• Published 29th Feb 2016
  • 4,304 Views, 117 Comments

He Asked What?! - Captain Unstoppable

The engagement of Big Mac and Rainbow Dash is the talk of Ponyville! Everypony wants to know how the proposal happened, when the date is, and how Rainbow Dash reacted! There is only one problem, Big Mac never proposed.

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Chapter 1: Planning the Wedding without the Bride

Chapter 1: Planning the Wedding without the Bride

Big Mac shifted slightly in his sleep, that internal alarm clock going off in his mind, telling him it was time to get up and get a start on his chores. As his eyes fluttered open, he began to push himself out of bed, but all he could do was raise his head slightly as something held the rest of him back. A thin smile started to spread upon his lips as he craned his neck behind him, seeing what was holding onto him.

A pair of light blue forelegs were wrapped around his stomach, refusing to let him go. As he tried to push himself up again, the grip became tighter, an adorable snout snuffling his fur. “Darlin’, Ah gotta get ta work,” Mac whispered, his deep base voice resonating through him and his guard. He could just barely glance behind him to see a face pressed into his back, hiding the features of their face.

The pony gave a muffled replied that was barely audible as they buried their face deeper into his red coat. It was easy enough to figure out what they said: their grip became even tighter, and a leg wrapped around one of his as an extra measure to keep Mac in bed. The large stallion just chuckled again as he flipped over, facing this captor.

“Got ta, darlin’. S’cider season,” Mac whispered into their ear, causing it to twitch slightly as the pony nuzzled their face into Mac’s chest. As they did, a pair of sleepy magenta eyes poked out, and Mac could feel her lips curve into a smile against his chest.

“No, you’re warm” Rainbow mumbled, tightening her grip around Mac’s stomach. The stallion rolled his eyes as he wrapped his own forelegs around Rainbow Dash and placed his head on top of hers, letting out a slow exhale. But he didn’t close his eyes or drift back into sleep. Instead, his bright green eyes looked around the room, taking in the familiar setting that still warmed his heart.

He had stared at the bleary wall for quite a few minutes the first morning he had awoken to the vibrant mess of colours filling his view, to the little bumps of her bony back teasing into his barrel, and to the adorable, raspy little snores rustling his fetlocks. He had considered gently shaking her from dreamland, but no sooner had he moved a hoof than her own had latched onto it, clamping his foreleg around her lithe chest as she wiggled into his chest and melted any thought of disturbing such perfection any more.

Looking around, it was easy to tell that Rainbow’s taste still dominated the bedroom as posters of the Wonderbolts decorated most of the walls, as well as pictures of her with family, friends, or just looking ‘awesome’ as she would put it. Though he had added his own charm with a poster or two of his country background as well as a few comforts from home, such as the quilt they had placed over them, as well as the now enchanted chest that sat in front of their bed filled with Mac’s personal belongings. All in all, Mac could not think of a more perfect room in all his life, mostly because he shared it with her.

But that didn’t mean he could stay in bed all day, as much as he would have wanted to.

“Come on Dash, Ah’ve got ta get ta work. If Ah’m late again, A.J’ll have mah hide,” Mac whispered softly into her ear, making it twitch again.

“Screw her. I’ll kick her flank…” Rainbow mumbled into Mac’s chest, as she pressed deeper into his chest. Rolling his eyes, Mac knew that there was no way out of her grip... except for one, but he didn’t want to resort to that.

“Ah’m serious, Dash. Ah gotta get goin,” Mac began to push up more, trying to get out of her grip. “Ah’ll make ya some strawberry pancakes wi’ lots of cream.” Mac appealed to her stomach; she’d licked too many plates of his home-cooking clean to be able to do anything against it, surely.

“Nope…” Rainbow said lazily, as she pushed herself against him more. “Too tired to eat.” Mac let out a slight huff at her reaction; he might have to resort to that.

