• Published 13th Feb 2016
  • 2,113 Views, 22 Comments

Equestria Girls 4: Save the Childhood Camp by throwing a Crystal Gala - Tennis Match Fan

When the Everfree Camp is endanger of shutting down, the Equestria Girls friend group decides to save it!

  • ...

Legend of Everfree, Part 5

Glasses, and Fluttershy gazed in horror at the pink appendage that protruded out of the bush and grabbed onto AJ's boot. The Dasher had other ideas.

"Get off Applejack!" she screamed at the hand. The Dasher tried to kick the hand, but a second hand emerged and grabbed her ankle.

"Agh!" The Dasher lost her balance and fell into Applejack.

"Who's there?" Glasses asked, crouching down.

A soft, melodic voice answered. "49 times..."

"Is this some sort of horror movie?" Fluttershy whispered inaudibly.

The voice continued, and Glasses, the Dasher, and AJ listened in interest. "Everyday I worry all day about what's waiting in the bushes of love."

Glasses took a chance. Her scrawny hands grabbed onto the bush branches and she pulled with all her might.

"Ack!" Glasses and the bush flew into Fluttershy.

"Hey! What's the deal?" The Dasher shrieked at the girl that was crouching where the bush had been.

The group was looking at a pink-skinned girl. Her hair, straight like Glasses's, was three different shades of red, and she looked up at the campers with round, moss-green eyes.

"I'm Gloriosa," she said, standing up to reveal her outfit. It was a plain yellow dress that transitioned into pink. A simple green belt hung around her waist. She extended a hand to AJ and The Dasher. "Sorry about that, I'm kinda a prankster."

"Uh, okay." AJ took her hand and shook it. "What was that about 49 and bushes o' love or somethin'?"

Gloriosa chuckled. "Something's waitin' in the bushes for us. It's just a song, don't worry."

"Nice to meet you, Gloriosa," Glasses said matter-of-factly. "My name's Twilight, but you can call me Glasses. These are Fluttershy, Applejack-"

"And The Dasher," Gloriosa finished. "I'm sharing a cabin with her."

"You're the bunkmate?" The Dasher's magenta eyes bugged out. "Please don't grab my foot while I'm sleeping."

"I wouldn't dream of it," Gloriosa answered, smiling amiably.

"We s-should probably get back to the group," Fluttershy piped up. "We're getting pretty far behind."

No one paid attention to her, as usual.

"Have you ever been to Camp Everfree before?" The Dasher asked.

"No, but I have a special connection with nature," Gloriosa answered. Gingerly, she picked up the bush from Glasses's hands and set the plant back on the ground.

"Did we ask?" AJ muttered.

"We should probably go," Fluttershy whispered.

"I used to go to Crystal Prep academy before I dropped out and homeschooled myself," Gloriosa continued. "I live in the woods."

"Wait!" Glasses cut her off. "We're off schedule! We have to catch up with the group! Why didn't anyone say anything?"

Fluttershy rolled her eyes, annoyed, but the five girls ran down the trail, hoping to catch up with Coloratura and Gilda.

"Up ahead, we're going to be approaching the Cloudsdale falls," Gilda commented as she led the group. "It's tradition for couples who attend camp to kiss under the Falls." Gilda winked.

"You know what that means, right?' Lyra looked over at Bon Bon.

"Yeah," Bon Bon answered, narrowing her eyes and grinning.

"Waterfall jumping!" the best friends chorused.

Rarity, Sunset, and Pinkie Pie were walking with Little Strongheart and Soarin. Sunset glanced behind her. "Guys, do you see Glasses, the Dasher, 'Shy, or AJ?"

"Nope!" Pinkie answered, cheerfully skipping beside the group.

"I bet they got lost," Little Strongheart remarked. "No offense, but that 'Dash' fellow couldn't navigate to save her life."

"They have Glasses," Sunset countered. "She knows everything about geography and just about every other subject."

As the group rounded a corner, Cloudsdale Falls revealed itself. The water fell from a mountain and into a lake below.

"Wow," Soarin breathed.

"Look how pretty it is!" Pinkie giggled and leaned over the railing.

"I can't wait to rock climb," Bon Bon squealed. "My training has prepared me for this moment!"

Sunset was hypnotized by the cascading water.

Beside her, Little Strongheart was shivering.

"Are you cold?" Rarity inquired.

"It's way warmer where I come from," Little Strongheart confessed. "It's just a chill, really."

"Here, take my shawl," Rarity offered, taking off the lavender garment.

"Really? I'll give it back to you once we get back to camp," Little Strongheart promised.

"No, keep it." Rarity laughed heartily. "I can just make myself another one." As she spoke, Rarity's ear disappeared, and they were replaced with fuzzy pony ears. She beamed as her hair extended into a pony tail.

"Is that all it takes for someone to pony up?" Lyra asked, eyeing Rarity's ears.

"How long will the transformations last?" Sunset pondered.

"I hope forever," Rarity answered dreamily.

Coloratura and Gilda looked over at them.

"That's crazy," Gilda commented. "Let's go back to camp before someone turns into a griffon." She rolled her eyes.

Author's Note: