305 Views, 117 Comments

He Asked What?! - Captain Unstoppable

The engagement of Big Mac and Rainbow Dash is the talk of Ponyville! Everypony wants to know how the proposal happened, when the date is, and how Rainbow Dash reacted! There is only one problem, Big Mac never proposed.

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Chapter 5: The Possible In-Laws

Chapter 5: The Possible In-Laws

Taking in a deep breath of freedom, Rainbow turned her attention in the direction of Rarity’s shop. She felt the anger rise up in her again as she remembered whose fault this all was. Oh, you have it coming, Rarity, Rainbow thought, tilting her head to the side and letting a series of cracks come from her neck. There is nowhere you can hide where I can’t find you, and running will be useless! Rainbow grinned at the idea of a frightened Rarity sprinting from her at full speed, but never managing to escape!

With a big toothy grin, Rainbow prepared to take off, spreading her wings out on either side of herself and raising them towards the sky, ready to bring them down and launch herself into the air! But before she could even think about lowering her wings, she was tackled by a blur of orange.

Whatever it was sent them tumbling backwards, until Rainbow Dash found herself pinned to the ground on her back. She let out a growl, mixed with anger and pain as she once again hit the back of her head hard. If she did this any more today she was going to have a concussion. Lifting her head up, she was ready to take on whoever dared tackle her and show them the full wrath that was Rainbow Dash.

Except she wasn’t ready to take on the pony before her.

On top of Rainbow Dash was Applejack, with the biggest smile on her face, her eyes positively shimmering as tears freely fell down her cheeks.

“Oh Dash, Ah’m so happy! Ah couldn’t believe it when Ah heard the news! Ah knew that big lug was was hiding somethin’, but Ah’d never have guessed it would be something like this! Ah can’t believe one o’ mah best friends is gonna be mah sister!” Applejack pulled Rainbow Dash off the ground and ensnared her in a bone crushing hug as she got onto her rear legs and spun Rainbow around. Rainbow could only give out the slightest of grunts as all the air was ripped from her lungs.

Just as suddenly as the hug came on, it stopped as Applejack loosened her hold on Rainbow Dash, just enough for Applejack to push her nose against hers. “But remember this: you hurt mah brother in any way, there is no force that will keep me from huntin’ yer sorry hide down and endin’ you. Understand?” Rainbow’s eyes widened as she looked into Applejack’s. One second those eyes were full of tears and happiness, but the next they were cold as the Yokeon: the kind of cold that would close in silently and steal the life from you.

Before Rainbow Dash could give a nod or make a squeak in understanding, Applejack pulled her back into the hug, laughing as she did so. “Ah’m sorry, Dashie! Ah’m just so excited fer the both of you! Ah know you’ll never hurt mah brother, but Ah gotta be sure!” Rainbow could feel the joints in her wings popping with Applejack’s grip and felt as though the country mare was going to break her in two.

“Ap… Applejack… let… go!” Rainbow’s voice was barely above a whisper, as there was no air in her lungs to push the words out. She didn’t know if Applejack actually heard her, but Applejack did release her, allowing Rainbow to take in deep gulps of air before her lungs all but collapsed.

Applejack just sat there, smiling at Rainbow as more tears trickled through her freckles. “Look at me! Ah feel like one o’ them silly movie mares.” Applejack laughed as she wiped her eyes. She then looked over at Rainbow and her smile grew wider. “Ah see yer not afraid ta show some emotion around yer new sister!” Applejack said, practically squealing as she spotted the tears on Rainbow’s face.

Rainbow had been too busy taking in deep breaths to notice the film of moisture cooling her eyes, that had nothing to do with emotion. She glared at Applejack as she began to talk, panting as she did so. “Mac… and… I… are…”

“Ah know you two are happy! Oh, that sly dog! Workin’ all day and actin’ like nothin’ special is going on! Granny’s gonna give him an earful when she finds out!” Applejack’s eyes went wide suddenly, her face morphing into one of shock as though she just remembered something her brain had left back at the farm. Rounding on Rainbow Dash, Applejack gripped her face on either side and pulled her so their noses were nearly touching. Again.