“What if Ah bring home some cider taday? The hard stuff ya like?” Mac tried to sweeten the deal a bit more, anything to avoid what would guarantee his freedom but also an angry fillyfriend. Once again, Rainbow Dash just kept her grip up around Mac, refusing to let go of her source of warmth. She didn’t even reply this time, merely letting out a light rumbling from her throat, like a cat purring. Sighing, Mac started to pull his forelegs back.

“Ah’d tried, Darlin’,” Mac whispered, trailing his hooves against her sides. “But ya left me no choice…” Rainbow opened one of her eyes slightly, looking at her stallion to see what he was up to, but she figured it out all too late. Mac had lowered his hooves down her sides, right up against her ribcage and pressed his hooves ever so lightly against them, tracing little circles around them.

Rainbow’s wings shot out, and she let out a ‘un-cool’ and ‘dorky’ snort of laughter. She then continued into an uncontrollable fit of giggles as Mac started to press against her sides, her one and only true weakness. Mac smiled. He knew the hell coming his way for taking such pleasure in doing this, but Dash was so cute when she was like this.

“Ma… Mac! Yo… you jerk! Get off!” Rainbow Dash wheezed between spurts of laughter, trying to get away from Mac now as he tickled her. Mac followed her, keeping the tips of his hooves rubbing against her as she batted him with her wings and hooves.

“Ah’d told yah, Ah needed ta get goin’,” Mac said, holding back his own laughter as he watched Rainbow nearly fall off the bed. “Now yeah gotta pay the price,” Mac just kept on smiling as tears started to form in the corners of Rainbow’s eyes from laughing so hard. Rainbow squirmed in his hold as she tried to get away, wings cuffing his jaw.

“I… I said get off!” With that Rainbow pulled back one of her hind legs and shot it forward, hitting Mac right in the stomach.

The air was forced out of Mac’s body with an ‘oof’ as he doubled over, holding his gut as Rainbow Dash jumped out of the bed, her mane a tangled mess while her feathers stuck out in in every direction. Giving a light groan, Mac looked up with her as tears started to form in his own eyes. “Ah tickled you, and ya kick me in the gut?” Mac groaned as he rubbed his sore stomach.

“I told you to get off,” Rainbow Dash said, finally catching her breath as she shook herself off, glancing to reassure herself he was fine. “Besides, I was offering to let you spend time with the most amazing pony in Equestria, and you turned it down. Therefore, you got everything you were asking for,” Rainbow added, lifting her nose to the sky in an air of superiority that just made Mac chuckle. Pushing himself out of the bed, and not grimacing at the pain, he moved over to his fillyfriend, who refused to look in his direction.

“Ah’m sorry, darlin’,” Mac said as he leaned over to give her a light peck on the cheek, but before his lips could make contact with her cheek she moved out of the way, letting him kiss air.

“Whatever,” Rainbow Dash said, as she turned the other way, keeping her back to Mac. This just made the stallion’s grin grow as he stepped beside her again.

“How about Ah still bake them pancakes for yeah while yer takin’ yer shower? Would that help ya forgive me?” Mac asked, as he put a foreleg around Rainbow Dash and pulled her close to him. She struggled for a second, gently tugging him across the room as a smirk burgeoned on her lips. After several seconds of silence, Rainbow stopped and leaned her head against his shoulder. Those magenta eyes looked up at him, her nose barely touching his.

“Throw in some of that cider as well, and you might have a deal.” Mac shook his head slightly, before placing a kiss on her nose, earning the light giggle that she reserved only for him.

“Consider it done,” he whispered as he gave another kiss to her forehead. Holding her for a few more moments, Mac finally had to let go of her if he was going to be able to make her breakfast and get to the farm on time. “Take a nice long shower. Ah’ll leave yer breakfast right on the counter,” Mac said, walking out of the bedroom, grabbing his yoke on the way and placing it around his neck. It rested comfortably atop of the enchanted pendent he now wore so he could walk on clouds.

