• Published 13th Feb 2016
  • 2,113 Views, 22 Comments

Equestria Girls 4: Save the Childhood Camp by throwing a Crystal Gala - Tennis Match Fan

When the Everfree Camp is endanger of shutting down, the Equestria Girls friend group decides to save it!

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Legend of Everfree, Part 2

The group was well on their way to Everfree when-

"Guys, I think someone's following us," Fluttershy remarked, twisting in her seat to look out the back window.

"You're just being paranoid as usual," Silver Arrow commented. Still, she, along with everyone except glasses, turned to look at the tow truck that was following them.

"Hey, that thing looks kinda familiar," The Dasher remarked.

"What do we do?" Rarity asked. "Pull over?"

"Glasses, floor it," Sunset commanded. "We're not going to have our vacay ruined by a creeper."

"Roger, Sunset!" Glasses floored it, putting on an extra burst of speed.

"Woah!" The Dasher cried. She had been out of her seat and fell to the floor.

"So that's what they mean by 'floor it'." Silver Arrow smirked.

"Creepy deepy spider-guy is still following us!" Pinkie reported from the back seat. "Captain Shimmer, permission to speak!"

Sunset rolled her eyes. "Speak, Pinkie."

"I suggest Silver Arrow gets out and uses her arrows to divert him away from us!" Pinkie suggested before launching into a somersault routine.

Everyone turned to Silver Arrow.

"Why not?" the girl in question shrugged and stood up. In a flash, she transformed into her Cupid self- greek toga, large feathery wings, glitter decals on her eyes, and she was equipped with a bow and arrows.

"If I don't come back," Silver Arrow said, looking each person dead in the eye, "I want Bon Bon to take my place in this group."

"That's awfully grim," Rarity remarked as Silver Arrow jumped out the window. Everyone crowded around the vechile's window to watch as Silver Arrow pelted the psycho stalker with arrows.

"Lookie!" Pinkie gasped suddenly. "Silver Arrow's arrows are missing!" Surprisingly, Silver Arrow's weapons weren't hitting their mark. The truck was swerving back and forth to dodge them.

"It's almost as if whoever's in that car has memorized Silver Arrow's style," commented Sunset.

Suddenly, an arm appeared out of the window!

"Does he have a gun?!" Rarity shrieked. Fluttershy started sobbing.

"Hey! Quit with the drama!" The Dasher demanded as the arm fired the gun.

The van skidded to a halt.

"He hit the tires!" Sunset gasped in horror.

The girls waited in anguishing silence before they heard a thump on the top of the van.

"Did they just leap onto the roof?!" the Dasher asked, looking uncharacteristically worried.

"Hi ya'll!" Applejack suddenly leaped inside through the window.

"AJ?" Glasses raised an eyebrow. "Sunset said we could only have seven-"

"Do you see Silver Arrow anywhere around? No? See, there's seven of us now." Applejack whistled as she resumed driving.

"Hey, the wheels are working!" Fluttershy pointed out.

"Changed the tires," Applejack commented casually.

Pinkie and Sunset glanced out the window, where Silver Arrow was fading into the distance.

"She's Cupid, I'm sure she's fine," Sunset reasoned.

"Who wants to sing campfire songs?" Pinkie cheered, grabbing everyone into a hug.

"99 buckets of oats on the wall!

"98 buckets of oats on the wall!

"97 buckets of oats on the wall!

"96 buckets of oats on the wall!

"95 buckets of oats on the wall!

"94 buckets of oats on the wall!

"93 buckets of oats on the wall!

"92 buckets of oats on the wall!

"91 buckets of oats on the wall!

"90 buckets of oats on the wall!"

The girls continued for the next fifty miles.