“Stars and stones, Rainbow! Did Mac ask yer Pa fer his permission?” Applejack’s eyes were icily still, though that didn’t stop another fire from bubbling up. She dropped Rainbow before she could react, causing the pegasus to fall to the ground with an ‘oof’. “Why, that stupid son of a goat! If he went and proposed to yah without askin’ yer Pa’s permission, he ain’t gonna be standin’ at the altar under his own power!” Applejack growled, as she kicked a stone into a nearby alleyway, hitting a trash can with a sharp clang.

Rainbow Dash pushed herself off the ground and glared at the back of Applejack’s head. That was the third time she had been assaulted today, and now her head was throbbing in pain as well as her wings. Rarity was going to pay for that.

“Applejack, Mac and I are not getting married!” Applejack turned to Rainbow, eyes sharp and staring, but before she could do anything Rainbow placed her hoof on Applejack’s shoulders to hold her back. “No! I didn’t turn him down; he didn’t propose at all! He never did! Got it?” The anger in Applejack’s expression slowly left her, as her entire face slackened and she tilted her head to the side.

“But… Ah was told that—”

Rainbow gave out a low growl, cutting Applejack off as she glared in the direction of the Carousel Boutique. “Oh, I know what you were told, and I am going to fix that little problem.” Rainbow rose into the air, as she started out in the direction of Rarity’s shop. “Once I get my hooves on Rarity, she is going to go back and tell everypony that she shouldn't get involved in other ponies’ business!” With that, Rainbow gave her wings another mighty flap and darted in the direction of Rarity, leaving a gale of wind behind her.

Rainbow’s take off sent dirt, stray pieces of paper, and anything else not nailed down flying through the air. Applejack had to hold onto her hat till the winds faltered so she wouldn't lose it. As the winds faded, Applejack opened her eyes, just in time to see the streak of Rainbow’s tail fade from sight.

“But… Rarity wasn’t the one who told me... ”


The memories of the day flashed through Rainbow’s mind as she neared the shop. From being interrupted at breakfast, her locker being booby trapped with mini confetti cannons, subjected to the twins’ questioning of the Apple family, Thunderlane’s rambling of a bachelorette party, tackled by Pinkie, interrogated by Matilda and Cupcake, to finally almost being crushed by Applejack, Rainbow was ready to give Rarity what she had coming! Giving her wings another hard crank as Carousel Boutique came into view, Rainbow dove for the front door, not doing any tricks or flashy moves as she did.

She touched down a few feet from the entrance of the shop and stomped the remaining distance before banging on the door with one hoof. After an instant, she shoved the door open, sending it flying backwards and slamming against the wall, which dented under the strain.

Rainbow marched inside, her magenta eyes scanning the shop for any sign of the white unicorn inside. It was not hard to find Rarity: She stood in the opening to the kitchen in a wide-eyed silence, one hoof raised over her chest, with her glasses looking like they were ready to fall off her nose as her lips scrambled for words.

“Rainbow... what is the meaning of this! Why did you—”

“Can it, Rarity!” Rainbow snarled as she marched over to her, her eyes fixed on the unicorn before her. “All day, ponies have been congratulating me on my engagement to Mac! But you know what? Mac and I are not getting married!” Rarity shrank at Rainbow’s words and started to back up as Rainbow advanced.

“Now, Rainbow... darling... if you give me a moment to explain, I’m sure you will un…” Rarity’s voice melted under the glare from Rainbow’s eyes; it was almost staining the room a violent, murky red. Rarity shuffled back on her hooves, instinct guiding her to the door.

“I have been tackled, questioned, and nearly had my wings broken today because of you running your mouth!” Rainbow said, as she backed Rarity up into a corner. “Now, you have ten seconds to explain yourself, before I drop you in the biggest mud pit I can find!” Rarity let out a slight gasp at the threat.

“You wouldn't dare!”

“Seven… six… five…” Rarity’s eyes widened once more.

“It wasn’t me, Rainbow! I didn’t tell a soul about it!” Rainbow gnashed her teeth at the comment.