As he walked away, Rainbow Dash admired his flank for a second, smirking to herself. He can cook, he can make cider, and can look that good in the morning! Rainbow, you bagged yourself a keeper. Rainbow thought, praising herself as she made her way into the bathroom to shower. As she did, her mind filled with images of pancakes, cider, and her coltfriend serving it all to her like she was royalty. The mental image made her squeeze her eyes shut to get a vivid image of it all as she pranced in place as her wings fluttered. Who would have ever thought in a thousand years, a stallion could make her, Rainbow Danger Dash, the most awesome, cool, and all around best pony, act like a lovestruck filly.

Once in the bathroom, Rainbow grabbed a raincloud from under the sink and placed a candle inside of it to warm up the water inside for her shower. One of the benefits of a cloud home was that all the water was reusable. Putting the cloud in the shower, and waiting for it to warm up, Rainbow looked around the bathroom, noticing the little changes that had taken place since Mac had moved in. There was nothing drastic, just an extra toothbrush, some soap and shampoo for stallions, a container of aftershave and the tube of toothpaste they shared.

In all honesty, Mac had more toiletries than she did, as all that Rainbow owned was the bottle of body wash she also used on her mane and tail as well as a brush for the same. It was just another reminder that she was no average mare, and that it took a certain kind of stallion to keep her interest. When steam started to fog up her mirror, Rainbow turned to the shower and ducked her head under it with a low sigh of relief, before climbing fully under the stream, letting the hot water relax her body.


Coming out of the shower, Rainbow Dash rubbed the towel across her mane furiously before tossing it behind her into the hamper. The towel fell smoothly in, not hitting any of the edges and was nothing but net. “And the crowd goes wild!” Rainbow laughed, pumping her hoof as she did. As the steam of the shower disappeared into the bedroom, the scent of water and soap was replaced by that of warm pancakes and maple syrup. Licking her lips, Rainbow flew to the kitchen in search of her breakfast.

“It better be ready, Mac!” Rainbow laughed, as she buzzed inside of the kitchen, her eyes scanning for the big red stallion. However, upon entering the kitchen there was no trace of the red stallion to be seen, and with his size and coat it was nearly impossible for him to hide anywhere in her cloud home. As her eyes looked around, they stopped their search when they landed on the plate of four high pancakes with strawberries placed all around them, some were whole while others cut in half, with a powdering of sugar on top of it all. Next to the plate was a container of syrup that she could see steam rising out of it, meaning that her stallion had taken the time to warm it up.

“Mac, you know me all too well,” Rainbow said, as she took a seat on a stool and began to pour the syrup all over the pancakes, dissolving some of the sugar and pushing strawberries out of place. The sight was just too tempting to the mare, as she leaned over and took a large bite out of the strawberries on top, coating her muzzle in syrup. Rainbow gave a low moan as her tastebuds spasmed and her cheeks crackled, syrup smearing into her fur. She would have to take another shower before she went to work but it was well worth it for pancakes like this.

Swallowing the bite she had taken, she was ready to reach for another when she saw a post-it note a few inches away from the plate. Taking another bite of her breakfast, she reached for it with her wing and brought it up to her face to read.


Had to get going to work. Didn’t want to give Applejack another reason to chew me out. Come by the farm for supper tonight, got a surprise for you!


Rainbow rolled her eyes at the use of her stupid nickname. She had told him multiple times that she hated it, that it was so uncool, that it made her want to melt against his side. A light blush came over her blue cheeks as she took a large bite of pancakes, trying to force the thought away. She sometimes hated how Mac could make her feel like Rarity, that hung on a stallions every word while batting their eyes. She would have to get revenge on him somehow for using that name, but it was hard to find a punishment since he did so many of the household chores automatically and without complaint, and to have him sleep on the couch was more punishment for her than him.

Her mind did not stay on revenge for long; there was a pile of pancakes before her that needed to be devoured before she had to go to work. Licking her lips, Rainbow Dash leaned over to take another large bite of the sweet meal, when a burst of frantic knocks echoed through the house. Looking up, Rainbow eyed the hallway out of the kitchen that led to the front door, just as another round of knocking echoed through the house, even more frantic than before.

“Rainbow! I know you're in there! Open the door! I have to talk to you right now!” Rarity’s voice resonated behind the door, as she kept on knocking and ringing the doorbell, refusing to let a moment of silence pass. Rainbow rolled her eyes as she grudgingly got up from her stool and fluttered over to the door.

“Keep your mane on, Rares, I’m coming,” Rainbow growled, as she got to the door. She had not so much as turned the knob when Rarity came bursting in, pushing Rainbow and the door out of her way as she entered, earning a ‘oof’ from the pegasus as the door slammed against her.

“Oh, Rainbow! I am so happy for you! Beyond thrilled! The first one of us to get a stallon over the barrel! Oh, darling, it’s simply marvelous!” Rarity chimed, as she pulled Rainbow from behind the door and wrapped her in a tight hug, chattering happily all the while. Rainbow pushed against Rarity as she spun them both in place, and Rarity giggled helplessly. “I can freely say I am jealous of you, Rainbow! Oh, how excited you must be!” she continued, letting go of Rainbow Dash and nearly galloping towards the kitchen. “Come! We have so much to discuss before you go to work!”

As Rarity let go, Rainbow Dash took in a deep breath of air she had missed from the bone crushing hug. “What are you talking about?!” Rainbow all but shouted. “I mean, who isn’t jealous of me, but for what?” Rarity didn’t respond as she disappeared behind the kitchen wall. Rainbow noticed she was wearing a saddle bag that was nearly bursting at the seams. Grunting in annoyance, Rainbow shot after her, determined to know what Rarity was going on about, and why she interrupted her breakfast.

Rounding the corner into the kitchen, Rainbow felt her mouth go dry as her eyes nearly bulged out of her skull. Rarity had already set up shop in her kitchen; it looked like as she had sketches, fabrics, measuring tape, and all the other tools of her trade setup across the kitchen table, and she was already brewing herself a cup of coffee.

“Oh, Rainbow, you have no idea how long I have been waiting for this!” Rarity sighed, as she swayed in place, letting her necklace with a blue jewel swing to and fro: the enchantment to allow her to walk on clouds. “By the time I’m done, you will be the envy of every mare in Ponyville… no… Equestria!” Rarity’s mood was absolutely ecstatic as she went on, and the more she did, the more confused Rainbow became.

“Wait, Rarity... what are you…”

“Now, when are you considering the affair to take place? With your colors, I would think that spring would be perfect. All those beautiful tones would correlate so perfectly, and of course Mac would look good in anything—”

“Rarity hold up—”

“I assume it will be on the farm, which would be just a perfect image! Can you imagine it on a hill, overlooking the orchard? Oh! How fabulous!”

“Rarity! Can yo—”

“I still have your measurements from the gala, obviously, but, since you’ve been living with Mac, I have to assume you picked up a few pounds. So, let's start with that and—” Before Rarity could utter another syllable, Rainbow had reached out and grabbed either side of Rarity’s face and glared at her, their noses not even a inch apart.

“What. Are. You. Talking. About,” Rainbow Dash growled, her teeth clenched together as she glared into Rarity’s blue eyes.

Rarity didn’t seem the least bit phased by Rainbow's actions. In fact, she was still smiling widely, even as Rainbow held her face. “Why, your wedding, darling!” Rarity said this as though she was telling somepony that rain came from clouds, or that she made dresses.

Rainbow’s thoughts ground to a halt at those words, her wings no longer flapping to keep her airborne, and she soon fell to the floor. Rarity was once more not shocked by Rainbow’s reaction at all, as she happily skipped past her and towards the table.