And she’s going to lie to me about it! Oh, I am going to drop her in the pigpen! Rainbow thought, as her glare nicked at Rarity’s trembling cheek.
Three! Two! One! Mud time!” Rainbow shouted as she reached for Rarity, who shrieked and threw out her hooves.

Right as she did, the back door swung open and the sound of a stallion singing off key filled the air.

Here comes the bride! All dressed in white! Ready to put a ball and chain ‘round the poor colt for life!” Walking inside was none other than Braeburn Apple, wearing his traditional brown vest and hat. His eyes were closed as he walked in, still singing over the cracking glass. “The old colt, we knew him well! Now his life’s a living he—” Braeburn opened his eye for a moment and saw the two mares before him. Looking between the two, he swallowed nervously before smiling as wide as he possibly could.

“Hello, Miss Dash! Congratulations on your engagement to the big lug!” Braeburn put as much cheer in his voice as possible, not seeming to notice that Rarity was in the corner of the kitchen with Rainbow closing in on her, the fur along her neck and back standing up like an attack dog’s. “Ah’ve been sharing the good news with the whole town since Rarity put the pieces together! Seems to be the talk of the town, now!”

Rainbow stared at Braeburn, who smiled blissfully as he revealed himself to be the real culprit of her terrible day. Looking over at Rarity, she watched the unicorn give out a sigh of relief, her hoof resting on her chest again. Turning back to Braeburn, the country stallion was just grinning, as if nothing was wrong with what he had done.

“So, have the two of you chosen a date ye—” Braeburn didn’t get to finish; a blur of movement flew through the air and struck the side of his head. The impact sent the stallion to the ground, his momentary gawp clenching shut as his skull struck the tile with a loud thud. His eyes stayed wide, though his vision blinded with stars; while the skin around his left one started to redden and swell.

“You're lucky you’re Mac’s favorite cousin, or I would have done a lot worse!” Rainbow shouted at the stallion, before turning back to Rarity. “Sorry I almost dropped you in some mud... and stuff,” Rainbow said, shrugging her shoulders as she went to the door. “See you later!” Rainbow said, as she spread her wings and blasted into the air.

Rarity looked to the door and then to the downed stallion before looking back at the door. Her blue eyes were blank and unblinking as she took another look between the two. Her mind tried to shift the necessary gears and shattered a few cogs along the way. Before it could have enough time to smoothly power out of the mess, Rainbow Dash flew back into the kitchen and grinned at Rarity.

“Hey, by any chance do you have a date? I kinda promised to find Thunderlane one for tonight so he would finish my paperwork,” Rainbow scratched the back of her head, eyes closed as she hovered there in the kitchen.

Rarity stared at Rainbow for a second, before giving her head a hard shake as her eyebrows furrowed together. “You just struck my coltfriend!” Rainbow’s eyes widened as she looked at Rarity and then to Braeburn, who was still on the ground.

“Huh… didn’t know that… well, yeah… sorry about that!” With that, Rainbow took off again; the gust of wind she left tore through the kitchen, knocked over a chair, sent pieces of paper flying, and took the petals off of the flowers in a vase nearby.

Rarity shook her head again, getting some of the petals out of her mane before glaring at the door after Rainbow Dash. She huffed at it all, before closing the door and looking down at her coltfriend. “Are you just going to lay there for the rest of the day, darling?” she asked, as Braeburn raised his hoof and lightly touched the spot where Rainbow had struck him.

“Stars above… Ah see why Mac likes her!” Braeburn said, the smile returning to his face, before wincing from where his hoof touched his eye. Rarity just rolled her eyes as she made her way over to the sink, grabbing a washcloth as she did so.

“Because nothing says ‘I love you’ like a hoof to the face.”

Author's Note:

So... how many are you actually surprised that Rarity was not the culprit? I bet you all feel very ashamed of yourselves for accusing her so... who am I kidding you all took glee in that. As always, thanks to Arbarano, The Masked Ferret , and Docontrafor all their hard work!

I hope you leave comment to tell me what you think so far, and only two more chapters to go!