“Oh, how marvelous! The first out of our group of friends to be married! How lucky you are! Not only are you marrying Big Mac, you’re marrying into the Apples! I’m sure cider played a part in this decision,” Rarity joked, as her magic engulfed the measuring tape, clipboard, and pen, before moving back over to the downed Rainbow Dash. “Now tell me all about it! How did he do it? I have always dreamed of how a stallion would ask me to marry him! With Big Mac being a romantic at heart, I have to imagine it was quite the ordeal…”

Rarity’s voice faded into the background, as Rainbow’s mind tried to come to grips with what had been fired at it. Cogs and gears whirred away, drifting endlessly as the noise echoed around them, grinding and splintering whenever they came into contact and threatened to make sense of it all.

Something about her and Mac. Something about him doing something. Rainbow couldn't figure it out; the part of her mind that was supposed to be able to comprehend such things shrugged, asked for a supervisor, and then handed over to the daydream committee. The world around her seemed to have slowed down as her mind raced to show her a unicorn in a huge, poofy dress, ramming her dollies together.

“Now let’s see the earring, Rainbow. How much did Mac spend on it? I bet it is simply fabu—”

“My what?!” Rainbow shouted, her wings fully extending as her mind finally snapped into place. Rarity finched at Rainbow’s voice, raising one hoof up as to protect herself, but she slowly lowered it as her smile returned.

“Your engagement earring, darling!” Rarity laughed as she grabbed hold of Rainbow's chin and started to turn it from side to side, peering for her ears. “Now where is it? I want to see what Mac got you...” Rainbow pushed Rarity away, shaking her head in discomfort, before glaring at the white unicorn.

“There’s no engagement earring, or anything! I don’t know what you're going on about, because the last time I checked, Mac and I are not getting married!”

Rarity took a sudden gasp, her hoof clutching her chest while her eyes went wide.

You said no?!”

“Are you listening to me? He didn’t pro—”

“Why would you ever say no to him? Oh, the poor dear must be absolutely heartbroken! Do you even understand the repercussions of this! You know how close the Apples are; once they hear of your rejection, they’re going to come here and force you!” Rarity exclaimed, fanning herself with her hoof. “Oh, Rainbow, how could be so heartless! I thought you loved him unless… Unless! Oh, darling, are you stepping out on Mac?! Who is the dreadful pony! I’ll see to that they’ll be hunted down an—” Rainbow shoved her hoof into Rarity’s mouth, her magenta eyes burning holes into Rarity’s blue ones.

“I’’m. Not. Cheating. On Mac! He never proposed! Nothing happened! Where the heck did you hear about Mac proposing to me?!” Rainbow bellowed, as she held her hoof on Rarity’s mouth. The unicorn just looked down at Rainbow’s hoof, before looking up at Rainbow, one eyebrow raised above the other. “Oh… right…” Rainbow muttered, and she withdrew her hoof before scratching the back of her head.

“Darling, you must take better care of your hooves. It felt like sandpaper on my lips,” Rarity muttered as she went over to the kitchen table, pulling out chapstick and running it over her lips. “As for how I heard, well…” Rarity let out a deep sigh before bounding towards Rainbow Dash and gripping her in a bone crushing hug again. “I am so sorry, darling! I didn’t mean to ruin the surprise!”

This time Rainbow was ready, and she jumped out of the way of Rarity as she went to clasp her in another iron grip. The unicorn fell forward, while Rainbow hovered in the air above her. “What the heck are you talking about, Rarity? What surprise? Who told you Mac proposed? What the hell is going on!” Rainbow growled, watching Rarity as she pushed herself up and wiped bits of cloud off her well-maintained coat.

“Are you sure you want to know?” Rarity asked, looking up at Rainbow Dash. “I mean, I feel as though I have already done too much, and I don’t want to get involved in the matter any more than I already have.” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“I’m sure. Now, tell me who the heck told you Mac proposed.”

“Well, they didn’t exactly tell me he proposed,” Rarity said, a smile spreading across her lips as the coffee maker pinged. “I just implied that he already had, but it seems like he’s still building up the nerve.” Rarity made her way over to the coffee maker and helped herself, pulling a mug from the cabinet that read, ‘Look at all the Bucks I Give’, before drizzling in sugar and cream.

“Stop dancing around it! And stop drinking my coffee!” Rainbow yelled, landing on her stool again, and glared at Rarity, not even looking down at her delectable breakfast.

“Darling, you must allow me to elaborate. As you should know, being so…” Rarity snickered, “close to the Apples, Braeburn is in town for a visit. A little while ago, he came by my shop to get a suit fitted, and while there he might have told me about what a certain red stallion had been up to!” Rarity stirred her coffee as she spoke, watching Rainbow carefully as she did. “And how a few weeks back Mac had been in Appalossa for just a day to visit a jewelry store.” Rarity let those words sink it, watching Rainbow connect the dots on her own.

However, Rainbow just kept on glaring at her, not flinching one bit. Rarity gave a sigh as she rubbed her temples with a free hoof, pouting. “Now, what would Big Mac being doing at a jewelry shop?”

“Duh, getting Granny Smith’s locket fixed,” Rainbow answered, waving her hoof. “Mac told me about that when he left: Granny’s birthday is coming up, so he wanted to get her something special.” Rarity huffed.

“Why did he go all the way out there to get a locket fixed? There are several jewelers here in Ponyville that would be just as good, if not better.”

“I don’t know. I didn’t ask why,” Rainbow said. She leaned over and took a large bite from her pancakes once again. “Besides, he was going to be back that night, so it wasn’t anything to be worried about.” bits of food came flying out of her mouth, causing Rarity to lean back slightly, her lips twitching.

“Obviously, he was getting something else. Something secretive, perhaps?” Rarity suggested, as she took a sip of her coffee. “And when Braeburn asked him about it, Mac didn’t tell him what he was doing and hid the item from him. Now, Braeburn and Mac are just as close as Sweetie, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, so why would he hide anything from Braeburn?” Rarity leaned over, not wanting to miss that look of realization come over Rainbow’s face as she put the ever so simple dots together.

“Because Braeburn talks just as much as you do, and can’t be bound by promises.” Rarity fought every urge to slam her head into the counter, but couldn’t stop a huff. She couldn't understand how Rainbow Dash could be so dense as to miss the polka-dotted elephant dancing in front of her. As she looked down at her coffee, mulling over the need to hire some skywriters and a loudhailer, Rarity’s eyes fell upon the note left by Mac.

“Rainbow, Mac is doing the textbook method of proposing to a mare! He goes out of town, making up some random excuse why, does not let anyone know about it, and,” Rarity used her magic to engulf the note Mac had left for Rainbow and pushed it in front of her, “he is setting up a romantic dinner for just the two of you, where he’s going to pop the question!”

Rainbow eyed the note, her eyes darting over it quickly, before a ‘pfft’ left her lips. She took another bite of her pancakes.

“Yeah, right. Mac does this all the time! He knows he has the attention of the most awesome mare in all of Equestria, and he wants to keep me!” Rainbow proclaimed, more food falling from her smug grin as she rubbed a hoof against her chest.

“Quite,” Rarity mumbled, looking at the crumbs now scattered across the table. She would never understand how Mac fell for such a mare. It was not like she didn’t like them together; quite the contrary, she loved seeing them together! It was a fairytale romance between the two as they were so different from one another, and the way they acted around each other was just too adorable for words! How Mac would amble along with his ears alert as Rainbow talked them off, beaming that simple smile of his, but the slightly different one that he only had when he was around her. Then there was the way Rainbow acted; there were few ponies alive that have seen Rainbow with her defences down. Sure, as one of her closest friends she had seen Rainbow at her low points or when she was unsure, but when Mac was around that haughty mask fell away, and she allowed herself to be who she truly was, for he made her feel something no other pony could provide.

When they had first started to date, the whole town had wrenched their necks to gawp at them every time they strolled through the square, leaning against each other and oblivious to the many eyes tracking them.. Even Twilight had been stunned by the relationship and had done her own research into the matter. For Rarity, it was bound to happen, for she knew that opposites attract more than anything. Then there was the little fact that their relationship was so much more captivating than any novel or movie she had ever found also piqued her interest. How lovely they were together just made her own heart flutter happily.

“I’m sure he does, Rainbow, but look at this! He made you an amazing breakfast, and I am sure he has already has cider in place for the night,” Rarity pleaded, looking to Rainbow, staring into those vacant eyes. “Then there’s the fact today is the most romantic day of the year: Hearts and Hooves day! Mac is doing this to the letter!”

As Rarity spoke, Rainbow was downing a large glass of apple juice Mac had left for her. Once the words ‘Hearts and Hooves day’ escaped Rarity’s lips, Rainbow’s eyes went wide and she quickly expelled the juice from her mouth in a spray, earning a shrill scream from Rarity.

Hearts and Hooves day is today! Buck!” Rainbow shouted, slamming her hooves against her head. “Damn it! I bet Mac is planning something super awesome, and I completely forgot! I suck at this romantic crud!” As Rainbow lamented to herself, Rarity searched for anything to wipe her coat, before it stained. “How could I have been so stupid! Buck! I need to go get a gift and fast!” Rainbow’s wings gave a mighty flap and she angled herself to race out her front door, but before she could propel herself, Rarity’s magical aura had enveloped her.

“Rainbow, sit still! This is not the time!” Rarity shouted, pulling a dishrag towards her and drying off her fur. As she did, Rainbow strained against the bindings, determined to get free and find the most amazing gift ever!

“The heck it is! Mac has a special dinner all planned out, and I got zip!”

“You can give him a yes!” Rarity shouted back, pulling Rainbow back down to the floor. “Is it not all perfectly clear now? Mac wants to ask you to marry him on the most romantic of days!”

“He is not going to propose: I know my stallion!” Rainbow’s wings stopped flapping around, and she allowed herself to be held in Rarity’s aura. “He is not that dense or that cliche! We’ve been dating for just over an year now; do you really think he would ask me so soon? And on Hearts and Hooves day? Puh-lease! Mac knows me better than that!” Rarity rolled her eyes as Rainbow crossed her forelegs together and tried to melt her with laser vision.

“For Celestia’s sake, Rainbow, just listen!” Rarity, begged, allowing her spell to fade away. “Normally, I am sure Mac would not do anything so obvious.” Rarity took a few cautious steps towards Rainbow, who looked like she was ready to bolt again. “But think about it. If he is ready to propose, do you think he is thinking about what you would normally want, or something that will have the biggest impact?” Rainbow cocked her head, to which Rarity gave low sigh before placing her hooves on Rainbow's shoulders. “Rainbow, he is probably a nervous mess. He’s getting ready to propose to the most beautiful, wonderful, and talented mare he had ever met: He is bound to do something stupid!” Rainbow tilted her head at Rarity and just stared at the unicorn.

Rarity returned the stare, still watching Rainbow’s reaction, holding out hope that she would realize what everything around her meant and that she was one lucky mare.

“Do you have a crush on me, Rares?” Rarity slammed her hoof against her head.

Why was this so hard for her to understand? Rarity thought, looking up at Rainbow Dash, whose head was still slightly cocked.

“No, Rainbow, I do not. I just know what is going through a stallion’s mind,” Rarity said, slowly and through gritted teeth. “I am certain that Big Mac is going to propose to you, and you need to be ready!” Rarity went back to the kitchen table and started to pull out a binder. “So, let’s go over some ways to say yes. I have always been a personal fan of the tearing up and—”

“Rarity, I’m sure you mean well, but I know my stallion,” Rainbow interrupted, waving her hoof as she did. “And if he was to propose, he wouldn't do it like he fell out of a romance novel,” Rainbow added, spreading her wings. “Now, I’ve got to get to work. Lock the door before you leave!” Before Rarity could do anything else, Rainbow zoomed out of her house and towards the weather office for her day’s work.

Author's Note:

Thank you to all of my editors and I hope you enjoy the story! While this is not the official sequel to Baby it's Cold Outside, it could be a spiritual one.

Hope you all enjoy!